"The History Of Heresy" caja de POWERWOLFMetal Blade Records lanzará el 24 de junio "The History Of Heresy" una caja con dos discos de Powerwolf y un DVD.
La caja incluye:
• Caja de tapa dura de tamaño especial con repujado y laminado.
• Libro de tapa dura de 112 páginas con notas, informes retrospectivos, turísticos y de estudio, todos escritos por los miembros de la banda. Un montón de fotos inéditas.
• Tres fundas
• CD de "Lupus Dei" incluyendo cinco bonustracks en directo
• CD de "Return In Bloodred" incluyendo tres bonustracks en directo
• “The Wacken Worship" bonus-DVD
• Cinco trajetas con información sobre cada miembro de la banda
También ese mismo día se lanzarán “Lupus Dei” y “Return In Bloodred” en formato Picture Discs limitado a 500 copias cada uno.

- April 17th, 2014 –
Metal Blade Records is proud to announce three POWERWOLF releases for June, 24th. First off there will be “The History Of Heresy”, a massive boxset containing two CDs and one DVD and then some!
Head over to
http://www.metalblade.com/powerwolf to check out the song “Saturday Satan” as well as the pre-order options!
The box set includes:
• Special sized hardcover box with embossment, faint laminated
• 112-page hardcover book with liner notes, retrospective, tour and studio reports, all written by the band members. Loads of previously unpublished photos
• Three coversleeves
• “Lupus Dei” CD including five live bonustracks
• “Return In Bloodred” CD including three live bonustracks
• “The Wacken Worship” bonus-DVD
• Five photo cards with info on each band member
POWERWOLF comments: “Feels great to feature our early works in the form of such a great boxset. Working on the book “The history of heresy” brought back so many great memories – and more than ever taught us to be grateful. Grateful for having such wonderful fans and such great supporters, without whom none of this would have happened. Still hard to believe we’re arround since 10 years now already, but releasing such a great package box is probably the best way to celebrate such an anniversary. Hope you all enjoy reading the book, while listening to the roots of Powerwolf – and we hope to see you all at Out and Loud Festival (
http://www.outandloud.eu) on May 29th, where we’ll celebrate our 10th anniversary with a very special headliner show!”
Additionally, and for the first time ever, “Lupus Dei” and “Return In Bloodred” will be released as Picture Discs on June, 24th in an edition of 500 copies each.
http://www.metalblade.com/us/news/power ... eresy-box/