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 Asunto: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 29, 2015 1:55 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ABBATH (Ex-Immortal) album debut en enero

Abbath, la nueva banda liderada por el ex-vocalista de Immortal Olve Eikemo (aka Abbath), lanzará su álbum debut en enero de 2016 a través de Season Of Mist.


ABBATH, the new band led by ex-IMMORTAL frontman Olve Eikemo (a.k.a. Abbath), will release its debut album in January 2016 via Season Of Mist. ... n-january/

Xanceda escribió:
Abbath (IMMORTAL) nuevo proyecto

Abbath (Olve Eikemo) líder y fundador de IMMORTAL no ha llegado a un acuerdo don el resto de la banda (Demonaz, Horgh y Apollyon), para la grabación del nuevo material que ha ido componiendo, por lo que anuncia un proyecto en solitario "ABBATH" con el que lanzar un nuevo disco.

Además del disco anuncia una serie de conciertos especiales, el primero será el 18 de septiembre en "The Forum" en Londres, también ha anunciado que actuará en su país en el "Blastfest in Bergen 2016".


2015 will bear witness to the return of Abbath.

IMMORTAL's frontman and founding member, whose real name is Olve Eikemo, has been writing and rehearsing fervently, with a deluge of new material ready to be recorded. Unable to come to an agreement in order move forward with the other members of the band, he has formed a new lineup. While grateful and respectful for the contributions of Demonaz, Horgh and Apollyon, Abbath felt the time was now right for him to present his art to the world and continue to evolve the legacy.

The next two years will see the release of a new album alongside select live performances. The first of these to be announced is The Forum in London on Friday, September 18. This will be Abbath's first time back on stage in the U.K. since triumphantly headlining Bloodstock festival in 2011 alongside W.A.S.P. and MOTÖRHEAD. Following this, February 2016 will see a return to playing on home soil as the headliner for the prestigious Blastfest in Bergen — on top of a 100 percent Norwegian lineup.

ABBATH is a continued weaving of this artist's creative thread: new songs have been honed, ready to sit alongside classic IMMORTAL material and rarely — if ever — played gems that will be unearthed from an epic catalogue spanning over two decades.

Using his own name is a natural step for Abbath, having become iconic and synonymous with the band that he co-founded in 1990. That's 25 years of powering face first into the northern wind; a milestone for any band, and rather than exploit it by dragging IMMORTAL's name through the mud, Abbath will instead carry his own on his back.

The name of IMMORTAL, for the time being, will rest; the essence, the power, the music — and Abbath — will not.

Abbath last year claimed that he rightfully attempted to secure exclusive rights to the IMMORTAL name and logo after lyricist/guitarist Demonaz (real name Harald Nævdal) and drummer Horgh (real name Reidar Horghagen) effectively quit the legendary Norwegian black metal group.

IMMORTAL's core trio consisting of Abbath, Demonaz and Horgh has been together since 1996 and has been responsible for crafting the band's last five albums: "Blizzard Beasts" (1997), "At The Heart Of Winter" (1999), "Damned In Black" (2000), "Sons Of Northern Darkness" (2002) and the 2009 reunion album "All Shall Fall". ... -new-band/


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 11, 2015 3:26 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Detalles del nuevo disco de ABBATH

El debut homónimo de Abbath será lanzado el 22 de enero de 2016 por la discográfica Season Of Mist.


01. To War
02. Winter Bane
03. Ashes of the Damned
04. Ocean of Wounds
05. Count the Dead
06. Fenrir Hunts
07. Root of the Mountain
08. Eternal ... id_list=74

Nuevo tema "Winter Bane":


Abbath: Guitarra, Voz
King: Bajo
Creature: Batería
Valla: Guitarra de grabaciones y directo ... inter-bane ... 8059551602


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 13, 2015 2:27 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 11, 2015 3:39 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ABBATH: nuevo tema "Count The Dead"


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 14, 2015 3:18 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ABBATH se queda sin batería

Pues pronto empiezan...

El batería francés Kevin Foley (en la foto el de los cuernos) ha dejado Abbath, la banda liderada por el vocalista ex-INMORTAL Olve Eikemo (Abbath).

Foley dice en un comunicado: "Como algunos de vosotros ya sabréis, he estado muy ocupado este año tocando con la banda noruega Abbath, como un misterioso personaje llamado "Creature" (siento decepcionaros si pensabais que era el increíble Baard Koldstad, jeje). Por razones personales, he decidido dejar la banda. Aún así, ha sido una gran experiencia y un honor tocar todos los conciertos de la banda hasta el momento y grabar el nuevo álbum en Suecia con Daniel Bergstrand. Estoy muy contento con el resultado. Me encantan las canciones, el sonido y estoy orgulloso de mis tambores en este caso.


French drummer Kevin Foley (pictured) has left ABBATH, the band led by ex-IMMORTAL frontman Olve Eikemo (a.k.a. Abbath). Foley says in a statement: "As a few of you might already know, I've been busy this year playing with the Norwegian band ABBATH as a mysterious character called 'Creature' (Sorry to disappoint you if you thought it was the amazing Baard Koldstad! hehe). For some personal reasons, I've decided to leave the band. Still, it's been a great experience and an honor to play all the band's shows so far and record the upcoming album in Sweden with [producer] Daniel Bergstrand. I'm really happy with the result. I love the songs, the sound and I'm proud of my drumming on this one. ... vin-foley/


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 16, 2015 3:54 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Nueva baja en ABBATH

Apenas unos días después de que el batería Kevin Foley emitiese un comunicado confirmando su salida de Abbath el guitarrista noruego de sesión Per Valla (en la foto) ha anunciado que él también dejará la banda.

Hablando en exclusiva para Collide, Valla ha ofrecido la siguiente declaración:

"Después de tocar como guitarrista de sesión con Abbath desde mayo de este año, he decidió que es hora de irme de la banda por motivos personales. Doy las gracias a los chicos por llevarme a un viaje tan impresionante, y por todos los nuevos amigos que hice en el proceso. Me gustaría desear a los chicos la mejor de las suertes en el futuro".

Valla seguirá tocando con Vredehammer, que lanzarán su nuevo álbum Violator el 05 de febrero 2016.


Just days after drummer Kevin Foley (aka Creature) released a statement confirming

his departure from ABBATH - the band led by former IMMORTAL frontman Olve Eikemo (aka Abbath) - Norweigan session guitarist Per Valla (pictured) has announced that he too will be leaving the band.

Speaking exclusively with Collide, Valla has offered the following statement:

“After having played as session guitarist with Abbath since May this year, I have recently decided that it is time for me to leave the band for personal reasons. I thank the guys for bringing me along on such an awesome ride, and for all the new friends I made in the process. I wish the guys the best of luck in the future".

Valla will continue to play with Vredehammer , who are due to release their new album ' VIOLATOR ' on February 5th 2016. ... ddd6e44b4b


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 06, 2016 4:26 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ABBATH: nuevo tema "Ashes Of The Damned"


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 15, 2018 3:54 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ABBATH comienza la grabación de su segundo disco en solitario

Abbath entró en los estudios "Dub" en Kristiansand, Noruega, el 3 de diciembre para comenzar a grabar su segundo álbum. Endre Kirkesola se encargará de la producción.


Recordings for second full length album will start on December 3rd with ENDRE KIRKESOLA at "DUB STUDIOS" in Kristiansand (N).

Cheers and stay tuned! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 15, 2019 3:17 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Detalles del nuevo disco de ABBATH

Abbath lanzará su segundo álbum, "Outstrider", el 5 de julio a través de Season Of Mist. El disco se grabó en “Dub Studios” en Kristiansand, Noruega, con el productor Endre Kirkesola, quien anteriormente trabajó con Blood Red Throne, Green Carnation, Sirenia e In Vain, entre otros.


01. Calm In Ire (Of Hurricane)
02. Bridge Of Spasms
03. The Artifex
04. Harvest Pyre
05. Land Of Khem
06. Outstrider
07. Scythewinder
08. Hecate
09. Pace Till Death (Bathory Cover)


Abbath - Vocals, Guitar
Ole Andre Farstad - Guitar
Ukri Suviletho - Drums
Mia Wallace - Bass

Norwegian black metal force ABBATH -Official- have announced the release of the second full length record 'Outstrider'. The album is set for worldwide release on July 5, 2019. ABBATH -Official- have furthermore released an album teaser, which can be found below. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ABBATH (Ex-Immortal)
NotaPublicado: Vie May 03, 2019 1:19 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ABBATH: nuevo tema "Calm in Ire of Hurricane"


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