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 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 30, 2015 3:56 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Detalles de "Codex Atlanticus" lo nuevo de SERENITY

Serenity lanzarán su quinto álbum titulado "Codex Atlanticus" el 29 de enero de 2016 a través de Napalm Records. El disco está inspirado en la vida de Leonardo Da Vinci.


01. Codex Atlanticus
02. Follow Me
03. Sprouts of Terror
04. Iniquity
05. Reason
06. My Final Chapter
07. Caught in a Myth
08. Fate of Light
09. The Perfect Woman
10. Spirit in the Flesh
11. The Order


Georg Neuhauser (vox)
Fabio D'Amore (bass, vox)
Andreas Schipflinger (drums, vox)
Cris Hermsdörfer (live gits, vox)

SERENITY doesn’t just simply release an album – the Symphonic Metal giants invite their audience on truly epic journeys! Codex Atlanticus – their fifth album – boasts with thrilling storytelling about art and science. Leonardo Da Vinci is the center of attention here, but lovers of conspiracy theories, Illuminati and so forth will also rejoice when mastermind Georg Neuhauser gives free rein to his compositional genius. This album is full of monumental, movie score-ish orchestral arrangements mean riffing and lush melodies. The album will be released on January 29th via Napalm Records!

The band commented:
“After 3 months of hard work, 150 unhealthy McDonalds meals and 200 bottles of Jägermeister we're done - Opus finitum est - our 5th fulll length album Codex Atlanticus is ready to conquer the universe! Inspired by the life of Leonardo Da Vinci we created a bombastic album with melodies that can easily fit as a soundtrack for "Game of Thrones"!” ... th+Xandria


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Jue Dic 10, 2015 4:01 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY: nuevo tema "Iniquity"


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 23, 2016 3:03 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY - Codex Atlanticus (Preview)


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 22, 2017 2:47 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY: detalles de su nuevo disco "Lionheart"

Lionheart el nuevo disco de Serenity saldrá a la venta el 27 de octubre a través de Napalm Records. Lionheart fue mezclado y masterizado por Jan Vacik en los estudios "Dreamsound". Gyula Havancsák del estudio "Hjules Design" creó la portada del disco.


01. Deus Lo Vult
02. United
03. Lionheart
04. Hero
05. Rising High
06. Heaven
07. King's Landing
08. Eternal Victory
09. Stand and Fight
10. The Fortress (of Blood and Sand)
11. Empire
12. My Fantasy
13. The Final Crusade

Lionheart estará disponible en los siguientes formatos:
1 CD 4 páginas Digipack
Doble Vinilo
Doble Vinilo dorado (NPR Mailorder exclusivo)
Deluxe Box (KDS incluido Digipack CD, Bonus CD, Bandera, tarjeta autógrafiada)
Descarga digital


Georg Neuhauser (voz)
Fabio D'Amore (bajo, voz)
Andreas Schipflinger (batería, voz)
Cris Hermsdörfer (guitarra, voz)

October is coming! A new era will begin on the 27th of October 2017, as Symphonic Metal masters SERENITY are ready to release a brand new full-length album! Before the announcement of the album the band encouraged fans to guess the title of their upcoming effort via their socials. So were you able to guess it right? Here it is: Lionheart!

The band states:
"Hear us roar!! After we spread Da Vinci's Codex Atlanticus all over the world, which you made one of our most successful records ever, we will now feed your yearnings with another historical masterpiece: LIONHEART!!! Strong, powerful Symphonic Powermetal hymns mixed with emotions from the depth of our souls - follow us into this new era and show us your Lionheart!!!"

Lionheart was mixed and mastered by Jan Vacik at Dreamsound Studios. Gyula Havancsák at Hjules Design and Illustrations created the fantastic album artwork!

With a full grasp of stunning emotions and superior dramatic compositions these Austrian musicians are world class, already winners of the prestigious Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2017. Their energy and joy of playing those fantastic Power Symphonic Metal-hymns can't be tamed. Heroic and heartfelt - it's almost impossible to not be carried away. Glorious melodies and the angelic voice of Georg Neuhauser join heavenly guitars and tremendous hooks! This is pure symphonic joy!


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 25, 2017 3:06 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY - Lionheart (Album Preview)


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 28, 2019 6:49 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY nuevo album, "The Last Knight"

Serenity lanzarán su séptimo álbum de estudio, "The Last Knight", el 31 de enero de 2020 a través de Napalm Records. El disco trata sobre la vida del Emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano, Maximiliano I.


01. The Last Knight
02. Invictus
03. Set The World On Fire
04. Keeper of The Knights
05. Souls and Sins
06. My Kingdom Comes
07. Queen of Avalon
08. My Farewell
09. Down To Hell
10. Wings of Pride
11. Call To Arms
12. Souls and Sins (Acoustic Version)


Georg Neuhauser (voz)
Fabio D'Amore (bajo, voz)
Andreas Schipflinger (batería, voz)
Cris Hermsdörfer (guitarra, voz)

SERENITY will release their seventh studio album, "The Last Knight", on January 31, 2020 via Napalm Records and detail the life of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. Building on that story, they’ve created a historical, musical concept never seen before. They have captivated their fans and audiences for nearly two decades, and they’re showing no signs of stopping.

The addictive first single, “Set The World On Fire” takes the listener to the age of the Holy Roman Empire of The Last Knight, Maximilian I.

“Whoever prepares no memorial for himself during his lifetime has none after his death and is forgotten along with the sound of the bell that tolls his passing” - Maximilian I. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 16, 2022 5:40 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Disco en directo de SERENITY

Serenity lanzará un DVD en directo titulado “Memoria”, el 12 de diciembre de 2022 a través de Napalm Records.


01 In Memoriam
02 United
03 Changing Times
04 Set the World on Fire
05 Broken Dreams (feat. Marco Pastorino)
06 Changing Fate (feat. Kathrin Raunigger)
07 Journey's End
08 Velatum (feat. Sascha Paeth)
09 Souls and Sins (feat. Sascha Paeth & Michele Guaitoli)
10 Coldness Kills
11 Fairytales (feat. Clémentine Delauney)
12 Legacy of Tudors (feat. Clémentine Delauney)
13 Spirit in the Flesh (feat. Niklas Müller)
14 Engraved Within
15 In the Name of Scotland
16 Lionheart

BD/DVD (only)
Behind the Scenes (spoken word)

CD 1
01 In Memoriam
02 United
03 Changing Times
04 Set the World on Fire (feat. Marco Pastorino)
05 Broken Dreams
06 Changing Fate (feat. Kathrin Raunigger)
07 Journeys End
08 Velatum (feat. Sascha Paeth)
09 Souls and Sins (feat. Sascha Paeth & Michele Guaitoli)

CD 2
01 Coldness Kills
02 Fairytales (feat. Clémentine Delauney)
03 Legacy of Tudors (feat. Clémentine Delauney)
04 Spirit in the Flesh (feat. Niklas Müller)
05 Engraved Within
06 In the Name of Scotland
07 Lionheart


"SERENITY reisen mit ihrer neuen Live-DVD Memoria, die am 12. Dezember 2022 via Napalm Records erscheint, in die Vergangenheit und erzählen Geschichten von alten Königen und mythischen Legenden aus den schottischen Highlands. Die Symphonic Metaller blicken bereits auf eine 20-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte zurück und das letzte Album The Last Knight (2020) stieg sowohl in die deutschen und als auch in die österreichischen Albumcharts ein.
Memoria hält eine ganz besondere Show fest, bei der SERENITY ihre altbekannten Songs neu interpretieren und mit einer unglaublichen Hitdichte beindrucken. Von klassischen Folk Stücken wie ""Coldness Kills"", die mit märchenhaftem Sound und klassischen Instrumentals faszinieren, bis hin zu ""Set The World On Fire"" mit eingängigen Hooks und mitreißenden Soundscapes, geben SERENITY in jedem einzelnen Stück alles. Für „Set the World on Fire“ und „Broken Dreams“ erhielten sie Unterstützung von Marco Pastorino (Temperance) und bei „Velatum“ durch keinen geringeren als Sascha Paeth, dem Produzenten von Avantasia, der SERENITY mit zauberhaften Gitarrenmelodien begleitet. Die Band zeigt so nicht nur ihr musikalisches Talent, sondern auch ihre Liebe und Hingabe für die Kunst der Musik. Berührende Balladen wie ""Journey Ends"" oder ""Fairytales"" werden von der Frontfrau der Symphonic Metal Größen Visions of Atlantis Clémentine Delauney unterstützt und erinnern an frühere Zeiten, während bewegende Duette wie „Changing Fate“ mit Kathrin Raunigger auf die facettenreiche schottische Mythologie ausmalen. Zusätzlich erhielten SERENITY Unterstützung von Niklas Müller uns seinen rythmischen Drums in „Spirit in the Flesh“. Das unangefochtene Highlight auf Memoria sind jedoch die Tracks ""Souls and Sins"" und ""Legacy of the Tudors"", die gemeinsam mit Sascha Paeth und Michele Guaitoli (Visions of Atlantis) performt werden.
SERENITY beweist einmal mehr, dass ihre magischen, schweren Klänge zeitlos sind und ihr eigenes Vermächtnis in der Geschichte verankert ist. Begebt euch auf eine Reise durch die Geschichte Schottlands und taucht ein in ein Land vor unserer Zeit mit dem neuen Live-Erlebnis Memoria auf DVD!" ... d-dvd.html


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 06, 2023 3:53 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY: video adelanto de "Memoria"

"Souls and Sins (feat. Sascha Paeth & Michele Guaitoli) (Live Video)"


 Asunto: Re: SERENITY nuevo album
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 25, 2023 2:53 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
SERENITY presentan su nuevo disco "Nemesis AD"

Serenity lanzará su nuevo álbum de estudio, “Nemesis AD”, el 27 de octubre de 2023 a través de Napalm Records. Es el primer disco con Marco Pastorino (Temperance) como guitarrista adicional y coros. El nuevo disco se inspira en la vida y obra del pintor Alberto Durero, del renacimiento alemán.


01. Memoriae Alberti Dureri
02. The Fall of Man (feat. Roy Khan)
03. Ritter, Tod und Teufel (Knightfall)
04. Soldiers Under the Cross
05. Reflections (of AD)
06. Sun of Justice
07. Nemesis
08. The End of Babylon
09. Crowned by an Angel
10. Just the Sky is the Limit
11. The Fall of Man (Orchestral Version, feat. Roy Khan)


Georg Neuhauser - Voz
Christian Hermsdörfer - Guitarra y coros
Marco Pastorino - Guitarra y coros
Fabio D'Amore - bajo y coros
Andreas Schipflinger - batería y coros

"Symphonic metal powerhouse SERENITY unleash their new studio album, Nemesis AD! The successor to their previous full length, The Last Knight (2020), which landed #25 on the German album charts, is out on October 27, 2023 via Napalm Records and is the first record with Marco Pastorino (Temperance) as additional guitarist and backing vocalist. Known for their thematic albums inspired by historic characters and stories of the past, on Nemesis AD, SERENITY draw inspiration from the life and highly influential art of painter Albrecht Dürer of the German renaissance.

Grandiose intro track “Memoriae Alberti Dureri” sets the scene for the album, before legendary singer Roy Khan (Conception, ex-Kamelot) lends his impressive vocals on the mighty “The Fall of Man”. ""Ritter, Tod und Teufel (Knightfall)” (named after Dürer’s famous artwork) features lyrics sung partially in German, for the first time in the band’s history spanning over more than two decades. The powerful track showcases SERENITY’s signature blend of orchestral arrangements, heavy guitar riffs, and soaring vocals. Heart-wrenchingly emotional yet empowering “Reflections (of AD)” mesmerizes the listener with its awe-inspiring instrumentation, multifaceted vocals and brilliant changes throughout the gripping eight-minute track. Theatrical “Sun of Justice” leads the listener to a faraway fantasy world while the vocal performance of skilled singer Georg Neuhauser ultimately unlocks the track's hit potential. “The End of Babylon” represents one of the darker, heavier tracks on Nemesis AD - climactic arrangements carry the dramatic storyline. Monumental orchestral version of “The Fall of Man” closes the album on a thrilling note that is sure to send a chill up your spine.

With Nemesis AD, SERENITY add yet another bombastic symphonic metal masterpiece to their notable discography - there is no doubt that the talented unit’s standing in the scene is well deserved. " ... ak-cd.html


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