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 Asunto: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 13, 2009 11:55 pm 
Rey de la Barra
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
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Ubicación: En las cálidas tierras andaluzas

La compañía italiana Frontiers Records editará el 17 de abril el segundo trabajo del proyecto SUNSTORM formado por el vocalista Joe Lynn Turner y que se llamará "House of Dreams". El sucesor del debut del grupo editado en 2006, ha contado con la producción de Dennis Ward, de PINK CREAM 69, y seguirá en la línea más AOR del vocalista. Estos son los temas que contendrá y su portada:


Tracklist de House Of Dreams

1.- Divided
2.- Don´t Give Up
3.- The Spirit Inside
4.- I Found Love
5.- Say You Will
6.- Gutters of Gold
7.- Save a Place in Your Heart
8.- Forever Now
9.- Tears on the Pages
10.- House of Dreams
11.- Walk On

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 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 25, 2016 4:02 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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SUNSTORM: nuevo disco "Edge Of Tomorrow"

Frontiers Music Srl lanzará el cuarto disco de SUNSTORM, que lleva por titulo "Edge of Tomorrow", el 13 de mayo.

SUNSTORM es un proyecto de AOR/melodic rock encabezado por Joe Lynn Turner que se dio a conocer por primera vez en 2006, cuando el presidente de Frontiers, Serafino Perugino quiso desenterrar algunos temas inéditos que Turner escribió durante los años 80 y principios de los 90.

Joe Lynn Turner declaró: "Este nuevo álbum de SUNSTORM es el mejor de todos. Es más duro... más fuerte ... y más pesado que nunca, sin perder la esencia del proyecto ... Se puede deniminar metal melódico..."


01. Don't Walk Away From A Goodbye
02. Edge Of Tomorrow
03. Nothing Left To Say
04. Heart Of The Storm
05. The Sound Of Goodbye
06. The Darkness Of This Dawn
07. You Hold Me Down
08. Angel Eyes
09. Everything You've Got
10. Tangled In Blue
11. Burning Fire


Joe Lynn Turner: voz
Alessandro Del Vecchio: Órgano Hammond, teclados,coros
Simone Mularoni: Guitarra
Nik Mazzucconi: Bajo
Francesco Jovino: Batería

Frontiers Music Srl is pleased to announce the release of SUNSTORM’s fourth album entitled “Edge of Tomorrow” on May 13th, 2016...

Joe Lynn Turner says: "This new SUNSTORM album is the best of the series! We went harder... stronger... and heavier than ever before without losing the integrity of what the project is about... I call it melodic metal! ... ... 1655145552


 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 17, 2016 2:47 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUNSTORM: nuevo tema "The Sound of Goodbye"


 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 28, 2016 1:07 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUNSTORM: nuevo tema "Everything You've Got"


 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Vie May 06, 2016 6:19 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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SUNSTORM: nuevo tema "Don't Walk Away From A Goodbye"


 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Jue May 17, 2018 2:54 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Detalles del nuevo disco de SUNSTORM

Sunstorm lanzará su quinto álbum, "The Road To Hell", el 8 de junio a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. Only The Good Will Survive
02. The Road To Hell
03. On The Edge
04. Blind The Sky
05. My Eyes On You
06. Future To Come
07. Everywhere
08. Resurrection
09. Calling
10. State Of The Heart
11. Still Fighting


Joe Lynn Turner: Voz
Nik Mazzucconi: Bajo
Simone Mularoni: Gitarra
Alessandro Del Vecchio: Teclados
Edo Sala: Batería

Joe Lynn Turner, Rainbow, W.E.T., Revolution Saints, Hardline, Michael Schenker Fest, Graham Bonnet Band

Any hardcore fan of hard rock will certainly be no stranger to the story of Joe Lynn Turner’s career. From his early days with Fandango to his successful stints fronting Rainbow, Deep Purple, and Yngwie Malmsteen and through his heralded solo career, the New Jersey-born singer has had his vocal talents on display for decades now.

Years ago, Turner got in touch with Frontiers’ President Serafino Perugino and after discussions between the two, the idea of unearthing some classic melodic rock gems to craft the definitive Joe Lynn Turner AOR album came about. This brought about the release of the first SUNSTORM album in 2006, and then came “House of Dreams” in 2009, “Emotional Fire” in 2012, and the definitively more hard rocking “Edge Of Tomorrow” in 2016.

The new album, “Road To Hell”, once again featuring production from Hardline’s Alessandro Del Vecchio and guitars by prog metaller titans DGM’s Simone Mularoni, continues in the same hard rock direction that was started on “Edge Of Tomorrow” and that JLT’s vocal talents shine so brightly in when performing this style.







 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 10, 2022 3:05 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUNSTORM anuncia su nuevo disco "Brothers In Arms"

Frontiers Music anuncia el próximo lanzamiento de "Brothers In Arms", el nuevo álbum de Sunstorm y el segundo que presenta al vocalista Ronnie Romero. El álbum se lanzará el 5 de agosto de 2022. El primer sencillo del álbum ya está disponible en video.


01. Brothers In Arms
02. Games We Play
03. I’ll Keep Holding On
04. I Will Remember
05. No Turning Back
06. Back My Dreams
07. Taste Of Heaven
08. Lost In The Shadows Of Love
09. Hold The Night
10. Miracle
11. Living Out Of Fear


Ronnie Romero - Voz
Luca Princiotta - Guitarra
Alessandro Del Vecchio - Teclados, coros
Nik Mazzucconi - Bajo
Michele Sanna - Batería

Producción, mezcla y masterizado: Alessandro Del Vecchio
Productor ejecutivo / A&R: Serafino Perugino

Frontiers Music Srl is pleased to announce the upcoming release of "Brothers In Arms", the new Sunstorm album and the second to feature lead vocalist Ronnie Romero Official Site (Rainbow, Lords Of Black, The Ferrymen). The album will be released on August 5, 2022. First single & video from the album, the title track, is available now. ... 782080664/


 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 19, 2024 2:17 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUNSTORM anuncian nuevo disco

Sunstorm anuncian que su tercer álbum, “Restless Fight”, se lanzará el 22 de noviembre a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. I’ll Stand For You
02. Love’s Not Gone
03. Hope’s Last Stand
04. Shot In The Dark
05. Without You
06. Restless Fight
07. Running To You
08. Against The Storm
09. In & Out
10. Dreams Aren’t Over
11. Take It All


Ronnie Romero – Voz
Aldo Lonobile – Guitarra
Andrea Arcangeli – Bajo
Antonio Agate – Teclado
Alfonso Mocerino - Batería

The AOR/Melodic rock quintet Sunstorm are excited to announce their return with their new album, “Restless Fight”, set for release on November 22nd, 2024 ... 4683450193

Ronnie Romero expressed his enthusiasm for the release, by saying: “I really love the new album! I believe it keeps the Sunstorm essence with an AOR base, but bringing a fresh more guitar oriented and a heavier sound. The new song “I’ll Stand For You” is the perfect example, where the melodies are still very important. It was fantastic to work with Aldo for the first time and I believe the fans are going to like the album very much!”

Sunstorm is a project created, overseen, and directed by Serafino Perugino, President of Frontiers Records, and it was originally designed to showcase a musical style similar to singer Joe Lynn Turner’s Melodic Rock/AOR roots.

Since 2021, Sunstorm features one of the most impressive vocal talents of recent years, Lords of Black and Rainbow singer Ronnie Romero. Romero’s debut album with Sunstorm, “Afterlife” was released in early 2021 and showcased a rejuvenation of Sunstorm's previous musical formula, mixing Melodic Rock/AOR with more '70s oriented hard rock, ala Rainbow (for which Romero performed as singer).

Romero's voice and prolific musical activity have brought him to the forefront of the hard rock/metal scene where he can be seen/heard with Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, The Michael Schenker Group, Lords of Black, The Ferrymen, and Elegant Weapons with Judas Priest guitarist Richie Faulkner.

Ronnie Romero is also a prolific solo artist, with the release of his first two cover albums “Raised On Radio” and “Raised On Heavy Radio” – where he pays tribute to legendary artists from the metal world – and his latest work “Too Many Lies, Too Many Masters”, the first to feature all-new original material, released in September 2023.

With the new album "Restless Fight", the third to feature Ronnie Romero, Sunstorm changed its skin. The new line-up that backs Romero, comes from a heavy background.

On guitars, Aldo Lonobile, musician, songwriter and producer (Geoff Tate's Sweet Oblivion, Archon Angel feat. Zak Stevens, Ring Of Fire feat. Mark Boals), Andrea Arcangeli (from the Italian progressive metal band DGM) on bass, Alfonso Mocerino (ex-Temperance, Virtual Simmetry) on drums and Antonio Agate (one of the most talented Italian keyboard players and arranger for symphonic orchestras, featured in countless albums) on keyboards. It brings back the Sunstorm’s classic AOR/Hard Rock formula with a strongest dose of energy, reaching a more dynamic and bombastic approach.

Since the inception of the new album’s production, the discussion was centered on the concept to keep the roots of Sunstorm’s musical style: the AOR sound of the early records that everyone wanted, but with a special attention to the 80’s way to arrange the guitars and keys in order to reach more powerful vibrations. The aim was to give a fresh appeal to the new music so that it could be the perfect foundation for Romero, that with his powerful vocal style, once again is the perfect fit to deliver the goods for the music.

The result is “Restless Fight”, an album where Ronnie’s vocal acrobatics sit perfectly into Lonobile’s way to play guitars, clearly influenced by the 80’s guitar heroes such as Jake E. Lee/Steve Stevens, to name a few.

“Restless Fight” stands pretty tall in its own right and Sunstorm are here to stay with a lot more to say!


 Asunto: Re: Detalles de lo nuevo de SUNSTORM
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 07, 2024 3:59 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUNSTORM publican su nuevo tema "Hope's Last Stand"


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