LORDI entrarán al estudio en DiciembreLordi declaró a
Rockpit que comenzarán a grabar un nuevo disco en diciembre.
"¿Por qué esperar? Si miras a las bandas de los 70, como KISS, hacían dos discos en un año."
"Creamos nuevas canciones todo el tiempo, tenemos siempre nuevo material, y tenemos el problema positivo de tener las demos de entre 40 y 60 canciones, entre las que elegir los 10 o 13 temas que formarán el nuevo álbum."

Finnish heavy metal monsters LORDI will enter the studio in December to begin recording the follow-up to 2014's "Scare Force One" album for a 2016 release. Speaking to Australia's The Rockpit, LORDI mainman Mr. Lordi stated about the relatively short gap since the arrival of the band's last CD: "The thing is, why wait? Because if you look back at the '70s, bands like KISS did, like, two albums a year. I don't know how the hell they did — maybe the world was a little bit smaller back then. But between the last two previous albums, they were pretty fast and we decided: why do we have to wait? We come up with new songs all the time, we have new material all the time, and we have the positive problem of having anything from 40 to 60 songs that are demoed fully, to choose the 10 to 13 songs that are going to make it to the album. It's nevertheless a problem, even though it's a positive problem, that we write all the time, and there's a lot of material, so why should we be waiting? So it's better to get them out of your system and keep working because that's what we want to do."
http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/lordi- ... -december/