Primeros detalles del nuevo disco de KISSIN' DYNAMITEEl nuevo disco de Kissin' Dynamite, que lleva por título "Generation Goodbye" saldrá a la venta el 8 de julio de 2016.
El álbum contendrá 11 nuevas canciones. Además de la edición normal, habrá un digi-pack que incluirá un CD y un DVD con material extra. También se pondrá a la venta una caja de aluminio estrictamente limitada y exclusiva con muchos más extras, además de los del digi-pack.

Portada de "Generation Goodbye"
+ + + New KISSIN' DYNAMITE Album 2016 – Title, Artwork & Release date + + +
+ + + Your chance to be on the cover + + +
Hereby we proudly present the final artwork of our brand-new 5th studio album named
On July 8th 2016, GENERATION GOODBYE, the maybe best KISSIN' DYNAMITE album, will be available in stores.
The regular album will contain 11 new songs. Additionally, there will be a digi-pack including a bonus CD and – DVD featuring opulent bonus material. Furthermore, a strictly limited and exclusive fan-box-set is waiting for you, which will come in an elaborate aluminum box which will include also many more extras besides the digi-pack.
Soon, you'll get first audio clips. Stay tuned!
YOU have the opportunity to be part of the cover!!!
Your Facebook / Instagram name could soon replace „XXXXXXXX poked you“. What you have to do for it? Share this post publicly, comment it and you already participate. The big surprise waits for you on July 8th 2016! ... =3&theater