DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA ya tienen casi listo su nuevo disco "Swagger & Stroll Down The Rabbit Hole"
Nota de la banda en Facebook: "Finalmente estamos de vuelta en el estudio para terminar las mezclas junto a Roberto Laghi.
Solo tenemos que masterirzarlo y luego podemos lanzar a este gigante a un mundo desprevenido..."

01 - Sightseeing In The Apocalypse
02 - War Painted Valentine
03 - Celebremos Lo Inevitable
04 - Speed Dating An Arsonist
05 - Jig Of The Century
06 - The Sound Of An Unconditional Surrender
07 - Malign Monologues
08 - Out Came The Hummingbirds
09 - Snake Oil Baptism
10 - Les Invulnéables
11 - Saluting The Reckoning
12 - The Prima Donna Gauntlet
13 - Overture To A Ceasefire

We’re finally back in the studio to finish up the mixes
together with Roberto Laghi.
We just have to get it mastered and then we can release this behemoth upon an unsuspecting world...
— en Top Floor Studios.
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=294 ... 9387339541
— en Top Floor Studios