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 Asunto: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 30, 2016 2:14 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)

Primer comunicado de la nueva banda de los ex-Eluveitie:

Anna Murphy (voz, zanfoña), Merlin Sutter (batería) e Ivo Henzi (guitarras) han recorrido el mundo durante más de una decada como miembros de la banda de metal suiza Eluveitie, creando un enlace que ha demostrado ser más fuerte que cualquier adversidad. Tras la división de Eluveitie en 2016 nace una nueva banda: "Cellar Darling".

Los tres músicos están aprovechando el verano para escribir nueva música, y volver a los escenarios antes del fin de año:

"Estamos muy contentos de compartir con vosotros que ya estamos trabajando duro en la música de nuestra nueva banda, "Cellar Darling" - y que ya hemos confirmado un espectáculo a final de año. Nos sentimos muy inspirados y aprovecharemos el verano para escribir y crear."

"¿Cómo va a sonar, te preguntas? Todavía no lo podemos decir. Todo lo que sabemos es que vamos a dejar fluir la creatividad a donde quiera ir, sin limitación ni preocupaciones. Tendrá riffs épicos de Ivo, por lo que será heavy. Tendrá la batería de Merlín, por lo que será ruidoso. Y tendrá la voz única de Anna, por lo que será a la vez potente y frágil. Ah, y por supuesto no vamos a descuidar la zanfoña.


Anna Murphy (vocals, hurdy gurdy), Merlin Sutter (drums) and Ivo Henzi (guitars) have toured the world for over a decade as members of the Swiss metal band Eluveitie, forming a bond that has proven stronger than any adversity; Out of the Eluveitie's split in 2016 a new band is born: 'Cellar Darling'.

The three musicians are taking the summer to write new music, and are returning to the stage before year's end:

'We are excited to share with you that we are already hard at work on music with our new band, Cellar Darling - and that we have already confirmed a show at the end of this year! We feel incredibly inspired and will be taking the summer to write and create.'

'What will it sound like, you ask? We can’t yet say. All we know is that we will let creativity flow wherever it wants to go, without any limitations or concerns. You will get Ivo’s epic riffs, so it will be heavy. You will get Merlin’s drums, so it will be loud. And you will get Anna’s unique voice, so it will be both powerful and fragile. Oh, and of course we won’t neglect the hurdy gurdy!'


 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (es-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 31, 2016 2:55 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 27, 2016 5:04 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie) presentan sus primeros temas

Cellar Darling, la nueva banda con los ex-miembros de Eluveitie Anna Murphy (voz, zanfona), Merlin Sutter (batería) e Ivo Henzi (guitarras, bajo), han lanzado dos temas "Challenge" (primer single) y "Fire, Wind & Earth".

"Challenge" y "Fire, Wind & Earth" fueron grabadas y producidas por Cellar Darling, Marco Jencarelli y Anna Murphy en los estudios Soundfarm, mezclados por Tommy Vetterli en los estudios NewSound, y masterizados por Jens Bogren en los estudios Fascination Street. Todos los instrumentos de cuerda (violines...) fueron grabados por Yinon Ran-Shir. La portada de "Challenge" es un obra de Merlin Sutter.



We are incredibly excited to share the very first Cellar Darling song with you! Along with ‘Challenge’, we have also released another song from the same writing and recording sessions: ‘Fire, Wind & Earth’ is a bonus track we couldn’t keep from you any longer!

Both songs are available for streaming and downloading at Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer, and all your favorite platforms and services.

‘Challenge’ is about an inner struggle, a battle you are fighting against yourself and the world. It is you, screaming at yourself in the mirror and getting high on new-found strength. It is failing, overcoming and achieving. The bipolar dance that is life.

We have fallen. We have screamed. We have battled. We found strength. We will overcome.

The lyric video features the talented actress Fabienne Fellmann (who is also featured on the cover artwork). It is based on an idea by Anna Murphy, directed by Anna Murphy & Cellar Darling, with videography and editing by Merlin Sutter and generous post production help by Michel Frutig at Maybaum Film.

Both songs were recorded and produced by Cellar Darling and Marco Jencarelli & Anna Murphy Soundfarm studios, mixed by Tommy Vetterli at Newsound studios, and mastered by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street studios. All strings are recorded by the one and only Shir-Ran Yinon, and the artwork features photography by Merlin Sutter.


 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 20, 2017 3:20 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CELLAR DARLING fichan por Nuclear Blast

No me sorprende nada que la otra mitad de Eluveitie fiche por Nuclear Blast, es un clásico en el metal esto de hacer de una banda dos y que luego giren juntos :roll: .

Cellar Darling está trabajando actualmente en su álbum de debut, que será lanzado en 2017.


2017-01-19 - CELLAR DARLING are storytellers. They want to carry you away into their world of music, awaking the spirit of the stories our parents told us before going to sleep, the dramas of love, war and poverty in the hour-long acts of an opera - the adventures of the human spirit with all its mysteries and emotions.

After their split with ELUVEITIE, Anna Murphy, Ivo Henzi and Merlin Sutter reached out for new shores in 2016 and are now ready to let you see the world through their eyes with their unique and fresh sound, combining grand and heavy riffs, energetic drumming and a unique voice with the signature folky, earthy tones of the hurdy gurdy and classical elements - creating something entirely new, while continuing the spirit of musical innovation they have become known for.

So prepare for a journey into the mystical unknown, as CELLAR DARLING are happy to announce that they have signed with Nuclear Blast records. Anna, Ivo and Merlin comment:

“We are extremely happy to be 'back home' after so many years as part of the Nuclear Blast family. They have shown continuing faith in us through difficult times, and we knew they needed to be among the first to hear our new music - and as it should be, everything else quickly fell into place. We are proud and excited to have found partners who understand our music and share our vision; together, we’ll make this year our year!”

CELLAR DARLING are currently working on their debut album, to be released in 2017. They have released a first single, 'Challenge', and a second song called 'Fire, Wind & Earth' in September 2016. ... blast.html


 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Vie Abr 28, 2017 2:14 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Fecha y titulo del disco debut de CELLAR DARLING

Cellar Darling, la nueva banda formada por Anna Murphy, Merlin Sutter e Ivo Henzi, ex-miembros de Eluveitie, lanzarán su primer álbum de estudio el 30 de junio. Este álbum debut contará de 14 nuevas canciones y llevará por título "This Is The Sound".


2017-04-27 - CELLAR DARLING, the much-hyped new band formed by ex-ELUVEITIE members Anna Murphy, Merlin Sutter and Ivo Henzi, will release their first studio album on June 30th. Together they will lead you away into their world of apocalyptic tales and heavy riffs, to awaken your imagination and stretch your musical tastes. This highly anticipated debut album with astounding 14 brand new tracks is entitled »This Is The Sound«.

“In less than a year we’ve formed a new band, written an album and come up with what we believe is our sound. This is who we are and we’re looking forward to what happens with it!” - Anna Murphy

"This is it: this is the result of nearly one year of incredibly intense creativity, of ups and downs, of loss and gain. This is the most personal work of our lives. This Is The Sound.” - Merlin Sutter

The band showcased their freshly recorded songs two weeks ago for the very first time:
"We’ve had the best time at our show in Lucerne earlier this month!", the band states. "For the first time, we got to play our brand new and freshly recorded songs live for you. We only wish that all of you who couldn’t make it, but who showed us such amazing support in the last year, could have been there with us. It was a magical and unique experience and we can’t wait for more.” ... tails.html


 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Sab May 06, 2017 3:05 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CELLAR DARLING: detalles de su disco debut "This Is The Sound"

Cellar Darling, la nueva banda formada por Anna Murphy, Merlin Sutter e Ivo Henzi, ex-miembros de Eluveitie, lanzarán su primer álbum de estudio el 30 de junio. Este álbum debut contará de 14 nuevas canciones y llevará por título "This Is The Sound".


01. Avalanche
02. Black Moon
03. Challenge
04. Hullaballoo
05. Six Days
06. The Hermit
07. Water
08. Fire, Wind & Earth
09. Rebels
10. Under The Oak Tree…
11. …High Above These Crowns
12. Starcrusher
13. Hedonia
14. Redemption

Bonus tracks, available exclusively on the mediabook:
15. The Cold Song
16. Mad World
17. The Prophet’s Song



 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 28, 2018 3:47 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CELLAR DARLING comienzan a grabar su segundo disco

Con un pequeño mensaje y algunas fotos, Cellar Darling, nos anuncian que han comenzado la grabación de su nuevo disco.

"Hoy comenzamos a grabar nuestro segundo álbum. Pasaremos las primeras seis semanas escribiendo y grabando, mezclando ambos procesos para capturar ideas espontáneas y sumergirnos completamente en la música y excluir todo lo demás. Y beber vino"

We start recording our second album today. We will spend the first six weeks writing and recording, mixing both processes in order to capture spontaneous ideas and just completely immerse ourselves in the music and shut out everything else. And drink wine. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: CELLAR DARLING (ex-Eluveitie)
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 09, 2021 3:44 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Nuevo single de CELLAR DARLING

Cellar Darling ha creado una canción que retoma el tema "Death and the Maiden" de su álbum conceptual de 2019 "The Spell", pero al mismo tiempo lo adapta al aquí y ahora.

"Dance" estará disponible digitalmente a partir del 8 de enero y pronto físicamente en disco de vinilo limitado, lanzado directamente por la banda.


2021-01-08 - With "DANCE", CELLAR DARLING have created a song that takes up the “Death and the Maiden” theme of their 2019 concept album "The Spell", but at the same time adapts it into the here and now: a "dance of death", an end-time vision.

In this epic 11-minute track, the Swiss heavy progressive rock trio takes the listener on a dark musical journey worthy of the band's name, combining mystical folk elements with heavy riffs and intricate structures. Once again, the highly unusual instrumentation typical for CELLAR DARLING, including a hurdy-gurdy, flute, and piano, colours their signature sound. Inspired by the dancing plague of 1518, their lyrics for the first time do not tell of an exclusively fictional world but represent an examination of both our history and current events. Thus, CELLAR DARLING continue to move in a new direction, resuming the radical path they have chosen since departing from ELUVEITIE in 2016.

"DANCE" is available digitally from January, 8th and will soon be available physically in a strictly limited vinyl-only picture disc released directly from the band. ... -quot.html


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