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 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 30, 2014 5:17 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
AMARANTHE: nuevo tema "Trinity"


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 24, 2015 1:13 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
AMARANTHE in Moscow 2014 – Documentary


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 10, 2015 2:38 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
AMARANTHE: nuevo disco recopilatorio "Breaking Point - B-Sides 2011-2015"

Amaranthe lanzará el 30 de octubre una recopilación en formato digital de "caras B", con el título de "Breaking Point - B-Sides 2011-2015".

"Como sabéis, Amaranthe ha grabado bastantes b-sides y bonus tracks a lo largo de los años", comenta el guitarrista Olof Mörck. "Siempre hemos tratado de mantener una buena calidad, como algo extra para nuestros fans, pero hasta ahora muchos de estos temas han sido rarezas difíciles de encontrar, y están bastante dispersos".

"Ahora estamos muy contentos de lanzar una colección de algunas de las mejores b-sides y bonus. "Breaking Point - B-Sides 2011-2015" se centra en algunas de las mejores interpretaciones acústicas de los temas favoritos de los fans, así como en un par de originales de los primeros días. Disfrutad de este lado raro y diferente de amaranthe! "


1. Hunger (Acoustic)
2. Afterlife (Acoustic)
3. Amaranthine (Acoustic)
4. Burn With Me (Acoustic)
5. Trinity (Acoustic )
6. True (Acoustic)
7. Breaking Point
8. Splinter In My Soul


New release out on October 30th: 'Breaking Point - B-sides 2011-2015'! A special compilation for the fans, consisting of the best b-sides and bonus tracks in our career!

Commented Olof:
"As some of you know, AMARANTHE has recorded quite a few b-sides and bonus tracks throughout the years," guitarist Olof said. "We've always tried to keep the quality high, as something extra for our fans, but until now a lot of these tracks have been hard-to-find rarities, and quite spread out. We are now very excited to release a collection of some of the best b-sides and bonuses: Breaking Point: B-Sides 2011-2015" It focuses on some of the best acoustic renditions of fan favorites as well as a couple of originals from the early days! Enjoy this rare and different side of AMARANTHE!" ... =3&theater ... 9940245420


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie May 20, 2016 1:06 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
AMARANTHE en el estudio

Amaranthe anuncian con este vídeo que han vuelto al estudio y que habrá nuevo disco en octubre de 2016.


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 07, 2016 2:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
AMARANTHE grabando nuevo disco

Si le echáis un ojo al facebook de la banda podréis ver un video de Elize (grabando uno de los nuevos temas ¿?) y fotos en el estudio. Por ahora poco más se sabe.



 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 12, 2016 3:29 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
AMARANTHE: detalles de su nuevo disco "Maximalism"

Amaranthe lanzará su nuevo disco "Maximalism" el 21 de octubre a través de Spinefarm Records. El disco fue producido nuevamente por Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Epica, Delain) co-producido por Jakob Herrmann (Top floor Studios) y masterizado por Svante Forsback (Rammstein, Apocalyptica, Dragonforce).


01. Maximize
02. Boomerang
03. That Song
04. 21
05. On The Rocks
06. Limitless
07. Fury
08. Faster
09. Break Down And Cry
10. Supersonic
11. Fireball
12. Endlessly

'MAXIMALISM' to be released in October! Cover art, album title and track listing revealed!

AMARANTHE, the cutting-edge Swedish pop-metal outfit with the triple-lead-vocal attack, will release its new album, "Maximalism", on October 21 via Spinefarm Records.

The follow-up to 2014's "Massive Addictive" is described in a press release as "a hyper-modern, metallic beast of a record" containing "12 new tracks that fully live up to the 'bigger, bolder' promise of the title."

"Maximalism" was produced once again by Jacob Hansen (VOLBEAT, EPICA, DELAIN) Co-produced by Jakob Herrmann (Top floor Studios) mastered by Svante Forsback (RAMMSTEIN, APOCALYPTICA, DRAGONFORCE).

Refusing to be pinned down by genre or convention, AMARANTHE have consistently pursued the less travelled path, blending different sounds and styles to create a signature hybrid approach, and "Maximalism" sees their collective wide-angle vision laid out with greater skill and conviction than ever before.

From the locomotive power of "Faster" and "Fury" through to the more measured drama of "Limitless" and "Endlessly" (a solo tour de force for singer Elize Ryd), this is AMARANTHE ramping up both the energy and the emotion, and generally pushing everything to the max.

Says AMARANTHE lead guitarist Olof Mörck: "'Maximalism' is our manifesto to the world!

"We are genuinely thrilled with the new material, definitely our most diverse collection to date. Our trademark 'bleeding edge' modern metal remains intact, of course, but fused with an even broader range of genres than before…

"There's everything here, including stadium rock, innovative pop and danceable super-hits... ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 10, 2016 3:11 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Jake E (voz) "se toma un descanso" de AMARANTHE

Nota del vocalista en su web oficial:

Jake E "en suspenso" respecto a la gira europea y americana de Amaranthe en la primavera de 2017

"Han sido siete largos, extremadamente agradables, instructivos y emocionantes años. En ese tiempo hemos alcanzado un éxito casi inimaginable con la banda. Siento que ahora es el momento adecuado para tomar un descanso de las giras y pensar en las cosas que quería hacer desde hace mucho tiempo. Por cuánto tiempo estaré fuera, es difícil de decir en este momento ".

- "Mi mayor gratitud para todos los fans que nos han estado apoyando a lo largo de los años, ¡Os veré pronto!" Jake


Jake E "on hold" regarding Amaranthes EU Tour and US Tour spring 2017

"It’s been seven long, extremely pleasant, instructive and exciting years. During this time we have reached an almost unimaginable success with the band. I now feel that the time is right to take a break from touring and pursuit things I wanted to do for a long time. For how long I'll be gone is hard to say at this point", says Jake E, former of and singer in Amaranthe.
-"I wanna send the biggest gratitude to all the fans out there that has been supporting us through all the years, and I will see you soon again!" /Jake /Jake ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 10, 2016 11:16 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Ago 27, 2008 2:02 pm
Mensajes: 82
de hecho el martes en bilbao canto el de smash into pieces x el

 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 11, 2016 2:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Los dos primeros discos estaban bien, los dos siguientes ya no me gustaron... otro cambio de vocalista... y a ver, porque últimamente muchas de las bandas de Nuclear Blast acaban quemadas o con espantada de muchos de los miembros fundadores.


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 09, 2017 3:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Jake E (voz) deja definitivamente AMARANTHE

Durante la gira europea del disco "Maximalism", el vocalista y co-fundador Jake E. se tomo un descanso de la banda. Pero en una entrevista exclusiva con BraveWords, Jake hace oficial y final su salida de Amaranthe.

Declaraciones del vocalista:

"Yo y Olof (Mörck / guitarras) comenzamos la banda hace siete u ocho años, y todo despegó de una manera que no podíamos haber imaginado". "Amaranthe se convirtió en un gran éxito y recorrimos el mundo, y nos divertimos mucho haciendo eso. Los dos primeros álbumes (debut homónimo y The Nexus) eran exactamente como quería que sonara la banda, una mezcla entre guitarras parecidas a Soilwork y las melodias y voces tipo Bon Jovi, combinadas con una voz femenina, combinabos elementos diferentes, pero lo principal en la música era la base metal. En el álbum Massive Addictive empezó a cambiar a otra cosa que yo realmente no controlaba, se puede escuchar en las canciones que yo estaba más involucrado en el trabajo y son muy metal. Cuando empezamos a trabajar en el álbum Maximalism me encontré que no era el Amaranthe que había ayudado a crear al principio. No era del todo mi visión y me di cuenta de que tenía que ser fiel a mí mismo. Eso fue en marzo de 2016. Me encanta viajar, me encantan los fans, pero sentía que no era fiel a mí mismo.

"Mi idea desde el principio es que se suponía que seríamos seis personas en una banda que se esforzaba por el mismo objetivo. Nunca nadie había visto a tres cantantes en una banda de metal antes, y ese era mi punto para vender Amaranthe. Se debía de vender como una banda con tres cantantes y trabajé en los dos primeros álbumes, pero sentí que mi lugar tanto en los discos como en vivo se redujo, sentí como si fuera superfluo."

"Conozco mi potencial como cantante y compositor, pero en los últimos dos años sentí que no estaba alcanzando ese potencial", dice Jake. "Difícilmente puedes escucharme en el nuevo álbum de Amaranthe. Tengo una pequeña parte aquí y una pequeña parte allí, así que empecé a sentirme más como un cantante de apoyo. Tengo 35 años, y decidí que tengo que continuar con la música que me hace feliz. Estar con los fans me hace feliz y estar de gira es lo mejor que he hecho, pero no puedo estar en el escenario si no creo en lo que estoy haciendo. Esa es la razón principal por la que dejé Amaranthe".


By Carl Begai

Since the October 2016 release of Amaranthe's fourth album, Maximalism, vocalist and co-founder Jake E. has been conspicuous in his absence from the touring trail and in the press. The band's triple vocalist attack remained intact for the band's 2016 European tour, however, thanks to Smash Into Pieces singer Chris Adams, who had stepped in for Jake on previous tours when he was honouring other commitments. In November 2016, Jake issued a statement hinting that he had run out of steam, announcing that he was taking a break from the band for an unknown amount of time. In an exclusive interview with BraveWords, Jake makes his departure from Amaranthe official and final. Read on...

"Me and Olof (Mörck / guitars) started the band seven or eight years ago, and everything took off in a way we couldn't have imagined," Jake begins. "Amaranthe became a huge success and we toured the world, and we had a lot of fun doing that. The first two albums (self-titled debut and The Nexus) were exactly what I wanted the band to sound like; a mix between those Soilwork-like guitars and melodic Bon Jovi-type vocals combined with a female voice. Different elements combined, but the main thing in the music was the metal base. On the Massive Addictive album it started to change into something else that I didn't really control, and you can hear the songs that I was more involved in working on are very metal. When we started working on the Maximalism album I found that it wasn't the Amaranthe I had helped create at the start. It wasn't my vision at all and I realized that I had to be true to myself. That was back in March 2016. I love to tour, I love the fans, but I felt that if I wasn't true to myself."

"My idea from the beginning is that we were supposed to be six people in a band striving for the same goal. Nobody had ever seen three singers in a metal band in that formation before, and that was my whole selling point for Amaranthe. We should be marketed as a band with three singers and it worked on the first two albums, but I felt that my place both on the albums and live was reduced; I felt like I was superfluous."

Truth be told, it becomes clear upon repeated listens to the Maximalism album that, by accident or design, Jake does indeed play a reduced role in the songs compared to Amaranthe's previous three records. More often than not he can be heard harmonizing rather than offering stand-alone performances.

"I know my potential as a singer and a songwriter, but over the last couple years I felt I wasn't reaching that potential," says Jake. "You can hardly hear me on the new Amaranthe album. I have a small part here and a small part there, so I started to feel more like a backing singer. I'm 35 years old, and I decided I have to continue with music that makes me happy. Meeting the fans makes me happy and touring is the best thing I've ever done, but I can't stand on stage not believing in what I'm doing. That's the main reason I left Amaranthe." ... -i-m-doing


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