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 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Sab Mar 12, 2016 3:48 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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DEEP PURPLE están grabando un nuevo disco

DEEP PURPLE entraron en un estudio de Nashville, Tennessee el 28 de enero para comenzar a trabajar en su nuevo disco. El CD una vez es producido por Bob Ezrin, quien ha trabajado previamente con Kiss, Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, Alice Cooper y Kansas entre otros.

Roger Glover escribe en la página de la banda en Facebook:..? "Trece días de pre-producción y trece días de grabación en el estudio. Afortunados trece, porque tenemos trece pistas terminadas, con excepción de las voces ¿Coincidencia o no? Cuántas terminarán en él álbum, es difícil de decir todavía... tal vez todas ellas, tal vez no.


We started the next album in Nashville on the 28th January. Thirteen days of pre-production and thirteen days recording in the studio. Lucky thirteen because we have thirteen tracks, all but finished except for vocals.
Coincidence or what? How many will end up on he album is hard to tell yet… maybe all of them, maybe not. I won’t even begin to describe the music––an impossible job in any case. Suffice to say I’ve been listening to the rough mixes and there’s a smile on my face.

Bob Ezrin and the team did their usual superb job. The next stage will be IG and I spending a week together, honing up on the lyrics before recording vocals in Toronto in April.

It was a real pleasure to meet up and jam with our Nashville friends. It’s a great city to be in, all kinds of nightlife, live music everywhere. It almost feels like being back in the 60s. Don and I went to see Diana Ross with the Nashville Philharmonic one night, the place was jumping, great band, she was exactly what is expected, voice, teeth and costume changes, etc. Jay and Dave of Rival Sons came to visit us in the studio when their tour hit town. We saw them do a fantastic gig that night, what a great band. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 02, 2016 1:38 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEEP PURPLE finalizan la grabación de su nuevo disco

Deep Purple han terminado la grabación de su nuevo disco. El anuncio lo hizo el teclista Don Airey en una entrevista para TASS, antes de los conciertos de la banda en Rusia.

"Por lo que yo sé, ya está todo grabado", dijo. "Está en las entrañas del [productor] Bob Ezrin; que va a mezclar. No se me ha dado una fecha de lanzamiento. No sé nada de eso por ahora. Si lo supiera, te lo diría, pero no lo sé".


Legendary British hard rockers DEEP PURPLE have finished tracking their new album, the band's keyboardist Don Airey said in a phone interview with TASS ahead of the band’s concerts in Russia.

"As far as I know, it's all recorded and now," he said. "It's on the tender mercies of [producer] Bob Ezrin; he's going to mix it. I haven't been given a release date. I know nothing about that as yet. If I knew, I'd tell you, but I don't." ... new-album/


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 02, 2016 11:01 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
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Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
¿ A alguien le interesa un nuevo disco de Purple ???

Yo por mi que no toquen nada posterior a 1985.....

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 22, 2016 1:32 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEEP PURPLE: nuevo DVD "Live At The NEC"

El 14 de septiembre de 2002, Deep Purple, subieron al escenarios del NEC de Birmingham, Inglaterra, para despedir al miembro fundador y teclista Jon Lord. El 26 de agosto Eagle Rock Entertainment lanzará el concierto en DVD y formatos digitales, bajo el título de "Live At The NEC". Anteriormente el video sólo estaba disponible como parte de la caja "Around The World Live".


01. Fireball
02. Woman From Tokyo
03. Mary Long
04. Ted The Mechanic
05. Lazy
06. The Well Dressed Guitar
07. When A Blind Man Cries
08. Space Truckin'
09. Keyboard Solo
10. Perfect Strangers
11. Speed King
12. Guitar Solo
13. Smoke On The Water
14. Hush
15. Black Night
16. Highway Star


On September 14, 2002, hard rock pioneers DEEP PURPLE took the stage for a landmark concert at the NEC in Birmingham, England to bid farewell to founding member and keyboard legend Jon Lord.

On August 26, Eagle Rock Entertainment will deliver this very concert with the release of "Live At The NEC" on DVD and digital formats. Previously only available as part of the "Around The World Live" boxed set, this film is being made available for the first time as a standalone DVD. ... alone-dvd/


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 22, 2016 1:31 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Lo nuevo de DEEP PURPLE en primavera

El nuevo disco de estudio de DEEP PURPLE saldrá a principios de primavera, según ha revelado el bajista Roger Glover en un nuevo mensaje de vídeo, que podéis ver bajo estas lineas.


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 26, 2016 3:45 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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DEEP PURPLE lanzará su nuevo disco "Infinite" en 2017

"Infinite" el nuevo disco de estudio de Deep Purple, será lanzado a principios de la primavera de 2017 a través de earMUSIC.



 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 05, 2016 8:21 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Jue Dic 15, 2016 3:02 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEEP PURPLE: nuevo tema "Time For Bedlam"

El nuevo disco de Deep Purple titulado "InFinite", será lanzado el 7 de abril por earMUSIC. El proceso de composición y grabación del álbum con el productor Bob Ezrin, se filmó para una película documental, que se incluirá en algunas ediciones del álbum y que se presentará antes de su lanzamiento en varios eventos para seguidores en todo el mundo.

El 3 de febrero llegará a las tiendas "Time For Bedlam", un EP de edición limitada que contendrá canciones no incluidas en el disco y grabaciones inéditas .


Deep Purple reveal title, release date and first song from their new album “inFinite”, the highly anticipated follow up to their most recent worldwide chart topping album “NOW What?!”.

“inFinite” will be released on April 7th by earMUSIC.
“Time For Bedlam”, an up-tempo classic Deep Purple song, has just been made available via a lyric video:

The song will be available as instant grat as part of the digital album preorder as well as on all streaming platforms starting from Thursday, December 15th, midnight worldwide with the physical preorder of the album to start at the same time.

A limited edition EP for “Time For Bedlam”, with non-album songs and unreleased recordings will hit the shops on February 3rd.

A documentary movie, witnessing the songwriting process and the recording of the album with producer Bob Ezrin, has been produced, allowing for the first time for the fans to be part of the private band member interactions in the studio.
The movie will be included in some editions of the album and it will be presented before release in various fan events worldwide.

Deep Purple have recently announced their “Long Goodbye Tour”, which will bring the legendary live show once again all over the world.

Deep Purple have not yet answered, in fact, the many questions received by fans from all over the world who are speculating about the meaning of the title “inFinite” and "Long Goodbye".

Singer Ian Gillan has in fact declared:

“If you take it literally you may, quite reasonably, think the ‘Finite’ part of the word describes the life of Deep Purple, with a clear beginning and a nebulous end; but what of the ‘in’ bit? The word infinite is a three-dimensional double edged sword. It describes something that goes on forever in all directions; not unlike its temporal equivalent ‘Eternal’ What’s that all about?

Stephen Hawking declared (in ‘A brief History of Time’) that, before the Big Bang there was nothing. That would put the kybosh on the idea of our universe being Infinite, as he provides a starting point, which is not acceptable to the concept. So, Hawking’s universe in ‘Finite’; by definition; whether he agrees or not.

Ironically, he is quite wrong (scientists always are eventually), therefore the Universe is infinite, which means it will never end, and also means that it never started, and the corollary to that of course is that we don’t exist.

There is a metaphysical solution to all this, but it will have to wait until the tour is over because (thanks heavens) there are only 24 hours in a day (for the time being) or 10 hours in a metric day.
More on that later…” ... hed-today/


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 02, 2017 2:53 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEEP PURPLE: detalles de su nuevo disco "InFinite"

El nuevo disco de Deep Purple titulado "InFinite", será lanzado el 7 de abril por earMUSIC. Según Amazon la portada y lista de temas son las siguientes:


01. Time For Bedlam
02. Hip Boots
03. All I've Got Is You
04. One Night In Vegas
05. Get Me Outta Here
06. The Surprising
07. Johnny's Band
08. On Top Of The World
09. Birds Of Prey
10. Roadhouse Blues


 Asunto: Re: Reediciones de DEEP PURPLE
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 31, 2017 2:43 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
IAN GILLAN: "No creo que RITCHIE BLACKMORE actualmente esté tocando muy bien"

Por fin alguien lo dice dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif

Tres miembros de la clásica formación de Deep Purple han rechazado la posibilidad de una reunión con el guitarrista Ritchie Blackmore.

Blackmore es cofundador de Deep Purple y escribió muchos de sus riffs más memorables, incluyendo "Smoke On The Water", pero no ha tocado con el grupo desde su salida en 1993.

Steve Morse se hizo cargo del puesto de Blackmore en 1994 y desde entonces ha estado en el grupo más tiempo que Ritchie.

Durante el programa de SiriusXM, del martes 29 de agosto, se le preguntó a Ian Gillan (voz), Ian Paice (batería) y a Roger Glover (bajo) si estarían dispuestos a tocar con Blackmore otra vez.

"Yo personalmente, no", dijo Gillan. "Quiero decir, me llevo muy bien con Ritchie ahora, pero no creo que RITCHIE BLACKMORE actualmente esté tocando muy bien. Y por esa razón, no creo que funcione".

Gillan aclaró que sólo está en contacto con Blackmore "a través de nuestras oficinas, a través de nuestras conexiones y todo lo demás" y añadió que "nos hemos invitado a cenar un par de veces, pero no hemos podido hacerlo porque yo estoy en Londres y él está en Long Island". Y luego reiteró: "Pero, no, estaría en contra de una reunión".

Paice se resistió igualmente a la idea, explicando: "Disfruto subiendo al escenario todas las noches sabiendo que estoy con mis cuatro amigos y todos van a tocar todas las noches. Ese no fue siempre el caso [mientras que Ritchie estaba en la banda], y no querría volver a eso otra vez. Es por la forma en que es el hombre. Es un hombre de grandes emociones. Es todo o blanco o negro; a Ritchie no le gustan las zonas grises: "Lo haré o no lo haré", "Me gusta o no me gusta". Los miembros de la banda no deben sufrir por eso. Quiero ir al escenario y divertirme. No quiero subir al escenario y salir sintiéndome abatido y miserable. No estoy preparado para volver a esa rutina otra vez, no."

Glover, por su parte, reveló que no ha hablado con Ritchie en "veinte y tantos años", pero insistió en que "estaría feliz de hablar con él". Atribuyendo su falta de interacción personal al hecho de que Ritchie se ha "vuelto muy reservado", Glover agregó que "no creo que me apruebe mucho, por los remixes y los remasterizados que hice de los discos más antiguos". Eso es lo que he oído de todos modos."

En cuanto a la posibilidad de que Deep Purple volviera a actuar con Blackmore, Glover dijo: "Nunca se puede decir nunca, pero yo lo dudaría mucho".

Blackmore comento recientemente que le gustaría tocar un último show con Deep Purple "por nostalgia". También sugirió anteriormente que el manager de la banda le había impedido unirse a ellos en el escenario durante la ceremonia en el "Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame" en 2016, lo que utilizó como excusa para no asistir al evento.


Three members of the classic DEEP PURPLE lineup have shot down the possibility of a reunion with guitarist Ritchie Blackmore.

Blackmore is a co-founder of DEEP PURPLE and wrote many of their most memorable riffs, including "Smoke On The Water", but he has not played with the group since his 1993 departure.

Steve Morse effectively took over Blackmore's slot in 1994 and has since been in the group longer than Ritchie.

During yesterday's (Tuesday, August 29) SiriusXM Town Hall, DEEP PURPLE's Ian Gillan (vocals), Ian Paice (drums) and Roger Glover (bass) were asked point blank if they would be open to playing with Blackmore again.

"Me personally, no," Gillan said. "I mean, I get on great with Ritchie these days, but I don't think Ritchie's playing great these days. And for that reason mostly, I don't think it would work."

Gillan clarified that he is only in contact with Blackmore "through our offices, through our connections and everything else" and added that "we have invited each other to dinner a couple of times, but we haven't been able to make it because I'm in London, he's in Long Island." He then reiterated: "But, no, I'd be against [a reunion]."

Paice was equally resistant to the idea, explaining: "I enjoy going on stage every night knowing that I'm [there] with my four friends and they're all gonna play every night. That wasn't always the case [while Ritchie was in the band], and I wouldn't want to go back to that again. It's just the way the man is. He is a man of great emotions. He works it out in black and white; there's no gray areas to Ritchie: 'I will or I won't,' 'I like it or I don't like it.' Sometimes your bandmembers can't suffer from that. And I wanna go on stage and have fun. I don't wanna go on stage and come off feeling so down and miserable. I'm not prepared to go back on that route again, no."

Glover, for his part, revealed that he hasn't spoken to Ritchie in "twenty-odd years," but insisted that he would "be happy to talk to him." Attributing their lack of personal interaction to the fact that Ritchie has "made himself very private," Glover added that "I don't think he approves of me very much, because of the remixes and the remasters that I did of the older albums. That's what I've heard anyway."

As for the prospect of PURPLE performing with Blackmore again, Glover said: "You can never say never, but I would doubt it very much."

Blackmore was recently quoted saying he woud like to play one last show with DEEP PURPLE "for nostalgia reasons." He also previously suggested that the band's manager had blocked him from joining them onstage during the 2016 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony, and he used that as an excuse for not attending the event.

Despite Blackmore being a no-show at last year's Rock Hall, he was given several shoutouts during the induction speeches of the DEEP PURPLE members in attendance. In addition, METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich, who inducted DEEP PURPLE into the institution, praised "Ritchie fucking Blackmore" for one of the most memorable guitar riffs of all time on "Smoke On The Water". ... G4WKoCl.99


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