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 Asunto: Re: THRESHOLD: Editan todos sus singles.
NotaPublicado: Mié Sep 17, 2014 4:07 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
THRESHOLD: "For The Journey" completo en streaming


 Asunto: Re: THRESHOLD : Editan todos sus singles.
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 14, 2015 2:29 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
"European Journey" nuevo disco en directo de THRESHOLD

"European Journey" fue grabado en noviembre de 2014 en diferentes actuaciones de la gira europea que siguió a su disco de estudio "For The Journey".

"European Journey" será lanzado como un digipak 2-CD, el 13 de noviembre.


01. Slipstream
02. The Hours
03. Liberty Complacency Dependency
04. Ground Control
05. Unforgiven
06. Long Way Home
07. Part Of The Chaos
08. Coda

01. Watchtower On The Moon
02. Pilot In The Sky Of Dreams
03. Lost In Your Memory
04. Mission Profile
05. The Box
06. Turned To Dust
07. Ashes


British progressive metal heroes THRESHOLD reveal first info on their upcoming new double-live-album »European Journey«, which was recorded at various venues across Europe during November 2014, in support of their current studio album »For The Journey«.

»European Journey« contains 15 live tracks and will be released as a 2-CD digipak, out November, 13th.

Richard West comments: "We had a fantastic tour playing so many fan favorites going back to '97 with 'Part Of The Chaos' through 'Mission Profile', 'Pilot In The Sky Of Dreams' to the present day with 'The Box'. We recorded some shows along the way and it's turned into this really powerful double album".

"Threshold continue to enjoy fantastic support from our loyal fans. The band have always enjoyed mixing with the people who listen to our music and this tour was no exception”, adds Karl Groom. ... album.html ... =1&theater


 Asunto: Re: THRESHOLD : Editan todos sus singles.
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 22, 2015 7:14 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
THRESHOLD video adelanto de su disco en directo "European Journey"

Lost In Your Memory


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 13, 2016 2:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de THRESHOLD para 2017

Threshold han prorrogado su contrato con la discográfica Nuclear Blast y en estos momentos se encuentran trabajando en un nuevo disco conceptual, el décimo primero de su carrera, que esperan lanzar en 2017.



British progressive protagonists Threshold have signed a new contract with Nuclear Blast and extended their partnership after 10 successful years with the label.

Guitarist Karl Groom states: "We're very happy to continue with Nuclear Blast and couldn't imagine a better fit for Threshold."

Keyboard player Richard West adds: "Nuclear Blast have given us everything we could want from a label and we're really looking forward to releasing our new album with them."

"2017 will be the year of Prog!", adds Nuclear Blast CEO Markus Staiger. "We are very happy to continue our work with Threshold and bring a massive release to you next year!"

Over the last 10 years with the Label, Threshold have released three studio albums, a double live album and reissues of the whole back catalogue. Currently, the band is working on their 11th masterpiece, a new concept album that is scheduled to be released in 2017.

You can catch the band at the following festivals:

14.07.2016 Masters Of Rock, CZ
16.07.2016 Bang Your Head, DE
02.10.2016 ProgPower Europe, NL (Threshold headline)
07.01.2017 Ice Rock, CH (Threshold headline) ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Jue Dic 22, 2016 4:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
THRESHOLD: nuevo disco "Legends Of The Shires"

Threshold están grabando su undécimo disco en los estudios "Thin Ice" en Inglaterra, un nuevo álbum conceptual que llevará por título "Legends Of The Shires". El trabajo está siendo producido por Karl Groom y Richard West y será lanzado en 2017. Pronto se conocerán mas detalles.


THRESHOLD - announce new tour dates + album title!

2016-12-21 - After ten successful years with the label Nuclear Blast, British progressive protagonists THRESHOLD have signed a new contract and extended their partnership with the label in July 2016. Furthermore, they have also announced plans for their next release: THRESHOLD are currently recording their 11th masterpiece at Thin Ice Studios in England, a new concept album that will be called »Legends Of The Shires«. It is being produced by Karl Groom and Richard West and it's scheduled to be released in 2017. More information will be revealed soon.

But that's not enough: Today, the band is also announcing the dates for the »Legends Of The Shires«-Tour 2017 where you'll be able to fully experience songs from the new album on stage!

Richard West comments: "It's great to be announcing these tour dates so soon, we can't wait to get on the road and perform for you. Our new album is coming together perfectly, we've got a lot of strong material so it might be our longest one yet." ... title.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Mar Mar 28, 2017 3:02 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Cambio de vocalista en THRESHOLD

Comunicado de la banda:

Threshold han prescindido de su vocalista Damian Wilson. La banda ha decidido comenzar un nuevo capítulo y él les ha dicho que respeta su decisión.

Wilson participó en los discos más recientes de la banda "For The Journey" y "March Of Progress", así como en sus primeros lanzamientos "Wounded Land" y "Extinct Instinct" en los años 90. Damian Wilson ha sido un gran líder para Threshold y la banda se lo quiere agradecer sinceramente y le desea éxito en todos sus futuros proyectos.

El nuevo vocalista de Threshold será Glynn Morgan, ex vocalista de la banda de 1994 a 1996. Morgan apareció en el álbum de 1994 "Psychedelicatessen", y volvió a trabajar con la banda en 2008 para grabar pistas para el conjunto de singles "Paradox".

Glynn Morgan comentó: "Estaba en la luna, cuando recibí una llamada telefónica, trabajar con Karl y Richard y ser parte de la poderosa historia de THRESHOLD una vez más, es un gran honor. El material ya me tiene enganchado."


2017-03-27 - THRESHOLD have parted ways with vocalist Damian Wilson. The band have chosen to start a new chapter without him and he has told them he respects their decision.

Wilson enjoyed three stints with THRESHOLD, performing on the band's most recent records »For The Journey« and »March Of Progress« as well as their early releases »Wounded Land« and »Extinct Instinct« in the 1990's. Damian Wilson has been a great frontman for THRESHOLD and the band would like to sincerely thank him and wish him every success in his future endeavours.

THRESHOLD's new frontman will be Glynn Morgan, the band's former vocalist from 1994 to 1996. Morgan appeared on THRESHOLD's 1994 album »Psychedelicatessen« and returned to work with the band in 2008 to record tracks for the singles box set »Paradox«.

Glynn Morgan commented: "I was over the moon when I got the phone call. To work with Karl and Richard and be a part of the mighty THRESHOLD story once more is a great honour. I can't wait to start recording, the new material has me hooked already." ... alist.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 15, 2017 2:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
THRESHOLD: detalles de su nuevo disco "Legends Of The Shires"

Threshold lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Legends Of The Shires", el 8 de septiembre a través de Nuclear Blast.


CD 1:
1. The Shire (Part 1) 2:03
2. Small Dark Lines 5:24
3. The Man Who Saw Through Time 11:51
4. Trust The Process 8:44
5. Stars And Satellites 7:20
6. On The Edge 5:20

CD 2:
7. The Shire (Part 2) 5:24
8. Snowblind 7:03
9. Subliminal Freeways 4:51
10. State Of Independence 3:37
11. Superior Machine 5:01
12. The Shire (Part 3) 1:22
13. Lost In Translation 10:20
14. Swallowed 3:54


Glynn Morgan - vocals
Karl Groom - guitar
Richard West - keyboards
Johanne James - drums
Steve Anderson - bass

THRESHOLD - announce new album »Legends Of The Shires« & unveil artwork Listen to epic first single 'Lost In Translation'!
THRESHOLD - double-album, artwork & single! - 2017-07-14

2017-07-14 - British Progressive icons THRESHOLD have announced their new album »Legends Of The Shires« will be released via Nuclear Blast on 8th September.

Today the band unveiled the first single from the release, the ultra-prog epic 'Lost In Translation' which has a song length of over ten minutes!

Commented THRESHOLD's Richard West:
"We've made a monster of an album so we thought we should release a monster of a single! This epic really showcases the many sides of our sound and is a great prelude to our album release."

»Legends Of The Shires« will be the band's eleventh studio album and their first ever double album; it also features Glynn Morgan back on vocal duties for the first time since 1996.

Check out the ethereal album artwork above by Russian artist Elena Dudina. Speaking about the artwork Richard West commented:
“I love it when a cover tells you what sort of record you're buying. This one really shouts 'progressive' and reminds me of some of the classic prog albums from the 20th century.” ... ingle.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 25, 2020 2:58 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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THRESHOLD trabajando en un nuevo disco

Threshold han comenzado a trabajar en un nuevo álbum, que esperan lanzar en 2021.

"Es una buena sensación volver a tener algo positivo que decir sobre la música", dijo Karl Groom. “Llevamos un tiempo escribiendo para un nuevo álbum de Threshold y estamos empezando a intercambiar demos. Continuar desde “Legends of the Shires” es una gran trabajo, pero siempre hemos tenido como objetivo dar un paso adelante en cada álbum y estoy muy emocionado de lo que tenemos hasta ahora".


We’re very excited to let you know that we have started working on a new album to follow up on 'Legends of the Shires', which we expect to release in 2021.

“It’s a good feeling to have something positive to say about music again”, Karl Groom said. “We've been writing for a new Threshold album for a while now and are starting to exchange demos. Following 'Legends of the Shires' is quite a thing, but we've always aimed to take a step forward each album and I'm very excited by what we have so far!"

Stay tuned! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 06, 2021 2:51 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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THRESHOLD están grabando un nuevo disco

Threshold están en los estudios “Thin Ice” en Surrey, Inglaterra, grabando un nuevo disco.

Todas las canciones del nuevo álbum ya han sido escritas y arregladas, y la banda se encuentra actualmente realizando las últimas grabaciones.

El nuevo álbum aún sin título de se lanzará a través de Nuclear Blast Records en la primera mitad de 2022.


THRESHOLD - Enter the studio to record the follow up to 'Legends Of The Shires'!
THRESHOLD - Enter the studio! - 2021-07-05

2021-07-05 - British prog metal mainstays THRESHOLD have entered Thin Ice Studios in Surrey, England to record the follow up to their critically acclaimed 2017 album 'Legends Of The Shires'.

Guitarist Karl Groom comments: "After not seeing the rest of the band for the longest time I can recall, it's great to be spending time together making music again. A new THRESHOLD album is always special for the band, but this will mean a lot after recent events."

Following the release of 'Legends Of The Shires', THRESHOLD toured the album across 18 different countries before their touring plans were put to a halt by the COVID-19 pandemic.

'Legends Of The Shires' saw the return of vocalist Glynn Morgan, for the first time since the band's 1994 record 'Psychedelicatessen'. In regards to rejoining the band, and recording the follow up to 'Legends...', Glynn explains: "It's an absolute buzz meeting up with the guys again and totally exciting to be getting going again. The whole 'Legends' journey was just so cool and it was awesome to be part of it, I just can’t wait to do it again!"

All of the songs for the new album have now been written and arranged, and the band are currently in the process of tracking their final performances.

Keyboard player Richard West concludes: "It's all coming together beautifully and sounding better than ever. If 'Legends Of The Shires' had a slightly darker, moodier older brother then this would be it."

THRESHOLD's as yet untitled new album will be released via Nuclear Blast Records in the first half of 2022. ... tudio.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de THRESHOLD
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 16, 2022 2:48 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Detalles del nuevo disco de THRESHOLD

Threshold regresa con su duodécimo álbum de larga duración, “Dividing Lines”, que se lanzará el 18 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast Records.


01. Haunted
02. Hall Of Echoes
03. Let It Burn
04. Silenced
05. The Domino Effect
06. Complex
07. King Of Nothing
08. Lost Along The Way
09. Run
10. Defence Condition


Our 12th full length album, Dividing Lines, is set to be released on November 18th. Stream the new single ‘Silenced’:

Pre-order Dividing Lines on a variety of formats, including signed insert + UK exclusive coloured vinyl from Recordstore, here:

Watch this space at 2pm BST / 3pm CST for another surprise we have in store for today! ... =3&theater ... ding+lines


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