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 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 26, 2015 7:03 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL - Extinct (Preview)


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Abr 25, 2015 5:38 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL: nuevo tema "Medusalem"


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Feb 13, 2017 3:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL lazarán un DVD 20 aniversario

Moonspell filmó su concierto del 4 de febrero en el "Campo Pequeno" de Lisboa, para su próximo DVD 20 aniversario que será lanzado a través de Napalm Records. Al concierto acudieron más de cuatro mil personas y en él la banda interpreto tres de sus discos: "Wolfheart", "Irreligious" y "Extinct".


Performing to a large crowd, presenting such an ambitious show and capture it on video, is indeed something I’ve been wanting to do since the day I dreamt of having a band, because for me, that’s the ultimate goal as a musician. Most of my favourite albums are the ones that have been recorded live.

It took us a big effort to accomplish this, and now that is done, I must admit that I couldn’t feel more grateful to all the people involved on this project than I am right now.

This evening couldn’t have gone better. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being a part of it and for making our dreams and goals come true for this amazing 25 years.


MorningBlade ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 09, 2017 4:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL anuncian nuevo disco

Comicado de la banda:

¡Los rumores son verdaderos! Moonspell está preparado para lanzar su nuevo álbum este año. La banda se encuentra actualmente en pre-producción junto a Jon Phipps ( en casa (Inferno Studios), en Portugal y recientemente ha publicado algunas fotos y videos de su trabajo diario en estudio.

El título del álbum será 1755 y representa un sorpresivo giro de eventos y de enfoque para la banda. Trata sobre el Gran Terremoto de Lisboa (1755), la banda ha desarrollado un concepto lírico que mira hacia el interior de la muerte y renacimiento de Lisboa y cómo el desastre cambió la religión, política y filosofía de toda Europa. ¡La sorpresa es que el álbum será completamente cantado en portugués!


Lo que se suponía iba a ser solo un bonus de 4 canciones para el DVD-BLURAY "LISBOA UNDER THE SPELL" (grabado el pasado febrero en Lisboa junto a los 4000 fans salvajes que asistieron y próximo a ser lanzado en 2018) se transformó en un álbum completo que será producido por Tue Madsen (Antifarm Studios, Dinamarca), quien ha trabajado con la banda en ocasiones previas (UNDER SATANAE, NIGHT ETERNAL, ALPHA NOIR, OMEGA WHITE).


En palabras propias de la banda, Fernando (vocalista) explica:

“Nos enamoramos del concepto y encontramos el sentido perfecto para cantar en nuestra lengua madre, el portugués. Creo que solo estábamos esperando la oportunidad indicada para trabajar en un álbum como este. Musicalmente será más pesado que Extinct. Será un terremoto, pero uno bien detallado con orquestaciones y las percusiones idóneas para que la gente reviva la Lisboa del siglo XVIII. Cantarlo en portugués me permitió encontrar una expresión diferente como vocalista y mi parte es ser un superviviente del terremoto, vagando por las ruinas y contando todo sobre él."

La banda girará próximamente por América Latina y tocará en varios festivales este verano. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 22, 2017 1:42 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL: fecha de lanzamiento de su nuevo disco "1755"

El nuevo disco de los portugueses Moonspell, "1755", saldrá a la venta el 3 de noviembre a través de Napalm Records. Unos días antes del lanzamiento, la banda dará tres conciertos especiales en Portugal presentado el nuevo trabajo.

30th + 31st Oct - LISBOA AO VIVO, LISBON


Moonspellofficialband Announce Special Portuguese Shows & New Album "1755" - out on November 3rd!

NAPALM RECORDS, MOONSPELL and Alma Mater Records (band’s owned label) are proud to announce that there will be three shows in Portugal for the release of MOONSPELL’s new album '1755': a concept album, sung in Portuguese, about the Great Lisbon Earthquake, of 1755.
They will have a double date hometown- show in Lisbon where you enjoy the band's annual Halloween party as well as watching the show. On the 1st of November MOONSPELL will take the event to the city of Porto, as part of the '1755' first three announced dates:

30th + 31st Oct - LISBOA AO VIVO, LISBON

These very special gigs will be produced by the band themselves in partnership with Alma Mater Records and in collaboration and with total support from their main label Napalm Records.
At the shows you will have the chance to buy the upcoming record exclusively and straight from the band and watch them destroy Lisbon and Porto. The ticket holder will get a free CD or vinyl edition (first 500 tickets, the edition will be signed by the band!). The new album '1755' will hit the stores on the 3rd of November in Europe via Napalm Records. Presales will be announced soon, but you can already get your ticket to Lisbon and Porto right now!

More info about tickets, reservations and information at:


Limited regular tickets for sale coming in September.
VIP Wolfpack deals are available, please contact:

Says the band:
„On these shows we’re gonna play 1755 in its entirety but also recover some obscure stuff we haven’t been playing for many years.

1755 is a poetic, musical and philosophical reflection of the band about the tragic event that took place on the 1st of November of 1755 in Lisbon, decimating the entire city.

It’s mostly a Metal record, with vibrant riffs, epic orchestration and vocals and lyrics which invoke the agony of that day. The band was also concerned in recreating the end of the 18th century Lisbon and there will be lots of fusion, percussion and a melodic approach to that time and to the atmosphere the great city of Lisbon enjoyed back then.

There will be ten powerful, surprising songs that echo remotely to some of Moonspell previous efforts like Under the Moonspell or alpha Noir. But make no mistake! This is MOONSPELL as you never heard them before, with the fire of their native Language Portuguese and 900 years of History to unveil!

An historical, rigorous, serious, artistic record. A black beast from Portugal that the Metal scene so craves for.“ ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 18, 2017 2:37 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL: portada y lista de temas de "1755"

El nuevo disco de los portugueses Moonspell, "1755", saldrá a la venta el 3 de noviembre a través de Napalm Records. Unos días antes del lanzamiento, la banda dará tres conciertos especiales en Portugal presentado el nuevo trabajo.

30th + 31st Oct - LISBOA AO VIVO, LISBON

El disco conceptual, trata sobre el Gran Terremoto de Lisboa (1755), la banda ha desarrollado un concepto lírico que mira hacia el interior de la muerte y renacimiento de Lisboa y cómo el desastre cambió la religión, política y filosofía de toda Europa. El álbum será completamente cantado en portugués.

La portada es obra de João Diogo.


01. Em Nome Do Medo
02. 1755
03. In Tremor Dei ( featuring Portuguese guest vocalist Paulo Bragança! )
04. Desastre
05. Abanão
06. Evento
07. 1 De Novembro
08. Ruínas
09. Todos Os Santos
10. Lanterna Dos Afogados


Portugal's Dark Metal pioneers in MOONSPELL are finally back with a brand new and hotly anticipated album, titled '1755'. Set to be released on November 3rd 2017 on Napalm Records, this record will outclass all standards you have ever heard from MOONSPELL before!

From the first second the conceptual dramaturgy MOONSPELL have created feels like a detonation of the mind. '1755' is more than just the band's new magnum opus: It's the musical version of the year of horror where a giant earthquake wrecked their home Lisbon. Naturally this album comes and is sung in Portuguese. The album, produced by Tue Madsen ( (Meshuggah, The Haunted, Dark Tranquility, Dir En Grey, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter ) also features Paulo Bragança, supplying a hauntingly voice of a Fado fallen angel who is a big part of the Portuguese culture. His fascinating vocals are featured in "In Tremor Dei" (eng.: "Fear Of God").
Now the band fronted by the soul of dark art and visionary Fernando Ribeiro unveiled first details about '1755' and unleash the stunning cover artwork as well as the album track list!

Says Fernando:
“I have been fascinated with Portuguese history since I can remember. The year of 1755 marked the birth of a new Portugal. Much more than just the greatest natural disaster ever to occur on European soil, the great Lisbon Quake, shockwaves can not be reduced to a dramatic death toll. From absolute tragedy, a new city was born, giving way to a new time where Portuguese relied more on themselves than on the crown or the cross, granting us, much of the city, the lay country, the free will that we enjoy today. This is not just another album from us. It’s a musical and lyrical History document, a homage we pay to our legacy and to the amazing skills and resilience of our fellow Portuguese back then, of all mankind when brought down to the knees by the violent forces of Nature and Reason. Whatever is, is right... yet the earth shakes."

'1755' is a dark adventure in medieval landscapes - emotionally, technically and completely earthshaking! The album will be available for pre-order soon.

In support of MOONSPELL's upcoming release, the band will be heavily hitting the road this year!
Make sure to catch the masters of dark art on the following dates:

17.08.17 DE - Dinkelsbuehl / Summer Breeze
19.08.17 PT - Góis / Concentração Internacional de Motos de Góis

23.08.17 PT - Corroios / Festas de Corroios

02.09.17 DE - Markneuenkirchen / ReeveLand Festival
09.09.17 DE - Santarém / Parque da Ribeira
10.09.17 IT - Milano / Metalitalia Festival 2017
30.10.17 PT - Lisbon / Lisboa Ao Vivo (Special album release show)
31.10.17 PT - Lisbon / Lisboa Ao Vivo (Special album release show)
01.11.17 PT - Porto / Hard Club (Special album release show)
03.11.17 ES - Santiago / Malatesta
04.11.17 ES - Bilbao / Santana 27
05.11.17 ES - Valencia / Rock City
06.11.17 ES - Barcelona / Salamandra
07.11.17 ES - Zaragoza / CC Delicias
08.11.17 ES - Madrid / Sala Caracol

More dates to be announced soon! ... 5882679003


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 15, 2017 2:21 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL: nuevo tema "Todos Os Santos"


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 14, 2017 2:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL: nuevo tema " Evento"


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 25, 2017 3:04 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL: nuevo tema "Desastre"


 Asunto: Re: MOONSPELL nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 08, 2018 3:01 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MOONSPELL nuevo DVD/Blu-ray/3CD "Lisboa Under The Spell"

"Lisboa Under The Spell" saldrá a la venta el 17 de agosto a través de Napalm Records.


I - Rockumentary- band documentary by Victor Castro

II – "Wolfheart" Show - full album played live

01. Wolfshade (A Werewolf Masquerade)
02. Love Crimes
03. Of Dream And Drama
04. Lua D'inverno
05. Trebaruna
06. Ataegina
07. Vampiria
08. An Erotic Alchemy
09. Alma Mater

III – "Irreligious" Show - full album played live

01. Perverse Almost Religious
02. Opium
03. Awake!
04. For A Taste Of Eternity
05. Ruin & Misery
06. A Poisoned Gift
07. Raven Claws (feat. Mariangela Demurtas)
08. Mephisto
09. Herr Spiegelmann
10. Fullmoon Madness

IV – "Extinct" Show - full album played live

01. All Gone From The Wild (intro)
02. Breathe (Until We Are No More)
03. Extinct (feat. Carolina Torres)
04. Medusalem
05. Domina
06. The Last Of Us
07. Malignia
08. Funeral Bloom
09. A Dying Breed
10. The Future Is Dark

V - Making Of - show day

VI – Gallery - live and backstage pics

Moonspellofficialband – Unveil Details Of Upcoming Live DVD/Blue Ray/3CD Lisboa Under The Spell!

Pre-order Lisboa Under The Spell here:

A unique and solemn spell seems to shroud every spot as soon as Portuguese alchemists MOONSPELL enters the stage – and it was a very special evening indeed when the band played an exceptional show at the Campo Pequeno arena in their hometown Lissabon on February 4th, 2017. That inimitable bond between the gothic metal act and 4.000 of their fans in the sold-out venue is pure electricity, captured for all eternity on the massive Live DVD/Blue Ray/3CD package Lisboa Under The Spell which will be released on August 17th via Napalm Records.

The band on the new live epos:
„We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new Live DVD/Blue Ray/3CD, Live album, entitled Lisboa Under the Spell! It was recorded live on our breathtaking capitol city of Lisbon and it’s nothing short of an epic trek of more than three action packed hours! We have played Wolfheart, Irreligiosuplus Extinct in full, invited a bunch of guests, summoned our biggest strength to be up to the task, and it feels awesome to unleash a long awaited live release from MOONSPELL. This edition will be full packed with amazing material, bonus CDs from the shows, a in depth documentary about the band, top sound, dramatic flair and a human picture of thousands of Portuguese witches and wolves under the spell. A great document of what we are on and off stage. Don’t miss out and visit Lisbon through the eyes of MOONSPELL fans and the genius work of director Victor Castro.“ ... =3&theater


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