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 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 25, 2017 3:40 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN: Kai Hansen habla sobre la salud de Kiske y su voz

Kai Hansen, admitió haber usado voces grabadas durante el concierto de apertura de la gira mundial "Pumpkins United".

Aunque el concierto de Helloween del 19 de octubre en Monterrey, México recibió críticas en su mayoría positivas, los fans que asistieron y otros que vieron videos en YouTube acusaron a Kiske de no cantar en algunas de las partes más difíciles del concierto.

Ahora, en una entrevista con Jump Metal, Hansen abordó las acusaciones de "playback" dirigidas a Helloween, explicando que la mala salud de Kiske obligó al cambio.

Hablando sobre el estado actual de Michael, Kai dijo: "Está mejorando. Ya estaba un poco mal cuando salimos de Alemania, y, por supuesto, durante el vuelo empeoró, y al día siguiente, realmente estaba luchando duro en el escenario, especialmente con el largo setlist. Ahora está mejor. Tal vez reduzcamos un poco el setlist para los próximos conciertos, así que no tocaremos tal vez dos horas y cincuenta, tocaremos unos veinte minutos menos, démosle un poco más de tiempo para recuperarse. Y por supuesto, Sascha y Andi, lo apoyaran con la mejor calidad posible, unidos lo conseguiremos".

Hansen agregó que Kiske vio a un médico y le recetaron "algunos antibióticos y algunas otras cosas, inhaladores y cosas así, y en realidad está mejor".

En cuanto a por qué Helloween decidió usar grabaciones de acompañamiento en el concierto de Monterrey, Hansen dijo: "Bueno, en realidad, en el primer concierto, fue el primero, tuvimos que tomar una decisión, porque [Michael] realmente se estaba sintiendo bastante mal. Y él dijo: "No sé si puedo hacerlo". Entonces dijimos: "Bien, tenemos una voz de respaldo para él". Normalmente solo se usa para el audio interno, para que las partes tengan más control, pero esta vez dijimos: "De acuerdo, hay algunos pasajes que son realmente difíciles de cantar para él, y podríamos... si el ingeniero de sonido lo nota, usar eso también. Así que tal vez lo hizo algunas veces. Pero creo que se hizo lo justo. Es decir, realmente se esforzó mucho, y en principio, realmente no queríamos cancelar el concierto. Así que realmente cantó y lo hizo lo mejor que pudo. Se preparó con medicamentos, por supuesto, así que funcionó a medias, pero hubo ciertas partes que fueron reemplazadas, y honestamente, sí, así fue, creo que tomamos la decisión correcta al hacerlo de ese modo".

Según Kai, suspender el concierto se consideró la opción menos deseable, lo que obligó a la banda a tratar de salvar el concierto con las mejores habilidades de los músicos.

"Había tanta gente que venía a ver el concierto, y no es que [Michael] no pudiera cantar en absoluto", dijo Hansen . "Era como si no estuviera en forma. Por lo tanto, la cancelación hubiera sido realmente una decepción para todos, y también para la banda. Queríamos tocar, queríamos subir al escenario, queríamos hacer un concierto, y la gente quería tener un concierto. Así que lo hicimos ".

HELLOWEEN's Kai Hansen has admitted to using taped vocals during the opening show of the band's "Pumpkins United" world tour. The trek features the reunited expanded classic lineup of the German power metal outfit, consisting of seven musicians, including Hansen and former vocalist Michael Kiske alongside current singer Andi Deris and guitarist Sascha Gerstner.

Although HELLOWEEN's October 19 concert at Escena in Monterrey, Mexico received mostly positive reviews, fans in attendance and others watching clips on YouTube have accused Kiske of faking his way through some of the more difficult singing parts of the gig.

Now, in a brand new interview with Jump Metal, Hansen addressed the "playback" accusations leveled at HELLOWEEN, explaining that the move was necessitated by Kiske's ill health.

Speaking about Michael's current condition, Kai said (hear audio below): "He's getting better. He was already a little ill when we left Germany [on our way to the first show], and, of course, during the flight it got worse, and the next day, so he was really fighting very hard on stage, especially with this long program. So now he's getting much better. We will maybe reduce the setlist a little bit for the next shows so we don't play maybe two hours and fifty [minutes], we play maybe twenty minutes less — give him a little more space to recover. And, of course, me and Sascha and Andi, we will support him with vocals as good as we can, so united we will do the thing."

Hansen added that Kiske saw a doctor and was prescribed "some antibiotics and some other spray stuff and so on — the usual things — and he's actually better."

As for why HELLOWEEN decided to use backing tapes at the Monterrey concert, Hansen said: "Well, actually, on the first show — it was only the first one — we had to make a choice, because [Michael] was really feeling pretty bad. And he said, 'I don't know if can do it.' So we said, 'Okay, we have a backup voice for him.' Normally it's only used for your own in-ear, for parts to get some more control, but this time we said, 'Okay, there are some passages that are really hard for him to sing, and we might… if the sound engineer realizes, he can use that as well. So maybe he did sometimes. But I think it's fair enough. I mean, he really tried very hard, and for one thing, we really did not want to cancel the show. So he was really singing and giving all the best he could. He was prepped with medication, of course, so it worked halfway well, but there were certain parts that were replaced, and, honestly, yep, we stand to that; I think we made the right decision to do it that way."

According to Kai, scrapping the concert was deemed the less desirable option, forcing the band to try to salvage the gig to the best of the musicians' abilities.

"There were so many people coming to see the show, and it's not like that [Michael] couldn't sing at all," Hansen said. "It was just like he was not fit. So canceling would have been really such a downer for everybody, and for us, for the band, as well. We wanted to play, we wanted to go on stage, we wanted to do a show, and the people wanted to have a show. So we did it." ... ited-tour/


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 25, 2017 4:56 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Lun Nov 27, 2017 8:20 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Dom May 03, 2009 2:43 am
Mensajes: 252
Askeroso. Todos dicen que le da mil vueltas a Andy Deris pero yo lo prefiero mil veces. Si por él fuera, Helloween no existiría desde hace 30 años...

 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 01, 2017 4:19 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN grabaran el concierto de la gira "Pumpkins United" en Madrid


Nota de prensa:

Helloween realizará en Madrid el concierto más masivo y espectacular de su gira de reunión “Pumpkins United”. Con el Wizink Center ya casi lleno para su cita del sábado 9 de Diciembre, Helloween ha decidido que la oportunidad es demasiado buena para desperdiciarla y traerá un equipo completo de cámaras para grabar el concierto en directo.

Con un show de casi tres horas en el que la banda interpretará clásicos de todas las etapas de Helloween, la noche será una ocasión para recordar. El trio de guitarristas compuesto por Kai Hansen, Michael Weikath y Sascha Gerstner, el doble ataque vocal de Michael Kiske y Andi Deris y la sección rítmica de Markus Grosskopf y Dani Löble serán los protagonistas absolutos de un concierto que miles de personas llevan décadas esperando. Ahora, además, podrá quedar registrado para la posteridad y vosotros seréis parte de un auténtico hito en la historia del heavy metal.

La apertura de puertas se realizará a las 18:00 horas, mientras que el inicio de la actuación está previsto para las 20:30 horas.

Os recordamos que aún hay entradas disponibles a través de RocknRock y de Ticketmaster.

Imagen ... de-madrid/


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 09, 2017 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN: ¿Habrá nuevo disco de los "reunificados"?

Spark TV realizo una entrevista a Kai Hansen y Michael Weikath antes de su concierto del 25 de noviembre en el Tipsport Arena en Praga, República Checa. A continuación podeis leer algunos extractos.

De quién surgió la idea del nuevo single de la banda,"Pumpkins United":

Michael: "Fue de los representantes [Bottom Row]. Dijeron: "Oye, necesitamos una nueva canción". Cuando empiece la gira, tenemos que darle algo a la gente, lo que sea, y la compañía discográfica [Nuclear Blast] preguntó:' ¿Podéis hacer un sencillo? Y lo hicimos".

Kai:"Creo que fue una buena idea. Fue bonito hacerlo, por supuesto, también fue un reto para nosotros decir: "Oye, ¿la vieja magia todavía funciona? Como una especie de señal para los fans y decirles: "¡Hey, hemos vuelto!"

Sobre si HELLOWEEN continuará componiendo nueva música con su formación reunificada:

Kai: "Hagamos esta gira primero, eso es lo que dijimos. Por supuesto, las ideas están ahí, seguro. Pero ahora queremos centrarnos en esto. Llegará hasta finales del año que viene, pero creo que a partir de mediados del año que viene podremos estar más seguros de hacer un álbum. Ya veremos."

Michael: "Hicimos este tema extra para la gira, sin planearlo, nos estábamos preparando para la gira. Estábamos ensayando. Normalmente no hacemos grabaciones durante un ensayo. Nos tomamos un tiempo extra para ello. Si alguna vez vamos a grabar algo junto con los demás, evidentemente nos llevara más tiempo que cuando estábamos grabando los "Keeper" porque hay más personajes, más machos alfa involucrados. Eso estaría bien. Va a funcionar. Llevará mucho más tiempo. Si entregamos algo así, no queremos que esté medio hecho. No habrá una puta pista de relleno..."

Kai: "Mejor que sea bueno."

Sobre si HELLOWEEN lanzará un DVD/Blu-ray en directo de la gira "Pumpkins United":

Kai: "Estamos grabando algunos conciertos en DVD y en algún momento, saldrán a la luz."


On having Hansen and Kiske back in HELLOWEEN:

Michael: "It's okay. [Laughs] No, the thing is that on the stage we have, everybody is moving about so vividly, Sascha included. I always got to see when someone is coming [to move out of the way]. That's what happens. The rest is okay. They are having a good time."

On whether the "old spirit" of HELLOWEEN has been recaptured:

Kai: "Yeah, it's there, of course. I feel it when we stand together and play with Markus and Kiske. Yeah, it's so familiar. It's cool."

On Hansen having to learn HELLOWEEN songs he wasn't a part of, which includes material from 1991's "Pink Bubbles Go Ape" and up:

Kai: "Well, I had to re-learn old songs, that's for sure. And, I had to learn the newer stuff that I was not part of when they did it. It was a lot of work, actually, to get everything memorized. Now, I'm pretty safe already."

On who came up with the idea for the band's new single, "Pumpkins United":

Michael: "That was the management [Bottom Row]. They said 'Hey, we need a new song.' When the tour starts, we have to play something to people and whatever and the record company [Nuclear Blast] is asking 'Can you do a single?' And so we did it."

Kai: "It was a good idea, I think. It was nice to do it because it was a challenge, of course, for us too, to say 'Hey, does the old magic still work in some way?' Just as a kind of 'sign' out to the fans and say 'Hey, we're back!"

On whether HELLOWEEN will continue to compose new music with their reunited lineup:

Kai: "Let's do this tour first, that's what we said. Of course, the ideas are there, for sure. But, now we want to focus on doing this. It will go until the end of next year on and off, but I think from the middle of next year we can be more definite about making an album. We'll see."

Michael: "When we did this extra track for the tour, the 'Pumpkins United', it was out of schedule, because we were preparing for the tour. We were rehearsing. Usually we don't do track recordings during a rehearsal. You take your extra time for it. If we're ever going to record something together with everyone, it would certainly take more time than back when we were doing the 'Keeper [Of The Seven Keys]' records because there's more characters, more alpha animals involved. That's okay. It's going to work. It's going to take a lot longer. If we deliver something like that, we wouldn't want it to be half-baked in any way. There's not going to be a fucking filler track…"

Kai: "It better be good."

On whether HELLOWEEN will release a live DVD/Blu-ray of the "Pumpkins United" tour:

Kai: "We're recording a few shows on DVD and at some point, it's going to come out." ... n-any-way/


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 22, 2018 2:25 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN anuncian nuevo disco en directo, de estudio y más conciertos

Nuclerar Blast nos anuncia, que los mejores momentos de la gira "Pumpkins United World Tour" se lanzarán en CD, DVD y Blu-ray a principios de 2019. También que habrá un nuevo álbum de estudio de Helloween con Kiske y Hansen. El trío de compositores Weikath, Hansen y Deris entrarán al estudio en 2019, para trabajar en un nuevo disco que sería lanzado en 2020.

Por ultimo Helloween continuaran con su gira, podéis ver mas fechas al final de esta noticia.


HELLOWEEN - announce new live release, new studio album and more live shows!
HELLOWEEN - new releases & shows! - 2018-08-21

2018-08-21 - UNBEATABLE
A very special summer season, not only due to the tropical heat, is slowly coming to an end: Festivals have been rocked so hard that we would‘ve been sweating even if mercury hadn‘t been on a permanent high. Among the massive PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR‘s open air highlights were, of course, the headline slots at Wacken, Barcelona‘s Rock Fest and Masters of Rock – but also the mega gigs with IRON MAIDEN at Sweden Rock Festival and Florence‘s Firenze Rocks in June were definitely shows we‘ll remember for all eternity. Thanks to everyone who has been with us until now!

Fortunately the tour is by no means over, and dates in the US and Canada are next on the schedule – there will also be, due to the tremendous demand, additional dates in Latin America to follow: And as first class support, no other than KREATOR and ARCH ENEMY will be firing up the stages for the Pumpkins! Final shows with the full UNITED cast will take place at the end of 2018 with a right royal farewell blast: In Hamburg, right where all the madness started in 1984, PUMPKINS UNITED will burn down the house with the tour‘s last show in the legendary Sporthalle on December 22nd.

For those, who mysteriously missed the tour – but also for everyone, who has been a part of it and would love to revisit those unique nights, the boys have recorded the very best moments. Goose bump inducing footage of the PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR, which has been reveled as “tour of the year” by fans and press everywhere, will be released as a live CD as well as on DVD and Blu-ray at the beginning of 2019, so that those nights can be celebrated over and over without even having to leave the sofa. For now, you can make the wait a bit more bearable with a stream of the full Wacken show at Magenta Music 360 right here: ... 8595094844

As we are reeling from Wacken and preparing for the upcoming show in Bamberg, those maniacs are already launching the next sensation: For starters, Nuclear Blast has insisted to keep the band on their roster for a few more years, and – double bass drum roll – there will be a brand-new STUDIO ALBUM with KISKE AND HANSEN. With the band‘s songwriting trio of Weikath, Hansen and Deris retreating to the studio together with these two exceptional singers in 2019, it‘s clear that the album scheduled for 2020 will be no less than epic. If this news doesn‘t get your blood pumping then maybe your proper rock baptism hasn‘t happened yet – the rest of us are over the moon, because:


2018-09-07 Las Vegas, NV (House Of Blues) US
2018-09-08 Los Angeles, CA (Palladium) US
2018-09-10 Chicago, IL (Concord Music Hall) US
2018-09-12 Montreal (Metropolis) CA
2018-09-14 Worcester, MA (Palladium) US
2018-09-15 New York, NY (Irving Plaza) US
2018-09-16 New York City, NY (Irving Plaza) US
2018-10-26 Bogotá (Knotfest) CO
2018-10-28 San Salvador (Cifco) SV
2018-10-31 Santiago (Movistar Arena) CL
2018-11-02 Mexico City (Arena) MX
2018-11-04 Guadalajara (Foro Alterno) MX
2018-11-08 Buenos Aires (Luna Park) AR
2018-12-06 Lisbon (Sala Tejo) PT
2018-12-08 Santiago de Compostela (Fontes do Sar) ES
2018-12-14 Ravensburg (Oberschwabenhalle) DE
2018-12-15 Karlsruhe (Knock Out Festival) DE
2018-12-18 Stockholm (Fryshuset Arenan) SE
2018-12-21 Bamberg (Brose Arena) DE
2018-12-22 Hamburg (Sporthalle) DE ... shows.html


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 05, 2019 2:52 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN Pumpkins United World Tour Recap


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 20, 2019 2:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN trabajando en un nuevo disco

Como podéis ver en el video, comentan que están en el estudio, por lo que pronto tendremos más noticias sobre el esperado disco con la formación de "Pumpkins United World Tour".


Yes!!! We're writing new music! Tune in from time to time and see what’s gonna happen on Pumpkin TV this year! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 02, 2019 4:52 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
HELLOWEEN anuncia sus nuevos trabajos en directo "United Alive - Dvd/Blu-Ray y United Alive In Madrid – Live-Cd/Vinyl"

"United Alive - Dvd/Blu-Ray" y "United Alive In Madrid – Live-Cd/Vinyl" serán lanzados el 4 de octubre de 2019.

El Dvd / Blu-Ray contendrá los conciertos del Wacken, Madrid, y como extra, el espectáculo en el Espaço das Américas, en São Paulo. En total, ofrece más de tres horas de material en vivo en estéreo y sonido envolvente 5.1, además de material en el backstage, sorpresas y una entrevista sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro.

La portada es obra de Martin Hausler.

El "Live-Cd / Vinyl" contendrá 2 horas y 20 minutos de audio del concierto en Madrid, además de cuatro canciones extra de los conciertos en Praga, São Paulo, Wacken y Santiago de Chile.


Nota de prensa escribió:
It was THE SENSATION of the year 2016. During the Hellbook production for HELLOWEEN’s 30th anniversary, the contributors came to realize mainly one thing: The chemistry in this band has always been unique – and that what belongs together needs to be together again. However, the birth of PUMPKINS UNITED wasn’t just an original line-up reunion, but the real deal. The ultimate cast consisting of all seven metal heroes: Deris, Kiske, Weikath, Hansen, Grosskopf, Gerstner, and Löble. What followed, was a whoop of joy from North German river Elbe to Rio’s Sugar Loaf Mountain, and the PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR with 69 shows in front of more than one million people in 32 countries on three continents in Fall 2017. At the headliner shows at Wacken, Rock Fest Barcelona and Masters of Rock, as well as with Iron Maiden at the Sweden Rock Festival and Firenze Rocks, the revival was toasted to heavily, stages were set on fire, and tissues were used by the ton. After dates in the US and additional shows in Latin America, this tour for the ages ended in December 2018 with a highly emotional finale in Hamburg, where it all began in 1984. – Unforgettable metal nights that we’d love to experience again and again.

“This amazing journey was one of those ‘magic moments’ words can’t describe – it simply was what we all love most: meet great people, go back in time with our memories, and celebrate the ultimate Helloween party together.” Andi Deris, 2019


From October 4, 2019, that’s finally possible: With the release of UNITED ALIVE & UNITED ALIVE IN MADRID we can transport ourselves to the tour anytime, and dive into every detail with hellish tracking shots, breathless close-ups, and intimate interviews. The artwork was created by Martin Hausler once again and offers plenty of unreleased live images: by Martin Häusler

The DVD/BLU-RAY nails the tour with recordings from Wacken in front of 75,000 metal heads and 14,000 fans in the Madrid arena – and as a bonus, the show in the Espaço das Américas, gathering 8,000 in São Paulo. Altogether it offers over three hours of live material in stereo and premium 5.1 surround sound, plus backstage material, tons of surprises, and a very personal band interview about the past, present, and future. The LIVE-CD/VINYL presents a whopping 2 hours 20 of pure audio material from the concert in Madrid plus four bonus tracks from the shows in Prague, São Paulo, Wacken, and Santiago de Chile. – There honestly was no way, they could’ve fit more on the discs.

“It wasn’t easy to condense this unbelievable tour adequately and capture it how it felt for us – that’s why we had the idea to film the biggest festival gig, the most massive arena show, and the hottest club date.” Michi Kiske, 2019


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de HELLOWEEN
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 02, 2019 6:04 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Lista de temas de los nuevos directos de HELLOWEEN

"United Alive - Dvd/Blu-Ray" y "United Alive In Madrid – Live-Cd/Vinyl" serán lanzados el 4 de octubre de 2019.


Disc 1
01. Halloween 13:29*
02. Dr. Stein 5:47*
03. I’m Alive 3:23**
04. If I Could Fly 4:13*
05. Are You Metal? 4:19***
06. Rise And Fall 4:22**
07. Waiting For The Thunder 4:04*
08. Perfect Gentleman 4:26*
09. Kai´s Medley 14:36*** (Starlight / Ride The Sky / Judas / Heavy Metal Is The Law)
10. Forever And One 4:32**
11. A Tale That Wasn’t Right 6:09***
12. I Can 4:48*
13. Pumpkins United 6:28***
14. Drumkins United 4:50***
15. Livin’ Ain’t No Crime / A Little Time 6:38*
16. Why 4:32**
17. Sole Survivor 5:15**
18. Power 4:16*
19. How Many Tears 10:58***
20. Invitation / Eagle Fly Free 7:55*
21. Keeper Of The Seven Keys 20:13*
22. Mos-Kai-To 2:38*
23. Future World 4:46*
24. I Want Out 9:08***
25. Outro & Credits 4:59
Total running time: 2 hours 47 minutes
(*) Recorded live in Madrid, December 9th, 2017
(**) Recorded live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
(***) Recorded live at Wacken Open Air, August 4th, 2018

Disc 2
01. Halloween 13:35 - Live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
02. Dr. Stein 5:29 - Live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
03. Kids Of The Century 4:08 - Live in Prague, November 25th, 2017
04. March Of Time 5:27 - Live in Santiago de Chile, October 31st, 2018
05. Pumpkin’s Whisper - 35:27
06. Bursting Hamburg - 01:59
07. The Essential LED Compilation - 17:09
08. Seth & Doc, The United Thing - 12:04
09. The Keeper’s Journey - 1:19

CD 1
01. Halloween 13:37
02. Dr. Stein 5:36
03. I’m Alive 3:48
04. If I Could Fly 4:01
05. Are You Metal? 4:28
06. Rise And Fall 4:22
07. Waiting For The Thunder 4:02
08. Perfect Gentleman 4:50
09. Kai’s Medley 13:52 (Starlight / Ride The Sky / Judas / Heavy Metal Is The Law)
10. Forever And One 5:22
11. A Tale That Wasn’t Right 5:43

CD 2
01. I Can 4:57
02. Livin’ Ain’t No Crime / A Little Time 6:39
03. Sole Survivor 4:58
04. Power 4:11
05. How Many Tears 10:56
06. Invitation / Eagle Fly Free 7:13
07. Keeper Of The Seven Keys 17:03
08. Future World 5:36
09. I Want Out 8:47
Live in Madrid, December 9th, 2017

CD 3
01. March Of Time 5:28 - Live in Santiago de Chile, October 31st, 2018
02. Kids Of The Century 4:00 - Live in Prague, November 25th, 2017
03. Why 4:40 - Live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
04. Pumpkins United 6:32 - Live at Wacken Open Air, August 4th, 2018
Total Running Time: 2 hours 41 minutes

Ediciones: ... alive.html

Disc 1: Live concert, Disc 2: Bonus material – intro movie, interview, LED compilation, Seth & Doc animations & more

Disc 1 & 2: Live concert, Disc 3: Bonus material – intro movie, interview, LED compilation, Seth & Doc animations & more

Live concert Madrid plus bonus tracks: »March of Time«, »Kids of the Century«, »Why« and »Pumpkins United«

Live concert Madrid plus bonus tracks: »March of Time«, »Kids of the Century«, »Why« and »Pumpkins United«

Complete contents of Blu-ray, DVD, and CD in premium packaging ... order.html


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