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 Asunto: Movimiento en LIGHT THE TORCH (ex-Devil You Know)
NotaPublicado: Mar May 12, 2015 2:35 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEVIL YOU KNOW preparando nuevo disco

DEVIL YOU KNOW la banda formada por Howard Jones (ex-Killswitch Engage), Francesco Artusato (All Shall Perish) y John Sankey (Devolved) - ha completado la pre-producción de su segundo álbum con el reconocido productor Josh Wilbur (Lamb Of God, All That Remains, Killer Be Killed). El grupo comenzará el proceso de grabación oficial a principios de junio esperando lanzar el nuevo disco a finales de 2015 a través de Nuclear Blast Entertainment.


DEVIL YOU KNOW to Begin Recording Sophomore Release This June!

Devil You Know has completed pre-production for their much-anticipated sophomore release with renowned producer Josh Wilbur (Lamb of God, All That Remains, Killer Be Killed). They will start the official recording process in early June and the group are poised to deliver one of the most crushing metal releases of the year. Be sure to stay tuned to the band's facebook for all news and studio updates.

Howard Jones (vocals) states: "Hey everyone, so we are all really excited as 2015 is going to be a huge year for DYK. I think spending quality time together sweating on stage and holding hands in vans, buses, planes, boats, trains and submarines has helped us become a true unit, and it's definitely showing in the new tunes. Josh Wilbur is super talented and he has a proven history of bringing out the best in bands, so we are excited to say the least. Now it's time to stop showering and shaving so we can transform back into metal mode and get to work! More news to follow in the coming weeks people... It's on."

In the meantime, the group has partnered with All In Merch to launch an exciting new merch store which features loads of killer DYK apparel and accessories, plus a hilarious 'Hojo' specific clothing line. Stay tuned over the coming months, as new designs will continue to be added. Head over to to check it out.

The band’s debut album, The Beauty of Destruction, was produced by Logan Mader (5 FINGER DEATH PUNCH, GOJIRA) and mixed by none other than acclaimed producer/mixer Chris “Zeuss” Harris (HATEBREED, CHELSEA GRIN). Artwork was created by noted painter and illustrator Travis Smith (OPETH, DEVIN TOWNSEND). ... =1&theater


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en DEVIL YOU KNOW
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 11, 2015 2:11 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEVIL YOU KNOW nuevo disco "We Bleed Red"

Devil You Know la banda formada por Howard Jones (ex-Killswitch Engage), Francesco Artusato (All Shall Perish) y John Sankey (Devolved) lanzará su nuevo disco titulado "We Bleed Red" el 6 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast. El disco ha sido producido por Josh Wilbur (Lamb Of God, All That Remains, Killer Be Killed).


01. Consume The Damned
02. The Way We Die
03. Your Last Breath
04. Stay of Execution
05. Break The Ties
06. Shattered Silence
07. Let The Pain Take Hold
08. Master of None
09. Searching For The Sun
10. How The End Shall Be
11. Broken By The Cold

Bonus tracks

12. Eye of The Tiger (cover)
13. I Am Alive
14. We Live


Howard Jones - Voz (Ex-Killswitch Engage, Blood Has Been Shed).
Francesco Artusato - Guitarra (All Shall Perish, The Francesco Artusato Project).
John Sankey - Batería (Devolved, Fear Factory, Divine Heresy).
Ryan Wombacher - Bajo (Bleeding Through).

Devil You Know's highly anticipated sophomore recording effort, They Bleed Red, set for a November 6th release via Nuclear Blast Entertainment.

Howard Jones (vocals), Francesco Artusato (guitars), John Sankey (drums), and Ryan Wombacher (bass/backing vocals) deliver a dense monstrosity of technical prowess and angst-ridden passion. A deep interpersonal understanding and an evolving camaraderie set the stage for the unique confidence behind THEY BLEED RED, the band’s ferocious follow-up which extinguishes any so-called “sophomore slump” without mercy. It’s the sound of primal blood lust.

Produced by Josh Wilbur (AVENGED SEVENFOLD, LAMB OF GOD, KILLER BE KILLED), »They Bleed Red« is a breakneck paced trip through DEVIL YOU KNOW’s broken psyche, struggles with anxiety, and ultimate triumph against adversity, all laid upon a foundation of high-level artistic achievement and vitriolic full throttle heavy metal fury. ... 02143407:0


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en DEVIL YOU KNOW
NotaPublicado: Lun Nov 02, 2015 6:34 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEVIL YOU KNOW nuevo tema "Eye Of The Tiger"

Versión del mítico tema de Survivor


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en DEVIL YOU KNOW
NotaPublicado: Lun Nov 02, 2015 8:55 pm 
The Sentinel
The Sentinel
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Registrado: Sab Jun 21, 2008 8:21 am
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No esta mal.
Se le dan bien los covers a Howard Jones, si podeis echarle una escucha al Holy Diver que hizo con los Killwistch


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en DEVIL YOU KNOW
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 15, 2015 6:58 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
DEVIL YOU KNOW: nuevo tema "Your Last Breath"


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en DEVIL YOU KNOW
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 27, 2017 2:21 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Cambio de nombre que se anuncia en una escueta nota en el facebook de la banda:

"Hemos cambiado oficialmente nuestro nombre a Light The Torch. Pronto haremos una declaración más extensa y un nuevo álbum está muy cerca de completarse. Es un nuevo comienzo y no podríamos estar más emocionados."


We have officially changed our name to LIGHT THE TORCH! A full statement will be made soon and a new album is very close to being completed. It's a new beginning and we couldn't be more excited. ... 4796006528


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en DEVIL YOU KNOW
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 29, 2017 3:10 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Por lo que parece el cambio de nombre fue debido a problemas legales. Vamos con la explicación de la banda y su discográfica sobre el tema:

Light The Torch acaba de firmar un nuevo acuerdo mundial con Nuclear Blast Entertainment. El grupo, antes conocido como Devil You Know, cuenta con Howard Jones (ex-Killswitch Engage) en la voz, Francesco Artusato (ex-All Shall Perish) en las guitarras y Ryan Wombacher (ex-Bleeding Through) en el bajo. El nuevo álbum de larga duración está actualmente mezclándose. Light The Torch continuará interpretando las canciones de Devil You Know y como manifiesta más abajo la banda, es la única manera en que el grupo podría seguir actuando legalmente.

Declaración de la banda:

"Después de que los asuntos legales con miembros de la banda continuasen durante un año sin ningún fin a la vista, colectivamente sentimos que era el momento de poner a DYK a descansar. Se hizo todo lo posible para evitar esta decisión, pero se necesitaba / se tenía que hacer para seguir adelante. Estaremos eternamente agradecidos a aquellos de vosotros que compartieron ese viaje con nosotros. Dicho esto, decidimos que este era un momento perfecto para escribir y grabar algo verdaderamente diferente, algo que reflejara lo que hemos pasado y en lo que nos hemos convertido. Nuestro nuevo álbum casi está mezclado, y se sabrán muchos más detalles en los días y semanas siguientes. Somos Light The Torch. Os vemos pronto."


LIGHT THE TORCH (ex-DEVIL YOU KNOW) - Reveal Reasons Behind Name Change; New Album Details Unveiled
LIGHT THE TORCH (ex-DEVIL YOU KNOW) - Album - 2017-07-28

2017-07-28 - LIGHT THE TORCH is a burgeoning new force within the hard rock/metal community who just inked a new world-wide deal with Nuclear Blast Entertainment. The group, formerly known as Devil You Know, features the iconic Howard Jones (ex-Killswitch Engage) on vocals, Francesco Artusato (ex-All Shall Perish) on guitars and Ryan Wombacher (ex-Bleeding Through) on bass. The new full-length album is currently in the mixing stages and showcases the band in an all new light, as Jones delivers the most poignant performance of his storied career. With no more song-writing restrictions, the band are reaching greater heights trying out a plethora of new ideas, which you will all hear in the coming months.

LIGHT THE TORCH will absolutely continue to perform Devil You Know songs and as the band state below, the only way the group could legally continue to perform as band would be under this course of action.

LIGHT THE TORCH states: “After member issues and legalities continued for a year with no end in sight, we collectively felt it was time to put DYK to rest. Every effort was made to avoid this decision, but it needed/had to be done for the sake of moving forward. We will be forever grateful to those of you who shared that journey with us. With that said, we decided that this was a perfect time to write and record something truly different, something that reflected what we have been through and what we have become. Our new album is almost done being mixed, and there will be many more details coming in the following days and weeks. We are LIGHT THE TORCH. See you soon." ... album.html


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en LIGHT THE TORCH (ex-Devil You Know)
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 03, 2018 3:54 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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LIGHT THE TORCH: detalles de su nuevo disco "Revival"

Light The Torch (antes Devil You Know) lanzará su nuevo álbum "Revival" a través de Nuclear Blast el 30 de marzo.


01. Die Alone
02. The God I Deserve
03. Calm Before The Storm
04. Raise the Dead
05. The Safety Of Disbelief
06. Virus
07. The Great Divide
08. The Bitter End
09. Lost in the Fire
10. The Sound Of Violence
11. Pull My Heart Out
12. Judas Convention

2018-02-02 - LIGHT THE TORCH (formerly known as DEVIL YOU KNOW) will release their new album »Revival« via Nuclear Blast Entertainment on March 30. The band has shared the song 'Die Alone', which opens the album.

"'Die Alone' is basically a note I had written to myself a couple years ago, and it seemed to really fit the music," said frontman Howard Jones. "We are more than excited to release our album »Revival«, and we all feel it's been worth every bit of the struggle to get it done. See you all soon on the road."

The Los Angeles, CA trio — the aforementioned Jones, Francesco Artusato [guitar], and Ryan Wombacher [bass] — drew from five years together as DEVIL YOU KNOW to forge a wholly distinct path. Amidst myriad struggles, they returned from the brink under a new name.

"2016 was a really tough year for us as a band, both personally and professionally," explains Jones. "While going through some lineup changes, we were also battling some issues with the use of our band name. At the same time, I was trying to deal with the loss of my oldest brother, which really hit me hard. During that time, we just bonded like never before. We all meshed because we faced war together. We survived. At the end, we realized we were a real band and decided to make an album representing that resilience. Honestly, we came out of the dark. The name literally signifies what we went through."

"It was time for a change," the singer continues. "It was time for us to try and stretch our wings. We were really going for songs. The structuring made more sense. I was focused on melody and harmony. I really cut loose. All in all, it was the perfect storm. We had so much fun making this, because there were really no restrictions other than creating a heavy and catchy body of work."

The LIGHT THE TORCH lineup boasts one of the most esteemed pedigrees in modern heavy music. Jones spent a decade at the helm of GRAMMY® Award-nominated and gold-selling titans KILLSWITCH ENGAGE. Artusato had much-lauded stint in ALL SHALL PERISH and has attained status as a shred virtuoso. Wombacher was a staple in BLEEDING THROUGH for well over a decade. For »Revival«, they are joined by EXTINCTION A.D. drummer Mike "Scuzz" Sciulara behind the kit. ... rders.html


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en LIGHT THE TORCH (ex-Devil You Know)
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 24, 2018 3:12 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
LIGHT THE TORCH: nuevo tema "Calm Before The Storm"


 Asunto: Re: Movimiento en LIGHT THE TORCH (ex-Devil You Know)
NotaPublicado: Sab Abr 10, 2021 2:43 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
LIGHT THE TORCH anuncian su nuevo disco "You Will Be the Death of Me"

Light The Torch lanzarán su segundo álbum "You Will Be the Death of Me" el 25 de junio a través de Nuclear Blast.


01. More Than Dreaming
02. Let Me Fall Apart
03. End Of The World
04. Wilting In The Light
05. Death Of Me
06. Living With A Ghost
07. Become The Martyr
08. Something Deep Inside
09. I Hate Myself
10. Denying The Sin
11. Come Back To The Quicksand
12. Sign Your Name


Howard Jones [voz]
Francesco Artusato [guitarra]
Ryan Wombacher [bajo]

LIGHT THE TORCH — Howard Jones [vocals], Francesco Artusato [guitar], and Ryan Wombacher [bass] — will release their new album and second full length "You Will Be the Death of Me" on June 25 via Nuclear Blast. ... album.html


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