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 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 17, 2017 11:05 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Lun Sep 07, 2009 5:07 pm
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Ubicación: Las islas del recuadro aparte cuando dan el tiempo
Pasar de su banda para ser el secundario de Elize no sé si es una buena elección. Eso sí, vocalmente, el grupo mejora mucho.


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 09, 2018 3:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE grabando su nuevo disco

Amaranthe están en los estudios "Hansen" en Ribe, Dinamarca, con el productor Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Epica, Delain) para comenzar a grabar su quinto álbum, que se lanzará durante este año. Será el primer trabajo de la banda sin su fundador Jake E.


Elize Ryd - Voz
Nils Molin - Voz
Henrik Englund Wilhelmsson – Guturales
Olof Mörck - Guitarra, teclados
Johan Andreassen – Bajo
Morten Løwe Sørensen - Batería

WE ARE REALLY RECORDING OUR 5TH ALBUM!!!! And as we are super excited about it, we want YOU to be part of our journey recording our new baby! That simply means:
Welcome to the "Amaranthe V" Studio Vlog PART 1!!!!
To be continued .... ... =3&theater

Swedish melodic metallers AMARANTHE have entered Hansen Studios in Ribe, Denmark with producer Jacob Hansen (VOLBEAT, EPICA, DELAIN) to begin recording their fifth album, due later in the year. The follow-up to 2016's "Maximalism" will mark the band's first release with DYNAZTY's Nils Molin, who officially joined AMARANTHE in July 2017 as the replacement for Jake E. ... fth-album/


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue May 17, 2018 3:11 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE finalizan la grabación de su nuevo disco

Amaranthe ha terminado de grabar su quinto álbum en los estudios "Hansen" en Ribe, Dinamarca, con el productor Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Epica, Delain).

Para variar Olof y Elize nos comentan que es su mejor trabajo hasta la fecha y que están deseando que lo escuchemos.


Amaranthe album no. 5 is DONE!!

Commented Olof:
"With a newborn album it is easy for an artist to fall into hyperbole, and rants of how it is the best thing you have ever done - but for the first time I can confidently say that this album very certainly the best and strongest of our entire career. Soon enough, you will get to hear for yourself and judge - now, time to leave Denmark behind, and after two months, return HOME!!"

Commented Elize:
"I have loved every second, to write, create and making this album. I can’t wait to reveal the Name of our 5:th baby, let it loose into the world to live it’s own life and spread the message all by itself. It feels to me already like the most strong and confident child of ours. The support has been important, and I’m so grateful to everyone involved." ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 11, 2018 3:21 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE: detalles de su nuevo disco "Helix"

"Helix" saldrá a la venta el 19 de octubre a través de Spinefarm Records. Sera el primer disco con el nuevo cantante Nils Molin.


01. The Score
02. 365
03. Inferno
04. Countdown
05. Helix
06. Dream
07. GG6
08. Breakthrough Stardust
09. My Haven
10. Iconic
11. Unified
12. Momentum

Four albums into their career, Swedish melodic metallers AMARANTHE have racked up north of 118 million YouTube views and half a billion song streams, have landed at No. 1 on the Billboard Heatseekers chart three times, and possess a panoply of gold and platinum discs for albums and singles alike.

With its electrifying fifth album "Helix" due out October 19 through Spinefarm Records and armed with new singer Nils Molin, AMARANTHE takes another leap forward in its sonic evolution.

"Helix" proves the band has refined its melodic sensibilities ever further while retaining a cutting-edge metal assault. The band is as massively aggressive as ever and the first single "365" is the perfect example of such — its seductively velvety mix of contemporary pop and modern metal will take up residence in your brain for days.

"And so the time is finally NOW! We have been itching to release this monster of a track — '365' represents the AMARANTHE sound in every conceivable way," commented guitarist Olof Mörck. "The foundation is the heaviest and most down-tuned soundscape we have produced to date, from the bone-crunching guitars and drums, all the way to the juggernaut keyboards kicking off the song. The '365' video was shot with Patric Ulleaus to perfectly counterpoint the take-no-prisoners approach of the song, undeniably demonstrating the unity and chemistry of the AMARANTHE lineup."

He added: "The 'Helix' album itself is a statement, a declaration and an assertion that we are here to stay, and that the songwriting and musicianship has been honed and maximized to the highest level yet on an AMARANTHE record. The process of composing this album with Elize [Ryd] was as inspiring as it was smooth, and from a composer's and arranger's perspective, a dream collaboration. The time is nigh, the die is cast, and all the stars are right: the 'Helix' will steamroll across the globe, and in its wake, the touring machine that is AMARANTHE will conquer all!"

Vocalist and composer Elize Ryd offered her take, saying: "'Helix' describes the concept of how the past forms us and how life makes us become. No excuses, no regrets. We express the challenges and the uplifting moments in time, and all that in between with the sounds that we love. We want to dedicate this album to all the fighters and friends out there..."


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 12, 2018 4:26 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE: nuevo tema "Inferno"


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 17, 2019 3:46 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE trabajan en un nuevo disco

Amaranthe están trabajando actualmente en su sexto álbum de estudio, que se lanzará en 2020. La banda ha fichado de nuevo por la discográfica Nuclear Blast.


2019-10-16 - Today, Nuclear Blast is very pleased to announce the signing of modern metal outfit AMARANTHE. The Swedish/Danish six-piece is currently working on their 6th studio album, which will tentatively be unleashed in 2020. More big announcements are currently in the pipeline, stay tuned! ... blast.html


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Lun Mar 16, 2020 7:34 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE entra al estudio para grabar

La banda está en Dinamarca para comenzar a trabajar en las grabaciones del nuevo álbum, justo antes de que ser cerraran las fronteras danesas.

La banda, ahora en cuarentena, comenta: "Algunos sabéis que comenzaremos a grabar nuestro nuevo álbum, hoy lunes 16. Es una sensación extraña continuar con los planes mientras gran parte del mundo está encerrado, y la industria de la música está sufriendo más que la mayoría de las empresas, pero consideramos que es extremadamente importante seguir adelante, ya que nos negamos a ser derrotados por esta enfermedad. También significa que nos estamos aislando de manera efectiva, y que todos deberían hacer lo posible por hacerlo.

Estábamos listos para viajar al estudio el domingo 15, pero como el gobierno danés decidió cerrar su frontera con solo unas horas de aviso, tuvimos que hacer una salida repemtina y audaz de Suecia a Dinamarca, terminando en un a Copenhague con una estación completamente desierta una hora antes del cierre. Fuimos literalmente los únicos que entramos al país, mientras todos los demás intentaban salir. Como sin duda puedes imaginar, la gente nos toma por locos.

Muchos de vosotros estáis ahora en aislamiento voluntario o involuntario, y haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para entretenerlos con actualizaciones periódicas en el estudio. El álbum, que ya se encuentra en la fase inicial, es algo sobre lo que nos sentimos increíblemente seguros, y creemos que sin duda sabrás a qué nos referimos cuando lo escuches este año más adelante.

Manteneros a salvo, lavaros las manos, manteneros alejados de los ancianos y los enfermos: ¡difundir el amor, no el virus!


AMARANTHE - enter studio for recordings! - 2020-03-16

2020-03-16 - The cliché phrase of modern metal heroes comes true talking about the latest news from the headquarter of Sweden's Finest AMARANTHE. The band entered the studio in Denmark to start working on the recordings of the new album - just one hour before the Danish borders got closed!

The band, now in quarantine, states: "By now, some of you know that we will start the recording of our new album today, Monday 16th. It is an odd feeling to continue operations while large parts of the world is at a lockdown, and the music industry is suffering greater than most other businesses - but we find it extremely important to soldier on, as we refuse to be beaten by this disease. It also means that we are effectively isolating ourselves, as everyone should as much as possible.

We were set to travel to the studio on Sunday 15th, but as the Danish government decided to lock their border with only hours notice, we had to make a very sudden and daring escape from Sweden into Denmark, ending up at an utterly deserted Copenhagen train station about one hour before the lockdown. We were quite literally the only ones making our way INTO the country, while everyone else was trying to get OUT. As you can no doubt imagine, people think us mad.

Many of you are now in voluntary or involuntary isolation, and we will try our best to entertain you with regular updates from the studio! The album, already in this early phase, is something we feel incredibly strongly about, and we think you will no doubt know what we mean when you get to hear it later this year.

Stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance from the elderly and the sick - spread the love, not the virus!" ... dings.html


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Mié May 27, 2020 2:00 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE terminan de grabar su nuevo disco

Amaranthe acaban de finalizar las grabaciones de estudio para su sexto álbum de estudio que saldrá el 28 de agosto, como reveló la banda en una conferencia de prensa digital el pasado fin de semana.


AMARANTHE - finish studio recordings and announce new album on August, 28th!
AMARANTHE - finish studio recordings! - 2020-05-26

2020-05-26 - Excellent news from AMARANTHE: The band just finished the studio recordings for their new masterpiece! The sixth studio album from the Swedish modern metal heroes will be out on August, 28th, as the band revealed in a digital press conference last weekend.

The band states:
"Our sixth album is now completely DONE! Last Sunday, a few select press members and music industry professionals got the opportunity to hear our new effort, and the response was overwhelming, fanning our flames of excitement even further! We can now offically unveil that the album will be out on August 28th, and the entire AMARANTHE band and team is smouldering with anticipation to unleash this monster upon an unsuspecting world - stay tuned for the most monumental and accomplished AMARANTHE record to date!"

More information on this highly anticipated album will follow soon. Check the AMARANTHE and NUCLEAR BLAST channels to stay up to date!

With their foundations tracing back to 2008, the group has released 5 albums since then (2011's »Amaranthe,« 2013's »The Nexus,« 2014's »Massive Addictive,« 2016's »Maximalism,« and 2018's »Helix«), consistently delivering hauntingly catchy tunes led by their unique three-part vocals. Within their arsenal of hit singles - with 'Drop Dead Cynical' leading right at the front - a myriad tracks have been received very well via press and fans alike; having also gained countless plays on both radio stations around the globe and across streaming services (the group's songs have been streamed close to a billion times on Spotify). A string of support tours have blazed AMARANTHE's trail in front of huge crowds as well as at their own headline concerts (the group impressively once performed in front of 10,000 fans at Liseberg, Gothenburg). They have kept working incredibly hard over the years, the latest product of which culminated in the form of »Helix,« which achieved them some of their highest chart positions in the band's history (Switzerland #21, Germany #29 etc.). ... dings.html


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 27, 2020 1:32 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Detalles de "Manifest" lo nuevo de AMARANTHE

Amaranthe anuncian su nuevo álbum "Manifest" que será lanzado el 2 de octubre, a través de Nuclear Blast.


01. Fearless
02. Make It Better
03. Scream My Name
04. Viral
05. Adrenaline
06. Strong (feat. Noora Louhimo)
07. The Game
08. Crystalline
09. Archangel
10. BOOM!
11. Wake Up And Die
12. Do Or Die

Bonus Tracks:
13. 82nd All The Way
14. Do Or Die (feat. Angela Gossow)
15. Adrenalina (Acoustic)
16. Crystalline (Orchestral)

020-06-26 - In these difficult times we're all in need of uplifting, in need of escape from the four walls we've been locked up in - to be transported into a new dimension. With today's triumphant return of AMARANTHE our calls are answered! The Swedish modern metal force are proud to announce their new album "Manifest". With this new album, AMARANTHE set their mark with a vibrant, epic masterpiece to be released on October 2nd, via Nuclear Blast.

Preorder "Manifest" here:
Pre-save it for your DSPs here:

"'Manifest' is the latest step in the evolution of AMARANTHE, and across the board it is the boldest statement: We are here to stay, we are utterly passionate about what we do and we will take no prisoners in our strive for musical excellence! An all-out metal rollercoaster, 'Manifest' does not hold back in any regard - from the first second to the last, it is brimful with some of the heaviest AMARANTHE riffs to date, soaring and emotional vocals and unrelenting metallic fury. We hope you will enjoy this album as much as we enjoyed making it!"

Together with this groundbreaking news, the band will share some impressive visuals accompanying the first single 'Viral' - celebrating the beginning of a new era with a breathtaking music video that will premiere tonight at 20.00 CEST, on the Nuclear Blast Youtube channel. Set yourself a reminder, tune in and join the chat with AMARANTHE during and after the premiere: "Manifest" will be available as CD, media book with four bonus tracks, media book bundle with patch (limited to 250 units, mailorder exclusive), Gold Vinyl (limited to 300 units, mailorder + wholesale exclusive), Blue/Black Marbled Vinyl (limited to 300 units, EMP exclusive), Cyan Vinyl (NB USA exclusive) as well as six individual band member Vinyls (limited to 150 units each, worldwide bandshop exclusive). ... twork.html ... patch.html


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 11, 2021 3:01 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo single de AMARANTHE el viernes

Este viernes 12 de noviembre, Amaranthe lanzará el tema "PvP", que será el himno oficial de la selección sueca de deportes electrónicos.


Boot up your computers, grab your controllers and get ready for a brand-new Amaranthe song! This Friday, November 12th we will release "PvP", the official hymn for the Swedish national e-sports team!

Pre-save "PvP" here:

And enter the giveaway for a chance to win one out of two 50€ vouchers for the Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo store plus "Manifest" vinyl! ... =3&theater


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