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 Asunto: El regreso de ROXY BLUE
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 24, 2018 2:34 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
El regreso de ROXY BLUE

Los paleontólogos de Frontiers Music traen esta vez de vuelta a Roxy Blue, banda conocida por su disco debut, "Want Some?" de principios de los 90. La banda actualmente está ocupada escribiendo y grabando un nuevo álbum de estudio que se lanzará en 2019.

Los miembros originales Todd Poole (voz), Josh Weil (bajo) y Scotty Trammell (batería) se unen al nuevo guitarrista Jeff Caughron. El guitarrista original Sid "Boogie" Fletcher ha dejado el negocio de la música para dedicarse a la odontología.


Todd Poole (voz)
Scott Trammell (batería)
Josh Weil (bajo)
Jeff Caughron (guitarra)


BREAKING NEWS: Please welcome Roxy Blue to the Frontiers' Family! The Memphis hard rockers will release a new studio album in 2019!

Frontiers is thrilled to welcome Memphis, TN hard rockers Roxy Blue to the family! Their legendary debut album, "Want Some" is a classic of the early '90s hard rock scene that had continued on from the '80s heyday. The band is currently busy writing and recording a brand new studio album that will be released in 2019.

Original members Todd Poole (vocals), Josh Weil (bass), and Scotty Trammell (drums) are joined by new guitarist, Jeff Caughron. (Original guitarist Sid "Boogie" Fletcher has left the music business for a successful career in dentistry.)

Vocalist Todd Poole says, "Roxy Blue fans can expect an explosive new album! I think the new record is definitely a different sound than the 1992 version of Roxy Blue, but not unrecognizable. The new record is much heavier, but still has some cool ballads and hints of early Roxy in there. I feel that it's a well balanced record."

Poole continues, "I have been writing songs for years for different projects I've been in, but when Frontiers called, I knew it was an opportunity to take a fresh approach to a new Roxy Blue sound. The excitement of having a new record deal actually inspired me to write the songs for the upcoming record from scratch."

On the band's legacy, Poole says for ""Want Some" to be recognized as one of the finest moments in the latter hard rock days is an honor. Especially being that there were so many good bands out at the time. We were just so proud to be a part of a great rock era."

Formed in Memphis, TN in late 1989 by Todd Poole (vocals/ guitar), Sid Fletcher (guitar), Josh Weil (bass), and Scott Trammell (drums), Roxy Blue started out playing original music from the get go, with their sights set on putting their music in front of a national and then global audience. Knowing that their dreams were not going to come easy, the guys put their all into step one of their journey, which was to get started playing every gig they could get and opening for every band they could, to get themselves noticed in the local Memphis music scene. Crammed in together in a studio apartment above Cotton Row Studios, the guys were constantly writing and recording new songs and living a 24 hour rock 'n roll life style miles and miles away for the Sunset Strip of Los Angeles. Quickly earning a name for themselves within the local Memphis music scene and selling out club shows, they soon created a buzz in the music industry. But, it wasn't until one night while playing a local bar they were approached by Jani Lane, the vocalist of Warrant, that things really started to take off. Jani loved what he heard and wanted to help get Roxy Blue's career launched. Soon after, the labels started calling and eventually Geffen Records' legendary A&R guru Tom Zutaut (Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, Tesla) flew the band to Los Angeles to sign them. The next step was to find the right producer to record the band's debut album. Mike Clink, who had produced Guns 'N Roses milestone "Appetite For Destruction" and, at the time, was finishing up on GnR's "Use Your Illusion" l and ll albums, was ultimately chose for the job. Clink and Roxy Blue were a perfect match and the result was the 1992 release of WANT SOME. Now, 25 years later Roxy Blue is still going strong.

And a fun fact for fans of the Frontiers' label, Roxy Blue vocalist Todd Poole is the son-in-law of the late, great Jimi Jamison who Frontiers had a great, long standing working relationship with.


 Asunto: Re: El regreso de ROXY BLUE
NotaPublicado: Jue May 30, 2019 2:06 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
ROXY BLUE: detalles de su nuevo disco "Roxy Blue"

El álbum homónimo de Roxy Blue se lanzará el 9 de agosto a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. Silver Lining
02. Rockstar Junkie
03. Scream
04. Collide
05. Outta The Blue
06. Blinders
07. Til The Well Runs Dry
08. Human Race
09. How Does It Feel
10. What It's Like
11. Overdrive


Todd Poole - Vocals
Scott Trammell - Drums
Josh Weil - Bass
Jeffrey Wade Caughron - Guitar

Memphis, Tennessee hard rockers ROXY BLUE are back with their first album of new material in 27 years, after their now legendary debut album, "Want Some”, has become a classic of the late ‘80s/early '90s hard rock scene. Original members Todd Poole (vocals), Josh Weil (bass), and Scotty Trammell (drums) are now joined by new guitarist Jeffrey Wade Caughron. (Original guitarist Sid "Boogie" Fletcher has left the music business for a successful career in dentistry.)

"'Silver Lining' was actually the last song written and recorded for the record. After recording the song, everything sounded great, but for some reason the hook of the song kept bothering me. The guys in the band suggested that I just write another hook . One night I was driving home from the studio and I accidentally pulled up the version that had no vocals on it and just started singing something completely different. I finished the new lyrics that night. The next day I went and recorded the new vocal about turning a negative into a positive," says vocalist Todd Poole of how 'Silver Lining' came together.

Todd Poole on what fans can expect from the new album: "ROXY BLUE fans can expect an explosive new album! I think the new record is definitely a different sound than the 1992 version of ROXY BLUE, but not unrecognizable. The new record is much heavier, but still has some cool ballads and hints of early ROXY in there. I feel that it's a well-balanced record."

He continues, "I have been writing songs for years for different projects I've been in, but when Frontiers called, I knew it was an opportunity to take a fresh approach to the ROXY BLUE sound. The excitement of having a new record deal actually inspired me to write the songs for the upcoming record from scratch."

On the band's legacy, Poole says, "for 'Want Some' to be recognized as one of the finest moments in the latter hard rock days is an honor. Especially being that there were so many good bands out at the time. We were just so proud to be a part of a great rock era."

Formed in Memphis in late 1989 by Poole, Fletcher, Weil, and Trammell, ROXY BLUE started out playing original music from the get-go, with their sights set on putting their music in front of a national and then global audience. Knowing that their dreams were not going to come easy, the guys put their all into step one of their journey, which was to get started playing every gig they could get and opening for every band they could, to get themselves noticed in the local Memphis music scene. Crammed in together in a studio apartment above Cotton Row Studios, the guys were constantly writing and recording new songs and living a 24-hour rock 'n' roll lifestyle miles and miles away for the Sunset Strip of Los Angeles. Quickly earning a name for themselves within the local Memphis music scene and selling out club shows, they soon created a buzz in the music industry. But it wasn't until one night while playing a local bar they were approached by Jani Lane, the vocalist of WARRANT, that things really started to take off. Jani loved what he heard and wanted to help get ROXY BLUE's career launched. Soon after, the labels started calling and eventually Geffen Records' legendary A&R guru Tom Zutaut flew the band to Los Angeles to sign them. The next step was to find the right producer to record the band's debut album. Mike Clink, who had produced GUNS N' ROSES milestone "Appetite For Destruction" and, at the time, was finishing up GN'R's "Use Your Illusion", was ultimately chose for the job. Clink and ROXY BLUE were a perfect match and the result was the 1992 release of "Want Some".

And a fun fact for fans of the Frontiers label: Poole is the son-in-law of the late, great Jimi Jamison, whom Frontiers had a great, longstanding working relationship with.


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