Fallece el exbatería de SLIPKNOT, Joey JordisonEl ex baterista de Slipknot, , murió a la edad de 46 años.
La noticia de su fallecimiento se dio a conocer en un comunicado de su familia.
El comunicado dice: "Nos rompe el corazón compartir la noticia de que Joey Jordison, prolífico batería, músico y artista falleció pacíficamente mientras dormía el 26 de julio de 2021. Tenía 46 años.
La muerte de Joey nos ha dejado con el corazón vacío y sentimientos de tristeza indescriptibles.
Para aquellos que conocieron a Joey, entendieron su ingenio rápido, su personalidad gentil, corazón gigante y su amor por todo lo relacionado con la familia y la música.
La familia de Joey ha pedido que amigos, fans y medios respeten, comprensiblemente, nuestra necesidad de privacidad y paz en este momento increíblemente difícil.
La familia realizará un funeral privado y le pide a los medios y al público que respeten sus deseos.

Former SLIPKNOT drummer Joey Jordison has died at the age of 46.
The news of his passing was broken in a statement from his family.
The statement reads: "We are heartbroken to share the news that Joey Jordison, prolific drummer, musician and artist passed away peacefully in his sleep on July 26th, 2021. He was 46.
"Joey's death has left us with empty hearts and feelings of indescribable sorrow.
"To those that knew Joey, understood his quick wit, his gentle personality, giant heart and his love for all things family and music.
"The family of Joey have asked that friends, fans and media understandably respect our need for privacy and peace at this incredibly difficult time.
"The family will hold a private funeral service and asks the media and public to respect their wishes."
According to TMZ, Joey's family said they will hold a private funeral service for him, but it's unclear when that will happen.
https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/forme ... ead-at-46/https://www.tmz.com/2021/07/27/joey-jor ... rderdolls/