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 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Jue Ene 29, 2015 1:54 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 28, 2015 12:47 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Angra - Final Light (Official Trailer)


 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 06, 2017 4:15 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ANGRA: detalles de su nuevo disco "Ømni"

Angra lanzará su nuevo álbum "Ømni" el 16 de febrero de 2018.

"Ømni" es el noveno álbum de estudio de Angra, y una vez más, el álbum ha sido grabado en Suecia con Jens Bogren, quien también produjo el anterior "Secret Garden".

"Ømni" es un álbum conceptual, un conjunto de cuentos cortos de ciencia ficción que tienen lugar en varios lugares en el tiempo, simultáneamente. La columna vertebral de la trama se basa en la idea de que en 2046 un sistema de inteligencia artificial cambiará la percepción y la cognición humanas. Es un sistema que permitirá la comunicación consciente entre los seres humanos presentes y futuros. Personajes como viajeros del tiempo, hombres de las cavernas, guerreros... ayudan a contar esta historia. El álbum conecta los conceptos de álbumes anteriores ("Holy Land", "Rebirth", "Temple of Shadows").

La portada fue dibujada por Daniel Martin Diaz, y el diseñador Gustavo Sazes fue el responsable de integrarla en el concepto visual del álbum.


01. Light Of Transcendence
02. Travelers Of Time
03. Black Widow's Web
04. Insania
05. The Bottom Of My Soul
06. War Horns
07. Caveman
08. Magic Mirror
09. Always More
10. Ømni - Silence Inside
11. Ømni - Infinite Nothing


Rafael Bittencourt (guitarra)
Felipe Andreoli (bajo)
Fabio Lione (voz)
Marcelo Barbosa (guitarra)
Bruno Valverde (batería).

ANGRA RELEASE NEW ALBUM “ØMNI” ON FEBRUARY 16th, 2018. FIRST SONG “TRAVELERS OF TIME” REVEALED. 2018 marks the beginning of yet another era in Angra's history. At age 26, the band shows motivation and strength like never before. Not even the sometimes uncertain trajectory was able to take away the focus, determination and inspiration of the quintet led – and founded – by Rafael Bittencourt, and formed by Felipe Andreoli (bass), Fabio Lione (vocals), Marcelo Barbosa (guitar) and Bruno Valverde (drums). “ØMNI” is Angra's 9th studio album, the result of months of intense dedication, blood and sweat. It will be released on February 16th, 2018 on earMUSIC. Once again, the album has been recorded in Sweden with Jens Bogren, who also produced the previous album “Secret Garden”, and manages to capture the same excellent chemistry. Many musicians were involved in creating the album, ranging from the percussion sound of Bahia to European orchestral arrangement – all of which give the album its outstanding variety. “ØMNI” is a concept album, a set of science fiction short stories that take place at various places in time, simultaneously. The backbone of the plot is based on the idea that in 2046 an artificial intelligence system will change human perception and cognition. It is a system which will allow conscious communication between present and future human beings. Characters such as time travellers, cavemen, warriors, among others, help tell this story. The album connects the concepts of previous albums (“Holy Land”, “Rebirth”, “Temple of Shadows”) to one main system, “ØMNI”, which in Latin means "everything." “ØMNI” fabricates an interconnectivity that shines light towards a universal truth: everything that has happened, led to what the band is today. “ØMNI” celebrates and unites the whole history of Angra to this exact, current moment. Angra’s trademark formula, a Brazilian style mixed with classical music and heavy metal, is enhanced by different influences such as progressive rock, thrash metal, Latin music, djent, etc., which transforms the albums into a swirl of modern and familiar. The conjoined moods and dynamics put a special spin on the lyrics and therefore increase deep sense of immersion in the story. The cover artwork was hand-drawn by Daniel Martin Diaz, a unique American artist who dedicates his life to mixing scientific and philosophical concepts such as Anatomy, Computer Science, Mathematics, Cosmology, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism and Esotericism. The designer Gustavo Sazes was responsible for integrating such an organic art piece to the visual concept of the album as a whole. Even in a cultural environment increasingly sterile and unfavourable for music with soul and identity, the band gathers eleven tracks that completely differ from each other, but at the same time tell a cohesive story, and wander through all styles and nuances that have made Angra a worldwide reference. A very well bonded line-up, both personally and musically, overflowing with creativity, was the necessary fuel to bring these songs to life, songs which are undoubtedly among the best in the band's discography. “ØMNI” certainly is a milestone, not only in the history of the band, but also for Brazilian metal and its recognition worldwide.


 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 20, 2017 2:53 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
ANGRA: nuevo tema "Travelers of Time"


 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Dom Jun 09, 2019 4:17 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Fallece ANDRE MATOS, exvocalista de Angra

André Matos, ex vocalista de Angra y Viper, falleció ayer sábado a los 47 años. Su muerte fue confirmada por el exbatería de Angra Ricardo Confessori. Ricardo escribió en su página de Facebook: "Con profundo dolor en nuestros corazones que nos despedimos de André una vez más, esta vez de manera definitiva".

Comunicado en su facebook:

Con profundo pesar confirmamos el fallecimiento de André este sábado por la mañana debido a un paro cardíaco.

Como muchos saben, era una persona extremadamente reservada - y manifestó en vida, más de una vez, el deseo de no tener un velatorio.

Respetando su voluntad, será cremado hoy con la presencia solamente de los familiares. Agradecemos a todos la comprensión y contamos con ustedes para que la memoria y el legado de André permanezcan vivos para siempre.

Sigue adelante.


Comunicado de Angra:

"Con mucho dolor recibimos la noticia del fallecimiento de Andre Matos. Angra está de luto. Andre fue imprescindible para el éxito y consagración de esta banda. La contribución de su talento y presencia es inestimable. No hay palabras en este momento que describan el tamaño del vacío dejado en los corazones de los que lo amaron de cerca y de lejos. Brasil pierde un talento insustituible del heavy metal y con él muere la esperanza de verlo en nuestros escenarios de nuevo. Que los ángeles reciban su alma y que la diosa del fuego mantenga simpre la llama de su legado artístico encendido bendiga. Descanse en paz Andre Matos."

É com profundo pesar que confirmamos o falecimento do André esse sábado de manhã devido a uma parada cardíaca.

Como muitos sabem, ele era uma pessoa extremamente reservada - e manifestou em vida, por mais de uma vez, o desejo de não ter um velório.

Respeitando a sua vontade, ele será cremado hoje com a presença somente dos familiares.

Agradecemos a todos pela compreensão e contamos com vocês para que a memória e o legado do André permaneçam vivos para sempre.

Carry on. ... =3&theater

Com muita dor recebemos a notícia do falecimento do Andre Matos. O Angra está de luto. O Andre foi imprescindível para o sucesso e consagração desta banda. A contribuição de seu talento e presença é inestimável.

Não há palavras neste momento que descrevam o tamanho do vazio deixado nos corações dos que o amaram de perto e de longe. O Brasil perde um talento insubstituível do gênero Heavy Metal e com ele morre a esperança de vê-lo em nossos palcos novamente.

Que os anjos recebam sua alma e que a Deusa do Fogo mantenha a chama de seu legado artístico acesa sempre. R.I.P. Andre Matos ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Dom Jun 09, 2019 7:30 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Lun Sep 29, 2008 7:43 am
Mensajes: 81
Joder si era tres meses y diez dias más joven que yo, 47 años muy joven aún D.E.P.

 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 05, 2023 2:22 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ANGRA anuncian nuevo disco para finales de año

Angra han firmado un acuerdo con Atomic Fire Records, para publicar el décimo álbum de estudio de la banda, "Cycles Of Pain", que se lanzará el 3 de noviembre.


ANGRA – sign to Atomic Fire Records; new album »Cycles Of Pain« set for release on November 3, 2023!

Today, Brazilian progressive power metal legends ANGRA are thrilled to announce that they have officially signed a deal with Atomic Fire Records! The group’s metal leadership began over 30 years ago in 1991. Hailing since then as one of the finest metal acts originating from South America, the last decade saw the addition of vocalist Fabio Lione (ATHENA XIX, ex-RHAPSODY OF FIRE, ex-VISION DIVINE etc.) to their ranks. With Rafael Bittencourt and Marcelo Barbosa on guitars, Felipe Andreoli on bass and Bruno Valverde on drums, ANGRA have been keeping the momentum and now, joining Atomic Fire Records, they are ready to release their long-awaited 10th studio album titled »Cycles Of Pain« on November 3, 2023. Its launch will be supported by a special release show which will take place at São Paulo, Brazil‘s Tokio Marine Hall on the same day.

Founding member/guitarist Bittencourt says: “I’m very proud to announce that our newest album will come out on the 3rd of November and it’s going to be released and distributed by Atomic Fire Records. We’re very proud to be part of the Atomic Fire Records family now. It’s a special moment for us in the band.

For me, who started the band over 30 years ago, but also for everyone in the band, we’re now in the third generation which means in the era of our third singer as we have Fabio Lione on vocals. So this will be the third record of the third generation. It’s our 10th studio album, so it’s like keeping the legacy but also focusing on the future.

Artwork by Erick Pasqua | Layout by Jonathan Canuto
( | (

It’s very funny to have this partnership with Atomic Fire Records because the word ‘Angra’ also stands for a place in Brazil where an atomic reactor was built in the 70s. This nuclear power plant is basically created to originate a kind of clean energy, but it’s a very powerful one which could save the world in a way, but also destroy it. It’ll be a very huge explosion and metaphorically we can say that it’s going to be a very strong album and I hope to burn the world with music which can heal the soul of sad and lonely people.”

Atomic Fire Records A&R Markus Wosgien says: “I remember receiving the ANGRA demo »Reaching Horizon« in 1992 for the fanzine I published in the 90s. I fell in love immediately, this was simply a new form of power metal – and after his departure in VIPER, André Matos finally had a new home back then. One year later, »Angels Cry,« which I still consider being one of the best power metal albums of all time, was released, and over the years, ANGRA always developed, but still remained true to themselves. We are more than happy to be a part of their future now and to release their upcoming 10th studio album that blew us away once more. For us, ANGRA is also a matter to our hearts since they’re a band we’ve always been following, respecting and loving; our whole team is more than proud that the band and their management decided to join our roster and to trust in us.”

Stay tuned for more ANGRA news coming your way very soon! ... new-album/



 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 29, 2023 2:54 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
ANGRA da los detalles de su nuevo disco, “Cycles Of Pain”

ANGRA lanzarán su próximo álbum de estudio “Cycles Of Pain”, el 3 de noviembre de 2023. El primer single, “Ride Into The Storm”, será lanzado el viernes 4 de agosto.

El nuevo disco fue producido, grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Dennis Ward (D.C. Cooper, Pink Cream 69, Place Vendome, Etc.) en “Sonastério & Elephant Office” en Brasil, mientras que la mezcla y masterización se llevó a cabo en “The TrakShak” en Karlsdorf, Alemania. La portada fue diseñada por Erick Pasqua antes de que Jonathan Canuto se hiciera cargo de las tareas de diseño.

El álbum cuenta como invitados con Amanda Somerville, los brasileños Lenine ("Vida Seca") y Vanessa Moreno ("Tide Of Changes - Part II" y "Here In The Now") , y Juliana D'Agostini al piano ("Tears Of Blood").


01. Cyclus Doloris
02. Ride Into The Storm
03. Dead Man On Display
04. Tide Of Changes – Part I
05. Tide Of Changes – Part II
06. Vida Seca
07. Gods Of The World
08. Cycles Of Pain
09. Faithless Sanctuary
10. Here In The Now
11. Generation Warriors
12. Tears Of Blood


ANGRA – »Cycles Of Pain« now available for pre-order; guests & other album details unveiled; first digital single due out on August 4!

Brazilian progressive power metal legends ANGRA recently signed a deal with German-based record label Atomic Fire Records. While playing a string of shows in their home country, the group have also kept preparing the release of their upcoming studio album »Cycles Of Pain« which is due ot on November 3, 2023, and today, ANGRA are pleased to announce that the record is already available for pre-order in various formats (; see below!) before they’ll present first digital single, ‘Ride Into The Storm,’ to the world next week, on Friday, August 4. Pre-save the track now, here:

Guitarist Rafael Bittencourt states: “This is a very special record for us for several reasons: First, much has happened since our last release in 2018. During the last 5 years, we experienced a lot of pain (personally and collectively) alongside challenges, frustrations, glories and successes, on a rollercoaster of emotions that became a giant cauldron of subjects and inspirations. In the year 2019, my father passed away and a few months later also Andre Matos died what had a big impact on my life. I know the struggles of my bandmates too.

This is a dense album of experiences and accumulated pain. Although we are in a great moment, the album draws inspiration from all pains experienced to bring reflections on them from different angles: What hurts us, how it arrives, the cure, the trauma, the scars. We avoid and we are faced with pain constantly from birth, in an endless cycle; we want it to be far away, but it is what molds and matures us during life. And in the midst of such a profound topic, we want to bring hope and strength to people who are suffering right now. I believe this album will make a difference in the lives of many people and will set a new standard within our style.”

Bassist Felipe Andreoli adds: “»Cycles Of Pain« brings different perspectives on human pain and the cycles that involve it. It reminds us that while pain is inevitable, it is also an integral part of growing and learning. By recognizing and facing these cycles, we can discover our inner strength and find a path to healing and transformation. The album leads us to contemplate our own journey of pain and to embrace the hope that despite the seemingly endless cycles, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It is an invitation to reflect on the complexities of human pain, addressing topics such as loss, disillusionment, loneliness and despair, but also bringing a message of resilience and hope.”

»Cycles Of Pain« was produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by long-time ANGRA partner Dennis Ward (D.C. COOPER, PINK CREAM 69, PLACE VENDOME etc.) at the Sonastério & Elephant Office in Brazil, while mixing and mastering took place at The TrakShak in Karlsdorf, Germany. Its artwork was designed by Erick Pasqua ( before Jonathan Canuto ( took care of layout duties.

“The combination of elements – an angel of death with bright, worn wings adorned with religious and pagan symbols, a dark forest with fire and rain, the prevalence of Brazilian elements – conveys a deeper narrative regarding the album’s theme and musical interpretation. It conveys the idea that pain is a recurring and transformative experience, encompassing spiritual and earthly aspects and encouraging us to delve into the depths of our own pain, explore its many dimensions and find strength and healing in the journey of these cycles,” explains Andreoli.

The album also features a range of guests including appearances by Amanda Somerville (‘Tears Of Blood’), Brazilian artists Lenine (‘Vida Seca’) and Vanessa Moreno (‘Tide Of Changes – Part II’ & ‘Here In The Now’), and last but not least Juliana D’Agostini on piano (‘Tears Of Blood’). ... -revealed/


 Asunto: Re: Actualidad de ANGRA
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 02, 2023 11:24 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster

Registrado: Vie Ago 29, 2008 12:37 am
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Excelente Noticia!

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