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 Asunto: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Lun Jun 10, 2019 1:51 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Cambio de vocalista en BURNING WITCHES

Burning Witches ha reclutado a Laura Guldemond, vocalista de la banda holandesa de metal sinfónico Shadowrise, como su nueva cantante. Se une al grupo tras la salida a principios de mes de Seraina Telli.


Enchantress Laura joins forces with the coven!

The sad news has already been around the globe, Seraina has left the BURNING WITCHES.

Sometimes there are things beyond our control that you don`t see coming and are very disturbing. Nevertheless the band will move on with all upcoming concerts and is working on album no3 already.

We have had some very difficult weeks, so in these times of sadness and confusion, we are delighted to welcome our new WITCH Laura from the Netherlands into our circle.

We also have the good news that we have decided to give the fans a special teaser and appreciation in the shape of a new song that we will release this week to debut Laura!

Please read the following statements from the band and wish Seraina good luck for her future.

Seraina states about her departure:
“Dear friends, for personal reasons and after much deliberation I've decided to fully dedicate myself to my band DEAD VENUS and to leave the band BURNING WITCHES.”

“For the last four years I have had an incredible journey but I feel now that is the time to explore the challenge my own project is offering me.”

“I would like to thank my family, friends and of course the fans for the incredible support. I also thank the band, the label and the management for all their help.
There are a lot of beautiful experiences I’ll keep with me forever.”

“My debut album of DEAD VENUS titled Bird of Paradise will be released later this year. So my life remains exciting!”

“I wish the WITCHES all the best and good luck for the future!”

Bandleader Romana is emotional about all the changes:

“This is of course a very sad moment for all of us. We have been very close for the last years and have reached a lot together. With great sadness we have to accept that Seriana wants to move on and we wish her the best of luck for that! Your time with the WITCHES will never be forgotten!”

“For us as a band it is important now to look into the new challenges and the new record – the show must go on!

Yes we are super thrilled that we have found Laura so quick over our Dutch connection Sonia. We know it is impossible to replace a great voice in exact the same way, that is why Laura is the perfect choice for us. She will bring in her own strength and personality into the WITCHES! We will not change the identity of the band, we will continue playing the music we love!”

“Laura is an experienced & crisp vocalist with a big range and a crazy enough personality to be one of US! Please give her a warm welcome – she has already won many metalhearts at our first show with her at the Sweden Rock festival! We will continue to spread the magic of the witches – thanks for all the support over the years!”

The new WITCH Laura welcomes the fans:

“Dear Burning Witches fans of the world, I am really excited and know I have big shoes to fill! I want to thank you that you give me this opportunity and the Burning Witches for their trust and the warm welcome they gave me into their sisterhood!”

“Being able to play the music I love, with great people, perform at those amazing shows & festivals and being supported by a fantastic team is a dream that came true for me. I can`t really wish for more!”

“We are working our asses off at the moment to bring the magic to you all! Keep the fire burning! See you soon on the road & thanks for the support!”

Please stay tuned for the brandnew song this week – the WITCHES will never give up – READY TO FIGHT!

Picturecredit: Liné Hammett ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 14, 2019 7:01 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68841
BURNING WITCHES nuevo tema "Wings Of Steel"

En el nuevo tema presentan a su nueva vocalista Laura Guldemond


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Jue Dic 12, 2019 3:11 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BURNING WITCHES lanzarán un nuevo disco en marzo de 2020

El tercer álbum de estudio de Burning Witches se titula "Dance With The Devil" y sera lanzado el 6 de marzo de 2020 a través de Nuclear Blast.


El disco está inspirado en la famosa noche de Walpurgis. sorcierecool.gif sorcierecool.gif sorcierecool.gif

BURNING WITCHES - to release third studio album »Dance With The Devil« on March 6, 2020!
BURNING WITCHES - third studio album! - 2019-12-11

2019-12-11 - Last week, BURNING WITCHES unleashed their new »Wings Of Steel« EP - but today the group are proud to announce that they have completed their third studio album »Dance With The Devil« which is set to be released on March 6, 2020 via Nuclear Blast!

The band comments, "The 3rd album is of course a very important one but we felt very comfortable with that pressure, the band was a strong unit writing and recording the new songs. The idea behind »Dance With The Devil« is inspired by the famous Walpurgis night, the saga of the gathering of the witches in the middle ages! We thought this magic showdown on the Brocken mountain symbolically stands for strength and the friendship of the band, that's why it's the perfect title for the new album!"

More details on »Dance With The Devil« will be unveiled soon...! ... album.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Jue Dic 19, 2019 4:24 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68841
BURNING WITCHES: portada de “Dance With The Devil”

Burning Witches lanzará su tercer álbum de estudio “Dance With The Devil” el 6 de marzo de 2020 a través de Nuclear Blast.


BURNING WITCHES - unveil »Dance With The Devil« cover artwork!
BURNING WITCHES - unveil cover artwork! - 2019-12-18

2019-12-18 - BURNING WITCHES will release their third studio album »Dance With The Devil« onto the world on March 6, 2020 via Nuclear Blast. There's no rest for the wicked, as less than two weeks after the release of their »Wings Of Steel« EP, the band have unveiled the cover artwork for their upcoming record, which was designed by Hungarian artist Gyula Havancsák (BLIND GUARDIAN TWILIGHT ORCHESTRA, ACCEPT, POWERWOLF, STRATOVARIUS etc.) and DESTRUCTION and GOMORRA guitarist Damir Eskic.

The group states, "Even before we had the album title, we knew that we wanted a cover design in the style of Ken Kelly, who did the legendary KISS, RAINBOW & MANOWAR covers. Our vision was to show the BURNING WITCHES, larger than life, in this fantasy art style and with a special female touch. We love to work with the Hungarian artist Gyula and told him about our plan and he basically realised our dream of a very eye catching & energetic cover design! We hope our fans will enjoy it as much as we do!"

Enjoy the silence while you can, as BURNING WITCHES are set to unleash hell in the form of a new single to kick off 2020 the right way, stay tuned...! ... um-artwork


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 30, 2019 9:56 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Dom Dic 29, 2019 4:46 pm
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Veremos a ver que tal el nuevo disco, las vi este año en directo y me gustaron bastante, muy buena la versión de Holy Diver que se clavan.

 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 10, 2020 5:21 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68841
BURNING WITCHES: nuevo tema "Sea Of Lies"

Burning Witches lanzará su tercer álbum de estudio “Dance With The Devil” el 6 de marzo de 2020 a través de Nuclear Blast.


01. The Incantation
02. Lucid Nightmare
03. Dance With The Devil
04. Wings Of Steel
05. Six Feet Underground
06. Black Magic
07. Sea Of Lies
08. The Sisters Of Fate
09. Necronomicon
10. The Final Fight
11. Threefold Return
12. Battle Hymn [feat. Ross The Boss & Michael Lepond]

Bonus CD (Digi)
01. Mansion In Darkness (also available on the 2LP version!)
02. Black Magic (acoustic) (also available on the 2LP version!)
03. Executed (live)
04. Open Your Mind (live)
05. Hexenhammer (live) ... order.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Lun May 25, 2020 1:55 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68841
Sonia “Anubis” Nusselder (guitarra) abandona BURNING WITCHES

“Muchos lo vieron venir: ¡Sonia ha dejado Burning Witches!

Sí, de hecho, mantener una banda de chicas unida es más difícil de lo que pensábamos. Nadie quería firmarnos como banda, con el argumento de que las bandas de mujeres no duran. Bueno, parece que esa maldición es real! ¡Pero NO nos rendiremos!

Sonia nos ha dejado por su nuevo proyecto. Vimos venir esto y tenemos que aceptarlo. La gente cambia y sigue adelante. ¡Le deseamos lo mejor!

Para nosotras como banda, esto significa que tenemos que trabajar más duro. ¡Continuaremos nuestro camino y, por supuesto, buscaremos una nueva Bruja!

Pero antes que nada, este viernes, tendremos una actuación en directo con algunas chicas y amigas increíbles. ¡Más noticias el miércoles! ¡Por favor manteneros al tanto!

Nos tomaremos nuestro tiempo para buscar y anunciar la nueva guitarrista, por favor, comprended que estamos tan sorprendidas como vosotros. Utilizaremos la cuarentena del coronavirus para elegir a la persona adecuada para ser la guitarrista principal.

La columna vertebral de la banda seguirá siendo fuerte, en amistad y musicalmente. Ya estamos trabajando en nuevas canciones y estamos muy motivadas para regresar al escenario.

¡Queremos agradecer a los fans el increíble apoyo y os mantendremos informados sobre nuestros futuros movimientos! ¡Manteneros positivos! Suena como un cliché, pero nunca tuvo más significado que ahora: ¡Estamos listas para luchar!

Romana quiere agregar lo siguiente:

“Amados fans de Burning Witches, estamos ciertamente tristes por la decisión de Sonia de dejarnos, pero al mismo tiempo estoy animada y espero con orgullo nuestros futuros shows y los próximos desafíos.

Tenemos un equipo excepcional, así que no tenéis que preocuparos, ¡daremos lo mejor de nosotras!

¡Muchas gracias a todos por entender y confiar en nosotras, solo la que está dedicada de todo corazón a la banda es una verdadera Bruja! "

Sonia declaró:

"Queridos discípulos de las Brujas, por razones personales y con mucha reflexión, he decidido dedicarme completamente a Crypta y Cobra Spell y dejar a Burning Witches.

Los últimos dos años y medio estuvieron llenos de experiencias increíbles e invaluables, hicieron que muchos de mis sueños se hicieran realidad y siempre puse toda mi pasión y amor por la música. Este viaje también abrió muchas puertas para nuevos desafíos que estoy demasiado ansiosa por perseguir. Como comenzar mis propias bandas, escribir mi propia música y llevarla más allá.

Estoy extremadamente agradecida a mi querida familia, amigos y por supuesto a todos los maravillosos admiradores por el inmenso apoyo. Agradezco profundamente a la banda y a la gerencia los fantásticos momentos de concierto / gira, viajando por el mundo y siendo parte de 2 álbumes de Burning Witches que siempre admiraré.

Esta fue una decisión muy difícil, pero a veces no puedes perseguir un sueño más grande, sin renunciar a uno significativo a cambio. ¡Continuaré mi camino musical con plena pasión por la música y por los fans!

¡Deseo a Burning Witches todo lo mejor del éxito!”

Burning Witches, por supuesto, continuarán.



Yes, indeed to keep a girl band together is more difficult than we thought. Nobody wanted to sign us as a band, with the argument that woman-bands do not last. Well it seems THAT Curse is real! But we will NOT give up!

Sonia has left us for her new project. We saw this coming and we have to accept it. People change and people move on. We wish her all the best!

For us as a Band this means we have to work harder. We will continue our path and will of course look for a new Witch!

But first of all, this Friday, we will have a LIVE JAM with some amazing girls and friends. More news on Wednesday! Please stay tuned!

We will take our time to search and announce the new lead player, please understand we are as shocked as you are. We will use the Corona-times useful, to choose the right person for our lead guitarist position.

The backbone of the band will remain strong, in friendship and musically. We are already working on new songs and are TOP motivated to return on stage.

We want to thank all the fans for the amazing support and will keep you posted about our future moves! Stay positive! It sounds like a cliché but it was never more meaningful than now: WE ARE READY TO FIGHT!!!

Romana wants to add the following:

“Beloved BURNING WITCHES fans, we are certainly sad about the decision of Sonia to leave us, but at the same time I am more encouraged and I look forward with pride to our future shows and the next challenges!

We have an outstanding team together, so you don‘t have to worry, we are gonna give our very best!

Thank you all so much for understanding and trusting us, only the one who is wholeheartedly dedicated to the band is a real WITCH!”

Sonias stated: "Dear Witches disciples, for personal reasons and with a lot of deliberation, I have decidedto fully dedicate myself to CRYPTA and COBRA SPELL and to leave BURNING WITCHES.
The last 2,5 years were FULL of amazing and priceless experiences, it made many of my dreams become reality and I always put all my passion and love for music into it. This journey also opened many doors for new challenges that I am overly anxious to pursue. Such as starting my own bands, writing my own music and push that further.

I am extremely thankful for my my dear family, friends and of course all the wonderful fans for the immense support. I deeply thank the band and the management for the fantastic concert/stage moments, traveling the world, being part of 2 fantastic BURNING WITCHES full-length albums that I will for ever look up to.

This is was a very hard decision, but sometimes you can’t pursue a bigger dream, without giving up a meaningful one in return. I will continue my musical path with full passion for music and for the fans!

I wish BURNING WITCHES all the very best of success!”

Please read her full statement on her media pages.

The BURNING WITCHES will of course continue - check in next Friday May 29th for a „Live from the studio“ session with guests! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 15, 2020 3:47 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BURNING WITCHES presentan su nueva guitarrista

A la banda suiza se une la guitarrista Larissa.

Burning Witches están trabajando en el estudio en un nuevo single que lanzarán el 17 de septiembre junto con un video.


The mighty BURNING WITCHES are back with a vengeance!
The Swiss All-Woman Heavy Metal band is joined by the powerful new witch Larissa on lead guitar. The ladies are also working in the studio on a new single at this moment, release day for the brand-new track and the video will be September 17th!

Larissa, former ANNA LUX, GOMORRA and PATER ILTIS, welcomes the fans:
"Hey Burning Witches Fans all around the world, I am unbelievably excited to join the coven on lead guitar! We all share this great passion for Heavy Metal and an almost lifelong friendship. I follow the girls since the start and I will do my very best, to live up to the expectations as a witch. Let´s continue this journey even stronger together! I m ready to fight!!"

Meet new lead guitarist Larissa in an introductory trailer here:

The girls are very happy to be a complete band again, and are looking forward for new adventures! Romana adds:
"We are very happy to introduce our new witch Larissa! We are a full circle again and it feels really fantastic. Thanks to everyone who applied to play with us, there was so many great girls, it was overwhelming. We went for the girl that is a close friend, an amazing person and a skilled and experienced player. We hope you give her a sensational entree, we know our fans are as excited as we are! We love what we do and want to continue our path now, with regained strength and friendship!" ... ingle.html



 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 22, 2020 3:02 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Las tres canciones del EP, "Acoustic Sessions", fueron grabadas en directo en el estudio Little Creek en Suiza, con las invitadas especiales Courtney Cox (The Iron Maidens), Larissa (la nueva guitarrista) y Noelle Dos Anjos (Nungara, Alkoholika).

Burning Witches se encuentran actualmente en el estudio grabando su nuevo single que será lanzado el 17 de septiembre. El nuevo single ya está disponible en diferentes plataformas digitales.


01. Black Magic
02. We Eat Your Children
03. Dance With The Devil

2020-08-21 - The mighty BURNING WITCHES release their Corona Acoustic Session on streaming platforms today.

The band was asked by many fans to release the acoustic set they recently recorded for a live stream, so they decided to make this magical performance available on all streaming platforms today.

So far, the Corona Acoustic Session was only available on Youtube.
Now all fans get the chance to see this powerful live performance in high resolution with high quality sound anywhere! Watch the Corona Acoustic Session here:

The BURNING WITCHES comment: “Something positive that came out of the difficult Corona times, was for sure that we made this spontaneous acoustic jam with those talented friends and guests. Your demand made this release now possible on all streaming portals, thanks a lot for that!
It will remain a nice memory this way and it also marks Larissas first appearance with the WITCHES!
We have heard your call and maybe one day we will do another session like this but you ALL know WE LOVE IT LOUD, so watch out for our new single to come very soon!”

The three songs were recorded live at Little Creek studio in Switzerland with special guests Courtney Cox (THE IRON MAIDENS), Larissa (the new WITCH on guitar) and Noelle Dos Anjos (NUNGARA, ALKOHOLIKA).
The BURNING WITCHES are currently in the studio recording their new single which will be released on Septemper 17th.

There is more witchcraft coming soon! Check out the official BURNING WITCHES's social medias. ... se-ep.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de BURNING WITCHES
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 17, 2020 3:19 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68841

Burning Witches han grabado un nuevo EP títulado 'The Circle Of Five', que se lanzará el 4 de diciembre de 2020 a través de Nuclear Blast. Estará disponible en vinilo en dos formatos limitados.


Side A
1. The Circle Of Five
2. We Eat Your Children (live)
Side B
1. Dance With The Devil (live)
2. Black Magic (live)


Laura - voz
Romana - guitarra
Larissa - guitarra
Jay - bajo
Lala - batería

2020-10-16 - The Swiss all-Woman Heavy Metal band BURNING WITCHES has launched the pre-order for their 'The Circle Of Five' vinyl EP today. Accompanied by their mighty new WITCH Larissa, the ladies recorded their new masterpiece a few weeks ago, which will be released on December 4th 2020 via Nuclear Blast. Vocalist Laura greets their fans:

This new masterpiece is available in two limited formats: A limited mint vinyl EP and a limited sparkle vinyl EP.
Pre-order your copy of the 'The Circle Of Five' vinyl EP in the format of your choice:

The BURNING WITCHES comment: “Due to a high demand of the fans, we are luckily able to release these special songs. The musical products of the current circumstances, are now available together on one vinyl EP. We love the fact that our devotees and the label still supports those unique vinyl releases! In these digitalized times, it is more important than ever!” ... or-ep.html


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