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 Asunto: Re: JORN trabajando
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 16, 2019 3:33 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Nuevo disco de versiones de JORN

El nuevo álbum de versiones de Jorn, "Heavy Rock Radio II - Executing The Classics", sera lanzado el 24 de enero a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. Lonely Nights
02. Winning
03. New York Minute
04. Needles And Pins
05. Love
06. I Do Believe In You
07. Nightlife
08. Bad Attitude
09. Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
10. Mystery
11. The Rhythm Of The Heat
12. Hotel California (Remastered - Bonus Track)
13. The Final Frontier (Radio Edit - Bonus Track)
14. Die Young (Radio Edit - Bonus Track)
15. Naked City (Radio Edit - Bonus Track)
16. Ride LIke The Wind (Remastered - Bonus Track)


Jorn Lande - voz
Alessandro Del Vecchio - teclados
Tore Moren, Jgor Gianola - guitarra
Francesco Jovino - batería ... -jewelcase


 Asunto: Re: JORN trabajando
NotaPublicado: Mar Ene 21, 2020 6:35 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
JORN: nuevo tema "Winning"


 Asunto: Re: JORN trabajando
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 21, 2022 3:04 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
JORN anuncia su nuevo disco "Over The Horizon Radar"

Jorn Lande regresa con un nuevo álbum de estudio, "Over The Horizon Radar", que será lanzado el 17 de junio de 2022 por Frontiers Records. Además de diez nuevos temas el disco contiene una versión extendida de la canción “Faith Bloody Faith” (que se escribió originalmente para el “Melodi Grand Prix de 2021”, el concurso de Eurovisión de Noruega).


01. Over The Horizon Radar
02. Dead London
03. My Rock And Roll
04. One Man War
05. Black Phoenix
06. Special Edition
07. Ode To The Black Nightshade
08. Winds Of Home
09. In The Dirt
10. Believer
11. Faith Bloody Faith (Extended Album Version)


Jorn Lande - voz
Tore Moren - guitarra
Adrian SB - guitarra
Nik Mazzucconi - bajo
Alessandro Del Vecchio - teclados
Francesco Jovino - batería

Producido por Jorn Lande
Mezclado y Masterizado Alessandro Del Vecchio

Simply one of the greatest rock singers of our time, Jorn Lande returns with a new studio album, "Over The Horizon Radar" on June 17, 2022. This latest studio album shows the Norwegian vocalist continuing his rock n' roll journey with his now expected stunning vocal performances, epic songs, and future rock anthems. Featuring 10 original compositions by Lande, plus an extended version of the track 'Faith Bloody Faith' (which was originally written for the 2021 Melodi Grand Prix, the Norwegian Eurovision contest), "Over The Horizon Radar" is yet another gem in this heralded vocalist's crown.
Jorn's catalogue is getting too long to include in brief press statements, and his innovative and creative skills have led to him selling millions of albums worldwide and being a frequent entry on sales charts around the world. Jorn continues his rock crusade on "Over The Horizon Radar" and there are no signs of him slowing down yet. One of the most prolific metal vocalists of the modern metal era, Jorn’s immense vocal talent has earned him a status as one the last pioneers of true classic hard rock and heavy metal. His voice is one of the finest and most powerful you will find in metal and hard rock. Besides focusing on his main band JORN, Lande has fronted various bands, among them Ark, Beyond Twilight and Masterplan. Jorn has also participated on several projects, such as the Nostradamus and Dracula Rock Operas, the Allen/Lande albums with Symphony X vocalist Russell Allen, and the Ayreon and Avantasia projects. ... 5170958493


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