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 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 06, 2014 11:59 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Hiro88 escribió:
No tardará en aparecer en calidad buena, salía hoy, así que :roll:

Pues no sale :roll: hasta el lunes o el domingo a la noche :roll:


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 13, 2015 3:31 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
FALCONER reeditan su primer disco

FALCONER han anunciado la reedición de su álbum debut "Falconer" como "Ultimate Edition", el 21 de abril 2015. El disco estará disponible como un doble CD Digibook. El segundo disco tendrá siete versiones inéditas y demos de canciones del álbum. Las canciones de ambos discos han sido remasterizados por Andy LaRocque.


“Falconer – Ultimate Edition” Disc 1:

01 Upon The Grave Of Guilt
02 Heresy In Disguise
03 Wings Of Serenity
04 A Quest For The Crown
05 Mindtraveller
06 Entering Eternity
07 Royal Galley
08 Substitutional World
09 Lord Of The Blacksmiths
10 The Past Still Lives On
11 Per Tyrssons Döttrar I Vänge

“Falconer – Ultimate Edition” Disc 2:

01 Royal Galley (Acoustic version 2015)
02 Wings of Serenity (Acoustic version 2015)
03 Mindtraveller (Acoustic version 2015)
04 Substitutional World (demo 1999)*
05 Lord of the Blacksmiths (demo 1999)*
06 Mindtraveller (demo 1999)*
07 Entering Eternity (demo 1999)*

FALCONER have announced the re-issue of their legendary debut album as an “Ultimate Edition” on April 21st, 2015! The “Ultimate Edition” will be available as a double CD Digibook. Disc 2 is a bonus CD that features seven previously unreleased versions and demos of tracks from the album. All tracks on both discs have been remastered by Andy LaRocque for the ideal listening experience. ... eir-debut/


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 31, 2020 4:01 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
FALCONER a punto de entrar en el estudio

Falconer volverán al estudio en febrero para grabar un nuevo disco. El álbum aún sin título, constará de un total de 13 canciones, incluidas bonus.

El guitarrista Stefan Weinerhall comenta: “Esta vez tenemos algunos instrumentos sorpresa de regalo, algo que deseábamos hace mucho tiempo, ¡finalmente sucedió! Es hora de un nuevo álbum después de 6 años de espera".

Una vez más, Falconer entrarán en los “Sonic Train Studios” con Andy La Rocque (King Diamond) como ingeniero. Jan Meininghaus hará como siempre la portada.


Mathias Blad: Voz
Stefan Weinerhall: Guitarra
Jimmy Hedlund: Guitarra
Magnus Linhardt: Bajo
Karsten Larsson: Batería

Long time running Swedish folk metal pioneers FALCONER will head back into the studio in February to record a new full length.

The album is yet untitled but will consist of a total of 13 songs, including bonus tracks. Expect folkish power metal with a velvet voice to crown it!

Comments mainman/guitarist Stefan Weinerhall: “This time around we have a few instrument surprises as a treat, something that has been a wish for a long time finally happening! It is due time for a new album after a 6 year wait. In the meantime we did our last and final live show at Prog Power USA in 2015.“

Once again FALCONER will be entering Sonic Train Studios with Andy La Rocque (King Diamond) as engineer. Jan Meininghaus will as always do the cover art.

“We are really looking forward to it, in a way it feels like going back home again!“

A release date hasn’t been set yet, but expect the new FALCONER album in the 2nd half of 2020! ... new-album/


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Jue May 14, 2020 1:54 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
FALCONER dan detalles de su nuevo disco “From A Dying Ember”

Falconer lanzará su nuevo álbum, “From A Dying Ember”, el 26 de junio a través de Metal Blade Records. El disco fue grabadom mezclado y masterizado por Andy LaRocque en su propio estudio “Sonic Train”.


01. Kings and Queens
02. Desert Dreams
03. Redeem and Repent
04. Bland Sump Och Dy
05. Fool’s Crusade
06. Garnets and a Gilded Rose
07. In Regal Attire
08. Rejoice the Adorned
09. Testify
10. Thrust the Dagger Deep
11. Rapture
12. The Cauldron (Digipak Bonus Track)
13. Portals of Light (Acoustic Version – Digipak Bonus Track)
14. Long Gone By (Acoustic Version – Digipak Bonus Track)


Mathias Blad: voZ
Stefan Weinerhall: guitarra
Jimmy Hedlund: guitarra
Magnus Linhardt: bajo
Karsten Larsson: batería

On June 26th, Sweden’s Falconer will release their new album, From A Dying Ember, via Metal Blade Records. For a preview of From A Dying Ember, the first single, “Desert Dreams”, can be heard at: – where the record can also be pre-ordered in the following formats:

- jewelcase-CD
- ltd. digipak CD (incl. 3 bonus tracks – EU exclusive)
- 180g black vinyl (EU exclusive)
- turquoise green marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- orange white marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 100 copies)
- light grey marbled vinyl (US exclusive – limited to 300 copies)

Falconer was born out of the ashes of Mithotyn, who split-up in 1999. After disbanding, one of Mithotyn‘s founding members – Stefan Weinerhall (guitar) – had a demo for a solo project, which eventually led to the creation of the folk power metal group Falconer.

From the beginning, the band planned not to perform often live (their final tour date was at ProgPower USA in Atlanta, GA in 2015). After retiring from the stage five years ago, the band took some time off before writing a new album. Stefan decided not to rush the writing process, just to make sure the written material would be of the utmost quality. Some of the earlier material was scrapped and re-written halfway into the process; additionally, Stefan re-wrote one song with his old Mithotyn bandmate, Karl Beckmann (guitars/keyboards). The echoes from Mithotyn are surely noticeable on the track “Rapture”.

Stefan comments: “Finally, we got the chance to incorporate some keyed fiddle and bagpipe into the music – something that has always been a wish from us, just to get that extra medieval and folky feel to it. In that time, we also wrote the most intense ballad ever, which turned out to be ‘Rejoice The Adorned’ – only featuring piano, keys and strings.”

Mixed and mastered by Andy LaRocque, From A Dying Ember was also recorded at LaRocque’s Sonic Train Studio. Stefan concludes: “To sum the album up, we can say that ‘From A Dying Ember‘ has some things that really stand out from a usual Falconer album. A lot of things happening and more elements to the music than ever before!” ... ing-ember/


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 11, 2020 1:26 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
FALCONER: nuevo tema "Kings and Queens"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 12, 2020 2:38 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
FALCONER lo dejan

Comunicado de la banda:

Como el nuevo álbum "From a dying ember" se lanzará el 26 de junio, Falconer dejará de existir después de 20 años.

La razón no es nada drástica o repentina, pero se ha madurado durante los últimos años. Es el momento de seguir adelante después de todo este tiempo y hacer algo diferente, sea lo que sea.

Yo (Stefan) lo sentí antes de este álbum, aunque amo la música de Falconer, sabía muy bien cómo hacerlo y cuáles son mis propias expectativas y límites cuando se trata de escribir canciones para Falconer. Tal vez me sentí demasiado seguro y familiarizado.

Decidimos hacer este último álbum lo mejor que pudimos y realmente nos concentramos en tener presentes todos los elementos de Falconer y realmente nos aseguramos de que cada elemento tenga plena devoción.

Por ejemplo, la balada debe ser tan "balada" como siempre, y la canción folk debe de sonar lo más folk posible, etc.

La decisión de hacer el álbum final en realidad despertó un nuevo entusiasmo y compromiso para mí como compositor, fue como el sprint final de un corredor de larga distancia.

Lo último que queríamos era lanzar un ultimo álbum "regular", realmente queríamos hacerlo lo suficientemente bueno como para que pudiésemos despedir la banda con la cabeza en alto, por lo que dejamos que tomase su tiempo.

Si lo logramos, dejaremos que los fans lo decidan, pero nosotros como banda nos sentimos realmente orgullosos de este logro y esperamos que la mayoría de los fans consideren que este es un "Adieu" respetable.

Entonces, ¿qué pasará con los miembros ahora? Bueno, no hay planes reales para eso, solo veremos qué trae el futuro cuando se trata de música ........................... ......

Dicho esto, queremos dar las gracias a todos nuestros fans y a todos con los que hemos trabajado o conocido durante estos años y les deseamos lo mejor en el futuro.

Con el halconero muerto y sus halcones volando por el cielo ¡Os deseamos a todos una despedida final!

Stefan, Mathias, Karsten, Jimmy y Magnus



As the new album "From a dying ember" is released on the 26:th of June FALCONER will cease to exist after 20 years.
The reason is nothing drastical or sudden but it has grown during the last years.
It is just time to move on after all this time to do something different, whatever that might be.

I (Stefan) felt before this album that although I love Falconer´s music I knew just too well how to make it and what my own expectations and boundaries are when it comes to writing songs for Falconer. It felt maybe a bit too safe and familiar.

We decided to make this final album as good as we possibly could and really concentrate on having all Falconer elements present and really make sure that each element got full devotion.
For example, the ballad should be as "ballady" as ever, and the folk song should sound as folky as possible etc.
The sole decision to make this the final album actually sparked a new found enthusiasm and engagement for me as a song writer, it was like the final sprint for a long distance runner.

The last thing we wanted was to release a "so-so" final album, but really make it good enough so we could end the band with our heads held high, thus we let it take it´s time.
If we succeeded we´ll leave to the fans to decide, but we as a band feel really proud of this achievement and hope that most fans will consider this to be a respectable “Adieu”.

So, what will happen for the members now? Well there is no real plans for that, we´ll just see what the future brings when it comes to music.................................

With this said we would like to thank all our fans and everyone that we have worked with or met during the years and wish you all the best in the future.

With the Falconer dead and his falcons soaring the sky
we bid you all a final farewell!

Stefan, Mathias, Karsten, Jimmy and Magnus ... ?__tn__=-R


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