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 Asunto: Re: Nuevos temas de LILLIAN AXE
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 20, 2014 2:10 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
LILLIAN AXE nuevo disco acústico "One Night In The Temple"

LILLIAN AXE lanzará su decimotercer álbum "One Night In The Temple", producido por Steve Blaze, el 15 de abril a través de CME Records en los EE.UU. y Canadá, y por Melodic Rock Records en el resto del mundo.

Se trata de la grabación de un concierto acústico celebrado el "Masonic Temple in the Bayou" en y en el que interpretaron todos los éxitos de la banda.


Disc 1:

01. Waters Rising
02. Death Comes Tomorrow
03. Ghost Of Winter
04. See You Someday
05. The Great Divide
06 Nocturnal Symphony
07. Sad Day On Planet Earth
08. Bow Your Head
09. Show A Little Love
10. Misery Loves Company

Disc 2:

01. Crucified
02. The World Stopped Turning
03. Dyin' To Live (Shades Of Blue)
04. Until The End Of The World
05. The Day I Met You
06. The Promised Land
07. Nobody Knows
08. My Apologies
09. True Believer
10. Nobody Knows (Crowd Version)


Brian Jones (voz), Steve Blaze (guitarra y voz), Sam Poitevent (guitara y voz), Eric Morris (bajo) y Ken Koudelka (batería).

Louisiana rockers LILLIAN AXE will release their thirteenth album, "One Night In The Temple", produced by Steve Blaze, on April 15 via CME Records in the USA and Canada and via Melodic Rock Records in the rest of the world.

Performed acoustically in an intimate setting housed in a Masonic Temple in the Bayou with LILLIAN AXE's most diehard fans, "One Night In The Temple" features all the band's hits, including "True Believer", "Show A Little Love", "Crucified", "Misery Loves Company", "Ghost Of Winter", "The Great Divide", "Bow Your Head", "Waters Rising" and the crowd favorite "Nobody Knows". ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: Nuevos temas de LILLIAN AXE
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 22, 2014 1:11 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Lillian Axe - One Night in the Temple [FULL EPK]


 Asunto: Re: Nuevos temas de LILLIAN AXE
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 21, 2014 1:36 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Cambio de bajista en LILLIAN AXE

Lillian Axe han anunciado la salida del bajista Eric Morris, quien se despidió "con pena en el corazón."

Eric Morris dijó que la relación con sus antiguos compañeros sigue siendo buena. Su sustituto, Chris Brown hará su debut en Nueva Orleans este fin de semana.

Morris comento:

"Fue una decisión muy difícil para mí. Situaciones recientes han producido cambios en mi vida y me han hecho replantear algunas de mis prioridades personales. Tengo que conseguir poner mi casa en orden, y me pareció que no sería justo limitar el crecimiento de Lillian Axe por mi restringida disponibilidad".



A message from Steve and Eric.

Hello everyone. Unfortunately in life there are moments where changes occur in people's lives that we all wish never occurred, but they do and we have to understand them and move on. I regret to inform everyone that Eric Morris is resigning from Lillian Axe. Below is his message to all of us. Eric is my brother first and a band mate second. He has been with me for many years and is one of the sweetest souls I have ever met. His journey in life is taking a different turn, and it is not allowing him to devote the time and energy needed to remain in Lillian Axe. He has handled this decision with the utmost of consideration and class, even though this was no easy task for him or us. He will still be involved behind the scenes with the organization, and I am sure he will have a lot of input as we move forward. Eric will be present at the Tippitina's show Saturday night and will play a few songs with us, as we welcome new bassist Chris Brown from Jackson, Ms. to the family. Chris has been a longtime fan and is an amazing talent in his own right. It will be bittersweet, but the beauty is that we are all still working together to continue to offer our music to the world in hopes of brightening the lives of those who listen. Thanks to you, Eric, for being my close friend and a vital part in the past and future of Lillian Axe. Here's to you. See you all on Saturday.

Steve Blaze

To all of my friends, family and ultimately the fans of Lillian Axe,

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to announce my resignation as the bass player of Lillian Axe. I had such a great time and will always cherish the experiences I was able to be a part of from touring with Alice Cooper to actually getting on that plane to Europe and everything in between. I have met so many amazing people and have made some great new friendships over the years; I will always be proud to have met and talked with each and every one of you. It was your energy, cheers, and fists pumping in the night (and even sometimes in the day) that fueled me to put on the best show I could.

This was a very difficult decision for me to come to. I’ve recently had some life changing events that have made me rethink some of my personal priorities and responsibilities over this last year. Unfortunately, this meant that I had to get my own house in order before I could continue to expand my musical aspirations and I felt it wouldn’t be fair to limit the growth and further success of Lillian Axe due to my restricted availability.

Ken, Sam, Brian, Steve, Charlie, Alan, and everyone else who is or has been a part of this great organization knows I love them all and wish nothing but massive success. The professionalism and musicianship has been unparalleled and of course the friendship that we’ve developed over the years will never be broken. As much as I will miss sharing the stage with these guys, I will equally miss our time off the stage – bullshittin’ on the bus, shootin’ a game of pool with Sam (I’m horribly losing that tournament by the way), throwin’ back a few drinks, watchin’ Ken’s “antics” and wondering if he’ll “succeed”, listening to Steve and Brian go back and forth (you have to see it to really understand its entertainment value), and finally everyone just making this whole experience an enjoyable one. I’ve heard and personally witnessed the drama that goes on with other bands and I’m continuously grateful we’ve never had any real problems within our group.

Although I will not be on stage anymore, I will continue to work with Lillian Axe in some capacity behind the scenes and will support them in all of their endeavors. If I’m around, I’m sure I’ll join them on stage for a tune or two. I also plan in some way to be active musically in and around the New Orleans area, although very limited for the moment.

I will truly miss this experience, the stage, and of course the greatest, most loyal fans in the land! As saddened as I am, I know in my heart that this is something I have to do and is the right decision for me.

Cheers to you all,
Eric Morris ... 0468635427


 Asunto: Re: Nuevos temas de LILLIAN AXE
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 14, 2020 6:57 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Brian C. Jones (voz) deja LILLIAN AXE

Comunicado en Facebook de la banda:

"Hola a todos. En nombre de la banda, me gustaría hacer un anuncio sobre algunos cambios en nuestra formación. Acordamos mutuamente que separarnos de nuestro cantante Brian después de diez años de hacer y tocar música juntos. Seguiremos trabajando juntos en diferentes proyectos y apoyamos a Brian en sus futuros trabajos musicales como el hace con los nuestros. Él nos seguirá apoyando en diferentes áreas, ya que apoyamos plenamente el futuro de unos y otros. Este es un cambio mutuo y amigable, y esperamos que nuestros fans y amigos nos apoyen a todos a medida que avanzamos.

A medida que Brian comience con su carrera en solitario y su próximo libro, os mantendremos informados sobre el progreso y las fechas de Lillian. Gracias por ser los mejores fans y amigos del mundo. "


Hello everyone. On behalf of the band, I would like to make an announcement concerning some changes in our organization. We have mutually agreed that we will be going on different paths with our singer Brian after ten great years of making and performing music together. We will still be working together in different capacities and we support Brian in his future musical endeavors as he does with ours. He will still be assisting in different areas, as we fully support each other's futures. This is a mutual and amicable change, and we hope that our fans and friends support us all as we move forward.

As Brian commences with his solo career and his upcoming book, we will keep you posted with Lillian's progress and dates. Thank you for being the greatest fans and friends on the planet. ... 85?__xts__[0]=68.ARBNEw2WtDK4hviHi-W2UIqLvnEY4Z7HPLbNplp5l5nIzYXhqwO3bd1eBe55cHrHJrwca730rcpbSHoi6Ed_Ac-DAYoo9F_Q_Bgh4ZGyv-ZCdkwgk-MJCwAqICyd5Lc3dmB0UzqtheKnPz5PzscrZaMKQKR0esc_kFfW0Sj4IOUdbuvS0ADHW_CaPANESLhs8LvhG0tFUiP1c1RrgbrALOJiTMO1GDae_6jBxxz6c4NZJHZfnk5QUtpz1--3A0BIFJluiiGJpaD1nLr2mr5G3_e9-hnGVuUl1Mqcj-tMXFa_kLC4t99DgWms2Go6-v6h4e_Qej3WmyJNww5WGcNODw&__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Nuevos temas de LILLIAN AXE
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 19, 2022 4:30 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de LILLIAN AXE

Lillian Axe con el guitarrista y líder de la banda Steve Blaze lanzará su décimo álbum de estudio, "From Womb To Tomb", a través de Global Rock Records el 19 de agosto de 2022.


01. Breathe
02. I Am Beyond
03. Neverending Me (Dempsey’s Kick)
04. A
05. The Golden Dragon
06. Piercing The Veil
07. Migrating North
08. No Problem
09. Dance of The Maggots
10. Fall of The Human Condition
11. The Great Deception
12. Endless Green Fields
13. Feelings of Absinthe
14. Finally, Clarity
15. From The Mountaintops
16. Ascension


Lillian Axe have released full details of their long awaited 10th studio album "From Womb To Tomb" released on Global Rock Records August 19th

Louisiana Music Hall Of Fame inductees Lillian Axe have been releasing top quality hard rock albums since bursting onto the scene back in 1988 with their acclaimed debut album on MCA Records. 2022 sees the band back in top form, with a recent celebrated anthology release "Psalms For Eternity", high profile live festival dates Stateside, along with an upcoming UK headlining tour, Lillian Axe are in for one of their biggest years in some time.

The new album "From Womb To Tomb" is sure to please long-time fans and impress many newcomers with its superb songcraft and first-rate musicianship.
The band has an ongoing rabid cult fanbase worldwide. ... 80722.html


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