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 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 03, 2016 2:26 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BLOODBOUND: "Metal Monster" tema adelanto del DVD/CD "One Night Of Blood"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 13, 2016 4:01 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BLOODBOUND: detalles de su nuevo disco "War Of Dragons"

Bloodbound acaban de anunciar el lanzamiento de su nuevo álbum de estudio titulado "War Of Dragons", que saldrá a la venta el 24 de febrero a través de AFM Records. "War Of Dragons" estará disponible en formato CD, 2-CD Digipak, vinilo edición limitada, y caja edición limitada.


01. A New Era Begins
02. Battle In The Sky
03. Tears Of A Dragonheart
04. War Of Dragons
05. Silver Wings
06. Stand And Fight
07. King Of Swords
08. Fallen Heroes
09. Guardians At Heaven's Gate
10. Symphony Satana
11. Starfall
12. Dragons Are Forever


Patrik Johansson - Voz
Tomas Olsson - Guitarra
Fredrik Bergh - Teclados
Henrik Olsson - Guitarra rítmica
Pelle Åkerlind - Batería
Anders Broman - Bajo


Bloodbound to release "War Of Dragons" album in February / tour announced!

Swedish power metal masters BLOODBOUND have announced the arrival of their new studio album, titled "War Of Dragons" for February 24th. "War Of Dragons" follows the Live DVD/CD "One Night Of Blood" which was released in February (2016).
During the past few years, BLOODBOUND have established themselves as one of the finest metal acts from their traditionally strong home country - having toured Europe with the likes of Sabaton and U.D.O.. All this experience now shows in "War Of Dragons", likely the band's most anthemic, bombastic and fast-paced album ever.

"War Of Dragons" will be available as CD, 2-CD Digipak, ltd. Vinyl & ltd. Box Set.

And BLOODBOUND fulfill another big wish of their fans:
the band's first headlining tour is announced! Traditional heavy metal band (and AFM label mates) Crystal Viper as well as Thobbe Englund (ex-Sabaton) will complete the package.

"In the past we have toured a lot as a support act to bands like Sabaton, Hammerfall and U.D.O.. We felt that the time was right to do our own tour now so we can give the fans a full concert, not just a short support set", BLOODBOUND's Fredrik Bergh says. "We wanted to have a great package of bands, so we invited our awesome label mates Crystal Viper to join us as co-headliners and as a very special guest we will bring our friend Thobbe Englund (ex-Sabaton) and his brand new killer band! Thobbe will also join us as 2nd guitarist on this tour since Henrik Olsson is unable to perform."

BLOODBOUND & CRYSTAL VIPER + Thobbe Englund + support
"Dragons And Witches" Tour

30.03.17 Das Bach, Wien, Austria
31.03.17 Masters Of Rock Cafe, Zlin, Czech Republic
01.04.17 Hellraiser, Leipzig, Germany
02.04.17 Barba Negra, Budapest, Hungary
03.04.17 Backstage, München, Germany
04.04.17 Glazart, Paris, France
05.04.17 Cafe Central, Weinheim, Germany
06.04.17 Turock, Essen, Germany
07.04.17 Z7, Pratteln, Switzerland
08.04.17 Biebob, Vosselaar, Belgium
09.04.17 Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany ... 7422623974


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 23, 2017 3:17 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BLOODBOUND: nuevo tema "Stand And Fight"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 01, 2019 4:28 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BLOODBOUND: nuevo disco "Rise Of The Dragon Empire"

Bloodbound lanzará su nuevo disco "Rise Of The Dragon Empire" el 22 de marzo a través de AFM. Hoy como adelanto presentan el primer single "Slayer Of Kings" que podéis escuchar mas abajo.


Ltd. Digipak CD+DVD:
01 Rise Of The Dragon Empire
02 Slayer Of Kings
03 Skyriders And Stormbringers
04 Magical Eye
05 Blackwater Bay
06 Giants Of Heaven
07 The Warlock's Trail
08 A Blessing In Sorcery
09 Breaking The Beast
10 Balerion
11 Reign Of Fire

01 Bloodtale
02 Battle In The Sky
03 Stand And Fight
04 In The Name Of Metal
05 Stormborn
06 When All Lights Fail
07 Moria
08 Silver Wings
09 Dragons Are Forever
10 Nosferatu
11 Made Of Steel


Patrik Johansson - Voz
Tomas Olsson - Guitarras
Fredrik Bergh - Teclados
Henrik Olsson - Guitrra
Anders Broman - Bajo

Swedish power metallers BLOODBOUND today come up with their new single, "Slayer Of Souls", which is taken from the band's highly-anticipated upcoming studio album "Rise Of The Dragon Empire" (out March 22 and available for pre-order here: ... 10?__xts__ ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 15, 2019 7:55 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BLOODBOUND: nuevo tema "The Warlock's Trail"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 20, 2020 2:15 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Bloodbound harán un lanzamiento especial, titulado “Bloodheads United”, este nuevo EP (que estará disponible como Vinilo blanco de 10 ") contiene cuatro pistas exclusivas en directo, todas grabadas en el festival Bang Your Head 2017 y el nuevo tema de estudio “Bloodheads United” (Bloodheads es el nombre del club de fans de la banda). "Bloodheads United" se lanzará el 17 de abril.

Las copias del ep serán limitadas.


Side A:
01. Bloodheads United
02. Bloodtale (Live)
03. Battle In The Sky (Live)

Side B:
04. In The Name Of Metal (Live)
05. Moria (Live)


Swedish melodic power metal force BLOODBOUND returns a with a very special release – which is dedicated to its ever-growing fanbase:

Titled “Bloodheads United”, this new EP (which will be available as 10” white Vinyl) contains four exclusive live tracks – all recorded at Bang Your Head festival 2017 – and on top of that, the brand new studio recording “Bloodheads United”, which is a true hymn dedicated to the Bloodbound fans who kept supporting the band over all these years.

“Our fanclub was named “bloodheads”, that’s why it was obvious for us to include this into the song’s title. Also, it was the easiest way to show our gratitude and appreciation to those who brought us where we are today – our fans!”, Bloodbound keyboardist Fredrik Bergh states.
Bergh continues: “All five tracks are exclusively available on this EP, which comes as 10” white Vinyl only and is limited to 500 units. It’s a nice collector’s item and we hope that our fans like the idea as much as we do.”

“Bloodheads United” will be released on April 17th; pre-order has been kicked of now. ... april.html


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 15, 2021 5:12 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de BLOODBOUND, "Creatures Of The Dark Realm"

BloodBound lanzará su nuevo disco, "Creatures Of The Dark Realm", el 28 de Mayo de 2021.


"Creatures Of The Dark Realm - CD+DVD Digipak"

01. The Creatures Preludium
02. Creatures Of The Dark Realm
03. When Fate is Calling
04. Ever Burning Flame
05. Eyes Come Alive
06. Death Will Lead The Way
07. Gathering Of Souls
08. Kill Or Be Killed
09. The Gargoyles Gate
10. March Into War
11. Face Of Evil
12. The Wicked And The Weak

DVD "Live at Masters of Rock 2018":
1. Bloodtale
2. Battle In The Sky
3. War Of Dragons
4. Stand And Fight
5. In The Name Of Metal
6. Stormborn
7. Moria
8. Silver Wings
9. Nosferatu

- The Warlock’s Trail
- Rise Of The Dragon Empire
- Battle In The Sky
- When Fate Is Calling


After the last album "Rise Of The Dragon Empire" Bloodbound raise the stakes even higher this time - "Creatures Of The Dark Realm" is coming on 28th May and sets out to outshine their predecessors.

Bloodbound returns today with a musical highlight for every power metal fan - “When Fate Is Calling” comes as a powerful and majestic song, that almost theatrical bonds its listeners and takes them into a modern power metal world that has been created very precisely and with ultimate artistic perfection.

Single and videoclip is available now and the album on pre-order as well - enjoy it and blow your speakers! ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Vie Abr 30, 2021 5:33 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BLOODBOUND: nuevo tema "March Into War"



 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 13, 2023 4:41 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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BLOODBOUND anuncian su nuevo disco "Tales From The North"

"Tales From The North" el décimo álbum de estudio de la banda sueca de power metal Bloodbound, saldrá a la venta el 7 de julio de 2023 a través de AFM Records.

Nota de prensa:

Cuando se trata de defender los valores centrales del "power metal" atemporal y combinarlos con nuevas variaciones estilísticas e historias emocionantes, los power metaleros suecos Bloodbound siempre han estado luchando a la vanguardia. Con nueve álbumes de estudio en 16 años a sus espaldas, el sexteto ha demostrado su versatilidad e inventiva innumerables veces. Tras el aclamado último disco "Creatures Of The Dark Realm" (2021, AFM Records), Bloodbound ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su próxima obra maestra, titulada "Tales From The North".

""Tales From The North" es en gran medida un álbum conceptual sobre la era vikinga. Sobre la vida de nuestros antepasados aquí en los ambientes oscuros, fríos y hostiles del norte”, explica el guitarrista principal Tomas Olsson y resume el contenido de sus once canciones: “Diferentes leyendas y mitos se entrelazan durante el curso de las canciones, conduciendo a a la épica batalla de 1066, que marca el final de la era vikinga”. Los que ya conocen el sonido de Bloodbound pueden imaginarse la fuerza metálica que emplea la banda para evocar esta historia. "Tales From The North" se lanzará el 7 de julio de 2023 a través de AFM/Soulfood como un digipak de 2 CD que incluye un CD en vivo. Como regalo especial, también se lanzará como un box set estrictamente limitado y como LP de vinilo en color.


2-CD-Digipak. Album-CD:

01. Tales From The North
02. Drink With The Gods
03. Odin’s Prayer
04. The Raven’s Cry
05. Mimir’s Crystal Eye
06. Between The Enemy Lines
07. Land Of Heroes
08. Sail Among The Dead
09. Stake My Claims
10. Sword And Axe
11. 1066

Bonus-CD: "Live From The Dark Realm"

01. Bloodtale
02. Creatures Of The Dark Realm
03. Slayer Of Kings
04. In The Name Of Metal
05. Stand And Fight
06. When Fate Is Calling
07. Stormborn
08. Battle In The Sky
09. Nightmares From The Grave
10. The Warlock's Trail
11. Moria
12. Dragons Are Forever
13. Rise Of The Dragon Empire
14. Nosferatu


"Tales From The North" - the tenth studio album of the Swedish power metal band BLOODBOUND. Once again a solid, catchy orchestral and symphonic direction without losing their passion for anthemic tracks. Their best album so far!
The power metal band BLOODBOUND earned their standing in the worldwide metal scene through an exemplary discography and a lot of diligence. This is shown in much touring through 25 countries with bands like Sabaton, U.D.O. and Hammerfall, as well as a first chart entry in 2017 with their album "War Of Dragons", which they also succeeded with the followers "Rise Of The Dragon Empire" and "Creatures Of The Dark Realm". Now their already tenth studio album called "Tales From The North" is ready to be released and one can claim that the Swedes have succeeded herewith their probably best work. A logical further development of the last albums, which consolidates the stronger influences of Nordic folk music and fits effortlessly into the typical BLOODBOUND sound. On July 7th 2023 it will be anthemic, fantastic and great again, without losing the certain hardness of power metal! With "Tales From The North" BLOODBOUND tell once again rousing stories from the realm of the Vikings and Celts. ... cd-digipak


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BLOODBOUND
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 17, 2023 8:26 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BLOODBOUND publican su nuevo tema "The Raven's Cry"


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