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 Asunto: Re: ONSLAUGHT: Datos sobre su nuevo álbum
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 30, 2020 3:40 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Sy Keeler (vocalista) deja ONSLAUGHT

Comunicado de la banda:

"Es muy triste anunciar que “Sy Keeler” dejará su papel de vocalista de “Onslaught”. Debido a la naturaleza de la moderna industria de la música, algunas cosas simplemente no son sostenibles año tras año y Sy ahora ha elegido una carrera diferente a tiempo completo.

Nos gustaría desearle lo mejor a Sy y su familia en este nuevo viaje por la vida y darle las gracias por sus inmensas actuaciones vocales en la banda a lo largo de los años.

Hemos compartido muchas experiencias geniales, hemos hecho algunos discos geniales y hemos tocado algunos conciertos realmente increíbles en todo el mundo, desafortunadamente nada dura para siempre y para nosotros, como banda, lo que no nos mata nos volverá a hacer más fuertes.
¡Esperemos que Sy venga y haga algunas apariciones sorpresa de invitado de vez en cuando en el futuro! "


It is with great sadness to announce that 'Sy Keeler' will be leaving his role as vocalist of ‘Onslaught’.�Due to the nature of the modern day music industry some things simply aren't sustainable year after year and Sy has now taken a different full time career path.

We would like to wish Sy and his family all the very best on this new journey through life and give him huge thanks for his immense vocal performances in the band over the years.
We've shared so many great experiences, made some very cool records and played some really amazing shows across the globe, unfortunately nothing lasts forever and for us as a band what doesn't kill us will once again make us stronger.
Lets hope that Sy will come and make a few surprise guest appearances now and again in the future.! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ONSLAUGHT: Datos sobre su nuevo álbum
NotaPublicado: Mar May 05, 2020 3:33 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ONSLAUGHT anuncian nuevo vocalista

Onslaught han anunciado la incorporación del vocalista Dave Garnett a las filas del grupo. Garnett ya ha actuado con Onslaught, cuando reemplazado al cantante anterior Sy Keeler en el festival “House Of Metal” en Umeå, Suecia a finales de febrero.


‘ONSLAUGHT’ NAME NEW VOCALIST - DAVE GARNETT along with new album track teaser.
We're extremely proud to now have Dave within the 'Onslaught' ranks, Please give him a big 'THRASH METAL' welcome..!

‘Dave Garnett’ comments:
Naturally like everyone I was gutted to hear about the departure of ‘Sy Keeler’. ‘Onslaughts’ music and ‘Sy's' vocal style has been an influence of mine for many years, so it was a great honour for me to be asked by the band to fill these very BIG shoes.

As the new voice of ‘Onslaught’ I want to honour ‘Sy’ for his amazing performances over the years, while at the same time as bringing a new sound and energy to the band.
With a new album set for release and so many live shows / festivals in the works, I will be extremely excited to step out on to the stage with great anticipation and give the fans what they deserve!!! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ONSLAUGHT: Datos sobre su nuevo álbum
NotaPublicado: Mié May 13, 2020 2:21 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ONSLAUGHT: detalles de su nuevo disco "Generation Antichrist"

Onslaught lanzará su nuevo álbum titulado "Generation Antichrist" a través de AFM Records el 7 de agosto.

El álbum fue mezclado por Daniel Bergstrand (Behemoth / In Flames / Meshuggah) en los estudios "Dugout", Uppsala, Suecia.


01. Rise To Power
02. Strike Fast Strike Hard
03. Bow Down To The Clowns
04. Generation Antichrist
05. All Seeing Eye
06. Addicted To The Smell Of Death
07. Empires Fall
08. Religiousuicide
09. A Perfect Day To Die


UK Thrashers ‘ONSLAUGHT’ will release their long awaited new album entitled ‘GENERATION ANTICHRIST’ through ‘AFM RECORDS’ on August 7th.
The album mixed by ‘Grammy Award’ winning producer ‘DANIEL BERGSTRAND’ (Behemoth / In Flames / Meshuggah) at ‘Dugout Studios - Uppsala, Sweden is the follow up to the critically acclaimed ‘VI’

Pre-order here:

‘GENERATION ANTICHRIST’ will be the first album to feature new ‘ONSLAUGHT’ vocalist ‘DAVE GARNETT’ who has recently replaced long term frontman ‘SY KEELER’

‘SLAUGHT' guitarist ‘NIGE ROCKETT’ comments:
Wow, we’re stoked to finally get this new album ready to go, It’s been a huge challenge to get everything finalised in light of recent events around the the world. We’ve had to bend a few rules and do things in very unconventional ways to make it work, but we got it done.
I gotta say this is one brutal record and could be a real game-changer for the future of ‘ONSLAUGHT’, It’s a very earthy and extremely raw sounding album, we held back lot on the technology, and i think ‘DANIEL BERGSTRAND’ did an unbelievable job on the mix.
Everyone really stepped up to the plate massively on ‘GENERATION ANTICHRIST’ but i have to single out our new vocalist ‘DAVE GARNETT’ for smashing the vocals out of the park. It’s an unenviable task to follow in the big shoes of ‘SY KEELER’ but he’s made this album his own and in his own very cool style, I’m sure he’s gonna be hugely popular with the fans.! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ONSLAUGHT: Datos sobre su nuevo álbum
NotaPublicado: Vie May 29, 2020 3:57 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ONSLAUGHT: nuevo tema "Religiousuicide"


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