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 Asunto: Re: Canciones y portadas de UFO
NotaPublicado: Lun Abr 15, 2019 2:32 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Fallece Paul Raymond, guitarrista y teclista de UFO

Paul Raymond, guitarrista y teclista de la banda inglesa UFO, falleció el sábado (13 de abril de 2019) de un infarto a los 73 años.

Su esposa Sandra Raymond, informó del hecho a través de las redes sociales, en la web de la banda se remite a esa misma nota que podéis leer mas abajo.


Paul Raymond ha fallecido unos días después de finalizar el tramo inglés e irlandés de la gira de despedida de la banda.

Hi to all the fans and people who knew Paul! This is Sandra, Paul's life partner speaking: With a desperate and broken heart, fully in tears and pains that feel like they will kill me I have to tell you that my most beautiful and beloved darling Paul Raymond has passed away today. The doctors were trying to reanimate him and with success at first but then his system shot down again and there was nothing more they could do for him, he died of a heart attack.

He absolutely enjoyed the last couple of weeks touring with UFO in the UK & Ireland and he was looking forward to the rest of this year's tour.

This photo was taken last Wednesday when we checked out of our last hotel before coming back to Germany!

I will always love him and I hope he will rest in peace until I'll see him again on the other side!!!

I love you so much Paul Sandra ... 61?__xts__


 Asunto: Re: Canciones y portadas de UFO
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 30, 2019 7:30 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
UFO continuaran con su gira 50 aniversario "Last Orders Tour 2019"

Parte del comunicado de la banda:

“… Nos complace anunciar que nuestro amigo y ex compañero de banda Neil Carter aceptó unirse a nosotros nuevamente y ocupar el espacio de teclados / guitarra y voz para el resto de la gira. Neil ya formaba parte de la familia entre 1981 y 1983, tocando en los álbumes "The Wild, The Willing And The Innocent", "Mechanix" y "Making Contact". Antes de unirse a UFO estaba en Wild Horses, más tarde continuó su carrera con Gary Moore.

Junto con Neil, cerraremos nuestro Last Orders Tour 2019. Queremos asegurarnos de que todos nuestros increíbles fans obtengan una experiencia fantástica una vez más."


UFO TOUR 2019 WILL CONTINUE - Neil Carter joins the band for the late Paul Raymond

On April 13th 2019, the UFO family got the tragic news that our bandmate Paul Raymond had died of a heart attack. It had been just a week since we finished the first leg of our “Last Orders Tour” in the UK. While mourning his loss, sadly we also had to face the reality of what to do with the band. We feel moving forward with the tour is the right thing to do. We all know this is what Paul would have wanted us to do.

We are therefore very pleased to announce that our friend and former bandmate Neil Carter has agreed to join us again and take over the keyboards/guitar and vocals slot for the remainder of the tour. Neil was already part of the family between 1981 and 1983, playing on the albums “The Wild, The Willing And The Innocent”, “Mechanix” and “Making Contact”. Before he joined UFO he was in Wild Horses, later he continued his career with Gary Moore.

Together with Neil, we will bring our 2019 LAST ORDERS TOUR to a close. We want to make sure that all our amazing fans get a fantastic experience out of it one more time.


 Asunto: Re: Canciones y portadas de UFO
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 15, 2020 4:00 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Fallece Pete Way, bajista de UFO

El icónico bajista Pete Way, fundador de UFO, Waysted y, más tarde, The Pete Way Band ha muerto.

Sufrió lesiones mortales en un accidente hace dos meses, pero luchó duro hasta que finalmente sucumbió a las 11:35 am BST de hoy. Su esposa, Jenny, estaba a su lado...



Iconic bass player Pete Way founder of UFO, Waysted and, latterly, The Pete Way Band has died.

He sustained life threatening injuries in an accident two months ago but fought hard until finally succumbing to those injuries at 11.35am BST today. His wife, Jenny, was at his side.

Pete Way was a much loved and highly regarded figure among rock fans, critics and fellow musicians alike. Best known for his work with UFO, Pete’s energetic live performances were at the heart of the band’s countless world tours. His melodic bass lines underpinned the catalogue of enduring rock classics upon which UFO’s reputation and legacy were founded. Pete’s post UFO work included collaborating with “Fast” Eddie Clarke from Motörhead - the two putting together Fastway with Humble Pie drummer Jerry Shirley and bassist for his long time friend, Ozzy Osbourne. He then put together his own band Waysted. Pete’s keen ear for song arrangements have also seen him serve as producer for popular hard rock acts such as Twisted Sister and the Cockney Rejects. Pete had recently finished a solo album, “Walking On The Edge” with producer Mike Clink (Guns n Roses “Appetite For Destruction” amongst many more.) He had a biography published “A Fast Ride Out Of Here” in 2017 and an album “Amphetamine” which is currently out on Cargo Records.

Pete is survived by two daughters, Zowie and Charlotte and his younger brother, Neill. ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Canciones y portadas de UFO
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 29, 2020 10:46 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Lun Sep 07, 2009 5:07 pm
Mensajes: 2440
Ubicación: Las islas del recuadro aparte cuando dan el tiempo
Formó parte de grandes grupos. Un grande. D.E.P.


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