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 Asunto: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Lun Jun 14, 2010 6:39 pm 
Rey de la Barra
Rey de la Barra
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
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Ubicación: En las cálidas tierras andaluzas

Después de tres años, desde el lanzamiento de “6 Days To Nowhere”, los italianos LABYRINTH, nos presentan su nuevo trabajo de estudio, “Return to Heaveb Denied pt.2 – A Midnight Autumn´s Dream”. Producido por Olaf Thorsen, que regresa a la banda, y masterizado por Mika Jussila, en los afamados Finvox de Helsinki en Finlandia (NIGHTWISH, SONATA ARCTICA, HIM), este disco será la continuación de su trabajo de 1998 “Return to Heaven Denide”.

Este nuevo trabajo de LABYRINTH, será lanzado el próximo 21 de junio y contará con el siguiente track list (debajo del mismo podremos ver la portada del álbum):

1. The Shooting Star
2. A Chance
3. Like Shadows In The Dark
4. Princess Of The Night
5. Sailors Of Time
6. To Where We Belong
7. A Midnight Autumn´s Dream
8. The Morning´s Call
9. In This Void
10. A Paint On The Wall
Japan Bonus Track:
11. You Don´t Remember, I´ll Never Forget (Y.Malmsteen)
12. A Midnight Autumn´s Dream (Ac.Version - feat. Irene Fornaciari)


Además, “The Shooting Star”, una de las nuevas canciones, puede ser escuchada a través del MySpace oficial de la banda. ... tudio.html

Dime con quien andas y te diré con quien vas

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mar Jun 15, 2010 7:17 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Registrado: Sab Ago 30, 2008 7:36 pm
Mensajes: 755
Pues a esperarlo impaciente, siempre me gusto esta banda, pese a hacer power metal tienen un sonido peculiar.

Gracias por la noticia. Un saludo.

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 16, 2010 1:22 am 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Vie Ene 16, 2009 1:45 pm
Mensajes: 575
Esperemos que suene de verdad como ese disco, porque es un discazo, todo un boom en su época.


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 17, 2010 11:11 am 
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero
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Registrado: Jue Feb 26, 2009 1:00 pm
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Un buen verano de lanzamientos 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 18, 2017 3:49 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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LABYRINTH: detalles de su nuevo disco "Architecture of a God"

Frontiers Music anuncia que después de siete años, la banda italiana Labyrinth, lanzará el 21 de abril de 2017 un nuevo álbum de estudio titulado "Architecture of a God".


01. Bullets
02. Still Alive
03. Take On My Legacy
04. A New Dream
05. Someone Says
06. Random Logic
07. Architecture of a God
08. Children
09. Those Days
10. We Belong To Yesterday
11. Stardust and Ashes
12. Diamond


Roberto Tiranti – lead vocals
Olaf Thorsen – lead guitars
Andrea Cantarelli – lead guitars
Nik Mazzucconi – bass guitar
Oleg Smirnoff - keyboards
John Macaluso - drums

BREAKING NEWS: Frontiers Music Srl is particularly pleased to announce that after a seven year hiatus, Labyrinth, the legendary Italian metal band, will return with a brand new studio album, “Architecture of a God” on April 21, 2017.

In the spring of 2016, the band’s founding members, Andrea Cantarelli and Olaf Thorsen received a call from Frontiers asking them to discuss with vocalist Roberto Tiranti the possibilities of a reunion with a return to their classic sound to mount a comeback for the band. After much discussion, the guys agreed to make an album and also to make a very special appearance at the the first annual Frontiers Metal Festival, where they performed their signature album, “Return to Heaven Denied” in it’s entirety. [Said performance is being prepared for a future home video release.]

Olaf says: “This has been easily the most difficult and challenging album I ever worked on. To be honest, when Frontiers contacted me, insisting to make this reunion happen, I was skeptical and worried. We couldn't simply make a new album, it wouldn't have been honest to the fans, to ourselves. Of course, this is as easy to say as also unbelievably tough to make real: we have so many good albums out there, looking at us from their past and which people still keep in their minds and hearts. That's why we decided to strengthen our line-up, joining with nobody else but the best musicians we believed they would have fitted perfectly into our perspective of the music we were about to write.”

Andrea adds: “The making of this album has been a fantastic journey. We brought back a lot of classic elements of our music, mixing it with something new and I'm so enthusiastic about the final result.”

Roberto Tiranti makes it short: “Just when you thought you already gave everything you could, expressing every possible musical aspect of your way of intending music for a band like Labyrinth, then comes "Architecture of a God", to remind you that nothing is impossible!”

With a new line-up rounded out by drummer extraordinaire John Macaluso (TNT, Riot, Ark etc.), Oleg Smirnoff (Vision Divine, Edritch) on keyboards, and Nik Mazzucconi on bass, Labÿrinth are truly coming back stronger than ever and have offered up a superb self-produced album. “Architecture of a God” (mixed by DGM’s Simone Mularoni) is a record that encompasses all the elements the band is known for: fast power metal songs with unforgettable hooks, epic prog infused metal songs, and some great melodic numbers that compose a record which is easily going to be another milestone for the Italian metal masters!

“What we have in our hands, now, it's "Architecture of a God": by far, the most mature and complete album we ever wrote,” concludes Thorsen. “There's no will to challenge our glorious past, but I'm really confident that, once released, this album will set a new standard for our music!” ... 04043271:0


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mar Feb 28, 2017 6:38 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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LABYRINTH: nuevo tema "A New Dream"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 12, 2017 1:19 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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LABYRINTH: nuevo tema "Take On My Legacy"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 22, 2017 4:04 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
LABYRINTH lanzan el CD/DVD "Return To Live"

Labyrinth lanzará "Return To Live" CD/DVD y Blu-Ray el 26 de enero de 2018 a través de Frontiers Music Srl!

El CD/DVD recoge la actuación de la banda en el "Frontiers Metal Festival" en "Trezzo Sull' Adda" el 30 de octubre de 2016. La renovada alineación tocó "Return To Heaven Denied" en su totalidad, por segunda vez, su disco más popular (hasta ahora). El álbum histórico fue lanzado originalmente por Metal Blade en 1998 y es considerado por muchos como uno de los momentos culmen del power metal de finales de los 90's.



1. Moonlight
2. New Horizons
3. The Night Of Dreams
4. Lady Lost In Time
5. State Of Grace
6. Heaven Denied
7. Thunder
8. Feel
9. Time After Time
10. Falling Rain
11. Die For Freedom
12. In The Shade


Roberto Tiranti, Olaf Thorsen, Andrea Cantarelli, John Macaluso, Nik Mazzucconi, Oleg Smirnoff

Labyrinth to release “Return To Live” CD/DVD and Blu-Ray on January 26, 2018 on Frontiers Music Srl!

Labyrinth, Italy’s finest purveryors of power/prog metal, held their first reunion show at Frontiers Metal Festival in Trezzo Sull’Adda on October 30, 2016. The renewed lineup played “Return To Heaven Denied” in it’s entirety, for only the second time ever, their most popular record (so far). The landmark album was originally released by Metal Blade in 1998 and is considered by many to be one of the highlights of the power metal genre in the late ‘90s.

Olaf Thorsen says, “It was a real mix of feelings to play Return To Heaven Denied in it's entirety as it was something which we never did before, not even during the many tours we did back in ’98-‘99! It is even crazier when you think that this was our very first live show with our new line up, but when we saw so many people from different countries singing every single song with us, we just felt that it has all been worth it. Unforgettable.”

A stellar live performance that is crucial listening/viewing for all fans of the band!


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 21, 2020 3:26 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo disco de LABYRINTH

Labyrinth lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Welcome To The Absurd Circus", el 22 de enero de 2021. El primer sencillo del álbum estará disponibles el 2 de noviembre.


01. The Absurd Circus
02. Live Today
03. One More Last Chance
04. As Long As It Lasts
05. Den Of Snakes
06. Word’s Minefield
07. The Unexpected
08. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
09. Sleepwalker
10. A Reason To Survive
11. Finally Free


Labyrinth will release their new album, “Welcome To The Absurd Circus”, on January 22, 2021. First single from the album and pre-orders will be available November 2nd.

Early pre-orders are available now from the Frontiers' U.S. and EU webstores HERE:

Stay tuned! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de los italianos LABYRINTH
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 02, 2020 3:32 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
LABYRINTH: nuevo tema "Live Today"


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