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 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Abr 03, 2020 6:17 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
PRIMAL FEAR anuncian nuevo disco

Primal Fear lanzarán su decimotercer álbum de estudio, "Metal Commando", el 17 de julio a través de Nuclear Blast. El disco fue producido y mezclado por Mat Sinner y Jacob Hansen.



Ralf Scheepers - Voz
Tom Naumann - Guitarra
Alexander Beyrodt - Guitarra
Magnus Karlsson - Guitarra
Michael Ehré - Batería
Mat Sinner - Bajo y voz

2020-04-03 - PRIMAL FEAR recently finished the recording of their upcoming 13th studio album, set to be titled „Metal Commando“. The title of the album speaks for itself - „Metal Commando“ contains 110% PRIMAL FEAR and is full to the brim with power and energy. The album was produced by Mat Sinner and mixed by Jacob Hansen – an experienced dream-team. ... album.html ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie May 01, 2020 2:32 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
PRIMAL FEAR anuncian nuevo single

"Along Came The Devil", el nuevo single de Primal Fear, se lanzará el 15 de mayo. El tema forma parte de su nuevo disco "Metal Commando", que saldrá a la venta el 24 de julio a través de Nuclear Blast.


2020-04-30 - PRIMAL FEAR recently finished the recording of their upcoming 13th studio album, set to be titled „Metal Commando“. The title of the album speaks for itself - „Metal Commando“ contains 110% PRIMAL FEAR and is full to the brim with power and energy.

On May, 15th, the first single "Along Came The Devil" will be released. Same day, also the album pre-order for any physical products will start.

Pre-Save the album and get the single on the day of release:

Also check out the new Spotify profile of the band:

"Metal Commando" was produced by Mat Sinner and mixed by Jacob Hansen – an experienced dream-team.

„I don't want to throw around superlatives, but each of us went to their utmost limits and we are all very happy with the sound and song material. It's pretty safe to say that this is a top album and maybe even our strongest record to date“, comments bassist and producer Mat Sinner. „It's the perfect mix between our origins and our current style, a perfect balance and all band members did an awesome job playing and recording it. For me, „Metal Commando“ is the right album at the right time!“.

The album will be released on July 24th and it will contain 11 tracks. The pre-order will start on May 15th, just in time for the release of the first single, 'Along Came The Devil', a hard-hitting PRIMAL FEAR bomb.
More info will follow soon. ... ingle.html


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie May 15, 2020 6:10 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
PRIMAL FEAR: nuevo tema "Along Came The Devil"

El tema forma parte de su nuevo disco "Metal Commando", que saldrá a la venta el 24 de julio a través de Nuclear Blast.


CD, 2-LP, Digital:

01. I Am Alive
02. Along Came The Devil
03. Halo
04. Hear Me Calling
05. The Lost & The Forgotten
06. My Name Is Fear
07. I Will Be Gone
08. Raise Your Fists
09. Howl Of The Banshee
10. Afterlife
11. Infinity

Bonus CD (Ltd. Edition 2-CD Digipak)
12. Rising Fear
13. Leave Me Alone
14. Second To None
15. Crucify Me


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 12, 2020 3:39 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo single de PRIMAL FEAR con TARJA

Primal Fear lanzarán un single que gira al rededor de balada "I Will Be Gone", regrabada con la diva finlandesa del metal, Tarja Turunen. El disco disponible en diferentes formatos saldrá ala venta el 9 de abril de 2021.


01. I Will Be Gone (feat. Tarja Turunen)
02. Vote For No Confidence
03. Rising Fear
04. Leave Me Alone
05. Second to None


2020-12-11 - PRIMAL FEAR's ferocious new record “Metal Commando” has been an undisputed highlight of 2020. The German power metal band's 13th full length detonated in the midst of a raging pandemic, leaving no stone unturned in its path. The whole world got stuck in, achieving the 6 piece some of their highest chart positions in their 20+ year career, which included; a top ten in Switzerland (6), Germany (7), Japan (7), Finland (9) and Sweden (9) next to multiple high entries in countries such as Austria, Spain, France and the USA.

PRIMAL FEAR are Germany’s metal band of the hour, again. Right now however, they want to show us something new, a different side to them - after releasing a string of heavy and hard-hitting singles from “Metal Commando”, mastermind Mat Sinner and vocal force Ralf Scheepers have something extraordinary up their sleeves; a 5-track single, built around an exclusive new rendition of their achingly beautiful ballad ‘I Will Be Gone’, re-recorded with none other than Finnish metal diva extraordinaire, Tarja Turunen.

Today, the band kick off the pre-order for the single, which will be available as CD-Digipak, Picture-LP, Shape-Vinyl and Vinyl (different colours) and digitally on April 9th, 2021.

Pre-order 'I Will Be Gone' here in the format of your choice: ... tarja.html


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 20, 2021 2:26 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
PRIMAL FEAR cancela sus giras de 2021 y 2022 por problemas de salud

La banda ha anunciado la cancelación de sus próximas giras con el siguiente comunicado:

"Queridos fans y amigos de Primal Fear. Lamentamos profundamente informaros que debido a un problema grave de enfermedad, la banda tiene que cancelar todos los conciertos de 2021 y 2022.

Por el momento no podemos prever cuándo la banda podrá continuar con lo que más le gusta: hacer conciertos.

Quédaros con nosotros y os informaremos tan pronto como tengamos noticias. ¡Manteneros sanos!"



Todas las entradas adquiridas SERÁN DEVUELTAS AUTOMÁTICAMENTE sin necesidad de realizar ningún trámite

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De manera automática, NO hay que realizar ningún trámite. Si en 30 días no la has recibido escribe a ... 2476477692

Dear fans and friends of Primal Fear. We deeply regret to inform you that due to a serious illness issue the band has to cancel all shows booked for 2021 and 2022. At the moment we are not able to foresee when the band will be able to continue what the love the most: playing shows.
Please stay with us and we gonna inform you as soon as we have news. Stay healthy! ... 2434017099


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab May 14, 2022 3:09 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nueva edición del disco debut de PRIMAL FEAR

Primal Fear lanzará una versión de lujo de su álbum debut homónimo de 1998, el 15 de julio de 2022 a través de Atomic Fire.

Remasterizado por Jacob Hansen en “Hansen Studios”, Dinamarca incluye tres nuevas pistas, así como un libreto extendido con notas y fotos de los archivos de la banda.

El álbum contiene colaboraciones especiales de Kai Hansen (Helloween, Gamma Ray, etc.) y Frank Rössler (teclados adicionales) fue grabado originalmente en “House Of Music Studios”, producido por el miembro fundador Mat Sinner, con el apoyo de Tom Naumann y Ralf Scheepers. y diseñado por Achim Köhler. La portada fue diseñada por Stephan Lohrmann, quien también cooperó con Primal Fear en su último álbum de estudio y anteriores.


01. Primal Fear
02. Chainbreaker
03. Silver & Gold
04. Promised Land
05. Formula One
06. Dollars
07. Nine Lives
08. Tears Of Rage
09. Speedking
10. Battalions Of Hate
11. Running In The Dust
12. Thunderdome
Bonus Tracks
13. Breaker (ACCEPT Cover)
14. Chainbreaker (live)
15. Running In The Dust (live)


Tom Naumann (guitarra)
Mat Sinner (bajo, voz)
Ralf Scheepers (voz)
Klaus Sperling (batería)

Founded by bassist Mat Sinner and vocalist Ralf Scheepers, and completed by guitarist Tom Naumann and drummer Klaus Sperling shortly after, German metal commandos PRIMAL FEAR started to pave their way to the top as one of the most consistent acts of the scene in 1997: 13 strong studio albums, countless shows around the globe and last but not least neverending passion influenced their now 25-year way to success, peaking in the form of hitting #7 of the German album charts (PRIMAL FEAR‘s highest entry in their home country so far) and more top positions in other countries with their latest offering »Metal Commando« (2020). And there’s still no end in sight as the band is already working on material for their next album…

…but before the group enter the studio once again and to celebrate the aforementioned anniversary, PRIMAL FEAR will release a deluxe version of their highly-praised self-titled debut album from 1998 — remastered by Jacob Hansen at Hansen Studios, Denmark and including three bonus tracks as well as an extended booklet featuring liner notes and many photos from the band archives — on July 15th, 2022 via Atomic Fire. As first glimpse of the record’s refreshed sound, watch a brand new lyric video for hit song ‘Chainbreaker’ off »Primal Fear,« which was crafted by Gabriel Management (, here:

Stream & download the track now, here:

Subscribe to Atomic Fire Records on YouTube & listen to ‘Chainbreaker’ in the »AFR New Releases« playlist:

Pre-order the album in the physical format of your choice [CD-digipak, various coloured vinyls], pre-save it on your favorite streaming platform or pre-order it digitally to receive ‘Chainbreaker’ instantly now, here:

The album that contains guest appearances by Kai Hansen (guitars; HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY etc.) and Frank Rössler (additional keyboards) was originally recorded at House Of Music Studios, produced by founding member Mat Sinner, supported by Tom Naumann and Ralf Scheepers, and engineered by Achim Köhler. The iconic artwork was designed by Stephan Lohrmann who also cooperated with PRIMAL FEAR for their latest studio album and other parts of their back catalogue. ... 15th-2022/


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 25, 2022 2:35 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
PRIMAL FEAR: nuevo tema "Running In The Dust [Remastered]"


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 10, 2023 4:33 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
PRIMAL FEAR adelantan la portada y el título de su nuevo disco

“Primal Fear celebraron el 25 aniversario de la banda con eventos especiales el año pasado, incluidos conciertos y la reedición de su icónico álbum debut homónimo. El tiempo también lo dedicaron a preparar un gran asalto sónico titulado, "Code Red", que se desatará el 1 de septiembre de 2023 a través de Atomic Fire”

El disco fuer producido por el bajista Mat Sinner y coproducido por el vocalista Ralf Scheepers y el guitarrista Tom Naumann, será mezclado y masterizado por Jacob Hansen, compañero de Primal Fear desde hace mucho tiempo, en sus propios estudios Hansen. en Dinamarca.

Por ahora el grupo ha presentado la portada diseñada por Stan W. Decker ("Angels Of Mercy - Live In Germany" (2017 ), “Apocalypse2 0(2018), y “I Will Be Gone” (2021).

Mat Sinner afirma: "El mundo está en estado de emergencia, una catástrofe sigue a otra. "Code Red" es nuestra declaración sobre el presente y el título de nuestro próximo decimocuarto álbum de estudio, que se lanzará directamente al comienzo de la gira en septiembre. 1. De acuerdo con su título, será un disco pesado, poderoso e intransigente: ¡110% Primal Fear!”


German metal commandos PRIMAL FEAR celebrated their 25th band anniversary with select events last year, including live shows and re-issuing their iconic self-titled debut album. The time was also spent preparing a huge sonic assault named »Code Red« that will be unleashed on September 1st, 2023 through Atomic Fire! Produced by bass player Mat Sinner and co-produced by vocalist Ralf Scheepers as well as guitarist Tom Naumann, it will be mixed and mastered by long-time PRIMAL FEAR companion Jacob Hansen at his own Hansen Studios in Denmark once again. To give fans a first impression of the album, which is still in its recording stages, the group have unveiled its cover artwork which was designed by Stan W. Decker (»Angels Of Mercy – Live In Germany« (2017), »Apocalypse« (2018), and »I Will Be Gone« (2021) etc.) today, and PRIMAL FEAR wouldn’t be PRIMAL FEAR if they didn’t announce the first leg of their upcoming European tour (see below!) as well. Kicking off with a hometown show at Stuttgart‘s Im Wizemann venue, the run will also lead the “eagles” to many other countries besides Germany and Switzerland. Special guests on this run will be no less than German power metallers THE UNITY (feat. members of GAMMA RAY, EDGUY, PRIMAL FEAR etc.) with further dates to be announced at a later point. Don’t ignore the warning signals and get your tickets from before they’re gone!

Mat Sinner states, “The world is in a state of emergency, one catastrophe follows another. »Code Red« is our statement about the present and the title of our upcoming 14th studio album, which will be released directly at the tour start on September 1st. According to its title, it will be a heavy, powerful and uncompromising record – 110% PRIMAL FEAR!” ... -1st-2023/



 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 21, 2023 2:43 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Más detalles de "Code Red", el nuevo disco de PRIMAL FEAR

Primal Fear ha presentado el nuevo tema "Deep In The Night", perteneciente a su nuevo disco "Code Red", que se lanzará el 1 de septiembre de 2023 a través de Atomic Fire.


01. Another Hero
02. Bring That Noise
03. Deep In The Night
04. Cancel Culture
05. Play A Song
06. The World Is On Fire
07. Their Gods Have Failed
08. Steelmelter
09. Raged By Pain
10. Forever
11. Fearless

Singer Ralf Scheepers adds, “Finding out to being cheated is one of the worst experiences for a young man or woman. Unfortunately, it happens to almost everyone of us in life and if not, I hope it never will! But one thing is for sure: If it happens to you, it will definitely help to make the cornea around your heart grow even more. It affects your trust and if you take it too personally, you will probably never be able to trust anyone again. Nevertheless, there are fortunately always people who penetrate this cornea and reach your heart with their beautiful souls.”

Pre-order »Code Red« in the physical format of your choice (see below!), pre-save it on your favourite DSP or pre-order it digitally to receive ‘Deep In The Night’ and ‘Another Hero’ instantly now, here:

The album will be available in the following formats:

– Atomic Fire Records mailorder exclusive bundles (cd-digipak, vinyl, t-shirt, lighter)
– CD-digipak
– 2LP in gatefold (various colours)
– digital

Also (re-)watch the music video for first digital single, ‘Another Hero’:

Don’t forget to subscribe to Atomic Fire Records on YouTube to stay updated & to listen to ‘Deep In The Night’ as well as other new tracks in the »AFR New Releases« playlist on Spotify:

The album was produced by bassist/vocalist Mat Sinner and co-produced by vocalist Ralf Scheepers as well as guitarist Tom Naumann before long-time PRIMAL FEAR companion Jacob Hansen took care of its mixing and mastering at his own Hansen Studios in Denmark once again after being recorded in Kempten, Germany at Sebastian “Basi” Roeder‘s Backyard Studios, with helping hands of Scheepers and Mitch Kunz. Additionally, Stan W. Decker (»Angels Of Mercy – Live In Germany« (2017), »Apocalypse« (2018), and »I Will Be Gone« (2021) by PRIMAL FEAR etc.) provided magnificent artwork. ... the-night/


 Asunto: Re: PRIMAL FEAR preparando nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 24, 2024 4:21 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204

El guitarrista Alex Beyrodt, el guitarrista Tom Naumann, el batería Michael Ehré y el bajista Alex Jansen han dejado Primal Fear.

Beyrodt, Naumann, Ehré y Jansen emitieron la siguiente declaración a través de las redes sociales:
"Estimados fans y amigos de Primal Fear, lamentablemente tenemos que informar de que Alex Beyrodt, Tom Naumann, Michael Ehré y Alex Jansen, quien nos ayudó en el bajo durante los últimos dos años, ya no somos parte de la banda Primal Fear, debido a decisiones dentro de la banda con las que no estamos de acuerdo, este paso no fue nada fácil para nosotros. Nos gustaría dejarlo claro. A pesar de las diferencias de opinión, no hubo discusión ni rencor.

Queremos agradecer el tiempo que pasamos juntos, los numerosos álbumes, las giras, conciertos y festivales que nos han llevado juntos por todo el mundo y, por supuesto, por el amor de los fans. Deseamos a Mat y Ralf todo lo mejor ¡Lo mejor para el futuro!"

El cantante Ralf Scheepers y el bajista Mat Sinner, aún no han anunciado los sustitutos.

Hoy temprano, Sinner compartió el siguiente mensaje a través de sus redes sociales:
"Pronto podremos revelar algunas noticias sorprendentes de Primal Fear. ¡Ahora nos concentramos en grabar un nuevo álbum y estamos totalmente emocionados! Que tengan un excelente fin de semana soleado, amigos míos. ¡Una buena bebida y pon buena música!".


German power metallers PRIMAL FEAR have parted ways with guitarist Alex Beyrodt, guitarist Tom Naumann, drummer Michael Ehré and bassist Alex Jansen.

Earlier today, Beyrodt, Naumann, Ehré and Jansen released the following statement via social media: "Dear fans and friends of PRIMAL FEAR, we unfortunately have to inform you today that Alex Beyrodt, Tom Naumann, Michael Ehré and Alex Jansen, who helped us on bass for the last two years, are no longer part of the band PRIMAL FEAR. Triggered by decisions within the band that we do not agree with, this step was anything but easy for us to take. We would like to make it clear that despite the differences of opinion, there was no argument or bad blood.

"We would like to thank you for the time we spent together, the numerous albums, the tours, shows and festivals that have taken us around the world together, and of course for the love of the fans. We wish Mat and Ralf all the best for the future!"

Singer Ralf Scheepers and bassist Mat Sinner (a.k.a. Matthias Lasch),who also serves as PRIMAL FEAR's producer, have yet to announce replacements for the departed musicians.

Earlier today, Sinner shared the following message via his social media: "Soon we will can reveal some surprising PRIMAL FEAR news. We will focus now on recording a new album and we're totally excited! Have a great sunny weekend my friends, have a nice drink and crank up some cool music!" ... -bad-blood


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