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 Asunto: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 25, 2019 3:22 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN

El segundo disco de Frozen Crown, "Crowned In Frost", se lanzará el 22 de marzo de 2019 por Scarlet Records en la UE y EE.UU., y en el mismo mes por Marquee / Avalon en Japón. La portada es obra del líder del grupo Federico Mondelli.


01. Arctic Gales
02. Neverending
03. In The Dark
04. Battles In The Night
05. Winterfall
06. Unspoken
07. Lost In Time
08. The Wolf And The Maiden
09. Forever
10. Enthroned
11. Crowned In Frost


Giada "Jade" Etro - Voz
Federico Mondelli - Voz, guitarra, teclados
Talia Bellazecca - Guitarra
Filippo Zavattari - Bajo
Alberto Mezzanotte - Batería

Gira española de FROZEN CROWN: gira-de-frozen-crown-t23207.html?hilit=Frozen%20Crown

Madrid - 14 Febrero - Sala Silikona
Vitoria - 15 Febrero - URBAN ROCK Concept
Zaragoza - 16 Febrero - Utopía Sala
Valencia - 17 Febrero - 16 Toneladas

We're proud to introduce you our NEW ALBUM!
"Crowned In Frost" will be released March 22 worldwide. PREORDER it now from our BigCartel store to grab some exclusive merch (link in the first comment)!
Here's the tracklist:

Frozen Crown are back! And just like the valkyrie on the front cover, this time they're bigger, heavier and battle-worn, just a year after our first release.
"Crowned In Frost" is richer, more articulated and deeper than its predecessor, while still keeping the in-your-face attitude, the memorable refrains and the love for speed shown in "The Fallen King".

The album cover was once again painted by mastermind and songwriter Federico Mondelli, expressing through a beefed up version of the band's mascot the evolution of Frozen Crown's music, closer like never before to the roots of the purest old school Heavy Metal.
"Crowned In Frost" will be released on March 22, 2019 on Scarlet Records in EU and US, and in the same month, on Marquee / AVALON in Japan.

Many news are still to come, so be prepared! We can't wait to see you on the road!
Jade, Federico, Alberto, Thalìa and Filippo

Follows Scarlet Records announcement:

‘Crowned In Frost’ is the new album from Frozen Crown, coming a year after the very successful debut ‘The Fallen King’, which gave the band huge media exposure (over one million views for the single ‘Kings’ and two and a half million views for the 4 singles collectively) and brought a deal with international booking agency Nine Lives Entertainment amongst many other accomplishments.
This time mastermind and songwriter Federico Mondelli amplified the Classic/Heavy and Power Metal components of the band, making ‘Crowned In Frost’ an aggressive and monolithic album from the very beginning, still keeping the listener engaged with its rich sound and wide variety of songs, including instrumental interludes and outstanding female vocals, brought to life by talented Giada "Jade" Etro.

As with the first album, Federico wrote the music and recorded all guitars and keyboards (being an all-round artist he designed the beautiful artwork as well), whilst the drum parts were arranged by drummer Alberto Mezzanotte. Lyrics are once again the result of the joint efforts of Giada and Federico. Production duties have been handled by Andrea Fusini.

‘Crowned In Frost’ broadens Frozen Crown’s musical landscape still keeping intact an uncommon taste for melody and catchy refrains. The album will be released on March 22, 2019 on Scarlet Records. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 30, 2021 3:25 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
Deshielo en FROZEN CROWN

Talia Bellazecca (Guitarra), Filippo Zavattari (Bajo) y Alberto Mezzanotte (Batería) dejan la banda.


Nota en el facebook oficial de la banda:

"Queridos amigos, como ya sabéis, 2020 ha sido un año duro para los músicos y cada uno de nosotros ha tenido que tomarse un tiempo para sentarse, afrontar la realidad y repasar sus propias prioridades en la vida. N
o es fácil formar parte de una banda, y mucho menos hacerlo durante un período que no te permite vivir esa experiencia al máximo y viajar por el mundo tocando, o incluso compartir un rato con tus compañeros de banda. Por eso, en distintas épocas del año pasado, Alberto, Thalía y Filippo decidieron dejar la banda para centrarse en sus proyectos personales: les deseamos lo mejor para sus nuevos proyectos y sus vidas. También nos gustaría agradecerles por los increíbles momentos que pasamos de gira y celebrar nuestros tres años juntos con este último video de "Crowned in Frost", que retrata la alineación "clásica" de Frozen Crown. Como ya sabéis, nuestro tercer álbum acaba de completarse (ya que la formación de compositores permanece sin cambios) y se anunciará en los próximos días, así como los nuevos miembros de la banda.

Aseguraros de visitar esta página para leer las muchas actualizaciones que vendrán! Frozen Crown"

Dear friends, as you already know 2020 has been a hard year for musicians and each of us had to take some time to sit down, deal with reality and review his/her own priorities in life. It’s not easy to be part of a band, let alone doing it during a period that doesn’t allow you to live that experience to the fullest and to travel the world playing around, or even to share some time with your band mates to start with. This is why, in different times during last year, Alberto, Thalía and Filippo decided to leave the band to focus on their personal projects: we wish them all the best for their new ventures and for their lives. We would also like to thank them for the awesome moments spent touring around, and to celebrate our three years together with this last video from ‘Crowned in Frost’, portraying the 'classic' Frozen Crown line-up. As you already know, our third album has just been completed (as the songwriting line-up remains unchanged anyway) and will be announced in the next days, as well as the new members of the band. Be sure to check this page for many updates to come!
Frozen Crown ... 5978589630


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Dom Ene 31, 2021 12:45 am 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster

Registrado: Vie Ago 29, 2008 12:37 am
Mensajes: 475
ES una pena! espero que les vaya bien

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Lun Feb 15, 2021 4:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN anuncian su nuevo disco "Winterbane"

“Winterbane” es el título del tercer álbum de Frozen Crown que traerá además la incorporación de tres nuevos miembros (aún por revelar).

La producción fue dirigida una vez más por Andrea Fusini, y el álbum cuenta con una aparición especial de la cantante Federica Lanna (Volturian), además de una versión de una canción de Judas Priest del álbum “Painkiller”. La portada es otra vez obra de Federico Mondelli.

"Winterbane" se lanzará el 23 de abril de 2021 por Scarlet Records y Marquee / Avalon (Japón). Pronto se conocerán mas detalles.


01. Embrace The Night
02. Towards The Sun
03. Far Beyond
04. The Lone Stranger
05. Crown Eternal
06. The Water Dancer
07. Angels In Disguise (feat Federica Lanna)
08. Night Crawler (Judas Priest cover)
09. Tales Of The Forest
10. Blood On The Snow


WINTERBANE' is the third Frozen Crown album, and by far the most obscure of our works.

The third chapter consolidates the classic Frozen Crown trademark sound and brings it to the next level, giving priority to a straightforward and in-your-face approach based on powerful and dynamic drums and thundering bass lines. Guitar work plays a key role again, this time richer and more intricate than ever, drawing catchy melodies along lead singer Giada Etro's vocals.

The heaviest of our albums, with strong Classic Metal vibes adding to the usual Power/Melodeath combination, 'Winterbane' represents a proper group effort thanks to the flawless new three (yet to be revealed) members intake.
For what concerns production duties, we teamed up once again with Andrea Fusini, who delivered the best and most powerful production ever in Frozen Crown history.

The album features a special guest appearance by talented singer Federica Lanna (Volturian) and a cover of a classic Judas Priest song from the 'Painkiller' album.

The artwork, once again by songwriter Federico Mondelli, depicts the bloody, war permeated Frozen Crown world – and, figuratively, the band facing its former incarnation, gaining strength from the past and becoming a new and more powerful version of itself.
'Winterbane' brings out the darker, heavier and louder nature of Frozen Crown, more powerful and raw than ever.

There will be Blood... on the Snow!

‘Winterbane’ will be released on April 23, 2021 on Scarlet Records and Marquee/Avalon (Japan). More exciting news will be revealed soon. ... 5214463373


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 19, 2021 3:49 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN presenta sus nuevos componentes

Nota de la banda:

"Los escuchaste en el adelanto del video de nuestro nuevo álbum; ¡ahora finalmente tienen cara! Ha sido muy difícil encontrar miembros adecuados para reemplazar las piezas faltantes de la Crown, especialmente durante estos tiempos difíciles. Estos chicos pusieron su corazón y su alma en el nuevo álbum, proporcionando una batería técnica y dinámica, algunas líneas de bajo ajustadas y agresivas y por supuesto, algunos solos de guitarra llamativos e impresionantes. Espero que améis a estos tres nuevos muchachos tanto como a nosotros, hasta ahora, ya que realmente dieron lo mejor de sí mismos, definitivamente haciendo de "Winterbane" el trabajo de un equipo muy unido.

Estamos muy contentos de presentaros a Fabiola “Sheena” Bellomo como guitarra solista, Francesco Zof al bajo y al joven prodigio Niso Tomasini a la batería.

"Winterbane" saldrá el 23 de abril, ¡pero muy pronto podrás escuchar algunas melodías nuevas! "


You heard them playing in our new album video sneak peek; now they finally have a face! It’s been so hard to find suitable members to replace the missing pieces of the Crown – especially during these hard, hard times. These guys put their heart and soul in the new album, providing with some technical and dynamic drums, some tight and aggressive bass lines and, of course, some flashy and awesome guitar solos. Hope you’ll love these three new fellas like you loved us, so far, as they really gave their absolute best, definitely making ‘Winterbane’ a close-knit team effort.
We're very happy to introduce you to Fabiola “Sheena” Bellomo on lead guitar, Francesco Zof on bass and young prodigy Niso Tomasini on drums. ‘Winterbane’ will be out April 23, but you'll be very soon able to listen to some new tunes off it! ... 9804108914


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Vie Abr 09, 2021 2:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN: nuevo tema "Towards the Sun"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 26, 2022 3:35 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN anuncian su nuevo disco "Call Of The North"

El cuarto disco de Frozen Crowm, "Call Of The North", saldrá a la venta el 10 de marzo de 2023 a través de en Scarlet Records.

El disco fue producido una vez más por Andrea Fusini en Fusix Studio. El primer single y videoclip serán lanzados en diciembre.


01. Call of the North
02. Fire in the Sky
03. Black Heart
04. Victorious
05. In a Moment
06. Legion
07. Until the End
08. Now or Never
09. One for All
10. Far Away


Here we are!!! Our 4th album "Call Of The North" will be out March 10th! Which song title inspires you the most? Let us know!
P.S.: first single and videoclip out in December!
GRAB your SIGNED copy right now (link in comments)!
This fourth album is going to sound 100% Frozen Crown, melding together elements from our previous three albums, and purposely featuring no guest appearances, to consolidate the band sound while bringing at the same time unseen features (like acoustic ballads and epic choirs) on the table.
Be ready for memorable refrains, heavy downtuned guitar riffs, intricate symphonic parts, and a tense and epic battlefield atmosphere.
Once again produced by Andrea Fusini at Fusix Studio, "Call of the North" will be out on Scarlet Records (EU/US) and Marquee Avalon (Japan) and released in digipak CD and in limited edition turquoise and purple vinyl (and, of course, in digital version on all streaming platforms) ... 3l?__cft__ L-JfJA0I1wTD9IyfEYSALecyJEBO45T6ldd51&__tn__


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 19, 2022 2:56 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN comparten su nuevo single "Call of the North"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Lun Ene 16, 2023 3:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN comparten su nuevo single "Victorious"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Lun Feb 20, 2023 4:22 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
FROZEN CROWN comparten su nuevo tema "Fire in the Sky"



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