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 Asunto: Chthonic - Megaport 2021 Live
NotaPublicado: Jue May 20, 2021 2:31 am 
Ready To Rock
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Chthonic - Megaport 2021 Live

0:55 Takao 皇軍 Orchestra Ver.(DnB Remix)
03:13 Oceanquake 震洋(DnB Remix) feat. Audrey Tang
09:31 Supreme Pain for the Tyrant 破夜斬 feat. Audrey Tang
14:25 Flames upon the Weeping Winds 天誅 feat. Audrey Tang
18:00 Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace 暮沉武德殿 feat. Audrey Tang
28:54 Set Fire to the Island 火燒島(DnB Remix) feat. Audrey Tang
32:52 Millennia’s Faith Undone 烏牛欄大護法 feat. Audrey Tang
41:23 Takao 皇軍 feat. Audrey Tang


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