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 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Mar Oct 01, 2019 2:43 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MACHINE HEAD fichan nuevo guitarrista y batería

Machine Head han anunciado la incorporación del guitarrista polaco Wacław "Vogg" Kiełtyka (Decapitated) y el batería británico Matt Alston (Devilment, Eastern Front) a las filas del grupo. Se unirán a Machine Head en la primera etapa de su gira del 25 aniversario del disco debut de la banda, "Burn My Eyes".


Head Cases, please welcome Vogg Kiełtyka and Matt Alston to the Machine Head family!! Machine Head are proud to announce the two new full-time members who will be performing the first set of the upcoming 3 hour "Evening With" / 'Burn My Eyes 25th Anniversary tour, with the 2nd set performed by original BME-alumni Chris Kontos and Logan Mader.

Band visionary and mastermind Robb Flynn states, "it is an honor to perform alongside Matt and Vogg, these two are straight up "elite-level" players, and fucking BEASTS on-stage! I cannot wait for the Head Cases of the world to get crushed by the heaviness that they will bring, let's do this!".

New guitarist Vogg Kiełtyka (Decapitated) adds: "It’s a huge honour to be able to play at the same stage with the mighty Machine Head. I grew up on their music and when I heard I will join them on this tour, I was literally STOKED!

As a thirteen years old I was learning songs from "Burn My Eyes” which is still one of my favorite albums EVER, that album had also a big influence on my playing and my guitar skills."

He continues, "Machine Head is not just a band, it’s an institution who has still a big influence on how all metal scene looks like, so for me as a musician and also a metal fan it’s something special to be able to be a small part of it.

That will be definitely a huge lesson and experience for me to be a part of such a professional team. Adventure begins, I cannot wait!" ... ead-family

Vogg will continue to perform double-duty with his band Decapitated adding: "To all Decapitated fans: I will see with you also during Decapitated shows in 2020. We do plan also to compose new music for next Decapitated album so keep an eye on more news!"

New drummer Matt Alston adds, "I’m honoured to announce that I will be playing drums for Machine Head for the next world tour cycle alongside Chris Kontos on their 'Burn My Eyes' 25th Anniversary tour.

It was a pleasure working for MH over last years world tour, but now having the opportunity to be playing their songs is something I never would have imagined while growing up & listening to their music.

Pre-production for the upcoming European tour starts on Monday, needless to say I can’t fucking wait to get on the road!

A huge, HUGE thanks to my brother Steve Lagudi for getting me the opportunity to audition, and of course to Robb, Jared, & the whole MH team for welcoming me into this new position."


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 14, 2020 6:13 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MACHINE HEAD: nuevo single "Circle The Drain"

Machine Head lanza el nuevo sencillo "Circle The Drain". La canción está disponible ahora en todas las plataformas digitales a través de Nuclear Blast.

Fue producida por Robb Flynn (Machine Head's - "Through The Ashes Of Empires", "The Blackening", "Bloodstone & Diamonds"), y coproducida por Zach Ohren (All Shall Perish, Suicide Silence, Machine Head ) en los estudios “Sharkbite” en Oakland. Joel Wanasek (Attila, Bloodline) se encargó de las tareas de posproducción, mientras que Russell Russell (At The Gates, The Wildhearts, Dimmu Borgir) en “Parlor Studios UK” manejó la mezcla. Finalmente la pista fue masterizada por Greg Grimaldi en Oasis Mastering.

"Circle The Drain" cuenta en la batería con Navene Koperweis (Entheos, Whitechapel, Animales As Leaders, Animosity). La portada es obra de Christian Sampson.


1. Circle the Drain [Explicit]


"The song is Inspired by an acquaintance of mine who returned from Afghanistan only to have his relationship fall apart with his girl," says singer/guitarist Robb Flynn. "She had messed around on him, then got paranoid about him messing around on her, and drove him crazy. We had a conversation on Valentine's Day and he said to me "they were just circling the drain”… the phrase struck me. A few days later I incorporated it into the song I’d been working on.

It was a strange parallel with my life at the time, having just had two band members quit, and even more bizarrely two long-time couple friends of my wife and I also divorce. It was break-up season and it played out with friends taking sides, people not being invited to certain events anymore, social and emotional pressure, and all the typical stuff that happens when a relationship goes bad.

Watching this guy pull through it, helped me pull through my own upheaval. The lyrics to 'Circle the Drain' came out of that frustrating time. It's a sad song about relationships gone bad, but accepting that it's over, and making yourself move on. I wrote it in a more metaphorical tone, as I didn’t want it to be about my life, but to be about anybody’s life who may be going through a rough time like that. It may not be a song that connects with everyone, especially those in a solid relationship, but if the day ever comes when your life goes awry, this song will be a lifeline for you, something to help pull you up out of that dark place.

The irony that he and I had the original conversation on Valentine's Day, and are now releasing it on Valentine's Day isn’t lost on me, it really is the anti-Valentine's Day song."

The song was once again produced by Robb Flynn (MACHINE HEAD’s - "Through The Ashes Of Empires", "The Blackening", "Bloodstone & Diamonds"), and co-produced by Zach Ohren (ALL SHALL PERISH, SUICIDE SILENCE, MACHINE HEAD) at Sharkbite Studios in Oakland. Joel Wanasek (ATTILA, BLOODLINE) once-again handled post-production duties, while Russ Russell (AT THE GATES, THE WILDHEARTS, DIMMU BORGIR) over at Parlour Studios UK handled the beefy, guitar-heavy song mix. Finally the track was mastered by the same gentleman who mastered “Through The Ashes Of Empires” Greg Grimaldi at Oasis Mastering. “Circle The Drain" features the drumming of Navene Koperweis (ENTHEOS, WHITECHAPEL, ANIMALS AS LEADERS, ANIMOSITY). Single art was created by Christian Sampson based on his photography-project based around mental disorders. Sampson compiled a list of 12 mental disorders, ranging from depression to schizophrenia to insomnia. The purposefully dark visuals are emotively powerful in their narration of the mental illness and image chosen for the single art is called “Panic". ... -song.html


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 12, 2020 2:29 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MACHINE HEAD: nuevo tema "Bulletproof"

El tema pertenece a su single digital de dos canciones lanzado recientemente "Civil Unrest".


1. Stop the Bleeding (Feat. Jesse Leach) [feat. Jesse Leach] 3:03
2. Bulletproof [Explicit]


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 24, 2020 2:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo single de MACHINE HEAD

Machine Head lanzará un nuevo single, "My Hands Are Empty", el 6 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast Records.

Imagen ... -are-empty ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Mar Nov 03, 2020 4:36 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MACHINE HEAD retrasa el lanzamiento de su single "My Hands Are Empty"

La fecha de lanzamiento del nuevo single de Machine Head, "My Hands Are Empty", se retrasa al 13 de noviembre (previamente era el 6 de noviembre). Según la banda, el retraso se debe al Covid-19.


“My Hands Are Empty” Nov 13th
Pre-Save / Pre-Order:

**Pushed back one week due to Covid-19** ... =2&theater


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 11, 2021 5:30 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo single de MACHINE HEAD

Machine Head acaba de lanzar un nuevo sinlge de tres canciones, "Arrows In Words From The Sky", el trabajo fue grabado en los “Sharkbite Studios” en Oakland, California. Junto a Robb Flynn, y al bajista Jared MacEachern durante las sesiones, estuvieron el batería Navene Koperweiss (Entheos, Whitechapel, Animals As Leaders) y el productor Zack Ohren.


1. Become the Firestorm
2. Rotten
3. Arrows in Words from the Sky

2021-06-11 - Bay Area metal titans MACHINE HEAD have released a 3-track digital single titled "Arrows In Words From The Sky" today. The release features 3 new songs, "Rotten," "Arrows In Words From The Sky" and the single "Become The Firestorm."

Written against the backdrop of a once-in-a-century pandemic, and the long and painful death of frontman / guitarist Robb Flynn’s mother, these 3 songs represent one of the darkest chapters in MACHINE HEAD history.

And while songs like blistering opening track “Become The Firestorm" seethe with an apocalyptic anger, the 3-track single closes with one of the most transcending songs in the MH arsenal in title track “Arrows In Words From The Sky"

Flynn states:
"The lyrics to these songs took to me places inside I didn’t want to go, from the bile and negativity on “Rotten,” to nothing-will-beat-me-down fury of “Become The Firestorm,” to the title track “Arrows” being one of the saddest songs I’ve ever written, yet somehow has the power to lift me up out of what was a very dark time in my life. My hope is that by sharing these dark experiences with the Head Cases of the world, it can save someone else out of that same dark place.”

"Arrows In Words From The Sky" follows a string of tracks MACHINE HEAD has released since 2018's "Catharsis," including the recent single "My Hands Are Empty."

STREAM "ARROWS IN WORDS FROM THE SKY" HERE: ... om-the-sky ... ingle.html


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 13, 2022 2:19 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MACHINE HEAD anuncian su nuevo disco "Of Kingdom And Crown"

Machine Head lanzarán su décimo álbum de estudio, , el 26 de agosto a través de Nuclear Blast/Imperium Recordings. El nuevo trabajo incluye las tres canciones que aparecieron en el sencillo "Arrows In Words From The Sky" del año pasado: "Become The Firestorm", "Rotten" y "Arrows In Words From The Sky". Gran parte del nuevo álbum se grabó en
“Sharkbite Studios” en Oakland, California, con el productor Zack Ohren.


01. Slaughter The Martyr
02. Choke On The Ashes Of Your Hate
03. Become The Firestorm
04. Overdose
05. My Hands Are Empty
06. Unhallowed
07. Assimilate
08. Kill Thy Enemies
09. No Gods, No Masters
10. Bloodshot
11. Rotten
12. Terminus
13. Arrows In Words From The Sky

Digipak CD bonus tracks:

14. Exteroception *
15. Arrows In Words From The Sky (acoustic)*


Head Cases! Machine Head have revealed the details of their forthcoming tenth album, the immense and unapologetic, ØF KINGDØM AND CRØWN, coming August 26th, 2022 (via Nuclear Blast X Imperium Recordings). ... 7717892068 ... 6223144216


 Asunto: Re: MACHINE HEAD entra al estudio
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 19, 2025 4:45 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MACHINE HEAD anuncian su nuevo disco "Unatøned"

Machine Head lanzará su undécimo álbum de estudio, "Unatoned", el 25 de abril de 2025 a través de Nuclear Blast/Imperium Recordings.


01. Landscape Øf Thørns
02. Atømic Revelatiøns
03. Unbøund
04. Øutsider
05. Nøt Løng Før This Wørld
06. These Scars Wøn'T Define Us
07. Dustmaker
08. Bønescraper
09. Addicted Tø Pain
10. Bleeding Me Dry
11. Shards Øf Shattered Dreams
12. Scørn


"Escrito en movimiento – en la carretera, en habitaciones de hotel y a través de continentes – este álbum refleja la energía cruda de su regreso al circuito de festivales globales después de 11 años. Unatøned fue grabado entre julio de 2023 y diciembre de 2024 en Robb's Jam Room, Sharkbite Studios y Drop Of Sun Recording. El álbum fue producido por Robb Flynn junto con Zack Ohren, quien también estuvo a cargo de la ingeniería. La mezcla y masterización fueron realizadas por Colin Richardson y Chris Clancy en Audioworks UK, mientras que el master final fue manejado por Ted Jensen y su asistente Justin Shturtz. La única excepción es la canción 'Landscape Øf Thørns', producida por Flynn y Joel Wanasek, quien también se encargó de la mezcla del sencillo junto con Zack Ohren. Una vez más, Machine Head contó con Seth Siro Anton para el diseño de la portada." ... april-25th


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