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 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Mar May 04, 2021 2:37 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON anuncian su nuevo single "Defence Of Moscow"

En homenaje a las fuerzas de la Unión Soviética en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y para conmemorar el Día de la Victoria de Rusia frente a los nazis el 9 de mayo, Sabaton lanzarán su nuevo single, "Defense Of Moscow", el día 7 de mayo.

La canción es una versión de un tema del artista ruso, Radio Tapok.


El single estará disponible en las diferentes plataformas digitales y en vinilo edición especial.


nota de prensa escribió:
New Single 'Defence Of Moscow' out May 7

We are thrilled to announce that our new single 'Defence Of Moscow' is out this Friday, May 7. The song will be available on all digital music platforms and you can already pre-save it to your music library!

"May 9 is celebrated as V-Day in Russia, the day to commemorate the victory over the Nazis in WW2. This year we participate in the memory of this event by releasing a song dedicated to the brave men who fought in the battle of Moscow.

This track was originally written in Russian by our friend Radio Tapok. It’s a very strong song and we thought it made sense that Sabaton should give it a try to make a honourable cover of this song.

We love to surprise everyone, and this is a great surprise."


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Vie May 07, 2021 4:17 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON: nuevo single "Defence Of Moscow"


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 17, 2021 2:49 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON: nuevo single "Kingdom Come"

El lanzamiento físico sera el 27 de agosto. El EP incluye “Metal Trilogy”, un popurrí de tres canciones: “Metal Ripper”, “Metal Crüe” y “Metal Machine”.


1. Kingdom Come
2. Metal Trilogy ... ingle.html ... -released/


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Lun Ago 16, 2021 1:45 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON anuncian su nuevo álbum “The War To End All Wars”

Nota de la banda:

Anunciamos el nuevo álbum de Sabaton: ¡The War To End All Wars!

Durante casi dos décadas hemos estado cantando sobre batallas y guerras históricas de todo el mundo.

Han pasado dos años desde el lanzamiento de nuestro último álbum “The Great War”, un álbum conceptual que cuenta historias de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

Desde entonces, todos hemos estado tratando de decidir el próximo capítulo de nuestra narración. ¿Volverá a ser la historia sueca? ¿La Guerra Civil Estadounidense, la historia de Napoleón o quizás las Cruzadas?

No queridos amigos... Nos centraremos una vez más en el comienzo del siglo XX.

Te daremos: "La guerra que acabará con todas las guerras"

Creemos que hay más por descubrir en este momento particular de la historia. Todavía quedan muchas historias por contar de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

Con el tiempo lo sabremos todos...


Announcing our new album – The War To End All Wars!
Posted on: August 14, 2021
Posted in:

Announcing new Sabaton album - The War To End All Wars!

For almost two decades we have been singing about historical battles and wars from all over the world.

Two years have passed since the release of our latest album The Great War, a concept album telling stories from World War I.

Since then we’ve all been trying to decide on the next chapter of our storytelling. Will it again be Swedish history? The American Civil War, the story of Napoleon, or maybe the Crusades?
No dear friends.. We will focus once again on the beginning of the 20th century.


We believe there’s more to discover in this particular moment of history. There are still so many stories from World War One to be told.

In time we will learn them all…


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 07, 2021 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
La Agencia Tributaria sueca multa a SABATON

Según el periódico sueco [url$]Aftonbladet[/url], los fundadores de Sabaton, Joakim Brodén y Pär Sundström, recibieron la orden de la Agencia Tributaria de Suecia (Skatteverket) de pagar cientos de miles de dólares en recargos fiscales.

La Agencia Tributaria de Suecia, que gestiona el registro civil de los particulares y recauda impuestos como el impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas, el impuesto de sociedades, el IVA y el impuesto especial, cree que Brodén y Sundström no informaron correctamente de sus ingresos de las giras por EE.UU en 2016-2018. Como resultado, cada uno de los músicos tendrá que desembolsar una cantidad sustancial para saldar su deuda.

Brodén es quien enfrenta el mayor golpe fiscal, ya que se le ordenó pagar más de dos millones de coronas suecas (más de 233.000 dólares).

Brodén y Sundström afirman haber seguido el Tratado Fiscal entre los Estados Unidos y Suecia, que cubre la doble imposición con respecto al impuesto sobre la renta, el impuesto sobre sociedades y el impuesto sobre las ganancias de capital, e insisten en que contrataron expertos para asegurarse de que la documentación se presentase correctamente. A pesar de esto, la Agencia Tributaria sueca dice que la contabilidad no está en regla.

Brodén y Sundström pueden apelar la decisión.


According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, SABATON founders Joakim Brodén and Pär Sundström have been ordered by the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax surcharges.

The Swedish Tax Agency, which manages civil registration of private individuals and collects taxes such as personal income tax, corporate tax, VAT and excise tax, believes that Brodén and Sundström did not report their income from USA tours in 2016-2018 correctly. As a result, each one of the musicians will have to cough up a substantial amount to settle his debt.

Brodén, who writes all of the music for SABATON, is the one who is facing the biggest tax blow, having been ordered to pay back more than two million Swedish kronor (more than $233,000).

Brodén and Sundström claim to have followed the United States – Sweden Tax Treaty which covers double taxation with regards to income tax, corporation tax, and capital gains tax, and insist that they had hired experts to make sure the paperwork was filed properly. Despite this, the Swedish Tax Agency says that the accounting was not handled accurately.

Brodén and Sundström can appeal the decision. ... ax-agency/


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2021 7:12 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON lanzan su nuevo single “Steel Commanders”

Recientemente Sabaton anunciaron su nueva colaboración con World of Tanks y estrenaron un video musical para “Steel Commanders”, ahora la canción está disponible en todas las plataformas de streaming y para su venta en formato digital.

SABATON - Release 'Steel Commanders' on all streaming platforms, Unveil new lyric video for the track!
SABATON - Release 'Steel Commanders'! - 2021-09-17

2021-09-17 - Recently, Swedish metal titans SABATON announced their new collaboration with World of Tanks and premiered an unrivalled music video for 'Steel Commanders'. Pioneering some hyperrealistic visuals of the band and their Grammy Award-nominated special guest, Tina Guo, in epic war scenes, the video clip was viewed over 3.6 million times within the first three weeks of its release.

After offering fans and gamers the chance to see them as crew members on the new Strv K tank, the first-ever Tier IX premium vehicle in World of Tanks, SABATON have now answered the calls from fans asking for the song to be made available via all music streaming platforms!

Hop into your tank and download or stream 'Steel Commanders' here now:

Today, the Swedish metal force also unveils a lyric video, inspired by the sketches that were used for the production of the official music video for the song: ... s-039.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Mar Oct 05, 2021 2:15 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON anuncian la lista de temas y la fecha de lanzamiento de su nuevo disco "The War To End All Wars"

Sabaton lanzarán su nuevo álbum, "The War To End All Wars", el 4 de marzo de 2022 a través de Nuclear Blast Records. Escrito y grabado durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el álbum se sumerge una vez más en la Primera Guerra Mundial. El nuevo album estará disponible en diferentes formatos.


01. Sarajevo
02. Stormtroopers
03. Dreadnought
04. The Unkillable Soldier
05. Soldier Of Heaven
06. Hellfighters
07. Race To The Sea
08. Lady Of The Dark
09. The Valley Of Death
10. Christmas Truce
11. Versailles


2021-10-04 - #1 positions in 11 countries with their last record, Grammis nominations, sold-out arena shows: SABATON indisputably wrote their very own fairytale during the last years making it to the top of modern metal and beyond. Today, the Swedish metal heroes flip the book open to add another chapter to their story of success. Today, the preorder for the most ambitious and monumental album of SABATON, "The War To End All Wars" starts. The tenth masterpiece of the Falun based five piece will be released via Nuclear Blast Records on March 4th and comes in an impressive range of physical configurations that are partly strictly limited. Once again, SABATON will dive deep into the atrocities, miracles and happenings around WWI and take the listener to an emotional and exciting ride of 11 tracks.

Pre-order "The War To End All Wars" now:

"The War To End All Wars" will be available in the following formats:
- Jewelcase CD
- Limited Gold CD [Supporter Edition - various versions with translated booklets]
- History Edition [Digibook]
- Box Set [Mailorder exclusive, 2LPs, Earbook, 5 metallic DIN A5 postcards with embossing, 1 propaganda poster]
- Earbook [ltd. to 8000 copies]
- Black Vinyl
- Copper Vinyl [Nuclear Blast Mailorder exclusive, ltd. to 500 copies]
- Fluorescent Orange Vinyl [ltd. to 500 copies]
- Leaf Green Vinyl [Sweden exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Fluorescent Yellow Vinyl [Ginza exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Dusk Vinyl [Levykauppa exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Soft Grey Vinyl [Nordics exclusive, ltd. 1000 copies]
- Lavender Vinyl [FNAC exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Rosewood Vinyl [Mystic exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Fluorescent Green Vinyl [UK exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Pacific Blue Vinyl [US exclusive, ltd. to 1500 copies]
- Polar White Vinyl [NB US exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Dewdrop Vinyl [EMP exclusive, ltd. to 500 copies]
- Green cassette [Nuclear Blast EU exclusive, limited to 100 copies]
- Grey cassette [Nuclear Blast EU exclusive, ltd. to 100 copies]
- Red cassette [EMP exclusive, ltd. to 300 copies]
- Black cassette [NB US exclusive, ltd. to 200 copies]
- Crystal Clear cassette [US exclusive, ltd. to 250 copies]
- White cassette [Mystic exclusive, ltd. to 100 copies]

SABATON is a five-piece heavy metal band from Falun, Sweden. Since the band's formation in 1999, SABATON has achieved quadruple Platinum sales and performed colossal concerts in over fifty countries.
The band's ninth studio album, "The Great War", released on July 19, 2019, is a musically rich concept album capturing the sinister atmosphere of World War I – thus continuing the band's trademark style of telling unforgettable stories from merciless battlefields all over the planet.
Sabaton, signed to the world's biggest heavy metal label, Nuclear Blast Records, played "The Great Tour" at major European festivals, and throughout North America, and Eastern Europe in support of The Great War.
SABATON has put the "COVID downtime" to good use, writing, recording, and releasing a variety of stand-alone singles and music videos. The band played its first post-pandemic date on July 9, performing in front of 40,000 fans when they headlined the Exit Festival in Serbia. In January/February 2022, they will headline a 29-date tour of Sweden, followed by the launch of the massive "The Tour To End All Tours" on March 4 in Norway.
As you might guess... There's no end in sight for this unstoppable war machine anytime soon! ... album.html


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Mar Nov 09, 2021 3:23 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevos DVD / Blu-ray en directo de SABATON

Sabaton han anunciado el lanzamiento de los DVD / Blu-ray en directo, "The Great Show" y "The 20th Anniversary Show”. Los dos directos tienen previsto su lanzamiento el 19 de noviembre (Nuclear Blast). Ambos títulos fueron filmados durante la gira mundial de la banda, "The Great Tour", en 2019-2020, y ambos cuentan con artistas invitados especiales.

"The 20th Anniversary Show" sería el concierto de dos horas filmado en el festival Wacken Open Air de Alemania, celebrando su 20 aniversario, el 1 de agosto de 2019. "The Great Show", con una duración de aproximadamente 90 minutos, se grabó durante el concierto que dio la banda en el O2 Arena de Praga el 26 de enero de 2020.

"The Great Show" y "20th Anniversary Show ", serán una edición limitada a 9000 copias cada una, estará disponibles individualmente o en un paquete como" The Great Show Stage Collector's Edition" (limitado a 5000 copias), que incluye una versión imitación de Lego del escenario de Sabaton.


Track listing for "The 20th Anniversary Show" (Wacken)

01. Ghost Division
02. Winged Hussars
03. Resist And Bite
04. Fields Of Verdun (with Thobbe Englund)
05. Shiroyama (with Thobbe Englund)
06. The Red Baron
07. The Price Of A Mile
08. Bismarck
09. The Lion From The North
10. Carolus Rex
11. 40:1
12. The Last Stand
13. The Lost Battalion
14. Drum Battle (Hannes Van Dahl vs. Daniel Mullback)
15. Far From The Flame
16. Panzerkampf
17. Night Witches
18. The Art of War
19. 82nd All The Way
20. Great War
21. Attero Dominatus


22. Primo Victoria
23. Swedish Pagans (with Tina Guo)
24. To Hell And Back (with Tina Guo)


Track listing for "The Great Show" (Prague)

01. Ghost Division
02. Great War
03. The Attack Of The Dead Men
04. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
05. The Los Battalion
06. The Red Baron
07. The Last Stand
08. Far from the Flame
09. Night Witches
10. Angels Calling (with APOCALYPTICA)
11. The Price Of A Mile (with APOCALYPTICA)
12. The Lion From The North (with APOCALYPTICA)
13. Carolus Rex (with APOCALYPTICA)


14. Primo Victoria
15. Bismarck
16. Swedish Pagans
17. To Hell And Back

The Double Live Release is out November 19 and can already be Pre-Ordered

As Pär stated:

“The tours we did for the album The Great War gave us many fantastic memories and highlights in our career. It has been our most successful album so far, followed by the biggest tours and shows.

The amazing 2019 Wacken show which became the official Sabaton 20th Anniversary Show was a natural choice to release, mainly due to the countless requests from our fans.

The other show we decided to go for is our sold out 2020 show at the O2 Arena in Prague, where we played a totally unique show with the great band Apocalyptica.

We also managed to create one of the most exciting box-sets ever released, The Stage Collector’s Edition Boxset, which includes a buildup brick stage!”

Both titles were filmed during our 2019-2020 “The Great Tour“ world trek, and both feature special guest performers!
1. 20th Anniversary Show (Live at Wacken 2019)

For the greater part of the Wacken concert, we commandeered the festival’s two main stages, the side-by-side-and-connected Faster and Harder Stages, becoming the first artist in Wacken’s 30-year history to utilize both stages simultaneously in this way. During this show we were joined by the Great War choir, a bunch of previous Sabaton members as well as the internationally acclaimed GRAMMY-nominated virtuoso cellist Tina Guo for the encore. ... reat-show/


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 19, 2021 3:57 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON: nuevo tema "Christmas Truce"


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de SABATON
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 20, 2021 4:29 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SABATON: video adelanto de "The Great Show"

"Angels Calling"


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