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 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 25, 2015 12:02 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
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Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
Sinceramente esto ya lo hacia Kreator hace 25 años.....
No sigo mucho a esta banda...
pero creo que tpoco aportan nada especial

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Jun 29, 2015 11:04 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo tema "Enshrined In Crematoria"


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 13, 2016 12:54 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRADLE OF FILTH entrarán en el estudio en diciembre

Cradle of Filth entrarán en el estudio en diciembre para empezar a grabar un nuevo disco que esperan lanzar en septiembre de 2017.

"Las canciones están terminadas (la música), en realidad," Declaró Dani Filth a Metal Wani en una nueva entrevista. "Estoy lejos de haber terminado (de escribir las letras); He escrito dos canciones hasta el momento, así que estamos trabajando duro, y todo el mundo contribuye".


British extreme metallers CRADLE OF FILTH will enter the studio in December to begin recording their follow-up to 2015's "Hammer Of The Witches" album for a tentative September 2017 release.

"The songs have been [musically] finished, actually," CRADLE OF FILTH frontman Dani Filth told Metal Wani in a new interview (hear audio below). "I'm far from finished [writing the lyrics]; I've written two songs so far. So we're working hard, and everybody's contributing." ... -december/


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 17, 2017 2:08 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Primeros detalles del nuevo disco de CRADLE OF FILTH

Cradle of Filth lanzará su duodécimo álbum, "Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay", el 22 de septiembre a través de Nuclear Blast. La portada, fotografía y videografía fue creada por Artūrs Bērziņš.

"Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay" fue grabado en los estudios Grindstone, en Suffolk, Reino Unido por Scott Atkins, quien ya ha sido el productor de varios álbumes de la banda.

"El álbum está profundamente infundido con el horror gótico victoriano y por lo tanto el título es un reflejo de eso." Comenta Dani Filth.

El primer single de "Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay" será lanzado el 5 de julio.


CRADLE OF FILTH - announce new album details, dates for pre-order & first single, UK & Ireland tour! - 2017-06-16

2017-06-16 - UK's legendary extreme metal icons CRADLE OF FILTH have announced the details for the band's upcoming 12th full-length album.

»Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay« will be released on September 22 via Nuclear Blast. Find the stunning cover artwork by Artūrs Bērziņš here. Bērziņš is the mastermind behind the new record’s artwork, photography and videography – best known for his defiant neo-symbolism raster graphics and oil paintings; postmodern interpretations of classic myths. He has been proclaimed as a “sacred monster of Latvian postmodernism”.

Commented the infamous Dani Filth:"The album is deeply infused with Victorian gothic horror and thus the title is a reflection of that. 'Cryptoriana' implies the Victorian's infatuation with the supernatural, the grave and the ghoulish. And the subtitle 'The Seductiveness Of Decay' further cements this attraction to death and the glittering lengthy process of self-annihilation."

The first single off »Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay« will be released on July 5th, the same day that the album pre-order will become available.

Today the band also announces their first full scale UK and Ireland tour in years, starting in Belfast on October 30.

Added Dani Filth: "We, as a band, are incredibly excited about hitting the UK and Ireland for a full run of dates around All Hallows Eve, as playing the band's home country is always great fun and the audiences here are very receptive. And nuts. The dates will be the first in a long line of shows that will extend throughout the rest of the World throughout 2018. We aim to be very prolific on the live front, delivering a show worthy of our fan’s exalted expectations and more." ... tails.html



 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 09, 2017 2:55 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo tema "You Will Know The Lion By His Claw"


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 15, 2017 6:51 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo tema "Achingly Beautiful"


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Feb 11, 2020 4:47 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Lindsay Schoolcraft (teclados) deja CRADLE OF FILTH

Parte del comentario de Lindsay Schoolcraft:

Ha sido un honor y un placer conoceros online, en persona y desde el escenario durante los últimos 7 años. Habéis hecho que mi vida fuese satisfactoria durante este período de tiempo.

Estoy aquí para informaros que he dejado la banda. Fue una decisión difícil de tomar, pero os puedo asegurar que fue lo mejor para mi bienestar y mi salud mental...


It is with a very heavy leaden heart that Cradle Of Filth must announce the mutual departure of keyboardist Lindsay Schoolcraft from amidst the band’s ranks.

Lindsay has been with the band for the last 7 years and in that time has been privy to a massive resurgence both on record and live, with Cradle Of Filth undertaking some of the most prolific touring in the band’s 28-year history, a feat that has indelibly been both (ultimately) rewarding and understandably exhausting at the same time.

This is what Lindsay has to say on the matter…

“Dearest Filthlings,

It has been an honour and a pleasure to get to know you online, in person, and from the stage the past 7 years. You have made my life fulfilling during this period of time.

I am here to inform you that I have left the band. It was a difficult decision to make, but I can assure you it was the best thing to do for my well-being and mental health.

I have been doing well on my road to recovery and will continue to be a full-time musician through my other two musical projects.

I want to extend a massive thank you to the band for letting me be part of Cradle of Filth’s legacy for the time I was present. It was an incredible experience and I’m so grateful that we got to share this together.

I want to send my well wishes to my successor too and I ask you all to please be as warm and welcoming towards them as you were with me so long ago.

I hope that some of you will continue to join me on my journey as a composer and singer. The magick and the (black) metal doesn’t end here. Thank you again for all of the love, support, and memories. It will not be forgotten ♥️

All my love and gratitude,

Lindsay Schoolcraft”

And frontman Dani Filth had this to comment…

“This is very difficult for everyone in the band who have become a very tightly-knit family on the road, but ultimately it is something that has come to pass out of necessity both for her health and the band’s musical development hereon-in.

Of course we will miss Lindsay a lot and we hate to have to part ways, as we’ve travelled a beautifully madcap road together over the last few years and collectively share many amazing memories from those travels.

Plus she is like our little (Gothic, Canadian, Vegan) sister.

So the band and I wish her the very very best for everything she has planned for the future and i hope you guys reading this continue to support her too.

And though this truly is the end of an era, it is also the aromatic promise of another.

Lindsay’s successor has already been unearthed and is contributing to the new record like a demented unearthed thing.

The new album commences recording in a little over a fortnight’s time and a release date is set for later in the year. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Mar 02, 2020 4:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
CRADLE OF FILTH han comenzado la grabación de su nuevo disco

Cradle Of Filth se encuentra actualmente en el estudio trabajando en su nuevo álbum. Las grabaciones han comenzado con el batería Martin "Marthus" Skaroupka.

Imagen ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 04, 2021 2:09 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRADLE OF FILTH desvelan el título de su nuevo disco

Cradle Of Filth han anunciado que el título de su próximo álbum de estudio es "Existence Is Futile".

Su nnuevo disco se grabó una vez más en los estudios “Grindstone” con el productor Scott Atkins.

Las ilustraciones del disco son de Arthur Berzinsh, autor de las de los dos discos anteriores.


CRADLE OF FILTH - Reveal The Title Of Their New Album!
CRADLE OF FILTH - Reveal Title Of New Album! - 2021-02-03

2021-02-03 - Poisonous Dark Metallers CRADLE OF FILTH reveal the title of their forthcoming 13th studio album as being "Existence Is Futile". Their monumental new opus -the 13th (unlucky for all) studio album of the band to date - was once again recorded at Grindstone Studios with producer Scott Atkins and is embellished with artwork from Arthur Berzinsh, who is guilty of accomplishing the last two album artworks in the Cradle back canon. Further nihilistic details from the crypt will soon see the light of day.

"The stunning new album is everything you can expect from the many shades of black that go to discolour a CRADLE OF FILTH release and far, far, worse" frontman Dani Filth stated yesterday.

"Existence Is Futile" which features a new as-yet-named keyboardist/backing singer, is due to be unleashed later this year through Nuclear Blast Records.

Earlier, the band announced that their visually spectacular livestream from the St. Mary's Church in Colchester is postponed to May, 12th - due to the pandemic situation. You can still order your tickets for the live stream in many variations together with exclusive ticket-bundles and VIP packages here:

CRADLE OF FILTH's latest album "Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay" was recorded at Grindstone Studios, Suffolk, UK by the very honorable Scott Atkins, esq. who has been the resident go-to producer for CRADLE OF FILTH for several albums.


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie May 14, 2021 2:50 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
CRADLE OF FILTH presentan su nueva teclista

Cradle Of Filth ha anunciado la incorporación de la teclista Anabelle Iratni a las filas de la banda.


After a triumphant debut at our live stream yesterday, please all welcome Anabelle to Cradle Of Filth! ... =3&theater


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