AD INFINITUM lanzarán una regrabación acústica de su disco debutAd Infinitum han regrabado su álbum debut, en una versión acústica titulada “Chapter I Revisited”, que se lanzará digitalmente el 4 de diciembre a través de Napalm Records.
Melissa Bonny comenta sobre la nueva versión del disco:
“Después del lanzamiento de “Chapter I: Monarchy”, recibimos comentarios muy positivos sobre los bonus tracks acústicos. Este verano, cuando nos dimos cuenta de que probablemente no haríamos ninguna gira este año, decidimos crear algo especial para las personas que nos apoyan. Revisamos y regrabamos por completo nuestro “Capítulo I” y le dimos una atmósfera completamente nueva.

01. Infected Monarchy (Acoustic)
02. Marching On Versailles (Acoustic)
03. Maleficent (Acoustic)
04. See You In Hell (Acoustic)
05. I Am The Storm (Acoustic)
06. Fire and Ice (Acoustic)
07. Live Before You Die (Acoustic)
08. Revenge (Acoustic)
09. Demons (Acoustic)
10 Tell Me Why (Acoustic)

Melissa Bonny, vocals
Adrian Theßenvitz, guitars
Jonas Asplind, bass
Niklas Müller, drums
Symphonic metal alliance Ad Infinitum have reimagined their spellbinding debut album, Chapter I: Monarchy, with Chapter I Revisited – a very special acoustic version of their first full-length, to be digitally released December 4 via Napalm Records!
Watch the video below!
Pre-Order "Chapter I: Revisited" here: INFINITUM on "Marching On Versailles (Acoustic)":
“2020 has been, and still is, challenging for everyone. The band had to find other ways than touring to connect with our fans and friends. Therefore, working in secret, we prepared one more surprise for you. An early Christmas present! A complete acoustic album featuring all the songs of Chapter I: Monarchy. Be ready for Chapter I Revisited!”
Melissa Bonny on Chapter I Revisited:
“After the release of Chapter I: Monarchy, we received very positive feedbacks concerning the acoustic bonus tracks. This summer, when we realised that we would probably not tour at all this year, we decided to create something special for the people who support us. We revisited and re-recorded entirely our Chapter I and we gave it a brand new atmosphere. Please welcome Chapter I Revisited!” ... ?__tn__=-R