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 Asunto: Re: SWALLOW THE SUN grabando
NotaPublicado: Mié Sep 15, 2021 3:15 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SWALLOW THE SUN: nuevo tema "The Fight Of Your Life (Trio N O X plays Moonflowers by Swallow the Sun)"



 Asunto: Re: SWALLOW THE SUN grabando
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 21, 2021 2:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SWALLOW THE SUN: nuevo tema "This House Has No Home (Trio N O X plays Moonflowers by Swallow the Sun)"


 Asunto: Re: SWALLOW THE SUN grabando
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 10, 2024 3:16 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SWALLOW THE SUN anuncian su nuevo disco "Shining"

"Shining" es el nuevo álbum de finlandeses Swallow The Sun, que se lanzará el 18 de octubre a través de Century Media Records.


01. Innocence Was Long Forgotten
02. What I Have Become
03. MelancHoly
04. Under The Moon & Sun
05. Kold
06. November Dust
07. Velvet Chains
08. Tonight Pain Believes
09. Charcoal Sky
10. Shining


Juha Raivio - Guitarra, Teclados
Juho Räihä - Guitarra
Mikko Kotamäki - Voz
Matti Honkonen - Bajo
Juuso Raatikainen - Batería

Swallow The Sun announces their new album ”Shining”. The latest full-length album from the Finnish Death Doom Pioneers, will be available via Century Media Records on Oct 18 th. Album Pre-Order starts today!
Swallow The Sun will host a very unique and exclusive event at the beautiful Aleksanterin Teatteri in Helsinki on October 16 th, 2024. The upcoming album will be listened to in its entirety, before its official release. Anyone who wishes to attend the event can register and get their tickets via Levykauppa Äx from now until Oct 4 th.
To order and register click the link in bio.
Juha comments on Shining: “After our last album it soon became clear to me that writing another Moonflowers album will kill me. So, I made a quiet wish to myself that if there ever will be any new music then please have a little bit of mercy on yourself rather than be that infinite black hole that will suck out the rest of your remaining light and soul just for the sake of it. Musically this album shines like a glacier diamond and has that power and punch that feels like a kick in your face! While lyrically the album deals how fearing life will eventually kill you and how melancholy can become your God.
We want to thank all the support and trust from Century Media, not to mention our insanely talented producer Dan Lancaster having the balls and guts to jump straight in the deep end with this band and get us out from our comfort zone. This album truly feels like a sunrise in the night sky." ... Wm1jH5xJMl


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