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 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 05, 2018 6:52 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN - Nightfall In Middle-Earth Revisited - Pt. II (OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY)


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 11, 2018 4:09 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 14, 2018 2:57 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
A Night at the Opera Revisited (Part Two)


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Lun Mar 04, 2019 12:04 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN pone fecha al lanzamiento de su disco orquestal

Llevamos los últimos años esperando el proyecto orquestal de Blid Guardian y por fin parece que ya esta listo. La banda encontró apoyo en el autor alemán Markus Heitz, cuya nueva novela "Die Dunklen Lande" se lanzó el 1 de marzo. El libro está ambientado en 1629 y es la precuela del opus "Legacy Of The Dark Lands" de Blind Guardian, que se lanzará el 1 de noviembre.

“Es increíble, que después de 20 años podamos terminar este proyecto realmente emocionante. Estoy muy feliz y más que satisfecho con eso. Cada pista desvela mundos espectaculares y cuenta su propia historia. Con este álbum, nuestro mayor sueño creativo finalmente se hace realidad ", dice el vocalista Hansi Kürsch, cuyo autor favorito estaba igualmente entusiasmado con la colaboración: "Es realmente una locura: como jugadores de rol de Pen & Paper solíamos escuchar a Blind Guardian mientras jugábamos. Y años después trabajar con la banda fue increíble. Es increíble, las cosas que pueden suceder a veces ", recuerda Markus. "Por supuesto que inmediatamente acepté unirme. Esta colaboración creativa es muy especial para mí ".

Los dos protagonistas han cultivado activamente su intercambio creativo en los últimos cinco años. “Markus es un gran narrador de historias; con "Die Dunklen Lande" creó el escenario perfecto y con el misterioso Nicolas el personaje perfecto para nuestros trabajos. Su inventiva parece ser casi infinita. Absolutamente impresionante y muy inspiradora" comenta Hansi Kürsch.

Ambas partes cuentan a su manera la historia del mercenario Nicolás y su participación en la Guerra de los Treinta Años. El autor Markus Heitz comienza la historia en su libro y Blind Guardian sigue su ejemplo con "Legacy Of The Dark Lands".


2019-03-01 - Promising to be one of the most ambitious projects in metal’s history, BLIND GUARDIAN’s upcoming release will be well worth the wait. The idea to record an orchestral album originally formed in the minds of the two leading lights of the BLIND GUARDIAN universe - guitarist André Olbrich and singer Hansi Kürsch - during the 1990s when BLIND GUARDIAN started to use orchestral elements to enhance their opulent sound.

In recent years the giant project started to take shape, and parallel to epic sound cascades, the lyrical concept was developed. For this, BLIND GUARDIAN was able to find support in German bestselling author Markus Heitz, whose new novel “Die Dunklen Lande” is being released today (March 1st). The book is set in 1629 and contains the prequel to BLIND GUARDIAN’s opus “Legacy Of The Dark Lands”, which will be released November 1st.

Watch the short trailer, to get a first impression of the album:

“It's incredible, that after 20 years we can actually finish this really exciting project. I am so happy and more than satisfied with it. Every single track unveils spectacular worlds and tells its very own story. With this album our biggest creative dream finally becomes reality.” says front man/singer Hansi Kürsch whose favourite author was equally excited about the collaboration: „It's really crazy: As Pen&Paper role players we used to listen to BLIND GUARDIAN whilst playing. And years later I get to work together with the band, which was incredible. It's amazing, the things that can happen sometimes“, Markus remembers. „Of course I immediately agreed to join! This creative collaboration is very special for me.“

The two protagonists have actively cultivated their creative exchange over the last five years. “Markus is a great story teller; with "Die Dunklen Lande" he created the perfect setting and with the mysterious Nicolas the perfect character for our complex works. His inventiveness seems to be almost infinite. Absolutely impressive and very inspiring” praises Hansi Kürsch regarding the fruitful cooperation with the highly renowned fantasy author. Both sides tell in their own way the story of the mercenary Nicolas and his involvement in the Thirty Years’ War. Author Markus Heitz starts the story off in his book and BLIND GUARDIAN follow suit with “Legacy Of The Dark Lands”.

What is the secret surrounding Nicolas? Will he be able to cast off the chains of war and how will his loved ones fare? On “Legacy Of The Dark Lands” via BLIND GUARDIAN'S TWILIGHT ORCHESTRA, André Olbrich and Hansi Kürsch fulfil their long-time wish of emphasising imposing choral singing and classical orchestral arrangements. It promises to be an opus unlike any other that the German quartet has ever released, or rather: an opus, as has never been heard ever before.

Pre-Orders for “Legacy Of The Dark Lands” will start June, 2019.
The Novel “Die Dunklen Lande” is available starting today.
Visit: ... um-an.html


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 09, 2019 3:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN presentan la portada de "Legacy Of The Dark Lands"

Blind Guardian revelan la portada de su disco orquestal "Legacy Of The Dark Lands", que ha sido creada por Gyula Havancsák.

Hansi Kürsch comenta: "La portada de Gyula Havancsák se ajusta perfectamente a nuestro próximo proyecto y creo que es una verdadera obra maestra. El amor por los detalles de Gulya es increíble y su capacidad para ver historias complejas y reproducirlas es increíble. Estamos más que felices, ya que pudo capturar absolutamente la atmósfera monumental de la música. ¡Literalmente una combinación perfecta!


BLIND GUARDIAN's TWILIGHT ORCHESTRA - reveal cover artwork for "Legacy Of The Dark Lands"!

2019-07-08 - Promising to be one of the most ambitious projects in metal history, BLIND GUARDIAN’s upcoming release will be well worth the wait. The idea of recording an orchestral album originally formed in the minds of the two leading lights of the BLIND GUARDIAN universe - guitarist André Olbrich and singer Hansi Kürsch - during the 1990s when BLIND GUARDIAN started to use orchestral elements to enhance their opulent sound.

Today, they reveal the album's amazing cover artwork, which was created by the renowned artist Gyula Havancsák.

Hansi Kürsch comments: "The cover artwork by Gyula Havancsák just perfectly fits our upcoming project and I think it's a true masterpiece. Gulya's love for details is incredible and his ability to see behind complex stories and reproduce them in art is amazing. We are more than happy since he could absolutely capture the monumental atmosphere of the music. Literally a perfect match!"

On July 19th the pre-orders for the upcoming album "The Legacy Of The Dark Lands" will kick off.

In recent years the giant project started to take shape, and parallel to epic sound cascades, the lyrical concept was developed. For this, BLIND GUARDIAN was able to find support in German bestselling author Markus Heitz, whose new novel “Die Dunklen Lande” is being released today (March 1st). The book is set in 1629 and contains the prequel to BLIND GUARDIAN’s opus “Legacy Of The Dark Lands”, which will be released November 1st.

Watch the short trailer, to get a first impression of the album:

“It's incredible, that after 20 years we can actually finish this really exciting project. I am so happy and more than satisfied with it. Every single track unveils spectacular worlds and tells its very own story. With this album our biggest creative dream finally becomes reality.” says front man/singer Hansi Kürsch whose favourite author was equally excited about the collaboration: „It's really crazy: As Pen&Paper role players we used to listen to BLIND GUARDIAN whilst playing. And years later I get to work together with the band, which was incredible. It's amazing, the things that can happen sometimes“, Markus remembers. „Of course I immediately agreed to join! This creative collaboration is very special for me.“

The two protagonists have actively cultivated their creative exchange over the last five years. “Markus is a great story teller; with "Die Dunklen Lande" he created the perfect setting and with the mysterious Nicolas the perfect character for our complex works. His inventiveness seems to be almost infinite. Absolutely impressive and very inspiring” praises Hansi Kürsch regarding the fruitful cooperation with the highly renowned fantasy author. Both sides tell in their own way the story of the mercenary Nicolas and his involvement in the Thirty Years’ War. Author Markus Heitz starts the story off in his book and BLIND GUARDIAN follow suit with “Legacy Of The Dark Lands”.

What is the secret surrounding Nicolas? Will he be able to cast off the chains of war and how will his loved ones fare? On “Legacy Of The Dark Lands” via BLIND GUARDIAN'S TWILIGHT ORCHESTRA, André Olbrich and Hansi Kürsch fulfil their long-time wish of emphasising imposing choral singing and classical orchestral arrangements. It promises to be an opus unlike any other that the German quartet has ever released, or rather: an opus, as has never been heard ever before.

The Novel “Die Dunklen Lande” is available starting today. Visit: ... -news.html


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 19, 2019 4:20 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN: lista de temas de "Legacy Of The Dark Lands"

"Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra", lazará su nuevo disco "Legacy Of The Dark Lands" el 8 de noviembre de 2019.


01. 1618 Ouverture
02. The Gathering
03. War Feeds War
04. Comets And Prophecies
05. Dark Cloud’s Rising
06. The Ritual
07. In The Underworld
08. A Secret Society
09. The Great Ordeal
10. Bez
11. In The Red Dwarf’s Tower
12. Into The Battle
13. Treason
14. Between The Realms
15. Point Of No Return
16. The White Horseman
17. Nephilim
18. Trial And Coronation
19. Harvester Of Souls
20. Conquest Is Over
21. This Storm
22. The Great Assault
23. Beyond The Wall
24. A New Beginning


2CD Digipak
2LP Gatefold (different colours)
3CD Comic book (album, instrumental, no interludes version)
4CD Comic book (album, instrumental, no interludes version, audiobook)
5LP BOX (Album 2LP, Instrumental 2LP, Audiobook LP)


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 06, 2019 3:36 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN Twilight Orchestra: nuevo tema "Point Of No Return"


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 05, 2019 2:22 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN Twilight Orchestra: nuevo tema "This Storm"


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 15, 2020 3:31 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
BLIND GUARDIAN trabajando en el estudio

Nota en las redes sociales de la banda:

¡Ya es el momento de comenzar con las nuevas noticias del estudio! Como os habréis dado cuenta, estamos trabajando en nuevo material, así que de ahora en adelante haremos todo lo posible para manteneros informados sobre lo que sucede en nuestro estudio. Aquípodéis ver algunas fotos del ensayo hechas por Dirk "The Pixeleye" Behlau.


It's about time to start the new Studio Report! As you may have realized we are working on new material so from now on we will try our best to keep you informed about what’s going on in our studio. Here are some rehearsal shots by Dirk "The Pixeleye" Behlau ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: BLIND GUARDIAN nuevo proyecto
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 06, 2021 3:36 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
Nuevo single de BLIND GUARDIAN

Blind Guardian lanzarán un nuevo single, "Deliver Us From Evil", el 3 de diciembre a través de Nuclear Blast. La canción es una muestra del nuevo álbum de la banda, que llegará en septiembre de 2022.

"Deliver Us From Evil" estará disponible en formato digital, así como en un sencillo de siete pulgadas (junto con el tema "Merry Xmas Everybody" lanzado anteriormente como cara B) y un CD digipak (con "Violent Shadows" del Wacken 2020).


November 2021: The dark season has started again, the lack of daylight and falling leaves are a daily reminder of life's transience, with menacing shadows lurking. But behold, there's a light in the darkness - BLIND GUARDIAN have come to "Deliver Us From Evil", so's the name of the brand new single from the German Metal heroes out on December 3rd. The song foreshadows the band’s new album, scheduled for September 2022.
The single will be available digitally as well as 7inch (with ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’ as B-Side – the track was released in December 2020 digitally) and Digipak CD (with the previously released ‘Violent Shadows’ – WWW Live Performance as extra track).

Listen to the words of Hansi Kürsch about this offering to defend the shadows:
"What can I say? We're very happy to be able to offer you a brand new song of our forthcoming album, out in September 2022. The physical single also contains the 2020 Christmas banger 'Merry Xmas Everybody' as well as the Wacken version of 'Violent Shadows' as extra on the CD, to shorten the waiting time until the new album. Whether Vinyl or CD, I can assure you that this is the perfect accessory for your Christmas tree. The strictly limited vinyl can be played on all working vinyl players and has a perfect sound - in mono and stereo. Be brave and fast and get your copy as soon as possible. Vinyl is a rare resource these days...
We know that the gap between now and the album release in late 2022 is painfully long. Neither we nor our label could defy the current worldwide, economic crisis. A long story short: There is no one to blame for this situation. With "Deliver Us From Evil", you will get another sweet appetizer of a very intense and vivid album that will hopefully raise your joyful anticipation until our next strike. At least, it would do it for me, but luckily I already know the whole album.
Talking about anticipation, even though 'Violent Shadows" and "Deliver Us From Evil" are indisputably fantastic tracks, rest assured: We won't let you wait another ten months with only two songs. I promise you, that you will always been blown away - cheers to the digital era and its endless possibilities. Oh, and the album title. There is one but I won't tell you yet. This would be giving away far too much right ... ngle-30567


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