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 Asunto: Re: VICIOUS RUMORS nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 14, 2022 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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VICIOUS RUMORS anuncian nuevo vocalista

Vicious Rumors han anunciado la incorporación del vocalista Ronny Munroe a las filas del grupo.

“Munroe saltó a la fama en el mundo del metal como vocalista principal de Metal Church y consolidó aún más su nombre en Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Junto con tres álbumes en solitario y un nuevo lanzamiento con Between Worlds, Ronny es un profesional experimentado que continúa asombrando al público de todo el mundo con su distintiva, melódica y poderosa voz y presencia en el escenario.”


US Metal legends VICIOUS RUMORS would like to welcome a new member to the band... on lead vocals Mr Ronny Munroe!! They said big news was coming and this freight train has arrived!!
Ronny Munroe rose to notoriety in the metal world as lead vocalist for METAL CHURCH and cemented his name even further in TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA. Along with 3 solo albums and a new release with "Between Worlds", Ronny is a seasoned pro who continues to amaze audiences the world over with his distinctive, melodic and powerful voice and stage presence.
Vicious Rumors Guitar player Geoff Thorpe said: "I've been following Ronny for years, always intrigued with the power, tone and professionalism he delivers. The possibility of working together has been on my mind since we met and became friends in 2007. Now that time is here!! The band and I couldn't be more excited for the future and for our next studio album on SPV/ Steamhammer in 2023!"
Ronny Munroe : "I've been a fan of VICIOUS RUMORS since their inception and it's an honor for me to step in and add my touch to the already stellar legacy of the band. Great Songs, great musicians. It doesn't get any better than that! See you all soon!"
Geoff and Ronny are already collaborating on new material while preparing for a massive VICIOUS RUMORS world tour in 2023. Stay tuned for more news coming soon
SPV Steamhammer Ronny Munroe Music ... =3&theater


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