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 Asunto: LUNARIAN el nuevo proyecto de AILYN
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 19, 2022 4:05 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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LUNARIAN el nuevo proyecto de AILYN

Frontiers anuncia el próximo lanzamiento del álbum debut de Lunarian, "Burn The Beauty", el 9 de septiembre de 2022. Lunarian es un nuevo proyecto musical centrado en la vocalista y compositora Ailyn.


01. Don't Wait Until I'm Gone
02. Dream Catcher
03. Embrace
04. Bleeding Out
05. Embers
06. Burn The Beauty
07. Endless Sleep
08. Invincible
09. Never Ending Circle
10. Scarlet
11. Sacrifice


Ailyn - Voz
Aldo Lonobile - Guitarra
Mattia Gosetti - Bajo
Michele Sanna - Batería
Antonio Agate - Teclados y arreglos orquestales

Frontiers is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Lunarian's debut album, "Burn The Beauty" on September 9, 2022. Lunarian is a new musical endeavor centered around the stunningly talented vocalist/songwriter Ailyn. A new single and music video, 'Dream Catcher' is out today. Watch the video HERE:
Pre-order/save "Burn The Beauty" HERE:
"Burn The Beauty" is a showcase for the immense voice of Ailyn, which she has displayed in her work with Trail Of Tears, Sirenia, Her Chariot Awaits (her project with Mike Orlando of Adrenaline Mob), Heart Healer (Magnus Karlsson's rock-metal opera), and more.
For Lunarian, Ailyn teamed up with producer Aldo Lonobile (Secret Sphere, Archon Angel, Sweet Oblivion) to write songs for an engaging, mesmerizing symphonic metal album. And that is exactly what you get with "Burn The Beauty". ... RkknHnvkzl


 Asunto: Re: LUNARIAN el nuevo proyecto de AILYN
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 09, 2022 3:40 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
LUNARIAN: nuevo tema "Endless Sleep"


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