JADED HEART anuncian su nuevo disco "Stand Your Ground"Jaded Heart está de vuelta con otro álbum de metal melódico, y el primero en la historia de la banda sin teclados. "Stand Your Ground" se lanzará el 27 de noviembre de 2020 a través de Massacre Records.
La portada es obra de Thomas Ewerhard.

01. Inception
02. Stand Your Ground
03. One Last Time
04. Reap What You Sow
05. Break Free
06. Hero to Zero
07. Kill Your Masters
08. Embrace a Demon
09. Hopelessly Addicted
10. Self Destruction
11. Stay
12. Lost in Confusion
13. Inside a Hurricane

Roaring & heavy guitars, a modern & fast rhythm section, catchy hooks, huge sing-along choruses and impressive vocals - Jaded Heart are back with another melodic metal album - and the first one ever in the band's history without keyboards!
"Stand Your Ground" will be released on November 27, 2020 via MASSACRE RECORDS.
Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard Artwork.
https://www.facebook.com/massacrerecord ... =3&theater