Fallece Mike Howe, vocalista de METAL CHURCHEl cantante de Metal Church, Mike Howe, murió a la edad de 55 años. Por ahora se desconoce la causa de su muerte.
La noticia del fallecimiento de Howe fue dada a conocer por Metal Church en una publicación en las redes sociales.
“Con nuestro más profundo pesar tenemos que anunciar el fallecimiento de nuestro hermano, amigo y verdadera leyenda de la música heavy metal. Mike Howe ha fallecido esta mañana en su casa de Eureka, California. Estamos devastados y sin palabras. Por favor, respeten nuestra privacidad y la de la familia de Howe durante este momento tan difícil.”
Howe, estuvo al frente de Metal Church desde 1988 hasta 1994 y se reincorporó oficialmente a la banda en abril de 2015.
La reunión entre Mike y Metal Church se puso en marcha en julio de 2014 cuando Mike comenzó a trabajar con el guitarrista Kurdt Vanderhoof en un proyecto paralelo que Kurdt estaba formando con Nigel Glockler de saxon. A través de estas conversaciones iniciales, Kurdt convenció a Mike de que finalmente regresara a Metal Church. La idea era ver si podían recuperar algo de la magia de los tres álbumes que Metal Church lanzó a finales de los 80: "The Human Factor", "Blessing In Disguise" y "Hanging In The Balance". De esas sesiones, nació "XI" en 2016.

It is with our deepest regrets that we must announce the passing of our brother, our friend and true legend of heavy metal music. Mike Howe passed away this morning at his home in Eureka, California. We are devastated and at a loss for words. Please respect our privacy and the Howe family’s privacy during this most difficult time.
https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMetalC ... 6458016807Citar:
METAL CHURCH singer Mike Howe has died at the age of 55. No cause of death has been revealed.
The news of Howe's passing was broken by METAL CHURCH in a social media post this evening. The band wrote: "It is with our deepest regrets that we must announce the passing of our brother, our friend and true legend of heavy metal music. Mike Howe passed away this morning at his home in Eureka, California. We are devastated and at a loss for words. Please respect our privacy and the Howe family's privacy during this most difficult time."
Howe, who fronted METAL CHURCH from 1988 until 1994, officially rejoined the band in April 2015.
The reunion between Mike and METAL CHURCH was put in motion in July of 2014 when Mike started working with guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof on a side project Kurdt was forming with Nigel Glockler from SAXON. Through these initial conversations, Kurdt convinced Mike to ultimately return to METAL CHURCH. The idea was to see if they could recapture some of the magic from the three albums METAL CHURCH released in the late '80s: "The Human Factor", "Blessing In Disguise" and "Hanging In The Balance". Out of those sessions, 2016's "XI" was born and captured the sound that made the band fan favorites in the '80s and mixed it with a new, invigorated sound.
During the making of the "XI" album, Mike stated about his return to METAL CHURCH: "Kurdt Vanderhoof got ahold of me in August of 2014, and he proposed [me] coming back to the band. He said Ronny [Munroe] left the band and he didn't really wanna carry on with METAL CHURCH unless maybe I would consider coming back. So I said, 'Well, I don't know. I'm open to it. But let's see what kind of music we can come up with.' So Kurdt went back to the studio and started writing songs in the vein of 'Hanging In The Balance', where we left off twenty years ago, and he sent them to me over the Internet. And I was, like, 'Damn! The guy still has it and he's doing great work.' So he sent me another batch, and that batch was just as good [as], if not better than, the other. So, from there, I said, ‘Well, I can’t say no to this. And let's just see how it goes.' And we started writing lyrics and getting together, and it's now morphed into this, being back in Aberdeen in the studio making the new METAL CHURCH record."
https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/metal ... ead-at-55/