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 Asunto: Re: Portada de CANNIBAL CORPSE
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 12, 2018 3:31 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
El guitarrista Patrick "Pat" O'Brien de CANNIBAL CORPSE arrestado por robo y agresión

Según la cadena de televisión de Tampa, Florida, WFTS-TV, el guitarrista de Cannibal Corpse, Patrick "Pat" O'Brien ha sido arrestado por irrumpir en una casa y agredir a un oficial de policía.

El músico de 53 años entró a una casa en el bloque 4700 de Windflower Circle, cerca del Northdale Golf and Country, justo antes de las 7:00 p.m. el lunes (10 de diciembre) e ignoró las órdenes de que se fuera de las dos personas que estaban en la casa. O'Brien no conocía a nadie de la casa y no tenía permiso para estar allí, según el informe del arresto. El supervisor de la oficina del alguacil dice que O'Brien tiró a una mujer al suelo y luego se fue al patio trasero.

Los agentes que respondieron a la llamada encontraron a O'Brien escondido detrás de una valla cerca de la casa, que estaba a menos de media milla de su propio hogar. Dicen que O'Brien "corrió hacia" uno de ellos "con un cuchillo en la mano derecha". Los agentes dispararon a O'Brien con un Taser y lo arrestaron.

O'Brien está acusado de agresión y robo en vivienda y agresión contra un oficial de la ley. Su fianza se fijó en 50.000 $.

Justo cuando O'Brien fue arrestado, se produjo un incendio en su casa en el bloque 16000 de Norwood Drive, con la explosión de munición en su interior. Los testigos aseguraron que hubo una pelea en la casa, aparentemente una disputa doméstica, antes de que estallase el incendio. Los bomberos del condado de Hillsborough lograron controlar el fuego después de aproximadamente una hora. Las autoridades dicen que dos lanzallamas militares dentro de la casa, hicieron que el fuego fuese mucho más difícil de combatir.

La Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (ATF) está investigando el incendio de la casa. :roll:

According to the Tampa, Florida television station WFTS-TV, CANNIBAL CORPSE guitarist Patrick "Pat" O'Brien has been arrested for breaking into a home and assaulting a police officer.

The 53-year-old musician reportedly entered a house in the 4700 block of Windflower Circle, near the Northdale Golf and Country, just before 7:00 p.m. on Monday (December 10) and ignored orders from the two people inside the home to leave. O'Brien didn't know anyone at the house and didn't have permission to be there, an arrest report states. A sheriff's office supervisor says O'Brien shoved a woman to the ground and then went into the backyard.

Deputies responding to the burglary found O'Brien hiding behind a fence near the house, which was less than half a mile from his own home. They say O'Brien "ran towards" one of the deputies "with a knife in his right hand." Deputies then shot O'Brien with a Taser and arrested him.

O'Brien is charged with burglary of an occupied dwelling with assault and aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer. His bond was set at $50,000.

Just as O'Brien was arrested, a massive fire broke out at his home in the 16000 block of Norwood Drive with exploding ammunition inside. Witnesses said there was a fight — apparently some kind of domestic dispute — at the house before the fire broke out. Hillsborough County firefighters were able to get the fire under control after about an hour but struggled due to the ammunition inside exploding due to the flames.

"They got about halfway through when the flames got too strong and they were hearing the pops and crackles of ammunition, so they had to take a defensive posture," Hillsborough County Fire Rescue spokesman Eric Seidel told the Tampa Bay Times.

Crews remained at the scene throughout the night and kept the road blocked long off after the fire was put out. It's unclear if anyone was home at the time, but no injuries were reported.

Officials say two military-style flamethrowers inside the home, making the fire much harder to battle for firefighters.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is investigating the house fire. ... ampa-home/


 Asunto: Re: Portada de CANNIBAL CORPSE
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 03, 2021 3:36 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
CANNIBAL CORPSE anuncian su nuevo disco "Violence Unimagined"

El 16 de abril Cannibal Corpse lanzarán su 15º álbum de estudio, "Violence Unimagined", a través de Metal Blade Records.


01. Murderous Rampage
02. Necrogenic Resurrection
03. Inhumane Harvest
04. Condemnation Contagion
05. Surround, Kill, Devour
06. Ritual Annihilation
07. Follow The Blood
08. Bound And Burned
09. Slowly Sawn
10. Overtorture
11. Cerements Of The Flayed


Alex Webster – bajo
Paul Mazurkiewicz – batería
George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher - voz
Rob Barrett - guitarra
Erik Rutan - guitarra

On April 16th, Cannibal Corpse will release their fifteenth studio album, Violence Unimagined, via Metal Blade Records. For a first preview of the record, the new single “Inhumane Harvest” can be heard at: – where Violence Unimagined is also available for pre-order in the following formats:

- digipak-CD
- deluxe edition artbook (48-page hardcover book includes: CD, crimson red marbled vinyl, flag, patch, and sticker)
- 180g black vinyl (EU exclusive)
- bloodred marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 1000 copies)
- golden ochre marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 500 copies)
- silver-gray blue marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 300 copies)
- clear w/ red, silver, and black splatter vinyl (Kings Road exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- silver / white melt w/ red splatter vinyl (Kings Road exclusive – limited to 100 copies)
- dark olive marbled vinyl (PIAS exclusive – limited to 300 copies)
- burnt skin marbled vinyl (Napalm exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- swamp green marbled vinyl (Nuclear Blast exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- khaki olive marbled vinyl (EMP exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- dark burgundy red vinyl (EMP exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- bloody skin marbled vinyl (UK exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
- coke bottle clear / swamp green color in color vinyl (Decibel exclusive)
- bone / red color in color vinyl (US exclusive)
- white / olive green melt vinyl (US exclusive)
- beer w/ red splatter vinyl (US exclusive) ... nimagined/


 Asunto: Re: Portada de CANNIBAL CORPSE
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 25, 2021 2:32 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
CANNIBAL CORPSE: nuevo teme "Murderous Rampage"


 Asunto: Re: Portada de CANNIBAL CORPSE
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 23, 2023 2:50 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
CANNIBAL CORPSE anuncian nuevo disco

Cannibal Corpse lanzará su decimosexto álbum de estudio, "Chaos Horrific", el 22 de septiembre a través de Metal Blade Records.


01. Overlords Of Violence
02. Frenzied Feeding
03. Summoned For Sacrifice
04. Blood Blind
05. Vengeful Invasion
06. Chaos Horrific
07. Fracture And Refracture
08. Pitchfork Impalement
09. Pestilential Rictus
10. Drain You Empty


George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher - voz
Erik Rutan - guitarra
Rob Barrett - guitarra
Alex Webster - bajo
Paul Mazurkiewicz - batería

Death metal icons CANNIBAL CORPSE will unleash their sixteenth studio album, Chaos Horrific, on September 22nd via Metal Blade Records, today revealing the record’s artwork, pulverizing first single, and pre-orders!

Since 1988, CANNIBAL CORPSE have been at the forefront of death metal, shaping and defining the genre. In 2021, they raised the stakes again with Violence Unimagined. And in 2023, the band’s thirty-fifth anniversary, they return with its successor, the equally monstrous Chaos Horrific, starting a new chapter in their storied legacy.

Written shortly after the conclusion of the Violence Unimagined sessions, echoes of that album exist in Chaos Horrific. “To me, this album feels sort of like a continuation of Violence Unimagined,” says bassist Alex Webster. ... mber-22nd/


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