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 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 12, 2021 8:06 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE: nuevo tema "PvP"

Xanceda escribió:
Este viernes 12 de noviembre, Amaranthe lanzará el tema "PvP", que será el himno oficial de la selección sueca de deportes electrónicos.



 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 09, 2022 2:25 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Henrik "GG6" Englund Wilhelmson (voz gutural) deja AMARANTHE

Henrik "GG6" Englund Wilhelmson (voz gutural) anunció su salida de Amaranthe en una publicación en las redes sociales.

Comunicado de la banda:

Después de 9 años y cuatro álbumes juntos, Henrik "GG6" Englund Wilhelmson ha elegido terminar su viaje con Amaranthe.

Henrik comentó:

"¡Lamento decir que tengo malas noticias!

Ya no seré parte de Amaranthe. Después de 2 años en casa a causa del coronavirus, algo me golpeó. Me encantaba estar en casa con mi familia y comencé a soñar con hacer otra cosa. Algo más importante y sin pasar más tiempo lejos de mis hijos. Por muchas razones también dejé de disfrutar la vida en la carretera con Amaranthe. Se convirtió más en un trabajo y en algo que me obligué a hacer. ¡No como en los días en que me divertía mucho todo el tiempo! ¡Quiero agradecer a todos los fans por su apoyo a lo largo de los años y prometo que volveré con cosas geniales de 'GG6' en el futuro cuando el estado de ánimo y la creatividad vuelvan a mí!

Salud y amor y buena suerte para Amaranthe en el futuro.

Henrik GG6 Englund"

Amarante comento:

“Respetamos y entendemos completamente la decisión de Henrik, y le deseamos todo lo mejor en sus futuras aventuras. Henrik es realmente uno de los “gruñidores” más importantes del mundo, como sabe cualquiera que lo haya visto romper nuestras canciones en vivo, y no podemos esperar, para ver qué se le ocurre a continuación.

¡Mantén los ojos bien abiertos en sus redes sociales para estar al día con la próxima locura de GG6!

Los conciertos de este verano estarán a cargo de dos invitados especiales. ¡Estad atentos!


After 9 years and four albums together, Henrik "GG6" Englund Wilhelmson has now chosen to end his journey with AMARANTHE.
Commented Henrik:
"I'm sorry to say that i got some sad news for ya'll!
I will no longer be a part of Amaranthe. After 2 years at home caused by corona, something hit me. I freakin loved being at home with my family and started to dream about doing something else. Something more important and also to NOT spend more time away from my kids. For many reasons i also slowly stopped enjoying life on the road with Amaranthe. It became more of a job and something i pushed myself to do. Not like back in the days when i had some serious fun all the time! I want to thank all my fans for your support over the years and i promise ill be back with killer 'GG6' stuff in the future when the mood and creativity finds it way back to me!
Cheers n love and good luck to Amaranthe in the future.
/ Henrik GG6 Englund"
Commented Amaranthe:
"We fully respect and understand Henrik's decision, and we wish him all the best on his future adventures. Henrik is truly one of the world's foremost growlers, as anyone who have seen him rip through our songs live knows, and we can't wait to see what he comes up with next! Keep your eyes peeled to his socials to stay up to date with forthcoming GG6 madness!
This summer’s shows will be performed by two special guests, stay tuned! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 17, 2022 1:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE: nuevo single "Strong (Cinematic Version)"

Pues nada una nueva versión de uno de sus propios temas.




 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 09, 2022 7:05 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE: nueva versión de "Make it Better" con Jennifer Haben

Jennifer Haben es la vocalista de Beyond the Black


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 28, 2023 3:44 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE lanza el nuevo sencillo “Damnation Flame”

Olof afirma sobre la nueva canción:

“ ”Damnation Flame” abre nuevos caminos para nosotros de muchas maneras, y de la mejor manera posible. Esta es la primera canción de Amaranthe que presenta elementos sinfónicos, algo que queríamos hacer desde hace mucho tiempo, y la oscuridad vampírica. ¡El tema se combina a la perfección con nuestra versión del metal melódico moderno! Amaranthe siempre ha tratado de ser ilimitados y reinventarnos constantemente, y ahora ya sabes que debes esperar lo inesperado. Esto es 100% pura pasión vertida en la música, como sin duda experimentarás. desde el primer segundo, disfruta de “Damnation Flame”, ¡con la promesa de mucho más por venir pronto!”


El tema marca el comienzo de algunos conciertos este verano, y también presenta al nuevo vocalista de la banda, Mikael Sehlin.


Elize Ryd - voz
Mikael Sehlin - guturales
Olof Mörck - guitarra, teclados
Johan Andreassen - bajo
Morten Løwe Sørensen - batería
Nils Molin - voz

AMARANTHE - drop fresh single 'Damnation Flame'!

It's getting hot out there: Swedish modern metal heroes AMARANTHE deliver the soundtrack for a fiery festival summer with the release of their new single 'Damnation Flame' today! With its symphonic touch and uplifting chorus, the band once again showcases their outstanding songwriting skills while maintaining their image as Sweden’s most exciting metal export.

Mastermind Olof states about the new song:
"'Damnation Flame' breaks new ground for us in many ways, and in all the best ways possible. This is the very first AMARANTHE song to feature symphonic elements, something we've wanted to do for a long time, and the darkened vampiric theme melds together perfectly with our take on modern melodic metal! AMARANTHE has always been about being boundless and constantly reinventing ourselves, and by now you know to expect the unexpected. This is 100% pure passion poured into music, as you will no doubt experience yourself from the very first second - enjoy 'Damnation Flame', with the promise of much more to come SOON!"

'Damnation Flame' doesn't only mark the start of some hot live shows this summer but also introduces AMARANTHE's new vocalist Mikael Sehlin to their internationally growing fanbase.

Olof continues:
"After a practically global search, and several amazing guest growlers to help us out on shows and tours we finally found just the right person for the job, in our very own Swedish capital of Stockholm! Mikael Sehlin has EVERYTHING it takes to join the AMARANTHE line up, and his versatility and musicality completes and underscores our vision for our new album and the general future for AMARANTHE perfectly. From the deepest guttural grunts to soaring screams Mikael is growling perfection incarnate, so please give a roaring welcome to the new star upon the AMARANTHE firmament!"

Mikael Sehlin himself adds:
Hello everyone, Mike here! I am very thrilled to tell you I will fill the slot as the new Amaranthe growler and I can't wait to meet you guys out there!
I hope you like the upcoming tracks to which I've had the honor recording growls to.
Take care and see you soon!"

The newest member of the AMARANTHE family can be seen in the music video for 'Damnation Flame', the band's newest cinematic masterpiece. Hold your breath and follow the creatures of the night to their vampiric cave to witness the initiation of their latest victim...uhm... member. ... lame-32380


 Asunto: Re: AMARANTHE en el estudio
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 05, 2023 3:06 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
AMARANTHE anuncian la fecha de lanzamiento de su nuevo disco

Amaranthe lanzará su nuevo álbum, "The Catalyst", el 23 de febrero de 2024 a través de Nuclear Blast Records. El trabjo estará disponible en formato digital y en diferentes formatos físicos, incluyendo CD, vinilo y una edición especial de 2CD.



01. The Catalyst
02. Insatiable
03. Damnation Flame
04. Liberated
05. Re-Vision
06. Interference
07. Stay a Little While
08. Ecstasy
09. Breaking the Waves
10. Outer Dimensions
11. Resistance
12. Find Life


1. Fading Like a Flower (Cover version)
2. Insatiable (Acoustic Version)
3. Damnation Flame (Orchestral Version)
4. Breaking the Waves (Acoustic Version)


New album The Catalyst out Feb 23, 2024!
Pre-oder here: ... 6895578645

15 years into a career that has seen them become one of metal’s most ruthlessly individual and uplifting bands, selling out venues and tours across Europe and the US, AMARANTHE are about to make their most definitive and revealing move. Three years on from the widely acclaimed Manifest which hit top 20 charts internationally and has amassed over 130 million streams, Sweden’s masters of thunderous, melodic futurism are about to unveil The Catalyst.

12 songs deep and almost overburdened with lethal hooks and genre-blending ingenuity, The Catalyst is a snapshot of a band hitting a new level of collective power. From the electronic pulse and irresistible forward momentum of Re-Vision onwards, AMARANTHE have given their sound a fearless upgrade. They have incorporated yet more enthralling elements into their trademark sound; most notably, AMARANTHE have embraced the evocative might of orchestral grandeur for the first time, and it suits them perfectly.

Dedicated to notions of transformation and revelation, it goes deeper than any previous album. “Sometimes there are watershed moments in your life, and they can change everything,” Olof Mörck explains. “It’s about a realization. It could be a relationship, a vacation, or a near-death experience, but it’s a catalyst that really wakes you up and makes you think, ‘Shit, what have I been doing? ’All the songs are about this, but in totally different ways. It’s all about change”.

One major contributory factor to this impressive forward stride is the arrival of AMARANTHE’s latest new member. Slotting in neatly alongside Elize Ryd and Nils Molin is the band’s new master of growls, Mikael Sehlin who can be heard reveling in his new creative partnerships on The Catalyst. Set for release on February 23rd, 2024,

The Catalyst fully delivers on the promise of its title. Both their finest album to date and a collection of songs that deftly redefine every aspect of the Swedes’sound, The Catalystis destined to propel its creators ever higher up the modern metal ladder. It represents the culmination of 15 years of hard work and the breathless pursuit of a wholly original musical vision. Change is inevitable. Victory is assured.


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