Nuevo single de GRAVE DIGGER"Grave Digger están listos para abrir el siguiente capítulo de sus más de cuatro décadas de historia como banda. Tras el cambio de formación y con su nuevo mago de la guitarra Tobias Kersting (Steelhammer de Chris Boltendahl, ex-Orden Ogan), Grave Digger están de vuelta con el nuevo single "The Grave Is Yours" para dejar claro, que el Heavy Metal tradicional inspirado en los 80 en su estado más puro está más que vivo.
"The Grave Is Yours" se lanza a través de ROAR! Rock of Angels Records el 12 de enero de 2024 como edición mundial limitada a 500 copias de 7" Red Vinyl Edition, así como en todas las plataformas de descarga y streaming. "

Side A:
"The Grave Is Yours" (Music: Chris Boltendahl & Tobias Kersting · Lyrics: Chris Boltendahl)
Side B:
"Back To The Roots" (Music: Chris Boltendahl & Uwe Lulis · Lyrics: Chris Boltendahl & Thomas Göttlich)

Chris Boltendahl (voz)
Tobías Kersting (guitarra)
Jens Becker (bajo)
Marcus Kniep (batería)
German Heavy Metal legends GRAVE DIGGER are ready to open the next chapter of their more than four decades longing band history. After the line-up change and with their new guitar wizard Tobias Kersting (Chris Boltendahl's Steelhammer, ex-Orden Ogan), GRAVE DIGGER are back with the new single "The Grave Is Yours" and to make clear, that 80's inspired traditional Heavy Metal in its purest is more than alive. And not enough: The completely re-recorded classic track "Back to The Roots" is also part of this release. Straightforward, merciless, right in your face ... this is GRAVE DIGGER in 2024!
"The Grave Is Yours" is released via ROAR! Rock of Angels Records on January 12, 2024 as worldwide limited to 500 copies 7" Red Vinyl Edition as well as on all popular and well-known download & streaming platforms.