ALCEST anuncian su nuevo disco "Les Chants De L'Aurore"Alcest lanzará su séptimo álbum, "Les Chants De L'Aurore", el 21 de junio a través de Nuclear Blast.

Neige – voz, guitarra, bajo, sintetizadores
Winterhalter - batería
ALCEST - Announce New Album Les Chants De L'Aurore
This summer will see the release of a long awaited gem: Today, French shoegaze/indie act ALCEST announce the release of their seventh album Les Chants De L'Aurore for June 21st.
Neige states:
"'L'Envol' is a musical return to the atmosphere of Alcest's first albums. I wrote this song after an inspiring trip to Corsica, where I met amazing people and was surrounded by some of the most unique landscapes I have ever seen. It is about escaping from earthly reality to join a flock of mythical birds flying through the known boundaries of our world. The song is accompanied by a music video created by the talented French artist Yoann Lossel, who also designed the album cover. For this first single release, we wanted the music, lyrics and visuals to be as coherent and immersive as possible. All the tracks on Les Chants de l'Aurore are very different from one another, but we thought this one would be a great introduction to the overall atmosphere and themes of the album." ... rore-32970