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 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 15, 2019 7:56 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MÖTLEY CRÜE: nuevo tema "Like A Virgin"

No les quedo mal :roll:


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 05, 2019 2:29 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MÖTLEY CRÜE: reedición 30 aniversario de "Dr. Feelgood"

Mötley Crüe conmemorará el 30 aniversario de "Dr. Feelgood" reeditando el álbum el 29 de noviembre.


01. T.N.T. (Terror 'N Tinseltown)
02. Dr. Feelgood
03. Slice Of Your Pie
04. Rattlesnake Shake
05. Kickstart My Heart
06. Without You
07. Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)
08. Sticky Sweet
09. She Goes Down
10. Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
11. Time For Change
12. Dr. Feelgood (Demo)
13. Kickstart My Heart (Demo)
14. Without You (Demo)



 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Nov 19, 2019 4:10 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Pues empezamos con lo que será el nuevo culebrón-regreso del año :roll: :roll: :roll:

Según Rolling Stone, Mötley Crüe harán una gira el próximo año por Estados Unidos con Poison y Def Leppard, según las fuentes de la filtración habrá una gira de estadios por todo el país.

Parte del comunicado oficial de la banda:

Los Ángeles, CA, 18 de noviembre de 2019:

Casi 6 años después de firmar un acuerdo de “Cessation of Touring” (no volver a hacer giras), el contrato se ha roto porque toda una nueva generación de "Crüeheads" exige insistentemente que la banda vuelva a reunirse. Tras el gran éxito de su película biográfica, "The Dirt", Mötley Crüe ha experimentado un fuerte aumento de popularidad y de nuevos seguidores. La banda conocida por romper las reglas ha roto su contrato al autentico estilo Mötley Crüe, literalmente volándolo.

 Después de 35 años juntos en el escenario y 30 años desde el lanzamiento de "Dr. Feelgood", los miembros de Mötley Crüe se separaron y no se hablaban desde su concierto de despedida del 31 de diciembre de 2015.

Vince, Nikki, Mick y Tommy no se reunieron nuevamente hasta 2018 para participar en la realización de la película "The Dirt", que inesperadamente los acercó nuevamente, incluso pudimos verlos regresar al estudio de grabación, después de haber seguido durante años sus propios caminos. La espita estaba abierta...

Mötley Crüe escribió:
Los Angeles, CA, November 18, 2019:
Almost 6 years after signing a Cessation of Touring agreement, the contract is off the table because a whole new generation of Crüeheads are relentlessly demanding for the band to come back together. Following the huge success of their NETFLIX biopic THE DIRT, Mötley Crüe has seen a massive surge in new audience. And the band best known for breaking the rules has destroyed their cessation of touring contract in true Mötley Crüe-fashion, by literally blowing it up.
After 35 years together on stage, and 30 years since the release of Dr. Feelgood, the members of Mötley Crüe parted ways without speaking to each other after their Final Show on December 31, 2015.
Vince, Nikki, Mick and Tommy didn’t come together again until 2018 to participate in the making of THE DIRT movie, which unexpectedly brought them closer together again including seeing them head back into the recording studio after having gone in their own directions for several years. The fuse was lit.
“Since playing Tommy Lee in The Dirt, so many of my fans have said how they wish they could've seen the real Mötley Crüe play live,” said Colson Baker (aka Machine Gun Kelly) “I never thought I would see the day when this would become a reality. But the fans spoke and Mötley Crüe listened!”
THE DIRT currently enjoys an audience score of 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. And its massive global success earlier this year saw Mötley Crüe’s popularity rush to new highs, catapulting the band’s music back to the top of the worldwide charts with the younger 18-44 demographic now representing 64% of the band’s fanbase. Moreover, in the six months following the release of THE DIRT, Mötley Crüe has celebrated a meteoric rise of almost 350% increase in streams of their music across all streaming platforms. However, most of the new fans have never seen any of the legendary live shows that Crüeheads have relished for close to 4 decades.
Sign up for text updates (U.S. only) by texting MotleyCrueIsBack to 855 580 CRÜE (2783) or sign up for email updates at to follow further developments and get breaking Mötley Crüe news first.


Mötley Crüe released a video Monday officially announcing their upcoming reunion. In 2020, they’ll be kicking off a U.S. stadium tour with Poison and Def Leppard. While specific dates and venues have yet to be announced, the three acts will perform at stadiums around the country.

The band doesn’t appear in the video, but Machine Gun Kelly, who portrayed Tommy Lee in the movie adaptation of The Dirt, announces that they are blowing up their “cessation of touring contract” because the fans demanded a reformation.

“I never thought I would see the day when this would become a reality,” Kelly says in a press release. “But the fans spoke and Mötley Crüe listened!” The video shows this supposed legal document bursting into flames on a desk.

Mötley Crüe played 158 shows on their 2014-15 Final Tour, wrapping up with a hometown show at the Forum in Los Angeles on December 31st, 2015. Prior to the tour, the band claimed to sign a “cessation of touring agreement,” which they said was a binding document that would prohibit them from ever playing again after the tour ended. At the time, the group’s management failed to produce this alleged document despite repeated requests... ... ur-913823/


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Nov 19, 2019 6:03 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Lo hacen por el bien de Vince Neil, por su salud, para que adelgace dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif

Si hacemos caso de los rumores, una de las condiciones que el promotor pondría para que se llevase a cabo la nueva gira seria que el señor Neil se pusiese en forma, lo de la voz ya lo dejamos para la siguiente, mientras contratarán otro buen par de coristas.


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Dic 05, 2019 3:59 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233


7 - Miami, FL - Hard Rock Stadium
9 - Orlando, FL - Camping World Stadium
11 - Charlotte, NC - Bank Of America Stadium
14 - Arlington, TX - Globe Life Field
15 - Houston, TX - Minute Maid Park
19 - San Francisco, CA - Oracle Park
23 - San Diego, CA - Petco Park
25 - Phoenix, AZ - State Farm Stadium

9 - Atlanta, GA - Suntrust Park
11 - Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Stadium
13 - Buffalo, NY - New Era Field
15 - Philadelphia, PA - Citizens Bank Park
16 - Pittsburgh, PA - Pnc Park
18 - Milwaukee, WI - Miller Park
20 - Detroit, MI - Comerica Park
22 - Washington DC - Nationals Park
23 - Flushing, NY - Citi Field
25 - Boston, MA - Fenway Park*
28 - Chicago, IL - Wrigley Field
30 - Denver, CO - Coors Field

2 - Seattle, WA - T-mobile Park
5 - Los Angeles, CA - Sofi Stadium


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Jun 02, 2020 3:37 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233

Nota de las bandas:

"Queríamos continuar comunicándonos con nuestros fans y actualizar con información válida a medida que estuviese disponible.

Se tomó la decisión oficial de trasladar todas las fechas de la gira de estadios norteamericana 2020 al verano de 2021. Las nuevas fechas se están reprogramando, las entradas serán validas para todos los conciertos pospuestos y la información sobre la política de reembolso estará disponible en breve.

Estad atentos, manteneros a salvo y nos vemos el año que viene.

Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard, Poison y Joan Jett y The Blackhearts"


We wanted to continue to communicate with our fans and update you with valid information as it becomes available. The official decision has been made to move all 2020 North American Stadium Tour dates into the summer of 2021. The new stadium dates are being rescheduled, your tickets will be honored for all postponed shows and refund policy information will be made available shortly.
Stay tuned, be safe and we will see you next year.

Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard, Poison and Joan Jett and The Blackhearts ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab May 15, 2021 4:11 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Comunicado de la Mötley Crüe en Facebook:

"A todos nuestros fieles seguidores, queremos haceros saber que hoy nos enteramos de que la gira se trasladará a 2022. Esta es la única forma de asegurarnos de que podamos tocar en todas las fechas para todos los que hayáis comprado entradas. Agradecemos que hayas permanecido ahí y estamos ansiosos por volver al escenario y llevar The Stadium Tour a todos nuestros fans.

¡Entrará en los libros de historia!

- Pronto llegará el anuncio de la fecha reprogramada de Glendale, az."



To all our loyal fans, we wanted to let you know that we learned today that the tour is getting moved to 2022. This is the only way to ensure that we can play ALL of the dates for ALL of you who have purchased tickets. We appreciate you hanging in there and can’t wait to get back on stage and bring The Stadium Tour to all of our fans.
It is going to be one for the history books!

- announcement for the rescheduled glendale, az date will be coming soon. ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 27, 2022 2:41 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Mick Mars se retira de la gira de MÖTLEY CRÜE

Según Variety, el guitarrista de Mötley Crüe, Mick Mars, ya no estará de gira con la banda, aunque seguirá como miembro.

La declaración del representante del músico a Variety se puede leer a continuación:

“Mick Mars, cofundador y guitarrista principal durante los últimos 41 años, de la banda de heavy metal Mötley Crüe ha anunciado hoy que debido a su dolorosa lucha contra la espondilitis anquilosante (A.S.), ya no podrá hacer giras con la banda. Mick continuará como miembro de la banda, pero ya no puede soportar los rigores de la carretera. A.S. es una enfermedad degenerativa extremadamente dolorosa y paralizante, que afecta a la columna vertebral.”

No hay noticias oficiales sobre quién reemplazará a Mars como guitarrista de gira de la banda, sin embargo, durante semanas han abundado los rumores de que el exguitarrista de Marilyn Manson y Rob Zombie, John 5, será el encargado de sustituirlo.

La noticia llega días después de que el grupo anunciara otra etapa de su gira conjunta con Def Leppard, por América Latina y Europa desde febrero hasta julio de 2023.


Motley Crue guitarist and founding member Mick Mars will no longer tour with the band, although he will continue as a member, a rep for the musician tells Variety.

The full statement reads:

Mick Mars, co-founder and lead guitarist of the heavy metal band Mötley Crüe for the past 41 years, has announced today that due to his ongoing painful struggle with Ankylosing Spondylitis (A.S.), he will no longer be able to tour with the band. Mick will continue as a member of the band, but can no longer handle the rigors of the road. A.S. is an extremely painful and crippling degenerative disease, which affects the spine.

There was no immediate official word on who will replace Mars (pictured above, far right) as the band’s touring guitarist, however rumors have been rife for weeks that former Marilyn Manson/ Rob Zombie guitarist John 5, who recently stopped touring with Zombie, will fill in for him.

The news comes days after the group announced another leg of their co-headlining tour with Def Leppard, which is slated to cover Latin America and Europe from February through July of 2023. The two groups recently wrapped a North American tour. The group announced in 2014 that it was embarking on a “farewell” tour and played what was billed as a final show on Dec. 31, 2015, but announced in 2019 that they would reunite for another tour the following year. However, that tour was postponed twice before finally taking place earlier this year.

Mars, 71 (real name: Robert Deal), has struggled with the disease since his late teens but soldiered through for many years, as noted by Ultimate Classic Rock. He spoke about his first experiences with it in the group’s 2001 biography “The Dirt.”

“My hips started hurting so bad every time I turned my body that it felt like someone was igniting fireworks in my bones. I didn’t have enough money to see a doctor, so I just kept hoping that I could do what I usually do: will it away, through the power of my mind. But it kept getting worse.”

“Then, one afternoon while doing my laundry,” he continued, “I started having trouble breathing. At first, it felt like someone had plunged a knife into my back. But as the weeks passed, the pain kept moving around my back. Next, my stomach started burning, and I worried that my whole body was about to fall apart. I thought that there was a hole in my stomach, and acids were leaking out and destroying my bones and organs. I’d grab hold of doorknobs, anchor my legs into the ground, and pull with my hands to stretch my back and ease the pressure out.”

By the early 2000s, his condition had worsened and he lost a large amount of weight and became addicted to painkiller. However, he later had successful hip surgery and was able to tour extensively with the group.

“I kept getting worse and worse, and I just stopped playing guitar for almost two years,” he told Metal Sludge in 2008. “Nowadays, it’s not so bad, but back then when I was high on all that stuff and Motley were having a break, I knew if I didn’t stop I was gonna die. In the end, I had to go to a neuro-psychiatrist to straighten me up and he said to me, ‘Just hold the guitar for an hour a day – don’t play it, just hold it.’ It was pretty bizarre but I got through it, and in the end I think I’m actually a better player because of it.” ... 235415269/


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 28, 2022 3:25 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Comunicado de MÖTLEY CRÜE sobre la salida de Mick Mars

Mötley Crüe ha emitido la siguiente declaración con respecto al anuncio de ayer de que Mick Mars ya no giraría con la banda, pero continuará como miembro:

“Si bien los cambios nunca son faciles, aceptamos la decisión de Mick de retirarse de la banda debido a sus problemas de salud. Hemos visto a Mick manejar su espondilitis anquilosante durante décadas y siempre lo ha hecho con el mayor coraje y elegancia.

Decir "ya basta" es el último acto de valentía. El sonido de Mick ayudó a definir a Mötley Crüe desde el momento en que conectó su guitarra en nuestro primer ensayo juntos. El resto, como se dice, es historia. Seguiremos honrando su legado musical.

Llevaremos a cabo el deseo de Mick y continuaremos recorriendo el mundo según lo planeado en 2023. Sin duda, se necesita un músico absolutamente sobresaliente para ocupar el lugar de Mick, por lo que estamos agradecidos de que nuestro buen amigo, John 5, haya aceptado unirse a nosotros. Seguimos.

¡Os veremos a todos vosotros Crüeheads en el camino!"

- Vince, Tommy y Nikki"

John 5:

"Me siento honrado de continuar con el legado de Mick y estoy deseando tocar estas canciones".

Imagen ... Ql?__cft__


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 24, 2024 4:16 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MÖTLEY CRÜE anuncian el lanzamiento de un nuevo single

Mötley Crüe lanzará una nueva canción titulada, "Dogs Of War", el viernes 26 de abril por el nuevo acuerdo de Mötley Crüe con el sello discográfico Big Machine Records de Nashville.


MÖTLEY CRÜE will release a new song called "Dogs Of War" on Friday, April 26. The track is available for preorder now.

"Dogs Of War" will be released via MÖTLEY CRÜE's new deal with Nashville's Big Machine Records. ... ogs-of-war



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