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 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Mié Mar 07, 2018 3:27 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Alex Holzwarth (batería) deja SERIOUS BLACK

Nota de la banda:

"¡Alex Holzwarth deja Serious Black!

A veces es una decisión muy fácil unirse a una banda pero, al mismo tiempo, es muy difícil dejar a los mismos tipos después de algunos años. ¿No es esto injusto? Desafortunadamente, esto es exactamente lo que me sucede ahora. Debo dejar Serious Black.

Tuvimos una buena carrera durante casi tres años y estoy orgulloso de los objetivos que alcanzamos juntos.

Pero también durante el año pasado, al estar de gira con dos bandas, Serious Black y Rhapsody Reunion, entendí que quería centrarme en un solo proyecto y tocar la música que amo (al menos un 90%), sin importar el futuro.

Quiero desear todo lo mejor a Mario, Dominique, Urban y Serious Black, AFM Records y los fans de SB (¡los mejores!) Y espero veros pronto en el camino de nuevo.

Alex "


Sad News!


Sometimes it is a very easy decision to join a Band but at the same time, it is very hard to leave the same guys after some years again. Isn't this unfair? Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to me now. I have to leave Serious Black.
We had a good run for almost three years and I am proud of the goals we reached together.
But also during the past year touring with two bands, Serious Black and Rhapsody Reunion I understood I want to focus on just one project and to play the music that I love (for at least 90%), no matter what the future brings.
I want to wish all the best to Mario, Dominique, Urban and Serious Black, AFM Records and the SB fans (the best!) and hope to see you very soon on the road again!
Alex ... 1038281890


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Jue Ene 17, 2019 2:57 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK trabajando en un nuevo disco

Serious Black están trabajando en su nuevo álbum que lanzarán a lo largo de 2019.

. it's time: Songwriting to the new album has started - Stay tuned! Rami would say... "Ja Logisch ... ?__tn__=-R


recording some demo ideas for SERIOUS BLACK - upcoming Album 2019 - tries and failures during recording some song ideas or the new SERIOUS BLACK Album to be released in 2019...and as Always: no Shampoo, no make-up, no overdubs, no split screen...and so on


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 04, 2019 4:24 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK: portada de su nuevo disco "Suite 226"

El nuevo disco de Serious Black, "Suite 226", saldrá a la venta el 31 de enero de 2020 a través de AFM-records.


For eighteen months it was really quiet about SERIOUS BLACK, a comparatively long time for a band that, since its inception in 2015, let a maximum of one year pass until the release of a new album. After three successful predecessors and more than 120 shows worldwide, they used their well-deserved time-out to design new concepts, to work on fresh material. Bassist Mario proudly announces: "The waiting comes to an end, we are fresh and rested. Above all, we are hungry to return to the stage."

In 2020 it's finally happening! The German-American band proudly presents their highly anticipated fourth studio album "Suite 226". And that will stir the Power Metal community´s blood. "Suite 226" features more driving guitars, catchy hooks and finest riffing, as you know it from "As Daylight Breaks". SERIOUS BLACK takes the listener on a musically journey into psychiatry, between heaven and hell; "Suite 226" is the perfect soundtrack for this trip to the place of damnation. Ruthless riffs meets catchy melodies, driven by a manic rhythm section, Urban Breed´s top-rated unleashed vocals add the necessary amount of insanity. After listening to this dervish of an album one may ask oneself what is actually fiction, what is reality. And who knows, after that you may also hear these soft voices in your head. Don´t say nobody warned you! ... 55?__xts__


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 17, 2019 3:47 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK: lista de temas de "Suite 226"

El nuevo disco de Serious Black, "Suite 226", saldrá a la venta el 31 de enero de 2020 a través de AFM-records.


01. Let it Go
02. When The Stars Right
03. Solitude Etude
04. Fate Of All Humanity
05. Castiel
06. Heaven Shall Burn
07. Way Back Home
08. We Still Stand Tall
09. Come Home
10. Suite 226


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Vie May 28, 2021 3:04 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Urban Breed (voz) deja SERIOUS BLACK

Comunicado de Urban Breed:

Quiero dar las gracias a todos los que apoyaron a la banda durante mi etapa en Serious Black.

Ya no soy parte del plan. Ciertamente contribuí a dar forma a esta decisión al dejar que mi frustración y decepción por cómo creía que se había manejado mi material durante la producción de la última etapa se desbordara y continuara durante toda la gira y más allá, y por eso, sólo puedo decir que lo siento...

¡Gracias de nuevo!

Espero veros a todos en el futuro.


Comunicado de la banda:

¡Declaración oficial!

Hola fans, amigos y socios,
En primer lugar, tenemos que decir que estamos muy confundidos acerca de la declaración de Urban de que se va de Serious Black.

Nos sorprendió mucho escuchar su comentario a través de revistas y nuestro equipo; no había habido conversaciónes antes.

¡Respetamos su decisión!

Es cierto que la producción de "Suite 226" y también la gira mostraron las diferencias entre cómo queremos que sea esta banda y su visión. De todos modos, no hay ninguna razón para que luchemos aquí con Urban. Es un gran cantante y músico excepcional y queremos agradecerle los más de 100 conciertos en todo el mundo, grandes canciones y su trabajo en 4 discos increíbles.

¡Realmente le deseamos todo lo mejor para su futuro!

Y ahora las buenas noticias del día:

Tuvimos una charla con nuestro sello "AFM Records" hace unos minutos. Contamos con todo su apoyo para terminar este disco en el que estamos trabajando... ¡Tenemos que agradecerles mucho la confianza depositada!

Un buen amigo nos ofreció su mano para terminar este álbum. En este punto, muchas gracias a Bob Katsionis, ¡Es genial tenerte de nuestro lado!

Una cosa podemos prometer... ¡Entregaremos un álbum increíble con nuevos grandes temas en su máxima expresión, elaboradas en equipo!

Así que estad atentos y rockear,

Rami, Dominik y Mario

I wish to give thanks to everyone that supported the band during my time in Serious Black!
I'm no longer part of the plan. I certainly contributed to shaping that decision by letting my frustration and disappointment with how I thought my material was mishandled during late stage production spill over and carry on all throughout the tour and beyond, and for that, I can only say I'm sorry...
Thank you again!
I hope to see you all in the future! ... 6642019912

Official Statement!
Hello fans, friends and partners,
first of all we have to say that we are very confused about Urban‘s statement that he is leaving SERIOUS BLACK.
We were really suprised to hear about his comment via magazines and our crew - there was no conversation before.
We respect his decision!
It is true, that the production of „Suite 226“ and also the tour showed
the differences between how we want this band to be and his view.
Anyway, there is no reason for us to fight here with Urban.
He is an outstanding great singer and musician and we want to thank him for more than 100 concerts worldwide, great songs and his work on 4 amazing records!
We truly wish him all the best for his future!
AND NOW the GOOD NEWS of the day:
We had a talk with our label „AFM Records“ a few minutes ago.
We have their full support to finish this record we are working on ... we have to thank them a lot for their given trust!
A good old friend offered us his helping hand to get this album done.
At this point many thanks to Bob Katsionis, it’s great to have you on our side!
One thing we can promise ... we will deliver a killer album with great new tracks at its very best, crafted in teamwork!
So stay tuned and rock on,
Rami, Dominik and Mario ... 1725725788


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Mié Sep 01, 2021 3:03 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK presenta a su nuevo vocalista Nikola Mijic

Nikola Mijic, "The Serb", es el nuevo vocalista de Serious Black, es conocido por ser el cantante de la banda de metal Eden's Curse.


The international power metal formation SERIOUS BLACK presenting their newest band member: Nikola Mijic
"The Serb", also known as singer of metal band Eden's Curse, is new lead singer of SERIOUS BLACK.
Mario Lochert, the band's founder and bassist, is enthusiastic about his new front singer: "Nikola is a very talented, outstanding and much experienced singer.“
The anticipation for tons of great guitar riffs, groovy rhythms and epic melodies is increasing! Stay tuned for more news! ... 3336396293


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Mié Sep 15, 2021 2:57 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK anuncian el lanzamiento de su nuevo disco "Vengeance Is Mine"

Serious Black anuncian que su nuevo disco, "Vengeance Is Mine", se lanzará el 25 de febrero de 2022 a través de AFM Records.


01. Rock With Us Tonight
02. Out Of The Ashes
03. Fallen Hero
04. Senso Della Vita
05. Ray Of Light
06. Soul Divider
07. Tonight I'm Ready To Fight
08. Just For You
09. Soldiers Of Eternal Light
10. The Story
11. Queen Of Lies
12. Album Of Our Life
13. Alea Iacta Est

Bonus CD Ltd. Boxset

01. Boys Of Summer” (Don Henley)
02. Take On Me” (A-Ha)
03. Wonderful Life” (Black)
04. Rockin’ In The Free World” (Neil Young)
05. Spending My Time” (Roxette)
06. The Look” (Roxette)
07. Driver’s Seat” (Sniff ‘N’ The Tears)
08. Dirt Diana” (Michael Jackson)


Serious Black - Official: Pre-Sale start of their strongest album "Vengeance Is Mine", which will be released on February 25th, 2022.

The international power metal formation returns with their fastest and most imaginative work so far.
Due to new front man Nikola Mijić’s expressive timbre, the rapid riffs and hooks of the guitarists Dominik Sebastian and Bob Katsionis, the driving grooves of drummer Ramy Ali with bassist and producer Mario Lochert, on top with the collective diverse songwriting, ‘Vengeance Is Mine’ has turned into a prime example of a deeply melodic and at the same time powerfully dynamic power metal album.

Be one of the first and save yourself this masterpiece of 13 tracks, today.
In addition to the CD you could also call the limited box set your own. Or one of the amazing vinyls in Clear Red, Purple or the limited orange / black splatter vinyl, which is exclusively available in the AFM shop. ... 9858610810


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2021 6:52 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK: nuevo tema "The Story"

Serious Black acaba de lanzar el primer sencillo "The Story" de su próximo álbum "Vengeance Is Mine",que se lanzará el próximo 25 de febrero, vía AFM Records. Este disco será el estreno del nuevo cantante Nikola Mijic (Eden's Curse).


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de SERIOUS BLACK
NotaPublicado: Vie May 10, 2024 5:56 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SERIOUS BLACK anuncia nuevo álbum de estudio, "Rise Of Akhenaton"

Nota de prensa:

Diez años de Serious Black, diez años de "power metal melódico", con licencia para crear himnos. Desde su fundación en 2014, la banda entusiasma a sus fans no solo con cinco álbumes de estudio hasta la fecha (su último trabajo, "Vengeance Is Mine", alcanzó el fenomenal puesto 16 en Alemania), sino también con conciertos frenéticamente aclamados y apariciones en festivales de todo el mundo. el mundo. Para celebrar decimo cumpleaños Serious Black ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo álbum, titulado "Rise Of Akhenaton", que llegará el 27 de septiembre de 2024 a través de AFM Records.

Paralelamente, la banda estará de gira por toda Europa, con Sonata Arctica y Firewind.


01. Open Your Eyes
02. We Are the Storm
03. Silent Angel
04. Take Your Life
05. Shields of Glory
06. When I´m Gone
07. United
08. Rise of Akhenaton
09. Virtual Reality
10. I Will Remember
11. Metalized



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