Comunicado de AEROSMITH sobre la denuncia de Joey KramerLos miembros de Aerosmith, Steven Tyler (voz), Joe Perry (guitarra), Tom Hamilton (bajo) y Brad Whitford (guitarra) han emitido un comunicado en respuesta a la demanda presentada por el batería del grupo Joey Kramer, quien afirma que la banda le impide tocar con ellos en los premios Grammy.
Tyler, Perry, Whitford y Hamilton respondieron a la demanda de Kramer en un comunicado a People, diciendo: "Joey Kramer es nuestro hermano; su bienestar es de suma importancia para nosotros. Sin embargo, no ha sido capaz de actuar emocional y físicamente con la banda, como él ha admitido, durante los últimos 6 meses. Lo hemos extrañado y lo hemos alentado a que se una a nosotros para tocar muchas veces, pero aparentemente no se ha sentido preparado para hacerlo ".
La declaración continúa: "Joey ha esperado hasta el último momento para aceptar nuestra invitación, cuando desafortunadamente no tenemos tiempo para los ensayos necesarios en la semana de los Grammy. Le estaríamos perjudicando a él, a nosotros mismos y a nuestros fans si tocase, sin el tiempo necesario para prepararse y ensayar. Para agravar esto, decidió presentar una demanda el viernes por la noche, en el fin de semana festivo anterior a los Grammy, sin tener en cuenta cuál es nuestro plan de preparación para este importante evento. Desafortunadamente no puede actuar, pero por supuesto lo hemos invitado a estar con nosotros en los Grammy y nuestro homenage “MusiCares”. Estamos unidos por mucho más que nuestro tiempo en el escenario ".
Una fuente cercana a la banda confirmó a People que Kramer tuvo que "probar" para las actuaciones de Aerosmith esta semana, pero dice que fue el resultado de que el batería no asistiese a múltiples ensayos planificados.
"Lo han estado invitando a regresar durante los últimos seis meses desde que estuvo fuera por la situación médica con la que estuvo lidiando", dice la fuente. "Él dijo: “Sí, iré a ensayar” y no se presentó. En vísperas de los Grammy y MusiCares, quería regresar".
Según la fuente, la banda sintió que Kramer "no era capaz" de actuar al nivel que los fans estaban acostumbrados después de escuchar su demo.

AEROSMITH members Steven Tyler (vocals), Joe Perry (guitar), Tom Hamilton (bass) and Brad Whitford (guitar) have issued a statement in response to the lawsuit filed by the group's drummer Joey Kramer, who claims he is being blocked from performing with his bandmates at the Grammys.
An original member of the legendary rock group, Kramer last performed with AEROSMITH in April 2019 before suffering what was described at the time as a "shoulder injury." Other reports have indicated that he also injured an ankle.
For the past eight months, AEROSMITH has been performing with a stand-in drummer, Kramer's drum tech John Douglas.
After celebrity gossip site TMZ reported earlier today that Kramer had filed a lawsuit against his bandmates claiming they are refusing to allow him to perform with them when they appear on Sunday night's Grammy Awards telecast, the drummer issued a statement, saying that being "removed" from his "rightful place on stage to celebrate" AEROSMITH's success "is just plain wrong."
Tyler, Perry, Whitford and Hamilton responded to Kramer's suit in a statement to People, saying: "Joey Kramer is our brother; his wellbeing is of paramount importance to us. However he has not been emotionally and physically able to perform with the band, by his own admission, for the last 6 months. We have missed him and have encouraged him to rejoin us to play many times but apparently he has not felt ready to do so."
The statement continues: "Joey has now waited until the last moment to accept our invitation, when we unfortunately have no time for necessary rehearsals during Grammys week. We would be doing a disservice to him, to ourselves and to our fans to have him play without adequate time to prepare and rehearse. Compounding this, he chose to file a lawsuit on the Friday night of the holiday weekend preceding the Grammys with total disregard for what is our limited window to prepare to perform these important events. Given his decisions he is unfortunately unable to perform but of course we have invited him to be with us for both the Grammys and our MusiCares honor. We are bonded together by much more than our time on stage."
A source close to the band confirmed to People that Kramer had to "test" for AEROSMITH's performances this week, but says it was a result of the drummer failing to attend multiple planned rehearsals.
"They had been inviting him to come back for the last six months since he's been away for whatever medical situation he's been dealing with," the source says. "He said, 'Yes, I'll come and rehearse' and kept not showing up. On the eve of the Grammys and MusiCares, he wanted to be back."
According to the source, the band felt Kramer "wasn't capable" of performing at a level their fans were used to after listening to his demo. ... -the-band/