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 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 05, 2023 4:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FROZEN CROWN presentan su nueva guitarrista

A partir de ahora Frozen Crowm pasará a contar con tres guitarristas.

Parte del comunicado de la banda:

Queridos amigos, sí, estáis viendo bien: ¡hay un sexto miembro en nuestra banda (y esto no es temporal)! ¡Su nombre es Alessia Lanzone y compartirá las tareas de guitarra solista y rítmica con Sheena y Federico tanto en vivo como en el estudio! Al igual que Niso cuando se unió a la banda, ella sólo tiene 17 años, pero durante los últimos meses que pasamos juntos en secreto ya nos dio pruebas de su enorme talento, además de ser una increíble persona, y estamos ansiosos por presentarla finalmente... ¡Hará su debut en directo en nuestro próximo concierto el 16 de septiembre en Tuttlingen (DE)...

Como sabéis, progresivamente fuimos aumentando la cantidad de pistas de guitarra en nuestros álbumes, y hoy en día nuestras canciones son un festín de riffs y solos armonizados, contando con decenas de capas de guitarra, al menos en el estudio. Durante nuestras presentaciones en el escenario nos hemos perdido durante mucho tiempo el gran impacto que un guitarrista rítmico puede agregar durante las actuaciones de dos solistas, y en cuanto a la guitarra solista, Sheena y Federico tuvieron que reorganizar muchas canciones, sacrificando muchas partes para que sonaran bien...


Dear friends, yes, you're seeing right: there's a sixth member in our band (and this is not temporary)! Her name is Alessia Lanzone and she's going to share lead and rhythm guitar duties with Sheena and Federico both live and in the studio! Just like Niso when he joined the band, she's just 17 years old, but during the last months spent secretly together she already gave us proof of her huge talent, as well as being an awesome person, and we can't wait to finally introduce her to you live! She'll make her live debut with us at our next show September 16 in Tuttlingen (DE), where we'll bring her on stage with us for the first time for an exclusive and unique event! Don't miss it!
As you know, we progressively increased the amount of guitar tracks in our albums, and nowadays our songs are a feast of harmonized riffs and leads, counting dozens of guitar layers, at least in the studio. During our stage performances we've been missing for long the huge impact a rhythm guitar player can add during twin leads, and lead guitar wise, Sheena and Federico had to re-arrange many songs, sacrificing many parts for the sake of them sounding right in a live environment and not too empty. YES, some may say: why don't you simply add guitar layers in your backing tracks like most bands do nowadays? The answer is we never included guitars in our backing tracks, and we never will. That just feels so wrong. Yes, this may go in sharp contrast with the latest tendencies of having layers and layers of instruments (and even vocals) included in the backing tracks: many bands do that and it's definitely more practical (as well as it's making things easier, let alone having less people in the line-up means less travel costs). But that's not our cup of tea, we just want to sound as live as possible (and if you ever attended one of our live shows lately you'd already know we just have a few keyboard as sequences, mostly just in some crucial parts, and that we always sounded as raw as possible). We always did what we felt doing, and never followed any trend since day 0. So here we are: Frozen Crown is officially becoming a band with three guitar players!
So let's welcome Alessia: thanks to her our live songs are going to sound truer to their original sound and our shows are going to turn into an even crazier guitar action feast! ... jGEJXQHesl


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FROZEN CROWN
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 08, 2024 2:54 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FROZEN CROWN anuncian su nuevo disco "War Hearts"

Frozen Crown anuncian que su nuevo álbum, “War Hearts”, saldrá el 18 de octubre de 2024 a través de Napalm Records.


01. War Hearts
02. Steel And Gold
03. To Live To Die
04. Night Of The Wolf
05. On Silver Wings
06. Edge Of Reality
07. Bloodlines
08. I Am The Wind
09. King Of The Sky (Instrumental)
10. Ice Dragon


Giada "Jade" Etro - voz
Federico Mondelli - voz, guitarra
Fabiola Bellomo - guitarra
Francesco Zof - bajo
Niso Tomasini - batería
Alessia Lanzone - guitarra

Rising Power Metal Band Frozen Crown Announces New Album, War Hearts, out October 18, 2024 via Napalm Records!
First Single, “Steel And Gold“ & Official Music Video out Today:
Pre-Order here:
Embrace the power & feel the passion with striking new album War Hearts!
FROZEN CROWN comments the new single “Steel And Gold“:
“We're extremely excited to have the ‘Steel And Gold’ official video finally released via Napalm Records. This is the fulfillment of years of hard work, as well as a fresh start! This video doesn't deviate from the usual FROZEN CROWN style, it just consolidates it. Very often, our videos have been labeled as 'just a bunch of people having the time of their lives playing metal in some beautiful scenery... plus a lot of hair'. We must say, we totally agree!
This time, though, the beautiful scenery is the gorgeous "Castello dei Doria", in Dolceacqua, Liguria, in northwestern Italy, and the 'bunch of people’ is just one more person on guitar, adding firepower (and hair) to the ensemble. ‘Steel and Gold” is a song about loyalty, integrity and self improvement. It’s about remaining true to your ideals and about the search for unattainable perfection.” ... jSSQ3A2ivl


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