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 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 30, 2019 6:58 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BONFIRE: nuevo trabajo en directo "Live On Holy Ground 2018"

El 4 de agosto de 2018 la actuación de Bonfire en el Wacken se filmó y ahora se lanzará el 14 de junio de 2019 como DVD, CD, vinilo y digital con el título de "Live On Holy Ground 2018".

La versión en DVD ofrece cuatro videos adicionales que también se incluyen en el CD como audio. "Praying 4 A Miracle" (edición de radio), "Locomotive Breath" (edición de radio), "Sweet Obsession" (2019) y "American Nights" (2019).


01. In the Beginning
02. Ready 4 Reaction
03. Never Mind
04. Don't touch the light
05. American Nights
06. Give it a try
07. Sword and Stone
08. SDI
09. Sweet Obsession
10. Champion

Bonus Videos:
11.Praying 4 A Miracle
12.Locomotive Breath
13. American Nights (2019)
14. Sweet Obsession (2019)

Bonfire - Live On Holy Ground 2018
The German Hard Rock band BONFIRE has been one of the busiest touring bands for a couple of decades and a regular guest at numerous big European Metal festivals. On August 4th, 2018 the Ingolstadt based group once again set a highlight live performance at the world's biggest Heavy Metal festival:
the Wacken Open Air.

The show in Wacken was filmed live and will now be released on June 14th, 2019 as DVD, as CD, as vinyl and digital under the name "Live On Holy Ground 2018".

The main film offers a superb 'best of' journey through time and includes BONFIRE's classic hits like "Ready 4 Reaction", "Sweet Obsession" and "American Nights".

The DVD version offers four bonus video clips which are also included on the CD as audio files. "Praying 4 A Miracle" (radio edit), "Locomotive Breath" (radio edit), "Sweet Obsession" (2019) and "American Nights" (2019).

The first shipment will be available handsigned by the band.

Filmed & recorded live at Wacken Open Air on August 4th, 2018
Mix & Mastering: Tom Müller (Flatliner Studios)
Produced by: Hans Ziller
Additional Recordings by Rolf Munkes at Empire Studios
Virtual set extensions for American Nights by
Locomotive Breath - Byron Mansylla, AVMS
CD & DVD artwork design: The Digital Dictators

BONFIRE are: Hans Ziller - Lead & Rhythm-Guitar, Backing Vocals; Alexx Stahl - Lead Vocals; Ronnie Parkes - Bass, Backing Vocals; Frank Pané - Lead, Rhythm-Guitar, Backing Vocals; André Hilgers - Drums, Percussion
Additional Musicians: Tim Breideband, Harry Reischmann - Drums; Paul Morris, Fredrik Bergh, Alessandro DelVecchio - Keyboards; Alessandro DelVecchio, Mike Gerhold - Backing Vocals

Tracklist: 1. In the Beginning, 2. Ready 4 Reaction, 3. Never Mind, 4. Don't touch the light, 5. American Nights, 6. Give it a try, 7. Sword and Stone, 8. SDI, 9. Sweet Obsession, 10. Champion; Bonus Videos: 11.Praying 4 A Miracle, 12.Locomotive Breath, 13. American Nights (2019), 14. Sweet Obsession (2019)


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Vie May 10, 2019 6:39 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BONFIRE: video adelanto de "Live On Holy Ground 2018"

"Sword and Stone"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 08, 2020 4:02 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de BONFIRE

Bonfire lanzará su nuevo álbum titulado "Fistful Of Fire", el 03 de abril de 2020.


01 The Joker
02 Gotta Get Away
03 The Devil Made Me Do It
04 Ride The Blade
05 When An Old Man Cries
06 Rock'n'Roll Survivors
07 Fire And Ice
08 Warrior
09 Fire Etude
10 Breaking Out
11 Fistful Of Fire
12 The Surge
13 Gloryland
14 When An Old Man Cries (Acoustic Version)


Hans Ziller - Guitarra
Alexx Stahl - Voz
Frank Pané - Guitarra
Ronnie Parkes - Basjo
André Hilgers - Batería

Bonfire are announcing new album for April 03rd 2020!
The new longplayer "Fistful Of Fire" comes with a compelling Hard Rock cover artwork and 14 outstanding new tracks. (see tracklist below)

The combination of toughness and great melodies suites Bonfire perfectly. The German Hard Rock Legends show again all their typical trademarks, dearly beloved by fans all around the globe: charismatic vocals, catchy riffs and hooks and driving grooves! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Mar Nov 17, 2020 4:23 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Disco acústico de BONFIRE

Bonfire grabaron un nuevo álbum acústico titulado "Roots", con 23 pistas grabadas de nuevo e interpretadas de nuevas formas.


Pagina de la campaña de crowdfunding del disco:

Pandemic reasons forced the band to stay at home and quit their tour plans for their latest effort "Fistful Of Fire", but Bonfire can't stand still and so they recorded a great new album called "Roots". Have a look at the new cover art of this magnificent acoustic-album with 23 tracks recorded completely over again and interpreted in new ways.
It includes very young ballads like “When An Old Man Cries” and old evergreens like “You Make Me Feel”, contains old rock hits like “Ready 4 Reaction” and arising rock hymns like “The Devil Made Me Do It”.

With this release and the new campaign on StartNext the band tries to get some money into their empty band accounts and offers quite some musical delicacy with regards to the content. Besides various merch items, living-room concerts, VIP Tickets for their streaming release show and special rarities like original master tapes or guitar amps, the new album “Roots” can be ordered here:

Let’s hope for better times, in which live-concerts can take place again and let us support and celebrate one of Germany’s biggest rock bands in alternate ways until that day. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 09, 2020 4:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BONFIRE: lista de temas de "Roots"

Bonfire lanzarán un nuevo álbum acústico titulado, "Roots", el 23 de febrero de 2021 a través de AFM Records.


01 Starin' Eyes
02 American Nights
03 Let Me Be Your Water
04 Price Of Lovin´ You
05 Comin´ Home
06 Ready 4 Reaction
07 Give It A Try
08 Sleeping All Alone
09 Who´s Foolin´ Who
10 Why Is It Never Enough
11 Fantasy

01 When An Old Man Cries
02 Love Don´t Lie
03 Lonely Nights
04 Under Blue Skies
05 You Make Me Feel
06 No More
07 The Devil Made Me Do It
08 Without You
09 Your Love Is Heaven To Me
10 Piece Of My Heart
11 Youngbloods
12 Our Hearts Don´t Feel The Same
13 Wolfmen


The upcoming Bonfire album "Roots" is available now in our shop as Ltd. Red Vinyl and CD, check it out now:
See the full tracklist in the picture below, it's a magnificent half-acoustic-album with 24 tracks recorded completely over again and interpreted in new ways. It includes very young ballads like “When An Old Man Cries” and old evergreens like “You Make Me Feel”, contains old rock hits like “Ready 4 Reaction” and "American Nights" but also arising rock hymns like “The Devil Made Me Do It” - have a look yourself!
The band recently runs a crowdfunding campaign around this new album and offers a lot of special stuff besides the new album, you can find various merch items, living room concerts, VIP tickets for their streaming release show, etc. ... 2998944716 ... r-red-2-lp


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 17, 2022 4:06 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BONFIRE presenta a su nuevo vocalista Dyan

Parte del comunicado de la banda:

"Como la mayoría de ustedes ya saben, Bonfire estaba en proceso de volver a grabar los primeros 3 álbumes para un Box Set especial junto con el lanzamiento del libro de Hans Ziller y un documental de Bonfire", dice el bajista Ronnie Parkes. "Casi al final del proceso de grabación, Alex Stahl y Bonfire se separaron.

Bonfire quisiera dar la bienvenida a la familia a nuestro nuevo vocalista Dyan. Dyan nació hace 31 años en Grecia y actualmente vive en el Reino Unido. ¡Es una incorporación increíble al equipo y seguramente llevará a Bonfire a nuevas cimas!"

Hans Ziller, agrega: “Al escucharlo por primera vez, inmediatamente me enamoré del tono y las habilidades vocales de Dyan. Dyan grabó 35 canciones en 14 días. Una increíble demostración de fuerza y resistencia para cualquier vocalista. ¡La banda y yo estamos extremadamente emocionados de tenerlo a bordo y creemos que ayudará a que Bonfire regrese a la primera liga de Rock & Roll.”

La banda ha vuelto a grabar el clásico "Fantasy", tomado de su icónico álbum "Fireworks" de 1987


Dyan – voz
Hans Ziller – guitarra
Frank Pane – guitarra
Ronnie Parkes – bajo
Fabio Alessandrini – batería

BONFIRE introduces new vocalist DYAN
with re-recorded single version of "Fantasy“!
German hard rock titans BONFIRE have revealed their new vocalist. The band has joined forces with exceptional singer and frontman DYAN, who may be yet unknown but will immediately convince every heavy and hard rock fan!
"As most of you already know. Bonfire was in the process of re-recording the first 3 albums for a special Box Set to go along with the release of Hans Ziller’s book and a Bonfire documentary," says bassist Ronnie Parkes. "At nearly the end of the recording process Alex Stahl and Bonfire split ways.
Bonfire would like to welcome to the family our new vocalist DYAN. DYAN was born 31 years ago in Greece and currently lives in the UK. He is an incredible addition to the team and will surely bring Bonfire to new heights!"
Now, BONFIRE has re-recorded the classic "Fantasy", taken of their iconic 1987-"Fireworks" album, while DYAN is showcasing his extraordinary vocal talent and giving the track a new, fresh sound and shape! Give DYAN a warm welcome and watch BONFIRE’s official music video for the new version of "Fantasy" here:
Founding band member Hans Ziller adds: “At first listen I immediately fell in love with DYAN’s tone and vocal abilities. DYAN recorded 35 songs in 14 days. An incredible show of strength and stamina for any vocalist. The band & I are extremely excited to have him onboard and we feel he will help to get Bonfire back into the first league of Rock & Roll!“
Earlier this year, BONFIRE released a charity single and new version of their 1989-anthem "Freedom Is My Belief", in order to help traumatized children from Ukraine. Stream, download and support at THIS LOCATION, and stay tuned for many more BONFIRE news and updates to follow soon!
For More Info Visit: ... Jl?__cft__


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 31, 2023 6:22 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Regrabaciones de BONFIRE

Bonfire lanzará re-grabaciones de sus discos; "Point Blank", "Fireworks" y "Don't Touch The Light", con la coletilla de “MMXXIII”, todos tendrán nuevas portadas.

Tema del álbum "Don't Touch the Light MMXXIII", que saldrá el 22 de septiembre de 2023.

Since more than 35 years Bonfire are the embodiment of "Hard'n'Heavy made in Germany“. Now they are releasing their most wanted albums "POINT BLANK", "FIREWORKS" and "DON'T TOUCH THE LIGHT" as MMXXIII re-recording versions with an entirely new artwork! Available for the very first time as digital format on all streaming providers, as colored limited and none limited vinyl and as CD digipack. ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Novedades BONFIRE
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 22, 2024 4:40 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BONFIRE anuncia nuevo disco

Bonfire han anunciado que su nuevo álbum, "Higher Ground", se lanzará el 24 de enero de 2025 a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. Nostradamus
02. I Will Rise
03. Higher Ground
04. I Died Tonight
05. Lost All Control
06. When Love Comes Down
07. Fallin`
08. Come Hell Or High Water
09. Jealousy
10. Spinnin’ In The Black
11. Rock’n’Roll Survivor (2024 Version)


Hans Ziller - Guitarra
Dyan Mair - Voz
Frank Pané - Guitarra
Ronnie Parkes - Bajo
Fabio Alessandrini - Batería

Legendary German hard rockers Bonfire are thrilled to announce the release of their highly anticipated new studio album, “Higher Ground”, out on January 24th, 2025, via Frontiers Music Srl...


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