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 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 16, 2019 2:59 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Se ha filtrado una versión transcode, que manía tiene la gente de distribuir mierda.


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 25, 2020 6:40 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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DREAM THEATER anuncian su nuevo disco en directo "Distant Memories - Live In London"

Dream Theater han anunciado que el 27 de noviembre lanzarán su noveno álbum en directo, "Distant Memories - Live In London", grabado en en el “Apollo Theatre” de Londres. El lanzamiento documenta su gira mundial en apoyo de su último álbum "Distance Over Time" y el 20 aniversario de su álbum conceptual "Metropolis Part 2 - Scenes From A Memory".


01. Untethered Angel
02. A Nightmare to Remember
03. Fall Into the Light
04. Barstool Warrior
05. In the Presence of Enemies – Part 1
06. Pale Blue Dot
07. Scenes Live Intro
08. Scene One: Regression
09. Scene Two: I. Overture 1928
10. Scene Two: II. Strange Déjà Vu
11. Scene Three: I. Through My Words
12. Scene Three: II. Fatal Tragedy
13. Scene Four: Beyond This Life
14. Scene Five: Through Her Eyes
15. Scene Six: Home
16. Scene Seven: I. The Dance of Eternity
17. Scene Seven: II. One Last Time
18. Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On
19. Scene Nine: Finally Free
20. At Wit’s End
21. Paralyzed (Bonus Track)

Pre-order now, available 27 November 2020:

"Whether you had a chance to see this tour in person and want to relive what was hopefully an awesome concert experience or enjoying the performance on video for the first time, Distant Memories – Live In London very accurately and very beautifully captures the energy and excitement we all felt together at the Apollo this past February" - John Petrucci

Distant Memories - Live In London is our first live release since 2014’s Breaking the Fourth Wall. The new live release will be available in various configurations including digital only, a 3-CD and 2 DVD multibox, a 3-CD and 2 Blu-Ray digipak with slipcase, a limited deluxe 3-CD + 2 Blu-Ray + 2 DVD Artbook and a limited 4-LP and 3-CD box set. The video components will also feature a Behind The Scenes look at the band as we prepare for the shows! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 06, 2020 5:24 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
DREAM THEATER video adelanto de "Distant Memories - Live In London"

Fatal Tragedy


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Vie May 14, 2021 6:16 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
DREAM THEATER anuncian el lanzamiento de su nuevo directo "Images And Words - Live In Japan, 2017"

El primer lanzamiento de la serie "Lost Not Forgotten Archives", "Images and Words - Live in Japan, 2017" se lanzará el 25 de junio. Se trata de una grabación de la actuación de 2017 de la gira del disco "Images and Words", interpretado en su totalidad en el estadio Budokan de Japón.

Se lanzará en CD, vinilo y digital por primera vez. La exclusiva versión en vinilo ultra claro autografiada está limitada a solo 250 copias y solo está disponible a través de


1. Pull Me Under 8:23
2. Another Day 4:54
3. Take The Time 12:45
4. Surrounded 5:45
5. Metropolis - Part I: The Miracle and the Sleeper 13:09
6. Under A Glass Moon 7:19
7. Wait For Sleep 4:04
8. Learning to Live 12:10

The first release in the 'Lost Not Forgotten Archives’ series, ‘Images and Words - Live in Japan, 2017’, is available for pre-order today, May 14th, and releasing June 25th. This initial entry into our reimagined collectors series is a live recording of our 2017 performance featuring the classic album, ‘Images and Words’, performed in full at Japan’s legendary Budokan arena. Released on CD as well as vinyl and digital for the first time, you can purchase and stream through your favorite music service. The exclusive autographed, ultra-clear vinyl version is limited to just 250 copies, and available only through


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 29, 2021 2:42 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de DREAM THEATER

Dream Theater lanzarán su decimoquinto álbum de estudio, "A View From The Top Of The World", el 22 de octubre. La portada es obra de Hugh Syme (Rush, Iron Maiden, Stone Sour) y el disco fue producido por John Petrucci, diseñado y "Jimmy T" Meslin y mezclado / masterizado por Andy Sneap.

Dream Theater también planea salir a la carretera en apoyo del nuevo álbum. La gira "Top Of The World Tour" por América del Norte comenzará el 28 de octubre y finalizará el 14 de diciembre.


01. The Alien (9:32)
02. Answering The Call (7:35)
03. Invisible Monster (6:31)
04. Sleeping Giant (10:05)
05. Transcending Time (6:25)
06. Awaken The Master (9:47)
07. A View From The Top Of The World (20:24)


"Para ir más allá de nuestros límites
Para abrir un camino completamente nuevo
Lo suficientemente audaz para conquistar
Lo suficientemente valiente como para fallar ... "

"To stretch beyond our limits
To blaze a brand new trail
Bold enough to conquer
Brave enough to fail..." ... =3&theater

Two-time GRAMMY-nominated and millions-selling progressive music titans Dream Theater announce the forthcoming worldwide release of their 15th studio album, A View From The Top Of The World on October 22nd. A View From The Top OF The World is Dream Theater at its musical finest expanding on the sound they helped create while maintaining the elements that have garnered them devoted fans around the globe. The 7-song album also marks the second studio album with InsideOutMusic / Sony Music.

The artwork was created by long-time cover collaborator Hugh Syme (Rush, Iron Maiden, Stone Sour). A View From The Top Of The World was produced by John Petrucci, engineered and additional production by James “Jimmy T” Meslin and mixed/mastered by Andy Sneap.

Dream Theater – comprised of James LaBrie, John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess, John Myung and Mike Mangini – was in the middle of a sold-out world tour in support of their last release Distance Over Time and the 20th anniversary of Scenes From A Memory when a Global Pandemic brought the world to a stop. The musicians found themselves at home with LaBrie in Canada and the rest of the group in the States. As fate would have it, they’d just finished construction on DTHQ (Dream Theater Headquarters) —a combination live recording studio, rehearsal space, control room, equipment storage, and creative hive. With LaBrie in Canada, he initially wrote with the band via ZOOM on a monitor in DTHQ. In March 2021, he flew down to New York, quarantined, and recorded his vocals face-to-face with Petrucci. The album ultimately threaded together lean and uncompromising hooks with tried-and-true technical proficiency.

“We just love to play our instruments,” observes Petrucci. “That never goes away. I love to be creative, write, and exercise that part of my mind. We’ve been able to do this for a long time, and we don’t take it for granted. Whenever we get together, we know we can’t disappoint ourselves or our fans, so we manage to try even harder.”
“We approach every album like it’s our first,” adds LaBrie. “It’s been such a great ride, but we’re not going to stop.”
Dream Theater is also planning to hit the road in support of the new album. The Top Of The World Tour of North America kicks off on October 28th in Mesa, AZ and runs through December 14th where it concludes in St. Petersburg, FL. The tour will make stops in Seattle, WA; Chicago, IL; Washington, DC; New York, NY and Orlando, FL among others. Information on tickets for all upcoming shows as well as VIP packages can be found here. ... the-world/


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 26, 2023 3:09 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Mike Portnoy regresa a DREAM THEATER

Nota de prensa:

Dream Theater, anuncian el regreso del batería Mike Portnoy al grupo. Portnoy se reunirá con el guitarrista John Petrucci, el bajista John Myung (el trío formó la banda en el “Berklee College Of Music” en 1985), el vocalista James LaBrie y el teclista Jordan Rudess. Dream Theater entrará al estudio para comenzar a trabajar en su decimosexto álbum y el primero con Portnoy desde Black “Clouds & Silver Linings” de 2009.

"Entiendo la decisión de Dream Theater de recuperar a Mike Portnoy en este momento", afirma Mike Mangini. “Como se dijo desde el día uno, mi lugar no era ocupar todos los roles que Mike desempeñaba en la banda. Yo debía tocar la batería para ayudar a la banda a seguir adelante. Mi función principal era mantener nuestro espectáculo en vivo funcionando perfectamente todas las noches, fue una experiencia intensa y gratificante. Afortunadamente, pude experimentar tocar con estos músicos icónicos, así como también pasar momentos divertidos llenos de humor. También disfruté mucho pasar tiempo con el equipo. Y luego está ganar el Grammy, que fue increíblemente satisfactorio. A los fans: muchas gracias por ser increíbles conmigo. Aprecio las fotos que tengo de todos vosotros perdiendo la cabeza y divirtiéndose. Por último, realmente amo a la banda, el equipo y la gerencia y les deseo a ellos y a toda la organización lo mejor”.

“La forma de tocar la batería de Mike Mangini es de otro mundo y estoy muy agradecido por el tiempo que pasó con nosotros en Dream Theater. Estoy muy orgulloso de toda la increíble música que hicimos juntos y que culminó con nuestro primer premio Grammy el año pasado y los innumerables momentos mágicos que hemos compartido en el escenario durante los últimos 13 años. Le deseo mucho éxito en sus futuros proyectos musicales”, explica John Petrucci. “¡Estoy increíblemente emocionado de darle la bienvenida a Mike Portnoy nuevamente a Dream Theater! Como miembro fundador, amigo de toda la vida y batería increíblemente talentoso y creativo, sé que su regreso traerá un espíritu, pasión y energía renovados a DT que todos nosotros, incluidos nuestros fans, acogeremos con alegría. ¡No puedo esperar para remangarnos y volver juntos al estudio!

"Es genial volver a estar en forma con nuestro batería original Mike Portnoy. Empezamos a tocar juntos como Majesty hace casi 40 años y estoy emocionado de ver lo que esta próxima fase de Dream Theater crea en el futuro. No deseo nada más que lo mejor. "A Mike Mangini por toda la sangre, sudor y lágrimas que puso en DT durante sus 13 años con la banda", añade John Myung.

“Tener a Mike Mangini con nosotros todos estos años ha sido, sencillamente, un viaje fantástico. Es uno de los baterías más sorprendentes y con talento natural con el que he tenido el placer de trabajar. Gracias Mike. La vida es un viaje muy extraño y supongo que eso es lo que la hace aún más interesante y siempre atractiva. Tener a Mike Portnoy de vuelta en la banda es exactamente donde deberían de estar las cosas. Las cosas tienen una forma de cerrar el círculo y en este caso, tiene mucho sentido. Estoy entusiasmado con las perspectivas de que se reúna esta alineación clásica del DT. Puedo decir con absoluta confianza que esta será la encarnación final de DT con muchos capítulos aún por escribir en nuestro futuro. ¡¡Adelante y arriba chicos!! Bienvenido de nuevo, diputado”, afirma James LaBrie.

“Mike Mangini es uno de los baterías más excepcionales del mundo y me siento privilegiado de haber podido crear todo un trabajo con él. Siempre estaré agradecido por el tiempo que compartimos en Dream Theater Universe”, continúa Jordan Rudess. “Estamos muy emocionados de reunir a la familia central de Dream Theater. Hay una resonancia de espíritu y visión que es única y va más allá de las palabras dentro de nuestra relación con Mike Portnoy. Dentro y fuera del escenario no se puede negar la magia que ocurre cuando estamos juntos. Estoy agradecido de que tengamos la oportunidad de trabajar juntos nuevamente como Dream Theater y espero compartir nuestra emoción y pasión con nuestros increíbles fans durante mucho tiempo”.

“¡Estoy abrumado por la alegría de regresar a casa y reunirme con mis hermanos! Hay tanta historia compartida entre nosotros… tantos recuerdos, tanta música… ¡pensar que nos acercamos a los 40 años desde que comenzó este viaje! La idea de crear nueva música juntos es muy emocionante y no puedo esperar para salir a la carretera y tocar en vivo para toda una nueva generación de fans que nunca antes habían podido ver esta alineación... ¡¡No hay lugar como el hogar!! " exclama Mike Portnoy.


Nota de prensa:



GRAMMY®-winning, progressive music titans Dream Theater are announcing the return of drummer Mike Portnoy to the group. Portnoy will reunite with guitarist John Petrucci and bassist John Myung – the trio formed the band at the Berklee College Of Music in 1985 - along with longtime members, vocalist James LaBrie and keyboardist Jordan Rudess. Dream Theater will be going into the studio to begin working on their 16th studio album and the first with Portnoy since 2009’s Black Clouds & Silver Linings.

“I understand Dream Theater’s decision to get Mike Portnoy back at this time,” states Mike Mangini. “As was said from Day 1, my place was not to fill all the roles that Mike held in the band. I was to play the drums in order to help the band carry on. My main role of keeping our live show working tightly on a nightly basis was an intense and rewarding experience. Thankfully, I got to experience playing music with these iconic musicians, as well as some fun times laced with humor. I also really enjoyed spending lots of time with the crew. And then there’s the GRAMMY® win, which was amazingly satisfying. To the fans: thank you so much for being amazing to me. I cherish the pictures I have of you all losing your minds and having fun. Finally, I really love the band, crew and management and wish them and the entire organization all the best.”

“Mike Mangini’s drumming is otherworldly and I’m extremely grateful for the time he spent with us in Dream Theater. I’m very proud of all the amazing music we made together that culminated in our first GRAMMY win last year and the countless magical moments that we’ve shared on stage over the past 13 years. I wish him all the best of success in his future musical endeavors,” explains John Petrucci. “I’m incredibly excited to welcome Mike Portnoy back into Dream Theater! As an original founding member, longtime friend and incredibly talented and creative drummer, I know that his return will bring a renewed spirit, passion and energy into DT that all of us, including our fans, will joyfully welcome. I can’t wait to roll up our sleeves and get back into the studio together!”

"It's great to be back true to form with our original drummer Mike Portnoy. We started playing together as Majesty almost 40 years ago and I am excited to see what this next phase of Dream Theater creates for the future. I wish nothing but the best for Mike Mangini for all the blood, sweat and tears he put into DT during his 13-year tenure with the band," adds John Myung.

“Having Mike Mangini with us all these years has been, quite simply, a terrific ride. He is one of the most amazing and naturally gifted drummers I have had the pleasure of working with. Thank you Mike. Life is a very strange ride and I guess that’s what makes it all the more interesting and forever engaging. Having Mike Portnoy back in the band is exactly where we and things should be. Things have a way of going full circle and in this case, it makes perfect sense. I am excited with the prospects of this classic DT lineup being reunited. I can say with absolute confidence this will be the final incarnation of DT with many chapters still to be written well into our future. Onward and upward guys!! Welcome back MP,” states James LaBrie.

“Mike Mangini is one of the most exceptional drummers on earth and I feel privileged that we got to create a whole body of work with him. I will always be grateful for the time we shared in the Dream Theater Universe,” Jordan Rudess continues. “We are so excited to reunite the core Dream Theater family. There is a resonance of spirit and vision that is unique and goes beyond words within our relationship with Mike Portnoy. On the stage and off there is no denying the magic that happens when we are together. I’m thankful we have the opportunity to work together again as Dream Theater and am looking forward to sharing our excitement and passion with our amazing fans for a long time to come.”

“I am overwhelmed with joy to be returning home and reuniting with my brothers! There is so much shared history between us all…so many memories, so much music…to think we’re coming up on 40 years since this journey began! The idea of creating new music together is so exciting and I absolutely cannot wait to hit the road and get to play live for a whole new generation of fans that weren’t ever able to see this lineup before…There’s no place like home!!” exclaims Mike Portnoy.


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 11, 2024 4:58 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
DREAM THEATER anuncian su nuevo disco "Parasomnia"

Dream Theater lanzará su decimosexto álbum de estudio, "Parasomnia", el 7 de febrero de 2025 a través de InsideOut Music.


01. In The Arms Of Morpheus (5:22)
02. Night Terror (9:55)
03. A Broken Man (8:30)
04. Dead Asleep (11:06)
05. Midnight Messiah (7:58)
06. Are We Dreaming? (1:28)
07. Bend The Clock (7:24)
08. The Shadow Man Incident (19:32)


James LaBrie - Voz
John Petrucci - Guitarra
John Myung - Bajo
Jordan Rudess - Teclados
Mike Portnoy - Batería

We are thrilled to announce our sixteenth studio album, Parasomnia, scheduled for release on February 7, 2025. This album marks the beginning of a special new chapter for us as bandmates and as brothers.

Watch the music video for “Night Terror,” directed by Mike Leonard.

Here’s the full tracklist for Parasomnia:

Parasomnia will be available for pre-order starting October 11, 2024, in several special configurations, including a Limited Deluxe Box-set and a Limited Gatefold 180g Vinyl. This album represents not just our growth as musicians but also the journey we’ve embarked on together over the last four decades.

As we step into this new era for Dream Theater, we invite you to join us on our 40th Anniversary Tour, kicking off on October 20, 2024 at the O2 Arena in London, England. For more information on tickets and VIP packages, please visit

Thank you for being part of our journey. We can’t wait to share this record with you. ... arasomnia/


 Asunto: Re: Novedades DREAM THEATER
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 04, 2024 5:25 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
DREAM THEATER publican el nuevo tema "A Broken Man"


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