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 Asunto: Theocracy Villancico "Rudolph vs. Frosty"
NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 20, 2008 5:19 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Theocracy Villancico "Rudolph vs. Frosty"

Los chicos de Theocracy nos obsequian gratis desde su web con el Villancico "Rudolph vs. Frosty" Esta muy chulo, no parece lo que es jajaja




Debajo de esta foto en su página esta el Link de descarga.


Everyone knows Rudolph has a big, red shiny nose
And Frosty comes to town every December when it snows
But did you know that those two never really got along?
I bet you’ve never heard this Christmas song...

“I’ve paid my dues for years and years, I’m Santa’s very favorite deer, so I should be the second in command at Christmastime,” says Rudolph
“Pull the sleigh where Santa goes and light the night with my red nose, I think it’s time for me to get what’s mine”

“Night lights are replaceable--a talking snowman’s magical; my agent says I need a bigger piece of Santa’s pie” says Frosty“
I bring children real joy, not just the latest stupid toy, I think it’s time for me to get what’s mine”

Then Rudolph rang his reindeer bells
Turned and sang with all the elves

Hey Hey Hey
Santa’s on his way
You’d better stop that bickering before it’s Christmas day
Ho Ho Ho
Egg nog and mistletoe
And Santa’s gonna take a torch and melt you to the floor

“Frosty, you’ve got coal for eyes, when things get hot you won’t survive, so get out of my way, this job is mine all mine (now snowman step aside),” says Rudolph
“Rudolph, man, your claim to fame’s a lightbulb and a funny name, and everybody knows I’m next in line”

Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won’t you kiss my corn cob pipe

Hey Hey Hey
Santa’s on his way
You’d better stop that bickering before it’s Christmas day
Ho Ho Ho
Egg nog and mistletoe
And Santa’s gonna mount you in his living room for show

“Hey Rudolph!”
“I wrote a song about you!”
“Oh boy...”

“You wanna hear it? Here it go!

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And when ol’ St. Nick saw it
He thought it would look really good mounted on his wall”

“Oh you think that’s funny? Well check this out:

Frosty the Snowman
Was a puddle on the ground
And a makeshift scoop for the reindeer poop
Is the best use for his magic hat I’ve found”

With a nod of his head, Rudolph took to the sky, and swooping down, he gouged at Frosty with an antler to the eye
But Frosty struck right back and grabbed his bright red nose, and turned it right into a popcicle as Rudolph’s whole head froze
But Rudolph broke the ice, shook his antlers twice, and raced back in to strike again
But then a “Ho Ho Ho!” came booming from the sky, the echoed voice of you-know-who

With the cookies and milk and a bowlful of jelly in his belly
And a dash through the sky, and a twinkle in his eye, St. Nick
With a bag full of toys for the good girls and boys on his shoulder
And a “Ho Ho Ho!” and a “Look out below!” St. Nick

With the cookies and milk and a bowlful of jelly in his belly
And a dash through the sky, and a twinkle in his eye, St. Nick
With a bag full of toys for the good girls and boys on his shoulder
And a reindeer call and a “Dash away all!” St. Nick

“You two ougtta be ashamed, you’ve sullied Santa’s perfect name, this operation would go down the drain if I retired,” says Santa
“Neither of you gets the job, so go and join the Grinch’s mob, and Merry Christmas both of you, you’re fired!”

Then Santa broke into a smile
Said, “Everyone else stay awhile!”

Hey Hey Hey
Santa’s here today
And now it’s time for Christmas dinner, everyone awaits
Ho Ho Ho
Everything’s alright
‘Cause Mrs. Claus has whipped us up a Christmas feast tonight

Hey Hey Hey
Santa’s here today
And now it’s time for Christmas dinner, everyone awaits
Ho Ho Ho
Everything’s alright
‘Cause Santa’s having venison and snow ice cream tonight


NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 20, 2008 7:26 pm 
Metal Driver
Metal Driver
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Registrado: Lun Jun 30, 2008 1:55 am
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Me encanta esta banda. Está bien el villancico, ya podían ser todos así. hardrock.gif


NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 20, 2008 11:25 pm 
Mr Pacharán
Mr Pacharán
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Registrado: Jue Jun 19, 2008 12:33 am
Mensajes: 5239
Suena bien el villancico hohoho 25beber.gif

Mejor que nos gobiernen las prostitutas,
que ya estamos hartos de que lo hagan sus hijos.

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 21, 2008 12:36 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Vie Oct 24, 2008 10:27 pm
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Ubicación: Uvieu
Así da gusto que sea Navidad

Debaxo desi mandil
Tienes un paxarin pintu
Teo yo una escopetina
Dexame pegai un tiru.

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 21, 2008 11:40 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Jue Sep 11, 2008 11:21 pm
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NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 21, 2008 2:39 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Registrado: Sab Jul 05, 2008 5:36 pm
Mensajes: 660
HO HO HO muy bueno el villancico, creo que lo oire unas cuantas veces estas fiestas.
25beber.gif 25beber.gif 25beber.gif 25beber.gif

NotaPublicado: Dom Dic 21, 2008 11:48 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Jue Sep 11, 2008 11:21 pm
Mensajes: 159
Esto es Speed Melodic Christmas Metal!!! :D

NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 23, 2008 12:48 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Nov 08, 2008 1:28 pm
Mensajes: 3445
Ubicación: Valhalla
HoHoHo, genial! 25beber.gif

Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending, to write it down for all the world to see...

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